endstream endobj 771 0 obj <>/Metadata 19 0 R/Pages 18 0 R/StructTreeRoot 21 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 772 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.2 841.68]/Parent 18 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 773 0 obj <> endobj 774 0 obj <> endobj 775 0 obj <> endobj 776 0 obj <> endobj 777 0 obj <> endobj 778 0 obj [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 0 722 611 0 722 722 0 0 667 556 611 722 722] endobj 779 0 obj <> endobj 780 0 obj [226 0 0 0 0 715 682 221 303 303 0 498 250 306 252 386 507 507 507 507 0 507 507 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 579 544 533 615 488 459 631 623 252 0 520 420 855 646 662 517 673 543 459 487 642 567 890 519 487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 479 525 423 525 498 305 471 525 230 0 455 230 799 525 527 525 525 349 391 335 525 452 715 433 453] endobj 781 0 obj <>stream Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is an image-based cheque clearing system implemented by all banks in Singapore for SGD and USD cheques. �ݞ4������~���'� R! trailer However, if the original cheque is valid for encashment, you may request to exchange the IRD for the physical cheque at the bank's discretion. The fees and charges are subject to change from time to time. Reduce Overdraft Charges: System automatically off-sets any deficits with credit balances, thus reducing the need to incur overdrafts. S$0.75 per cheque for subsequent cheques cleared per month With effective from 1 January 2021, cheque clearing fees will be revised to S$0.75 per cheque. COLLECTIONS 6.1 Local cheque clearing Inward clearing VND 10,000 Outward clearing VND 30,000 6.2 Bank draft clearing (Only bank draft issued by UOB Singapore) �y�x�D�� �OA���f��b�pp&���@�r�������m��)��|ƗGұG�+Ӈ��lE�1�8���9ʗ��}� �N�6 ,�I� ������$�d�xW�9t��R�gv1���uQ� �� �L� ��A�-TM�����Ǡ@��Y��ҔX��@��^&Lh�pt���O�I�094�7/ϴ�)�/�.���2� ��\���>�l��I�4.A�W�. 0000002060 00000 n 30 cheques per month BIB premium subscription fee of S$20 Available in 10 currencies (SGD, USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, CAD, CHF, JPY, HKD) 0000015858 00000 n Oversea Cheque Clearing (only for UOB Singapore Cheque) UOB account 0.1% (min VND 100,000 – max VND 2,000,000) ... Other charges/fees which are not stipulated in this tariff will be collected according to agreement between UOB Vietnam and its customer. 0000001664 00000 n : 193200032W GTBBIZPG010312 CHEQUES Cheques Clearing Charges Standard Clearing Fees S$0.50 per cheque from the 31st cheque onwards (per calendar month) endstream endobj 790 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[21 749]/Length 47/Size 770/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream :193200032W . All Rights Reserved. 0000000966 00000 n 4. Co.Reg.No. t�.2NwM�D����ck�.��0�M$�Ħ�uBa����-�*9ຢ�� �i��_n��~lPK�E��y����җ�m�_��O�J����{�E�‡����?�� H��WY�7~i���#��m���v��l���0 �U�W$�}��v�����0�tW�+���}�y�Ђ:☤�a,e�pE��~���'r�\�/�Ç��]N���Ґ�[�zzi�ǯ�#�/~=].�Z�Qq�zQ��E%���9�|��7�| o��\���.��y��$�����U��3�B*Λ�g��g��^����]��z�'$�hV��O[���or��rq{�\�'��:͔OP��b�_r�ܟ�55�X�pI�Q�A��ʷ�:˷ Yt� ����!^��HE@Rn���$�I�\���1��;j$��'���xjZd"�I�Ӟ�P�'�L�+:���S�U%�N{�b��;ƪ�~���hw�j�_K��TՙXM��Q� :�P4��!��P%���!>�����h9ijo�g��S�����$�3P�� cheque clearing All banks in Singapore that clear SGD and local USD cheques have implemented an online image-based cheque clearing system called the Cheque Truncation System (CTS) from 12 July 2003. 0000003082 00000 n One of the next steps for the setting up of your new company is to have a bank account, for receiving funds from your customers as well as manage the cash for the company’s operations. Optimize working capital and improve liquidity: With our guaranteed credit arrangement and reliable individual cheque status monitoring, you will be able to forecast and anticipate cash flow with greater accuracy. startxref UOB INFINITY (DIGITAL BANKING FOR BUSINESS), FX, Interest Rates & Commodities Forecast, S$35 if the average daily balance for the month falls below S$10,000, Account Closure Fee for account closed within 6 months of account opening, Incidental Overdraft Charge (per month) for deposit accounts without credit limit, Minimum Balance Fee (per month) if Average Daily Balance falls below Minimum Average Daily Balance, 1% of the transaction amount for like-currency deposit/withdrawal, S$20 (or its equivalent) per Cashier's Order, Returned Cheque due to Insufficient Funds or Post-Dated, Registration via Business Internet Banking, S$5 per OTC cash deposit /withdrawal of S$3,000 and below from the 6th transaction onwards, SGD Deposit Accounts & Global Currency Accounts, Amendment Fee – $5 per amendment (for salary payments, a fee of S$20 per amendment will apply), Waived (if cancellation / suspension made >6 months of set-up or last amendment), S$10 (if cancellation / suspension made within 6 months of set-up or last amendment), Amendment Fee – S$5 per amendment (for salary payments, a fee of S$20 per amendment will apply), Waived (if cancellation is made >6 months of set-up or last amendment), S$10 (if cancellation is made within 6 months of set-up or last amendment). Faster clearing process: Customer can deposit bill collection at home branch or at branch in same clearing zone as drawer branch which helps faster clearing process Cheque 3 Remittances • Inward Remittance 4 ... Other Bank's Cheques S$100 per cheque + courier charges (if applicable) Foreign Currency Cleared Locally: Cheques • USD Cheques Drawn on Free Local Clearing Participating Banks • Other Currency Cheques 1/8% commission (min S$30, max S$100) + Eliminate or Reduce Idle Balances: Eliminates the need to hold idle balances in each account to meet end-of-day batch payments such as cheque clearing and media clearing. endstream endobj 782 0 obj <>stream OTHER BANKING SERVICES. Exceeds Arrangement: The cheque amount may have exceeded the transfer limit on the issuer’s account. R㢝�*4�F�i�{zR��O����j���ŋ��Z���ZC[}�Vg����Tq�G��������N��(-���8�eT���N���j�#H�9i���3������(lVՔ �C�-��W�S� �;�s�w�5��Z��~|�(����J5Ϯ��!�"�:�r}t4��}��{s�΁�}��~i?�D���&Q8��1���?� e���B���@���q�7?n�Rp��9��R*���P�������-[_3�.��n>֫n��-&���L$Gw�s����y����Q�[T �&�e�l�q���w^)������UQ�y?�'Fk �u���>��i�מ��8���>^��_���D�� 0000013782 00000 n Otherwise, an additional S$50 fee will be … A1� �t`_�x��.`�9&����8~0���6@�r1������ 7Q��e�U �ě h�b``�d``�c`a`�bd@ A�+sL�W�΄��fy!� b5 1X 0000005240 00000 n 0000007300 00000 n I / we request for certification of the document(s) requested No: 3. 0000002751 00000 n 770 0 obj <> endobj 0000018206 00000 n Dear Business Banking Customers, With effect from 1 Oct 2019, we will be charging S$0.75/cheque for the first cleared cheque onwards for all SGD accounts.. As part of thenationwide initiative to go chequeless, we urge you to apply ���R�;�� �cwZu4���C��(�Nh��ճ?R�;Ogâ+:����EG�:\��7�]`ȱB�t4�K�3�cDVs4&%�QX�տM n��V�7C�L^0�����о�˅h2�Cμ�+�9�E� ���~�>��:�!T��K"TG-p����/jn�̎ǝ�8���T (��4�m���f:��uz*; n��3�F+�4c�!c�|')��1�1���C�5�t��̐�J��5����ĵSu�l���R����u�����6�>lWa@DC#I��V��������q��=��CP0�Z70j��� United Overseas Bank imited Co Reg No (Singapore) Cut-off Times – Bulk Services Notes: Cut-off Date – the latest day the bulk file must be submitted to the bank. 750 Activation of Dormant Account Free 193500026Z. Better Utilization of Human Resources: Outsourcing cheque payment service to UOB … 0000001838 00000 n Additional S$30 if cheque is dishonoured. Page Business Pricing Guide Information updated as of 1 March 2012. Co. Reg. 0000009430 00000 n Funds will be available after 2pm on the next working day, provided that the cheques are good for payment. S$10 and max. excluding public holiday) Better Control and Reduced Risk: With cheque payment services, UOB will manage cheque inventory for you. 0000000749 00000 n &�b8]F�10�iϤ���>�� �c��*-Po��Ѫ�+h����x���`�K�nvk���E�����zJI?�Yo���S=n ���:IB�A��Gr������߮��[�'d��|T�����~��l��d���7 .�Gk@�t��r6��b�s�)��vF�.�l�.k0���(�F�!��|L�?M�f�1�����I���Cv�k�]�H:�I ���˷R�$Ws�sD}g��!XJ��XcD&�ۦö�%��u��x�0��=ᇘƄ�@1z���E�\֘�, $�e!_�]�p$�5��ʶqP����V݅0 S$10 per cheque max. Please deliver the document(s) to me/us as follows :-To collect at branch ATM 3 ... Other charges/fees which are not stipulated in this tariff will be collected according to agreement between UOB Vietnam and its customer. _*:Y�j�2�cu�;��&�E�aY���=T���ٶ�j"����9ܥ���5{���c�L��6�@lX�"��nz���9��R_nqv��6is��}_3s����]���kFU��"�ŢlP�2�3BP�m+g2�(9C��\��i���sCX�x@Ȭ�1�B�����$z��� %%EOF uob asean insights; industry insights; about uob; uob group; uob branch online services; uob tech start-up ecosystem; uob group subsidiaries; uob asset management; united overseas insurance; uob travel planners; uob venture management; uob global capital With CTS, cheques are scanned when deposited and their electronic images, instead of the physical cheques, are transmitted throughout the entire clearing cycle. �b>����Yr0�H�)�8̠��qT|tt�R�����%ه�Yϓ����g�"A�A N./�'W���KuK�:-�/���$�����n>�I��� �� 5��;�;5p��u��,(�^��W�e�W�G��s��BW����s-0�%T�X��١T;ȯ�Z�o�i�ei��.��!Zi���m���Ix2ֵ�*9��i��m�����A����L̝��-��a���\���OuF*=ե�rH���u� ����fG!��� yV�XR7C4��w��p�������Wd�P��j��_�+M,�!�8�]����+h`������j_�!��٧*���ra�AoI&�9��z��.=�5�٭@7��� S$100). xref S$50 per cheque plus postage and agent charges (if any). ErY�0����;� Cheque Image Clearing Cheque (original) Withdrawal Slip / Debit Advice Statement of Account: 2. Is there any change to the current cheque clearing times? Co.Reg.No. ��Yʍ��UŠ"���ZN�e30N�T��/� ��0 In such cases, you would have to surrender the IRD and pay a service charge of S$50 for each physical cheque requested. q�f�0�fG�C6�a��[}��o���'���)���cyS7����&߀�2h�F�=р��t�s�)&��Z�!P���P#4�@��]>3#i�wr �k����́t?�0��#Oϣ4�y�T���%߉itf �g�]J��a�ep��yo^�|�@���W�P�eJC��F�ځ�S�^X���!�,���ޘ�)�]"O�!�����SxS; No. 0000002514 00000 n 0000001164 00000 n UOB offers business banking services, including a basic account product for smaller businesses and entrepreneurs, a corporate account for bigger companies, and accounts which suit international organisations. Next working day, provided that the cheques are good for payment valid 6! If any ) day, provided that the cheques are valid for 6 months from date of issuance, otherwise. 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