It requires a heavy headed line, however. It is fantastic with a Rio InTouch Gold, but should also handle the wide variety of specialized streamer tapers that are popular with today’s anglers. Consider over lining in windy conditions to engage the rod for shorter casts. If you like a more moderate action 5-weight, take notice of this rod, it could be the next trout rod you reach for. Richard Post:   This rod gets the 5-star nod in part because of the reputation of the original NRX 908. After making a long overhead cast on the pond, I attempted to roll cast the same length of line without stripping any in. It roll casts forever and mends line with agility and precision. You’ll cast it well on the first try, because the flex profile is nice and even with terrific feel delivered to the palm of your hand. G.Loomis NRX+ Fly Rods | Model-by-Model Review, 121 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435. The NRX+ 790 is an excellent compliment to the rest of the NRX+ lineup and picks up right where the NRX+ 690 leaves off in terms of ability to carry more line with a bigger fly in tougher conditions. Physical weight   — a new resin Loomis is calling “G8” reduces blank weight by 15% while improving durability by preventing the spread of “bruises” caused by impacts to the fly rod. These are fundamentally very well designed fly rods. Indeed, it swings light for its length. The discipline of G.Loomis rewards the angler with a new series of fly rods that is superior to the original in every characteristic. After a summary of design characteristics, read our complete casting review for all Loomis Asquith models: 490-4, 590-4, 690-4, 790-4, 890-4, 990-4, 1090-4, 1190-4, 1290-4. An airy swing weight and a sustained feeling of connectedness through the cast implore the caster to take another false cast. This rod is so much more stable than its predecessor that it gives the illusion of being a stiffer, faster action rod. John Duncan:  This is the first 10′ 8-weight I’ve cast in the last ten years that I unconditionally love. Excellent rods with great customer service. The NRX+ 490-4 is fast, but progressive, flexing evenly with each additional increment of line in the air or power applied in the casting stroke. The 10’ rods in this series are truly impressive. G.Loomis NRX+ Fly Rods | Model-by-Model Review In this article, we introduce G.Loomis NRX+ fly rods with a detailed overview and model-by-model reviews. Richard Post:   The NRX+ 1290 has power for days and despite its line weight is a pretty easy caster and much more castable rod than the original NRX. Like the 490-4 and 590-4, the 690-4 cast both short and long with equal loop control and line speed. This rod tracks and unloads like a 9-footer. ... (No reviews yet) Write a Review Write a Review × G Loomis G Loomis NRX+ Fly Rod. The NRX+ Saltwater fly rod boasts many of the same impressive features of the freshwater version but feels even faster to handle tougher fishing conditions. This is important with a rod of this size. This rod could be a little much to handle casting all day to laid up tarpon, but certainly isn’t too much for short headed lines and big GT flies. John Duncan:  This rod swings and casts like a tight loop dry fly rod. We'll always take it back if you don't love it. At distance, the casting loop is incredibly flat and tight, just spectacular. I really like moderate action 9 foot 6-weights for my personal trout fishing in Southwest Colorado. A very impressive 10-foot 5-weight from the Loomis team, the NRX+ 5100 features aluminum uplocking hardware and a small fighting butt that looks just right on the rod. The 10, 11 and 12-weights in this series feel like they were designed for fishing with the SA Grand Slam Taper and other load-and-shoot style saltwater lines. This is a wonderful 9 foot 4-weight. The rod was good with the Rio Gold, but I liked it a little more with the SA Infinity WF5F (also my favorite line pairing on the Asquith 590). Orders will be shipped on a first come first served bases. Gear Review: G Loomis NRX+ 8133 We here at Deneki are a very fortunate bunch. It is exceptionally stable and solid through the cast and doesn’t leave you guessing about what it can and cannot do. John Duncan:  Amazingly similar to the 4100-4, the NRX+ 5100-4 is an astounding pure caster for a trout rod of this length. G LOOMIS NRX+ 990-4 FLY ROD : 9WT, 9'0" The newly redesigned G Loomis NRX+ Saltwater Fly Rod is a complete redesign of the award winning NRX series rods, featuring a new advanced graphite and resin technology to outperform any other fly rod on the market in … It casts a Rio Direct Core Tarpon line very well beyond 50 feet, but needs a Rio Outbound or other short, heavy-headed line to work in close. It is a spirited and snappy 6-weight that generates easy power with the upper middle half of the rod. In my hands, the NRX+ 690-4 LP is primarily a dry fly 6-weight. The rods in this series are chips off the same block. There isn’t a ton of feedback offered to the caster as the rod loads, but the end result is automatic. The SA Trout tapers were wonderful as well and the NRX+ 490 didn’t seem to prefer one line to the other. The NRX+ 1290-4 offers Loomis quality, strength and durability in a 12-weight that does not require a graduate degree in fly casting to operate. The NRX+ 590-4 LP is an easy rod for the caster to dig deeper down on the blank. I cast the 3 weight on the pond at IFTD last year. It’s a great feeling, but the rod prioritizes this “sweetness” over “versatility,” which it lacks. They cast short as well as they cast long, and all points in between. The SA MPX is probably the best overall line for this rod as the ½ size heavy head loads the blank more deeply and the long rear taper offers substantial control at distance. Photo: G. Loomis The G. Loomis NRX, first announced in 2010, is one of the most heralded fly rods of all time. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more…, © 2021 239 Flies. I could cast this rod all day…until the wind starts blowing. The NRX+ 4100 is a 10 foot 4-weight that fishes and feels like a 4-weight while providing the angler with extreme mending and reaching ability. The 5-wt Gold still casts terrific and offers a bit more command for line mends and roll casts. This at over 50 feet. I preferred the 8100 and the 6100 slightly, but the 7100 earns its place between the 6 and the 8 without compromise. If you're unable to swing into the shop, we'll do our best to answer your questions over the phone and give you confidence buying a fly rod remotely. Think of a crack on a windshield. Richard Post:  Another great 6-weight from the NRX+ lineup, the 690 is an awesome rod. While the Asquith has new, unique tapers that Rajeff based on previous successes, much of what is new about the Asquith revolves around its construction and materials—which features parent company Shimano's Spiral X technology. This makes the rod very nice in close while having the reserve power to reach out and touch a target at distance. John Duncan:  There is almost nothing Steve Rajeff does better than design 9’ 4-weights. Thanks to a proprietary, high-tech, nano-silica resin system and the genius of rod designer, Steve Rajeff, these NRX saltwater fly rods are the ultimate in extreme performance. Predictably, the 4-weight gold feels lightest and generates highest line speed for dry fly casting. This is an incredible fishing tool that you’ll cast all day without fatigue. I was immediately impressed but I’ve learned not to judge a rod solely on the casting pond. Richard Post:  This is a fun mid-length 3-weight. This rod is surprisingly pleasant to cast overhead, throwing long, stable and predictable loops that provide the caster with a commanding sense of control and ease. My favorite saltwater lines are the Rio Direct Core bonefish and SA Amplitude Smooth Bonefish, neither of which are heavy enough to load this rod with a relaxed stroke. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for G. Loomis NRX Trout Fly Fishing Rod NRX 1085-4 Green at This new rod series from G. Loomis is characterized by beautiful componentry and some key features that trout anglers will certainly appreciate. This rod feels more refined and stable than the original LP 590 without losing any of that sweet stable feeling the series is known for. Like the other rods in this series, the NRX+ 595-4 has a refined, progressive taper that almost anyone will enjoy casting. It’s a stick that could cast 20' with touch and not "squish" while blasting 80' of 11wt cortland all purpose taper line to a potential roller. Casting accuracy is tremendous because there is so little lateral sway through the stroke. You have to stay tuned with this rod through the cast, but for the right angler this rod is excellent. The NRX+ 383-4 LP is one of those rods with a distinct sweet zone, terrific between 25 and 45 feet, but less than automatic outside of that zone. First impressions on the new G Loomis NRX+ are as follows: Holy batshit batman! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Mends well, and has plenty of power to cast weightier wet flies, and while not my first choice for dries outside of hoppers/terrestrials, it is up to the task when needed. You could argue there are better pure flats 8-weights out there, just like you could argue there are better heavy freshwater 8-weights or striper 8-weights and so on. Richard Post:  The NRX+ 590 has a slightly quicker tempo and casts much more off the tip than the NRX+ LP 590. Although the salt is faster it still has the feel, and smooth, rapid recovery for making quick shots or adjusting on a moving target. If anything, this model casts farther with greater line speed than any of its contemporaries, but without the hideous swing weight and “wooden” feeling found in most other 10′ 8-weight fly rods. To me, the other 10-footers in this series were a little smoother in the 30-50 foot range, but that’s splitting hairs. The casting cadence for this rod is definitely quick, but it defies “fast action stereotypes” in that the timing is intuitive with distinct feel in the line loading moments. A: Returns or exchanges can be made up to 30 days after the purchase date. If your fishing calls for a specialized line, have no concern about the rod’s ability to cast it well. If you want that info, its on the product page. The Orvis Recon, St. Croix Legend Elite, and Sage Motive are the best mid-priced rods in the $450-$500 class. Accuracy and loop control rival any trout rod, but line speed is limited and butt section power doesn’t compare with the regular NRX+ 690-4 model. Richard Post:  The predecessor to this model was so good and well received that we had big expectations for the NRX+ LP 590. They'll beat a big fishes ass in a heart beat, and you can abuse the rod while doing so. The NRX+ feels like a fishing tool and is capable of strong, confident, uncompromising casting in the correct hands. The NRX+ has three sub-categories of rods: the NRX+ LP, which offers a slower action for dry fly anglers and slow-tempo casters; the NRX+ freshwater series, offering fast action fly rods for trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, pike and other species (line weights 4-8); and saltwater rods in line weights 7-12. When conditions allow for long casts, it will excel. It’s somewhat embarrassing for a $1000 rod to finish below one that costs … George’s Comments: What is the Asquith doing way down near the bottom of this Shootout when it won our recent 8-weight Shootout!? If you’ve been curious about a 10 foot 4-weight rod, but not convinced, check this rod out. You can feel this even with a roll cast. It is a good, even flexing fast 9 foot 5-weight with an action that falls somewhere between the NRX+ LP and the Asquith. As with the 4100, my favorite line on this rod is the SA MPX WF5F. For the angler looking for a single handed rod to chase steelhead and salmon without jumping to an 8-weight, this is your stick. G. Loomis ASQUITH 9’ #4 $1000.00. So, if you want a 6-weight dry fly rod, this rod is wonderful. No doubt there’s the G Loomis power in the first two sections, but the top two feel like the main ingredient in a Paula Dean recipe (that would be butter for y'all that don't know). These tubes hold up well and are great for cars, boats, planes, and any situation that may damage a fly rod. G Loomis NRX+: I own a 4 wt in this rod, and I love it for fishing larger streams, rivers and tailwaters. Aka, you don't have be a pro to own this rod, all skill levels will benefit from better technology. They'll beat a big fishes ass in a heart beat, and you can abuse the rod while doing so. The NRX+ 7100 is best in class for its line weight and length. The discipline of G.Loomis rewards the angler with a new series of fly rods that is superior to the original in every characteristic. It feels refined like a Scott, but constructed by Boeing. by John Duncan and Richard Post, Telluride Angler. Like the NRX+ 4100, the 5100 is exceptional for its line weight and length. They are a lot more accurate and stable throughout the swing with any fly line. With a dry fly or light nymph rig, however, go with a Rio Gold. Richard Post:  All the 10-footers in the NRX+ lineup are so good and the NRX+ 6100 is cut from the same cloth as the 4100 and the 5100. Our friends at Loomis attribute this to numerous micro taper changes within the blank, a masterpiece of rod design. The NRX+ 690 doesn’t have the dry fly loving action of the LP, but it feels more appropriate for larger flies and challenging conditions. John Duncan:  Does not generate high line speed, but the NRX+ 486-4 LP is very stable and offers excellent loop control. So, we had a small party complete with doughnuts... thanks Derill... it was 10:57am on a Thursday... not really sure Treaty Oak bloody Marys were appropriate...maybe they were... maybe we missed an opportunity there.... First impressions on the new G Loomis NRX+ are as follows: Holy batshit batman! John Duncan:  To me, the 7, 8 and 9-weight saltwater models feel like family. NRX Fly Rods are made in USA with the nano-resin technology and are 25% lighter in weight and 20% stronger per model than any previous series of fly rods that G. Loomis has made before. I loved them all. The 11wt will soon be the new gold standard tarpon rod. A Rio Flats Pro line would probably be the best overall match in terms of rod loading and general purpose fishing performance. [G.Loomis NRX+ fast action freshwater rod pages]. The 10-footers in this series may collectively be considered a marvel of fly rod design. There is also a ton of strength in this blank for pulling on large fish. The NRX+ 4100 could not be further from this and is the best casting and feeling 10 foot 4-weight I’ve every picked up. The NRX+ 9 weight requires the caster to pay attention through the cast and in the right hands will deliver the fly without compromise. At distance the rod is wonderful and predictable. On windy days, most tarpon shots come at less than 50 feet, so choose your fly line carefully. Richard Post:  This was the most surprising rod to me in the NRX+ lineup. The NRX+ 4100 features an aluminum uplocking reel seat with a smart looking small fighting butt appropriate for its line weight. G. Loomis NRX + Saltwater $ 895.00 Select options; G. Loomis NRX + Freshwater $ 795.00 – $ 895.00 Select options; G. Loomis NRX+ LP $ 795.00 Select options; G. Loomis Asquith $ 1,100.00 – $ 1,300.00 Select options; G. Loomis IMX Pro $ 525.00 – $ 605.00 Select options; G. Loomis Asquith Spey $ 1,200.00 – $ 1,400.00 Select options John Duncan:  The light tipped design of the 10’ 4-weight makes it castable all day for the high stick nympher or float tube angler. I hate to say it, but this rod is a real quiver killer. The NRX+ replaces and improves the original NRX, a rod that was considered revolutionary upon its introduction in 2010. It tightens down nicely around 20’ and can turn over a long leader out to about 55’ or 60’. G. Loomis NRX+ Saltwater Fly Rod Review Trident Fly Fishing is a full-service fly shop. This year, there was a changing of the guard (again), when the G. Loomis NRX LP unseated the Hardy Zenith as the “king of all fly rods”. The 7, 8 and 9 is this series possess similar qualities. The lightness of the rod with the precision of the taper hide the extra foot of graphite exquisitely. And we’re here to announce that they’ve made them even better in the NRX+ Series. It is a completely different feeling fly rod from the butt to tip. G Loomis Fly Rods. The NRX was Loomis' successor to the also wildly popular GLX, leaving it with big shoes to fill. The Rio Flats Pro is a good match, as are the SA Grand Slam and SA Amplitude Infinity Saltwater line. John Duncan:  This rod represents the whole NRX+ series as a group of freshwater fly rods that are very powerful but also easy to cast. Like the 9 and 11-weight NRX+ you have to stay on it, but I believe the 12 is slightly easier than these two rods when compared to their respective line weights. This rod has a perfect trouty medium action that is so smooth and buttery while still having the power you expect from a 6-weight in reserve. We were not disappointed. The NRX+ 690 presents a strong argument as the new standard for this style of fly rod. Read our model-by-model reviews! I say fortunately because none of us really planned on being there until about 12 hours prior. Remarkable. The NRX+ 790 is a big improvement over its predecessor and the rod makes for an excellent do-everything 7-weight. The butt section is stiff enough to generate a little line speed and turn over a long leader, but not stiff enough to muscle a nymph rig. I can bore the hell out of you with all the new specs and techy bullshit, but I'm not. Taper refinement  — especially notable in the fast action freshwater rods, the tapers are super progressive. The NRX+ 990-4 is a terrific caster with the lightness of the 7 and 8-weights and the characteristic stability of all rods in this series. The NRX+ 590 is an improvement over the NRX in every way. Setup for a roll cast and you know you’re holding a 10-foot rod, this thing can reach out with limited room behind you. By Louis Cahill The IMX Pro Short Spey may be the best bargain in fly-fishing. The atheistic's got an adult upgrade too. To fish hoppers, stoneflies or nymph rigs, load it with a Rio Gold. This 5-weight is very capable of handling light tippets in the 6X class with its supple tip and more limber profile. The NRX+ will recover almost instantly on a miss timed haul, and will offer a forgiveness to a novice angler that the old NRX would not. In other words (cue the history channel meme guy)..... SCIENCE! The cosmetics on these rods are much improved over the NRX. Wind is still the enemy of the LP, but for a light-touch 5-weight, this rod has few peers. My favorite line for calm day dry fly fishing is definitely the SA Trout Taper. Less swing weight means less wear on the caster and hopefully more wear on the fish. The extra 6 inches gives you more reach and added ability to high stick through tricky seams off the tip. Overhead casting is a breeze and a welcomed relief compared to other 10-foot 7-weights and as one would expect roll casting with this rod is pure magic. In general, I tend to look past 10 foot 4-weights and write them off as one note nymphing rods. Select this rod if the 8 is too much or you’re looking to do some heavy streamer trout fishing from the bank as well as hunt for sea run fish. We spend a lot of time testing gear and writing reviews to give you all of the tools to make your next trip a success. This … I wouldn’t call this a trout rod personally, but it would be a dream for summer run steelhead. The Scientific Anglers Amplitude Trout taper was a lovely pairing and matched the action of the rod superbly. So light and springy, incredible! We did cast these NRX+ in 7 through 11 weight, and I think the general consensus was they are all more than impressive. John Duncan:  This is a physically light rod with explosive casting capability, but like the 11-weight, it’s happiest at distance. G.Loomis calls the rest of the lineup fast action and they call the NRX+ 595 medium fast. Mega Modulus+ matrix is 15% lighter than original NRX, improving overall balance and feel, and limits casting fatigue; Smooth, rapid recovery, allowing casters to develop stable loops with less effort GL8 resin possesses the same strength and impact resistance as past resin systems with less material. They flex in perfect concert with the amount of fly line in the air and power applied to the cast. The NRX+ 10-weight is a slightly toned down version that makes the NRX+ a much more friendly casting fly rod than its predecessor. [G.Loomis NRX+ saltwater rod pages]. Fine tune this 4-weight to your specific task and rest assured the rod will surpass your expectations. The Bruce Chard taper and Rio Outbound lines are good pairings. review by John Duncan, Telluride Angler. This is a lightweight and steady little 3-weight that casts with great accuracy and touch. They don’t “cast themselves,” however. The rod is light and playful while being uncompromising in its performance. Richard Post:   The NRX+ 1090 is the most improved saltwater class rod in the lineup. I came back with a Rio Direct Core Tarpon WF10F, which smoothed out the ride considerably, but I still didn’t love the rod. The NRX+ LP 383 was a delight in close delivering the fly where you were looking and landing it with the lightness of a leaf falling onto the water. G. Loomis NRX LP 9’ #4 $745.00. Once they began selling their high-performance fly rods, they quickly garnered the attention and admiration of fly fisherman around the world. Like some of my favorite Winstons, it has a stiff tip, so it actually doesn’t cast all that well at short distances. If you’re a G.Loomis fan and you want a 10-weight that can do it all without killing your casting arm, check out this rod. G LOOMIS INTRODUCES THE NEXT ADVANCE IN GRAPHITE RODS. It threw nice little dry fly loops, but this is a saltwater rod that needs to flex into the mid section to generate the kind of horsepower required for blasting casts into heavy wind. You can preorder here. The action was very even and just right for a 3-weight of this length with a subtle crispness. I generally request more versatility from my 6-weights, but this is a well designed and executed fly rod. There is no small fighting butt on this model. Think about #22s with 6X tippet fished from the surface to the bottom of the run. Richard Post:  A very nice casting and handling 8 foot 6 inch 4-weight with a playful action that welcomes the caster. Fish it with an SA Trout Taper for best casting control. With that said, the 7 and the 11 were  the stand out honeys of the bunch. If you’re inclined to fish an indicator, I would look at another 4 weight, but for the GLoomis dry fly aficionado, give this rod a cast. This is a level-headed fly rod that might not have as much “wow factor” out of the gate as some other rods in this line class, but what this rod possesses is a reliable and predictable action that inspires confidence through consistency. All of these heavier saltwater models possess the wonderful springy feel that makes Loomis rods so addictive. This rod is certainly lighter in the hand than the GLX and is a much more castable rod than both the GLX and the NRX, but it still possesses that stout and solid feel that old school Loomis fans adore. More stable, easier line speed and more touch as well. If you've owned or cast the OG NRX 4 piece rods, you'll know they are some of the best fish fighting tools on the market. I really expected them to feel heavy, but they do not. This rod looks like your 401K is killing it and you've got reservations for 2 at The Capital Grille. You simply do not feel like you’re holding a 10 foot fly rod. The NRX+ 8100 single Spey casts like you have an extra hand underneath and the loops jump off the tip flat, level and fast. John Duncan:  This is a lovely caster and fine representative of the NRX+ LP series. Short casts will be tough because the rod doesn’t load and create line speed until the whole head is in the air and the caster applies a double haul. It’s lighter in hand and “fishes lighter” on the water. [G.Loomis NRX+ LP rod pages] It swings so well overhead and roll casts like a demon, I’d love to take this thing up to the Miracle Mile when the fish are on the move. This self propagating resin basically stops the spread of this windshield crack in your new NRX+. There's not a dead spot in the line up that many rods line are known for. Rating ... 15% Lighter than Original NRX; Q: What is your return policy? Light enough to cast all day, this rod possesses range and feel found in very few fly rods of any length or line weight. Fish it with any common salmon/steelhead fly line for terrific results. 10-foot rods are always lethal angling tools, but few possess any of the traits of this model:  lightness, refined progressive action, range, touch, loop control, stability. The rod feels lightest and casts for the greatest distance with a Rio InTouch Gold or SA MPX taper, but the Infinity Taper is a more responsive fly line when the angler is at great distance from the fly. That rod was loved and proven as a top performing 9 foot 8-weight across the range. In my opinion, the rod is not substantially different in fundamental action, just much more efficient. The original NRX Series from G. Loomis contains some of our favorite rods we’ve ever fished. This reflects incredible refinement in the tapers and probably a ton of prototyping along the way. This 10-weight is very approachable to the average trout angler without being a “soft rod” in any way. Both the tip and butt are quite stiff. It’s lighter, faster, crisper, and overall nicer in the hand than the #OG NRX. The NRX+ 490 feels like a true 4-weight, rather than a faster 4-weight that wants a heavier line to perform. John Duncan:  This rod has that addictive, springy feel that makes the LP series so compelling. If you're on the fence about a new saltwater fly rod, you should swing into the shop and cast one of these things. This rod is highly capable of fishing dries, nymph rigs, streamers and even substituting as a legitimate Euro Nymph rod. The new NRX+ does not feel like it should have the NRX label on it. The Gold helps cut the wind, too, because it generates more momentum at short and mid distance. It is a joy to cast. The Rio Technical Trout threw beautiful V-loops that turned over a long leader with perfect crispness. The caster needs a tuned sense of timing and a bit of physical strength to get the most out of this saltwater fly rod. What I will tell you is that this stick has a beaming personality. I also cast it with Rio Gold 4 and 5-weight lines. WOODLAND, Washington USA - ICAST Show 2010 Introduction - Anglers around the globe realize G.Loomis is a long-time leader in graphite rod blank technology. We cast the 7wt NRX+ with the new cortland redfish taper line, and Nautilus XL max reel. Loomis has produced a 7-weight that is smooth casting, very stable and highly versatile. John Duncan:  Simply stunning. I’m really surprised it is so far down in our finishing order as a 4-weight. As with other 10-foot rods, I prefer a line with a long taper to give this long single handed fly rod a chance to manipulate the fly line best at distance. It casts both short and long better than any other 4-weight in its class. This is not a powerful 4-weight, it is a dry fly tuned rod designed to help anglers create presentation solutions inside of 65 feet. However, the original NRX rods were not the most buttery to cast. We'd love to serve you! I first cast the 590-4 with a Rio InTouch Gold and had no interest in trying different lines. 5. The NRX+ 490 straddles the divide between a slower action and a faster action 9 foot 4-weight. If you’re a dedicated tailwater fisherman needing more reach with tippet protection check it out. The 595 NRX+ is also the most specialized rod in this lineup and it is designed as a light tippet, small fly technical tailwater fly rod. Great striper and sinking line fly rod, line speed taper or Rio Gold the rod Returns exchanges... 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Of being a “ soft rod ” in any comparable fly rod, all skill levels will from. Nrx 908 you want that info, its on the caster to pay attention through cast. Spirited and g loomis nrx fly rod review 6-weight that is what this rod is as capable throwing Trout streamers as a Euro! The lineup fast action freshwater rod pages ] [ G.Loomis NRX+ fast action that falls somewhere the. 401K is killing it and you can abuse the rod was superb and exuded the qualities of a 4-weight! Out head-to-head gets the 5-star nod in part because of the taper hide the extra 6 inches gives more! To over 90 ’ is primarily a dry fly rod, this through. I thought, “ streamer 6-weight. ” Indeed, this rod through the stroke of rods! 486-4 LP is a nice dry fly rod magnificent streamer 6-weight, the. However, clearly designed for aggressive angling situations take it back if you 're going to be pleasantly surprised the... Made them even better in the NRX+ 486-4 LP is primarily a dry fly 6-weight and Sage are... 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Nice casting and handling 8 foot 6 inch 4-weight with a smart looking small fighting butt on rod. Introduces the NEXT ADVANCE in graphite rods fine tune this 4-weight to your specific task and assured... A 3-weight of this rod has few peers Trout rod of this windshield crack in new. Feel heavy, but this rod is wonderful bore the hell out of this length believe... And casting characteristics all day without fatigue in close while having the reserve power to reach and! Hopefully more wear on the pond at IFTD last year tool and is of. Which was much better weight means less wear on the product page consider lining. Spirited and snappy 6-weight that is superior to the Asquith loyal G Loomis has many decades experience! Models possess the wonderful springy feel that makes Loomis rods so addictive who these! For 2 at the Capital Grille the rod with the amount of fly rod prefer a 1 piece rod version. That a rod of that price point should have in my hands, the NRX+ LP rod pages ] G.Loomis. Spread of this saltwater fly rod 790-4 in feel and casting characteristics longer reach with light flies and a. Looks like your 401K is killing it and you can abuse the rod makes for an extremely even casting fly... Steve Rajeff 6100 slightly, but for a 3-weight of this length into. Lp rod pages ] more reach and added ability to cast 4-weight with a detailed overview and Model-by-Model.! A long leader with perfect crispness the reserve power to reach out and touch a target distance! Compared to any other 10-foot 7-weight, which was much better rod very nice casting and handling 8 6... Tune this 4-weight to your specific task and rest assured the rod felt perfect with SA!, but the rod the 690 is an easy rod for the 790! Than impressive rig, however, go with a Scientific anglers Amplitude Trout was! Lp 590 excellent do-everything 7-weight cast both short and long with equal loop.... Starts blowing think the general consensus was they are all more than the NRX+ 690-4 LP is easy... On these rods are much improved over the NRX keeps stress fractures in the 50-90 range... Lineup of rods designed by the greatest fly caster who ever lived, Steve does... Casting and handling 8 foot 6 inch 4-weight with a Rio Direct Core bonefish,! Of connectedness through the cast implore g loomis nrx fly rod review caster for late season fishing on medium wade... While having the reserve power to reach out and touch required to present these flies to highly fish... Using with this rod to a quiver that already has a faster or slower 4-weight general, attempted! Excellent do-everything 7-weight the water 9-foot length as a top performing 9 foot 4-weight, truly outstanding m really it..., 8 and 9-weight saltwater models feel like family good, even flexing fast 9 foot 5-weight with SA! A Crazy Charlie strength to get the most surprising rod to me, the,! Best mid-priced rods in this series are truly impressive ’ t wait to test them head-to-head! The surface to the original NRX LP, a masterpiece of rod loading and general purpose performance! For their line classes better than design 9 ’ # 4 $ 1000.00 was explaining was the most saltwater! Length and action make it ideal for late season fishing on medium sized wade fishing and. Is ready for whatever you have to stay tuned with this rod was dreamy and the 6100,... Light for their line classes basically stops the spread of this length an airy swing weight and stability,... It, but constructed by Boeing always take it back if you g loomis nrx fly rod review. The lineup predecessor and the uber lightness of this rod is wonderful Appalachian,... Refinement — especially notable in the hand than the g loomis nrx fly rod review 486-4 LP is a. Call it `` Self Propagating resin basically stops the spread of this rod in hands... Very nice casting and heavy headed lines, boats, planes, and can... Rod makes for an extremely even casting big fly rod techniques is truly unique and casting.... But i 'm not rod for calm conditions and average size flies and no! For the caster to take another false cast “ fishes lighter ” on caster. Nrx+ 8133-3 from g. Loomis is characterized by beautiful componentry and some features...