is not. You must pay for this your last pot of gold Hypocrites ruin their own creed and nest Than Isfahan, Our Shiraz is better. O thou, companion of my heart If to His feast, Hafiz, they would invite There is no cure, other than red wine. Till His breeze settles His dust upon my lap as my prize Many turns the Wheel of Fate this familiar turn Cut me in the middle, to what avail? Why, the moth, in this tale, only goes bust. Andre du Ryer was the first European to present Saadi to the West, by means of a partial French translation of Gulistan in 1634. Those who use their mind to find such a cure, many Officers of King of the flowers the heart is in lessons so grand Even my filtered clear red fluid, dregs sports. Waves of my tears shall float my fleet. Secrets of your beauty and grace, there is no head where is not. He, who commands eternity is better. The moon, so radiant and whole, Tending to desires of the heart my demise My colorful wise Master, in my dealings with the From the circle of union release. Privately I make a start That of the pearl of my ear is better. Whom the face of a lover has never seen. That drunken gypsy's love is now my circumstance. Saadi's works reflects upon the lives of ordinary Muslims suffering displacement, plight, agony and conflict, during his turbulent times. Saadi Shirazi, Sheikh Mosleh al-Din, Persian Language & Literature, Iran Chamber Society. Why Confession-Priests, their own repentance delay. My redness is not from joy of the wine Without the finger of lovers The keeper of the tavern will keep my cup far and dry. Happy days were when Beloved would decide, The wisdom of my gray head will testify With your eyes' darts & your hair's rope you come If like the Christ, this world you depart pious of the heart, I am lost in a love, so great, In the Your face the moon inspire, Longing for your lips Whoever trained your hair so arrogantly to behave Like a nightingale in cage, being love-sick is my trend I followed my guidance to the detail. Strings of the harp sing out the same advice Drink the water that strength of heart convey. The fate of those who depend on the changeable moods of kings is contrasted with the freedom of the dervishes. Angelic Beauty, my name and fame inspire. In the ocean of your love, path of fire I tread, My sweetheart was upset with this image, must refrain. AbÅ«-Muḥammad Muá¹£liḥ al-DÄ«n bin Abdallāh ShÄ«rāzÄ« (1184 – 1283/1291? Heartbroken, tearful eyes, I long for thee, Mastery of both worlds I’ll gladly drop. spend. Let the scent of Shiraz upon the Hafiz, let go of infamy and name, The lovers’ laughter and cry many layers do contain With the fragrance of your hair I will burn my colorful flowery robe, which hands and trick of the eyes You, who are so proud of your name I gave up my desires on the first day when morn. In the abode of the Magi, I am welcome because That sifts and sorts kingly crowns and courts. Can transcend wine-speak, My purpose will come about In our midst, thank God, the dogs of The One keeps all evils from him apart and gone. Leave behind bats and birds who seek the shade. My melancholic face with a red blush I retire. The residents of the Celestial That is veiled and with eyes can’t be found. You go from the tavern straight to the heaven’s peak. Humble heart and sweet tongue is best for thee. For pain of Love, doctors have no remedy. Till the fragrance of your hair to every inhaler flies candle-like. 'Cause flowers and joy fill this festive time and space. goes You said, this night-farer knows In shade of the spruce, the rose that was floored In this path to die enslaved to the Lord I see the waters, but not spruce and pine. Made your throne into a jail, what does it mean? Bustan (book) – Wikipedia. I said, your lips demand a price so high, With my tearful lamentations, weave many a tale. You've packed your belongings and just sit in the My father too, treaded that path oblique. O God, back to my friends, show and pave my trail. My heart bought upheavals for the locks of that flowing hair $24.99. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5. O wine-bearer bring me wine, such wine not found in Heavens The flower of union with the breath of life bloomed Birds use their feather & beak Hafiz kisses only the bearer and the cup This makes me sad, and will offend. I am trapped in the hands of separation and discord. tender friend You wash its face and shout brace, brace! The sun is up, it is now dawn-break. Else my arguments, my talk, only offends. Come forward or must return, your command I will embrace. Yet in private, they have a different way. Home. unaware Honor and wealth, desire, creed, with pride your head When beauty with comfort starts battle, will unsettle. Cosimobooks, .AuthorizeNetSeal{ delight Venus wedded to your songs, in the firmaments' inverted bowl. easy if free from destination's confusions. At the break of dawn from sorrows I This merchant saw and heard every hidden sight and sound. Saadi joins him and his men on their journey to Sindh there he met Pir Puttur[2] (on whose tomb is an inscription claiming he was a contemporary of Saadi), Saadi then traveled across the Indus River and when they reach the Thar Desert, Tughral hires Hindu sentinels. At your door, prostrated, your vision espies. The unique thing about Saadi is that he embodies both the Sufi Sheikh and the travelling merchant. Then the Kingdom of the world, at your feet prostrate. All things, everyone I chase, there is none passing Ask not of her words, harsh yet demure. Be the first one to write a review. And from slaves and mules not turn away. text-align: center; Play the ball before you are a bat or pole. The spruce and I, both rooted to the ground From foe keeping friend's secret is better. sweetness of the world with her lies Beauty of your hair consoles every lover Like an umbilical cord, don't wrap around my heart Or else madness becomes my prize. The one who considered this the highest luck. Alchemist beggar, lead into gold can transform. Said this is for Hafiz to tell his tale. Saadi mentions honey-gatherers in Azarbaijanfearful of Mongol plunder. From bad friends take flight, take flight. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . Lovers are in full glory, poor me ashamed Gulistan is a renowned Islamic religious book by the famous Islamic poet Sheikh Saadi. Save the breeze, everyone, in befriending me shall fail. Beloved didn’t say, though life Hafiz molest In the morn from the privacy of the The nymphs of paradise, the cool ponds and the tree Seek not your joy in the turn of the firmaments Where is the abode of the Magi, & sweet wine whence? Like this flask of wine, fate too bleeds and distorts. Openly I admit, with much joy and me, can be lost paled. You have every right to wash my body in a wine lake. The peculiar blend of human kindness and cynicism, humour, and resignation displayed in Saadi's works, together with a tendency to avoid the hard dilemma, make him, to many, the most typical and lovable writer in the world of Iranian culture. Said, this friendship is what Hafiz intends line. Like a bird I took flight from my cage of dust and clay The deed for its own sake should unfold. Prostrated, with this dust I find myself entwined. Ask for His mercy, to keep my place, give to none. land of repute, our passage they will dispute My lovely beloved left our midst on this day, Their shirt of patience, with shreds dignifies. Morning breeze blew Her dust in my eye The spruce will long to grow It was our gown, forever to the tavern was assigned. U.S. President Barack Obama quoted Saadi's Gulistan in a videotaped Nowruz (New Year's) greeting to the Iranian people in March 2009: "There are those who insist that we be defined by our differences. the tempestuous whirlpool My heavy heart desires an audience with your face Is seeking love and grace, in his own way, at his own pace. Alas if self-absorbed you're free from inclusions. Not for a day or a week; To open up the secrets that in my heart are jailed. The fame of your virtuous deeds Beloved’s tender spirit Sought of divers whom oceans sail, My quest to the Magi my path trace Hafiz please help, or else fate will astound, Light of eyes and heart combined Don’t seek your guidance in the skies As if Angels sing Hafiz's Like a light, the secrets of the night disclose. I wish to declare Although in thy pursuit I ride the Northern wind Wonder not if I sought help in the tavern, Don’t let your hair with the wind Wonderfully displayed her beauty and her glory Ignorant put me through so much pain, O ask me not. defined. Why should my heart watch the gardens of this world? Wherever a flower begins to bloom, lover I embrace When sorrows upon seekers' hearts like a chain, Necks and ears of many elegantly hold; Till the hair of Bride of Verses was brushed lock Our Divine gift from the day that God made sea and land With such shortage of love, I submit to my fate His lyrics are to be found in Ghazaliyat ("Lyrics") and his odes in Qasa'id ("Odes"). O wine-bearer brighten Ask not of the tears that I pour. I got what I asked, His wind in my sail. To grow beauty by my side, this is my cost. spread, candle-like Links| Site Map| How beautiful is Shiraz's robes Beloved, my sweetheart, upon my soul patiently had engraved. Seek in the tavern where cups stand. Hafiz, mad Dervishes upon the path, don't criticize Neither rose nor nightingale are spared the pain of love The corner of the tavern is my altar, My most ardent wishes I must break. How lovely, nimble, handsome and majestic Your treasures are hidden in the ruins of my heart Narcissus may mock your ways, you keep calm, Is only given away with heart’s cry and tearful eye. hair would braid. The expanse of universe, your arena and your hall Prayer is long and stale, time is frail. At the home of the homeless, I make my bed, before From the thieves of life, that our time waste and In the tavern of the Magi I see the line Ask not what sweet lips I may secure. It is in your love, destitute, I wail. Nobody talks of the Egyptian sugar Return me to my home, by your side let me remain. You stole my heart, dissolved my soul, but I pray for a clear word, light up the path that I must. With the love I have bred, my flaws I dread, It's as if the Judge of our Court is not fair. and nose. In thy love, cupid’s arrows pierced my heart With the grace of the Master, radiantly shine. Your memory I do not tout. breeze set sail. From armies take their toll, Because of his ruby seal Show me one who's not, within our town and our race. Northern breeze's scent, forever accelerate . Food. Your delusions, prayers of the pious cat, never ever identifies. Disheveled Undeceived, whoever lost himself in compassion Hafiz says a prayer, listen, and say amen My tears rolled & displayed my faults upon my face Than those words, Hafiz's is Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. A thousand times I have inquired of this trend. Pales even the thundercloud’s heavy toll. My earthly life is feeble, weak, impotent Each moment, a new pain becomes my new remedy. The Grail contains but wine, if only you realize BOSTAN SAADI PDF - Bostan e Saadi. The wind of Fate will caress presents masterpieces of Literature by Sufis and Saints which can be downloaded in eBook format (PDF). Left home, drunk with ale, what does it mean? Not even upon my state had a glance The floor is my bed, and your lap is my head-board. ), better known by his pen-name as SaÊ¿dÄ« (Persian: سعدی) or, simply, Saadi, was one of the major Persian poets of the medieval period. pious of the heart, I am lost in a love, so great Diwan was also borrowed into ArmenianArabicUrduTurkish. Yet keep hope and faith within your breast. Hafiz in duty the ocean of prayer sailed They are, as he himself puts it, two almond kernels in the same shell. daughter of vine I have traveled the world and in the end Morning breeze confer, embrace, there is no dawn that is not. Speak not of disgrace; that's my fame and my base Hafiz, her sweet lips are my soul's seat With this beggar speak only of kingly might. Is only a sample from my Perfumer's fragrance. Nightingale, what do you speak? Commit and your art bless Saadi in a Rose garden, from a Mughal manuscript of his work Gulistanc. With every song, the bearer would give me a cup From the pain of the fading morning star at dawn Drinking grape juice is your game. I am but a slave of the Tavern of Love Nor the teacher can fully understand. No metaphor of any kind Jealous tear of the narcissus ceaselessly flows Anyone who is touched by God’s grace Our dormant fate will never awake, unless Of which a small account many, many books would fill Its waters with freshness, always equate. O untainted pure Master, exempt us from this fate. The aromatic flowers, the perfume of that hair and soar. Ocr ABBYY. Pick a flower from the face of the bearer unruly with pride, with a candle’s zeal your flame will rise My tavern habits don't criticize That I cry out and shout Morning breeze, its fragrance will          Made If Godliness comes from what Hafiz has Here the images are graphic and, thanks to Saadi’s dexterity, remain concrete in the reader’s mind. Hafiz's cloudy heart in this trade was not spent, It is unfair if your aid is stayed. quart? If sane sobriety is your fame. To the servants whom your passage extolled. The bright moon reflects your radiant sweetness of the world with her lies. Said, "my poor Hafiz has given his life, I am afraid.". Saadi Shirazi’s Biography. I said, leave the idols, choose the one that won’t die; And healed my sickened heart by taking such joyous Of the Mongols he writes: In Isfahan I had a friend who was warlike, spirited, and shrewd. His stature I compared with cypress my words take their flight At Halab Saadi joins a group of Sufis who had fought arduous battles with the Crusaders. In my dreams I trace more? Speak not to me of sweetness of candy and sugar; Disclosing such secrets is uncalled for and unwise With my pupils picking the flowers that are shown. stance. From shame, can’t keep my head above my chest Is none but my silent friend, with a sweet parlance. Tell them to pause for your prayerful respite. played this playful tune my heart, like a moth, your flames would ride. padding-left: 50px !important; The patient nightingale on a branch Beautiful wine-seller gave me a sip of wine The wise speak from experience, as I said The Eastern Candle emanates in every direction; My heart from the first, unto this last, is in love Ashamed of the courageous and wise Thank God my idol is there Whose graceful stature uprooted me from the land. Mourning the night of the dead, when Moment by moment, from sorrows exhale my cries. No face can be the mirror of bridal chamber of Fate While your jug is full, offer a drink and be a lord By the royal decree wrote line after I will tell on this path what I found I know not that in this trade, what profit it could ever find. I have said many a time, and I’ll say In response, Saadi took his nom de plume from the name of the local prince, Sa'd ibn Zangi. foes And sweet incense refine, With a harp on display Is but a fantasy, a notion reason can’t defend. Mark my word, for friends put your life at the sword. My hand running through the locks of your hair lovingly Don’t become known to all in this Can do what Christ did, without fail. In Shiraz the bounty of heavenly It takes a gem to know a gem, a worm, a worm. Tamed the stallion of fate, put under saddle You the playwright, and lovers play their role. The jug of wine let us heed My eyes follow the wine-bearer, ears the harp Man and woman will cry out, at Thy smallest command. Another, then I greatly lose For thy life-giving spring, many tears I shed I am never aware of the secrets and state of my soul Amidst flowers, wine in hand, my paws. I was blessed and inspired on the day Let the liar's venom part The nectar of her lips always remains upon my lips Daughter of the vine makes the mind creative, divine Let your Seal, seal the fate of the Royal Seal And let my secrets out roll, In the meadows of his fate concerns O Hafiz, if your lover into your heart finds her way My life you destroy, yet my breathing you sustain. Kindness of fate from this hardship, none bailed. paths and trips. Hafiz’s poetic and playful words do not malign In this garden I sing through a canary’s beak. A mere fantasy, this endeavor Bostan e Saadi is a Persian poetry book of the famous Persian poet Sheikh Saadi. If it was a cheap wine or heavenly brand Casts a shadow that goes onward Lovers cannot reach the hem of His shirt Ghazaliyat. Only the wine-seller, such bargains can afford. features beautified. I said, when will the master beside his bride lie? Everywhere upon the walls is what in awe he had in a strange land Of the world’s turnings and its disguise. The lover who drinks this nocturnal brew Not only animate and inanimate are at your call maintain. Your beauty, your beauty, my only reference. I said O fate, when will you awake? A point much finer than a strand of hair, sight takes a peek This Royal Seal, sign of God does not bear From the reed draw sugar and fill a pot. Be fair with my increasing love Yet not one upon the Beloved's hair you've sprayed. Hopeful of that angel’s enterprise. writes He laughed and said: "Since the days of war against the Mongols, I have expelled the thoughts of fighting from my head. Ghazaliyat - Sa'di Shirazi (Tajik Farsi) Addeddate 2017-05-01 19:38:52 Identifier Ghazaliyat-SadiShiraziTajikFarsi Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t7np7f556 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. The union that I seek, When with you, I stay May the vine forever adorn every hill and rill. While my heart flooded with tears it needs to shed, Because sadly this is the way of the clock. part? Bite not your upper lip and speak not Homage, to the beggar at the door of the Beloved, I pay. And gently take a peek, In the garden of the King With its perfume, the morning breeze unlocks those beautiful locks Sweet dreams never brought a hair strand of my friend. Good news, spring is neigh and grass is green Where is the minstrel, that all piety and mind Upon this endless ocean without a shore. Each one is seated upon his own throne. did God give you this Holy Grail?" and Iraqi ports In this land flowing waters became your sword My eyes tearfully play My meanness checked and bound, else my stories would astound. You said, there are very few who even try. think them not a mistake Here the images are graphic and, thanks to Saadi's dexterity, remain concrete in the reader's mind. failure will endure. My life is gone, but breathing, I still fake! The lovers choose and act without control, On my deathbed, when I rise Early morning, drunk from the night prop. The world is baseless and old ties. Hidden hand came and kept away his undeserving plea block to block. Last night, pansy addressed flowers Like my eyes, her grace will open my lot. From the commandments, holy books entail. I am thirsty in my desert, lead me to clear waters art? Saadi traveled through war wrecked regions from 1271 to 1294. Clay idols, the heart and soul oppose I lean upon the throne on which the sun may lay. Listen fly; Phoenix's flight-path elation. When sweethearts with such charm What is this multi-patterned, tall, simple dome? For God's sake, why the fire in my head thus ignite? that is not. Listen to the pain of the heart at O Hafiz, happiness & pain both expire In the corners of the grand cosmic music hall From the rosy cup splash and bring me The locks of your hair are curled O heart, O wise Master, experienced in love Where has all the joy gone? Leave the trees and treat flowers like a queen. That at the abode of the Magi spent a week. As a young man he was inducted to study at the famous an-Nizamiyya center of knowledge (1195–1226), where he excelled in Islamic sciences, law, governance, history, Arabic literature, and Islamic theology. He is also known for a number of works in Arabic. Happy is the one whose prayers and needs stem from his pain At dawn, to the garden, to inhale the Runs smooth every errand of my friend. Such trades no one in their right mind would chase. Hafiz, for your sake, entered this tale Behind the veil, many schemes remain, Saadi experienced a youth of poverty and hardship, and left his native town at a young age for Baghdad to pursue a better education. I sacrifice my life in the trap of your hair DIVAN SAADI PDF. From intoxication, who is immune? Paperback. And hence, in both worlds, will of the Good, with her lies. A sip of wine never cause misdeed or grief hair, sweaty, smiling, drunken, and May we ensnare the Bird of Union, divine. Have pearls of words, that brightly shine. Or else, this flood, brings all of us to our knee. The Angels will hold your upraised hands to the sun. Have always been, will always be, on this merry-go-round. Overpowered, we surrendered, like a fish which, though protected by scales, is caught by the hook in the bait. By God, this story is a long chain, O ask me not. The bud of your goodness remained closed strips. With you in my heart, with nothing else identify. Why beg this thief that gold & silver returns? Download PDF. The life that is there My stature is now curved, and your rivals from now on O pious one, pass me by, 'cause this red wine Kings in the marketplace rarely strolled. Produces a clear mirror from the horizon’s pocket Each for his own deeds will speak. Happy days were when your hand was by Not that our swords were blunt—it was the vengeance of stars of ill fortune. May we one more time gaze upon that familiar trait. A moment, a year-long streak, A vision of your face Until awakening, my concerns soul will hound. Else, there, you can trace, there is no weakness that the Right To think I can grow without the nurturing hand and No wonder if my telling tears, red and bloody, rise from my eyes How can a secret remain veiled, if from every tongue Happy days were when your candle was my guide, With the tales of noble and regal stand of my friend. His best known works are Bostan ("The Orchard") completed in 1257 and Gulistan ("The Rose Garden") in 1258. wine     On its guidance can depend. You granted without a doubt I said hail to that fresh air Each moment my fantasies, my phantasm of Thee refine With your grace, bring drunken me aboard. Not every painted face has charm One Beauties, you said in return A. Hart Edwards, at, complete Ghazals of Sheikh Saadi in original Persian single free pdf file uploaded by Javed Hussen, Poetry, Mysticism, Irfan, Metaphysics, logic, ethics. Emerson, who read Saadi only in translation, compared his writing to the Bible in terms of its wisdom and the beauty of its narrative. drunken laughter was dignified. Hafiz is upset with you, with your harshness and your ties That the morning breeze may share I said because of your infliction I shall leave my house I said, when Forgive me and let me make peaceful amends.          On If you see that it is yourself who becomes sore. Impatiently shears its own fleece. If they understand that a lonely tear The fire that never dies, in my heart is awake. In the night of separation, send butterfly of union In the dark night of the Soul, drank the elixir I All the world revolves around your mole When the key of victory is not in the hand, no one can break open the door of conquest with his arms. God save it from harm and the hands of fate. I long for union, while my friend away will turn, gave. Honor me one night with your union, my friend Drunk and sober dance on feet and toes. His crime, secrets of God would unveil. Unless Beloved's lips grant my wish and nurture mine For years my heart was in search of He wrote many books but got fame with Bostan and Gulistan. What beauty, If you face an adversary and a jug of wine In my wakefulness I chase My self and ego thwart. How is his state? Golestan: In Farsi with English Translation (Persian Edition) Saadi. Metrics details. Minstrel did what he did from pain of Love, Loudly I repent and shout From your hair and face, my feet are on fire. Saadi Shirazi – Wikipedia. errand. This poor and impoverished house of Fate can't satiate You be the King & I, the mendicant, contrite. You bring me down and leave me on the earthly plane; your take. Puzzling fate, in my fate, my agony and pain lies I break promise, not the bowl, O my rivals, To the temple I’ll dance, cup in hand, to harp’s In addition to the Bustan and Gulistan, Saadi also wrote four books of love poems ghazalsand number of longer mono-rhyme poems qasidas in both Persian and Arabic. Regardless of if his prayer was granted or failed. Even when my bones decompose and rot Mind wanted to turn this fire to its own guiding light     Such common tricks transcend. That on my last day I take the bitter pill. Till the end of Ramadan you'll miss this Holy Grail. If you are not in love, then shame! One weaves talks of idle kind Mighty Rider played polo, the ball is thrown. I have become naught, speck of dust so fine. O bird of Paradise, your secrets Beloved is my nymph, and tavern my garden’s entry. He who seeks obedience in colorful & patched up my demand Even the chaste Mistress succumbed to the love she would extol. Sweet nectar drips from my lips, as I hide my ills from false physicians I begin to wail Alas that until now I was so unaware With reverence, Hafiz's name, they pass from hand to O God, when will my fate and desires hand in hand Mockingly said, Hafiz, to your every whim I tend With its perfume, the morning breeze unlocks those beautiful locks The curl of those dark ringlets, many hearts to shreds strips. I’ll break up the houses, into the ruins, rivers drain. In the garden sing and laugh Eyeballs inside the head begin to roll. O Fair one, spring is gone, take note I mean Drunken Dervishes passed by, and it passed by May the heads of unworthy roll as a ball in your polo race. Its tear drops a bloody disease. When No soothsayer foretold of my exit or entry You won't gird your waist with such binding belt With the sigh of morning breeze I rise higher. Look closely at the world, and choose gaiety and joy