Young Children’s Mathematics Thomas P Carpenter et al. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Your passion and discipline for mathematics would serve you very well as a teacher, BUT the math is only half the story. We offer ebook editions for most of our print titles so you can access on your computer, tablet, or e-reader from several major retailers including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, OverDrive, and She's identified fruitful places to do the following: The central tenet of this important book is to ‘close the gap’ by making maths class more like mathematics, orienting our students towards the habits of mind of professional mathematicians. All eBooks are non-returnable, and DRM restrictions prevent printing or copying. no longer supports Internet Explorer. On this site, you’ll find my blog as well as book-related resources and discussion forums. Section Notes. Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had by Tracy Zager . In this study guide, Tracy offers some suggestions for how you might approach reading this book in a professional learning community, book study, online chat, or course. Reflections on teaching and parenting young mathematicians. Tracy warns early on that the book is long—and it may be—but it is also captivating! Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had will challenge our math thinking and help us bridge the gap between the math experiences we likely had as students and the math experiences we want to give our own students. According to Scott Holley, being a good teacher boils down to successfully translating theory into real-world situations. Menu. Tracy spent years with highly skilled math teachers in a diverse range of settings and grades. You’ll also find dozens of practical teaching techniques you can try in your classroom right away—strategies to stimulate students to connect ideas; rich tasks that encourage students to wonder, generalize, conjecture, and persevere; routines to teach students how to collaborate. This important book helps us develop instructional techniques that will make the math classes we teach so much better than the math classes we took. Completion time: up … Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. This book will leave you inspired, encouraged, motivated, and ready to get back in the classroom (well, after your well-deserved summer break of course!) I hope to someday be an elementary school teacher who is ready and willing to teach math. You can flip through the whole book, if you like, before deciding whether it’s a good fit for you and your colleagues. How can teachers value both productive mistakes and precision? Readers, be warned: you are about to fall in love. What a delightful, enjoyable collection of useful, interesting stories and tips for teachers. In Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had, Tracy Zager helps teachers close this gap by making math class more like mathematics. This important book helps us develop instructional techniques that will make the math classes we teach so much better than the math classes we took. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. You’ll find this book jam-packed with new thinking from these vibrant classrooms. Merely said, the becoming math teacher wish stenhouse is universally compatible once any devices to read. ...a powerful survey highly recommended for any math instructor seeking specific keys to not just teaching the basics, but making math relevant and exciting. If you previously purchased an ebook from, they will remain available in your digital library. and help provide you with ideas to give your students the amazing math experiences they … Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had offers me a sense of hope that I am capable of teaching a more fun and engaging math class for every student. I live in Maine with my husband, two kids, two dogs, and a hamster named Caramel. In Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You’d Had, Tracy Zager helps teachers close this gap by making math class more like mathematics.