Hence he was able to state before the Agricultural Society of Herault the same year that pebrine was a parasitic disease and that thin creosote vapour would prevent the attack of the parasite. And Professor Metchnikoff’s statement that agglutination is of no value as an indication of immunity or curing power seems to wipe out any small remaining chance that serums can be beneficial, under any conditions. For example, Pasteur eventually renounced his own germ theory. In Hans Selye's book Stress of Life (Page 205), an account is recorded that Louis Pasteur, inventor of the germ theory of disease, admitted he was wrong. In 1888 an institute in Odessa, Russia, sent some anti-anthrax vaccines to Kachowka in southern Russia, where 4,564 sheep were soon vaccinated, and 3,696 of them promptly turned up their toes and died; a death rate of 81 percent, and from a supposed ‘preventative’ vaccine at that! In this year, Pasteur presented a memoir entitled New Experiments to Demonstrate that the Yeast Germ that Makes Wine comes from the Exterior of Grapes. He proved that the molecular granulation found in yeast and other animal and vegetable cells had individuality and life and also had the power to cause fermentation, and so he called them microzymas also. The modern paradigm of medicine is mostly based on the germ theory of microbes invading our bodies and causing disease, allegedly a process that creates the need for a war against microbes to eliminate them all and conquer all diseases. The U.S. Dept. Reducing the idea of disease to a simple … Drs Petroff and Branch, in a discussion of the B.C.G. But again he guessed wrong, and neither he nor all of his assistants could prove statements that were false. It was six months before Pasteur was convinced that Gernez was right, but when at last he understood, he swooped back to his work, and once more called the committee together. I usually use the search engines and sometimes scroll to the very last page of my hits in order to find a nugget. Sorry about this. The following post is mostly based on two books, »Béchamp or Pasteur? Neither are his successes in the use of serums, nor is there any likelihood of success in that direction, as we hope to show. How many of the 20,000,000 people who died around the time of WWI, died because of the pharmaceutical industry? It is, at any rate, indisputable that this granular transformation is a manifestation of very profound lesions undergone by the cholera vibrios under the influence of the peritonaeal fluid of the immunized animal. And he does not seem to have been able to repeat the success elsewhere! Bechamp answered him in a paper entitled Researches of the Nature of the Actual Disease of Silk Worms which contained more proofs of its parasitical nature. In this condition the dog will bite at everything blindly, foam at the mouth, and run amuck generally, refusing water and seeking solitude. : “It is noteworthy that neither Pasteur nor any of his successors have ever induced a complaint by the inoculation of air-carried bacteria, but only by injections from bodily sources.”. Therefore in May, 1854, Bechamp undertook a series of observations on this change, which came to be referred to as his “Beacon Experiment”. It is a highly biased list. The first part of the 1914 outbreak was ascribed to “an imported article used in tanning” (hides?) Big Brother hates deniers. The germ theory claims that the sole cause of illness is a germ. Here is some interesting reading on Spanish influenza and its connection to vaccine : http://www.whale.to/vaccine/sf1.html , another one regarding Flu vaccination racket : http://www.whale.to/vaccines/flu.html . She clearly understood it and its utter fallacy better before 1860 than Pasteur did, either in 1878 or later! In 1923 there remained 26 of the 1919-1920 year animals, all giving a positive tuberculin reaction.”. So in order to compare any obsolete vaccine with a modern one, we’d need access to its ingredients which is a mission impossible, in my opinion. Thanks Vexman for clearing all this up. What do they do in effect when entering human body? The Secretary of Agriculture says in the department Year Book for 1914, page 20: “There were outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in this country in 1870, 1880, 1884, 1902, and 1908. Indeed, when he was first given a cocoon to examine, he held it up to his ear, shook it and cried: ‘Why there is something inside it! A large number of the granules, however, no longer exhibit any signs of life and are evidently dead. The modern paradigm of medicine is mostly based on the germ theory of microbes invading our bodies and causing disease, allegedly a process that creates the need for a war against microbes to eliminate them all and conquer all diseases. Not only France as a whole, but each department of France, and in fact every country that has allowed the Pasteur ‘treatment’ to be introduced, have all shown a sharp increase in the number of deaths from hydrophobia after such introduction! In a still later memoir plainly inspired by Bechamp’s Beacon Experiment, Pasteur again constantly refers to the spontaneous production of yeasts and fermentation. Pasteur knew that Koch was the most accurate microbe hunter in the world! I believe this would account for a very large part of our “miliary tuberculosis” in persons under 15; undoubtedly it followed the injection of some biological! He compared the transformation of cane sugar in the presence of moulds to that produced upon starch by diastase, the ferment that converts starch into sugar. People have been led to believe that there were no vaccines during the 1918 flu but they gave soldiers a huge number – including against typhoid (which is not contagious), yellow fever, cholera, and many other diseases). He proved that on the death of an organ its cells disappear, but the microzymas remain, imperishable! If Dr Rosenow’s statements are true, do you wonder that Chicago children are dropping dead on the street, with all the serumization that is practised in our schools? --Bertrand Russell " Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet--germs! Only in your head, apparently. Later in 1878 Koch made some studies in which he discovered a formation of spores among his “bacteridia”. This paper also claimed that an infinitesimal quantity of their last produced culture was capable of producing anthrax with all its symptoms; yet their first experiments with it were failures, as the cultures, when sowed, produced a small spherical germ that was not even virulent, instead of the typical anthrax rods expected! If you look back into the history of the medical profession and the various ideas regarding the cause of disease that were held by leading physicians before Pasteur first promulgated his notorious “germ theory”, you will find convincing evidence that Pasteur discovered nothing, and that he deliberately appropriated, falsified and perverted another man’s work. Hence the possibility that the brain, the heart, or other organs not intended to handle these toxic poisons might absorb some of them. He does conclude that the ferment is a living being, yet states that this “cannot be irrefutably demonstrated”. Dr M. Hindbede, famous Danish dietician, says a 150-lb. This theory of fermentation was materially modified in 1892 and 1894 by A. J. See my book Prolongation of Life Through Diet, pp. Germs decompose dead material or waste and they only show up if there is dead material or waste. Pearson, first published in 1942. Instead of admitting that the Germ Theory may in fact be wrong, he simply decided that the first postulate is not really important anyway. In an official publication such as the Farmers’ Bulletin, this is quite an admission; unofficial and anti-vivisection sources of information generally place the percentage much closer to zero. All interesting above, if unedited and repetitive (wastes time), but where is the meat? In 1866 he sent to the Academy of Science a memoir called On the role of chalk in butyric and lactic fermentations, and the living organism contained in it. In Germany in 1911, 3,366,369 cattle, 1,602,927 sheep, 2,555,371 hogs and 53,674 goats were affected, or 7,578,371 animals of a total number of about 51,319,000 farm animals in the country at that time. The matter that develops in the sugared water sometimes presents itself in the form of little isolated bodies, and sometimes in the form of voluminous colourless membranes which come out in one mass from the flasks. Even a few minutes after the injection of the vibrios, the leucocytes disappear almost completely from the peritonaeal fluid; and only a few small lymphocytes and a large number of vibrios, the majority of which are already transformed into granules, are found; and there is presented a most typical case of Pfeiffer’s phenomenon. Germ Theory proposes that disease is caused by particular micro-organisms (or germs) that are found outside the body and make their way into the body to cause the disease. We have repeatedly sought for this disappearance of the granules in hanging drops of the peritonaeal fluid, without being able to find any diminution in the number of these transformed vibrios, even after several days. Could any dairyman survive such a loss? But the trenches in WWI were filled with so much dead that parapets had to be used to get around, perhaps the dead bodies with the vaccines with the chemical weapons caused the germs to mutate to the Spanish Influenza? The London Times of August 8, 1881, about three years later, quotes Pasteur as saying before a sectional meeting of an international medical congress in session there: “… in the study of micro-organisms there was an ever present source of error in the introduction of foreign germs, in spite of the precautions that might be taken against them. Host Theory believes that disease arises from micro-organisms inside the body and that the internal condition of the body is the primary causal agent. In his earlier experiments, Bechamp had used several salts, including potassium carbonate, in the presence of which the inversion of cane sugar did not take place. Abraham reported that shedding of virulent poliovirus revertants, during immunization with oral poliovirus vaccines, after prior immunization with inactivated polio vaccines, continued. He will have consumed in that time, besides other foods, the equivalent of 20,000 kilograms of flesh, and produced about 800 kilograms of urea. Loehnis, soil biologist, and N. R. Smith, U.S. Department of Agriculture, have discussed this variability of germs at considerable length and conclude that any germ can break down into a filterable fluid and then develop into new forms that may be radically different from the original germ, their new characteristics depending mostly upon their environment. There is some reason to believe that the rabies virus as it occurs in nature varies much in virulence, and that this is in some way related to the geographic distribution.” (p.21). As has been mentioned repeatedly, it is very sensitive to the action of heat and is completely destroyed by heating for one hour at 55 degrees (C). Pasteur seemed to recognize the importance of this point as he vehemently denied its possibility to the very last, and made bitter personal attacks on Bechamp and other colleagues who opposed his ideas for this reason. Vaccination is a partial protection only, and must be reinforced by sanitary measures.”. He described developing the eggs or seeds of the silk worm in an enclosure permeated with a slight odour of creosote, in which he produced eggs entirely free of pebrine, and it took so little creosote that his methods were commercially practical. So would raw meat be fine? In man, they say the death rate in France in cases of so-called rabies is 19 per 100 – the highest in the civilized world – and the same as before the Pasteur Institute was established, and cases of hydrophobia have enormously increased, while just across the Rhine in Germany, hydrophobia is almost unknown. The majority of those who knew his claims were false were afraid to oppose anyone who was so close to Napoleon, and who had so much official standing as Pasteur then had. These acids break down body tissues, and germs arise merely as scavengers; if we can stop the break-down of tissue through a diet free from these acids, we can also end the danger from germs, as well as the troubles from decalcification and eliminating meat. The Encyclopedia Britannica says in the entry on bacteriology: “The common idea of bacteria in the minds of most people is that of a hidden and sinister scourge lying in wait for mankind. Next time read texts you want to discuss more carefully. Some doctors say the bite of a rabid dog is absolutely harmless to man. Many individuals get healed by placebo treatment and/or homeopathic preparation, so although vaccines are responsible for many issues, not all can be attached to vaccines. He adds: “Lemon squash is the panacea for tender feet in the tropics. Bordet,56 in a series of researches made in the Pasteur Institute, confirmed this view. Note that after 47% were slaughtered in 1915, as were all animals testing positive in the following years, 38% were tubercular in 1918, and a full 100% of those animals which remained from the 1919-20 vaccinated group all gave a positive ‘test’. Under the microscope, microzymas were not seen in the upper part of the carbonate of lime, but “swarmed by thousands” in the part that had been below the kitten’s body. “A chemist au courant with science ought not to be surprised that moulds are developed in sweetened water, contained in contact with air in glass flasks. Yet Pasteur later called fermentation “life without air, or life without oxygen.”. The germs of the air, they decided, were merely microzymas, or bacteria set free when their former habitat was broken up, and they concluded that the “little bodies” in the limestone and chalk were the survivors of living beings of long past ages. She talks about germ theory vs terrain theory, how toxins cause illness, Wuhan China toxicity issues, 5G, Cannabis, Cancer, and much more. Yet moulds, obviously living organisms, and therefore containing albuminoid matter, had appeared in these two solutions. Dr Fox says: “I must confess that sceptical as everyone must naturally at first feel on this subject, the cumulative force of the evidence in favour of the tubercular nature of these growths appears to me irresistible. They say: “Tzekhnovitzer claims that guinea pigs become hypersensitive to tuberculin after treatment with B.C.G … 70 per cent of those infected orally and 45 per cent of those infected by the subcutaneous route react. Not sent - check your email addresses imported from Japan where the and... We want to avoid or muzzling a dog that has reduced the spread of the treatment this. Special database or do you google search outbreaks ( basically, outbreaks caused by vaccines, it is chiefly cellular! 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