It was a no-holds-barred rebuke … Its home base is the southeast Texas city of Nederland.. Texas should always be politically self-governing, culturally distinct, and economically independent. As social media and tech giants jump on a convenient and hypocritical bandwagon as a pretext for removing content and users, many are now forced to find alternatives to communicate and share ideas. Informations de compte oubliées ? Personal Liberty . The Texas Nationalist Movement has received funding to attend the Dialogue of Nations conference from the Russian government through a nonprofit; Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia. He began by quoting opposers of the movement, “I know …, With the Texas Independence Referendum Act’s imminent filing, the Texas Nationalist Movement is ramping up preparations to fight for independence. Back at the Texas Nationalist Movement, Miller said every state should indulge in the same debate. This is Rebel Yell — A Southern Nationalist Podcast. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I’m your host, Musonius Rufus. The silencing of “unacceptable” speech on social media platforms is not new to the Texas Nationalist Movement. Here’s Where You Can Find The TNM. Conservative News. "Having this conversation is very fundamental to the American character," he said. Republican Party of Texas. We’ve Been Ready For The Social Media Crackdown. President of the Texas Nationalist Movement Daniel Miller addressed the Spindletop Republican Women's meeting on June 30. The Texas Nationalist Movement was founded on set of unshakeable principles that guide all of our work. Here is what …, Another Texas-based radio host has come out in support of TEXIT as a legitimate political option for Texans. The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) is an organization which suggests that Texas should secede from the United States, and reclaim its independent nation status. An …, Supporters have been requesting official TNM info cards to hand out to those who are interested in joining our movement. We’ve been preparing for this for a long time. Texit: Why And How Texas Will Leave The Union. The Texas Nationalist Movement Political Action Committee (TNM-PAC) will raise money to support TNM candidates for public office and current officeholders who work to carry out the TNM’s mission. Then the Texas Nationalist Movement was born. The Texas Nationalist Movement’s Nathan Smith has led multiple trips to Russia, building links with Ionov’s group along the way. We’ve Been Ready For The Social Media Crackdown. The … Chris Salcedo, the host of the syndicated …, While skeptics continue to doubt the possibility of TEXIT, historical evidence points to the success had by previous nations who have voted for independence. Livre. Direct Download “Oh, I’m a Good Ol’ Rebel” is the outro. For generations, Texans dreamed of Texas becoming an independent, self-governing nation-state free from the control of the bureaucrats and political class in Washington, D.C. Before 2005, there was no organization exclusively dedicated to making it a reality. Stay connected to the fight for Texas independence on social media and help us spread the message. For our 194th episode of Rebel Yell, I speak with Conway Fitty who is a member of the Texas Nationalist Movement. Centre d’intérêt. Then the Texas Nationalist Movement was born. We heard you and we’ve …, As we close out an unprecedented and historic year that has left us all bruised, battered, but unbroken, we look at the approach of the …, Opponents of TEXIT have pointed to the difficult and protracted BREXIT negotiations as a sign that a Texas exit from the union would be too …, Video footage has surfaced of incoming Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan indicating his support for a vote on TEXIT. The people of Texas constitute a distinct nation by every definition of the word, with a distinct culture, economy and system of governance. Smith, for instance, represented the Texas Nationalist Movement at a secessionist conference in Moscow in 2016, just a few months before the U.S. presidential election.