3) Quran verse about Prophet’s love for the believers The paragon of virtue and beauty, our beloved Prophet s.a.w. If the wife has spiritual defects or lacks something in her character, then the husband must cover these up and not expose her shortcomings to others. Love in Islam is all encompassing, it promotes healthy and halal relationship between men and women, towards family, friends, and to your neighbor. Answer: Islam teaches us to be truthful and realistic. View Larger Image. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. And he said, “Indeed, I gave preference to the love of good [things] over the remembrance of my Lord until the sun disappeared into the curtain [of darkness].”. Here are some immensely inspiring quotes about love that Islam and some Islamic quotes define and comprehend in the best way. The word(s) "love" appears 93 time(s) in 83 verse(s) in Quran in Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy” [Quran 49:10]. The Free Qur'an is by Sam Voron VK2BVS Australia, 6O0A Somalia. Love in Islam has an all-encompassing, comprehensive and sublime meaning, rather than being restricted to one form only, which is between the two opposite genders of man and woman. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This article will highlight the concept of God’s love in the Qurʾān and Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Baháʼí Faith, taught that God created humans due to his love for them, and thus humans should in turn love God. Falling in Love: Allowed in Islam? You can read and reflect on the Quran quotes on love below. But you love the immediateAnd leave the Hereafter. For example, Fudayl ibn Yasar, a disciple, asked Imam Sadiq whether love and hatred derive from faith. Then he turned you back from them [defeated] that He might test you. your own Pins on Pinterest It is also narrated that Imam Baqir said: "The faith is love and love is the faith. All we have to do is to do good. Questions about Islam and Al-Qur'ān from believers and disbelievers are very welcome. My questions are: Is it allowed in Islam? And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. Today we discuss the Concept of Love in Islam.Love is a mountainous matter mushroomed by people and grew up with them. This book was originally a widely-acclaimed PhD thesis at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Among you are some who desire this world, and among you are some who desire the Hereafter. Materialism does not necessarily mean wealth and hoarding. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return. The Muslim Vibe is a non-profit media platform aiming to inspire, inform and empower Muslims like you. But if it is because of mixing or looking or haraam conversations, then it is also haraam. Humans can love wealth intensely or sacrifice their 'stuff' for a healthy brotherhood. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Beautiful Quranic Verses On Love. And ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded. By equating all believers as brothers, or family, the Holy Quran sets another reminder for us all that we must love one another as part of a wider family of humankind. The “Best Quranic Dua for Marriage” is here. (Quran 2:165) Hence, faith is first mentioned as a necessary component of achieving Love for God. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There is a false image of God as being some Greek God of wrath seeking to hurt and harm those who disobey Him. The Holy Quran stands as a constant reminder to us all on the power of devotion and faith towards Allah – which in turn is often represented through our deep love for God. So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the Hereafter. The direct answer to that question is yes but let’s backtrack a little for some context, what do we mean by a love marriage? Question:What does Islam say about falling in love? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”, Jesus In The Quran: 39 Quran Verses About Jesus. And if only they who have wronged would consider [that] when they see the punishment, [they will be certain] that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment. While "God is great" [Allahu akbar] is a statement of faith, affirmation and expression, "God is love" [Allahu muhibba] is absent from the attributes of God. Love should not and cannot be limited to romantic love or spousal love, and instead should be utilized to help build a society of merciful and respectful brothers and sisters. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. No! We believe that all the Muslim ummah have a right to have easily accessible knowledge. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem, Al-Ketab, Al-Furqan, Al-Maw'itha, Al-Thikr, and Al-Noor. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. And [also for] those who were settled in al-Madinah and [adopted] the faith before them. American Capitol – The Irreversible Effects. And if you turn away from them – never will they harm you at all. Some recite it considering it just a deed. And He has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of bounty for the believers. So as long as they are upright toward you, be upright toward them. Love for the sake of Allah is one of the greatest virtues in Islam. Allah does not love Kafirs. ‘An outstanding work, worthy of praise and esteem for its method, its content and its language.’ H.E. And if two factions among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him]. If you look at the Quran as a most precious thing, then you will have a love for it, but in most cases, people just consider it as a Holy Book and keep it aside without realising the value of it. The essence of love in Islam is expressed by the ethics of reciprocity: treat others the way you love to be treated. God's benevolence and Mercy toward man. "The love of God is the chief attribute of the biblical God as revealed in such places as John 3:16.God has feelings for his creatures, especially man" But when we turn to the Quran, we do not find love presented as the chief attribute of Allah. And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Love for the Prophet Muhammad saw. © Copyright The Muslim Vibe 2019. Allah’s love is far greater than the love any human being can manifest; in fact, it is the greatest love that we can attain. 2. Love for Allah SWT; Love for his Prophet (may peace be upon him). It can be divided into three major things: love to Allah, love to the Prophet, and love to Allah’s creations. "2 The same hadith is narrated from Imam Baqir. And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. In the Quran verses that tell about how Great the love of God towards humans. The Qur’an frequently speaks of God’s plan for diversity, and the goodness of difference as part of this plan. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. The Love of God in the Qur'an and the Bible by John Gilchrist THE LOVE OF GOD IN THE QUR'AN AND THE BIBLE 1. I have compiled a list of Quranic verses that I use for Tafsir study including the word love, affection, and Allah's Name Al-Wadood, The Loving. In an effort to help rekindle, reaffirm, or simply find God and your love for Allah, here are five verses from the Holy Quran on the power and strength of love in faith: “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Ask yourself, honestly, why you are reading it. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful. What is accepted as commonplace in Christianity is a dim reflection in the Qur'an. (2) Love for other humans (3) Man's love for God. Imam replied: "Is faith anything but love and hate? The negative one is the love of Potiphar's wife towards Prophet Joseph which is narrated extensively in the middle part of the sura Yosuf starting at verse 12:23. Love is something that cannot be described in mere words. Send an email to katie{AT}katietokhadijah.com. You can read and reflect on the Quran quotes on love below. The Love of God in the Qur'an and the Bible by John Gilchrist THE LOVE OF GOD IN THE QUR'AN AND THE BIBLE 1. These ayat describe those whom Allah loves, what mankind loves, love between spouses and the concept of lust, just to name a few. Love in Islam – An Overview. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will deny one another and curse one another, and your refuge will be the Fire, and you will not have any helpers.”, And women in the city said, “The wife of al-‘Azeez is seeking to seduce her slave boy; he has impassioned her with love. Usually, we love for the sake of Allah and we hate for the sake of Allah. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. `Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'u'lláh's son, wrote that love is the greatest power in the world of existence and the true source of eternal happiness.The Baháʼí teachings state that all genuine love is divine, and that love proceeds from God and from humans. Life is temporary and life is a test . The Love of God in the Qur'an 3. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts.”. For the purposes of this article, a love marriage is one based on the couple’s own volition. Please consider supporting The Muslim Vibe, from as little as £1 – it will only take a minute. Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Therefore, even fighting against those who do wrongs and injustice should be out of love. Allah does not love this and that and so forth) Within it are men who love to purify themselves; and Allah loves those who purify themselves. The central basis for men to love one another is rooted in the nature of God Himself. It sustains: Love is not to consume but to sustain. "God loves not ..." Words have the power to communicate, but the wrong selection of words can lead to the destruction of families, one’s soul and generations. You can judge what is under control. "God is love." (4) God's love in the negative sense, i.e. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And do not approach them until they are pure. And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love – victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers. And when they meet you, they say, “We believe.” But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Firstly, I will try to discern Islamic perspectives on romantic Love (i.e. This work is thus essential reading not only for Muslims and those interested in Islam and the Holy Qur’an, but for all those interested in the secrets and mysteries of love as such. So if they come to you, [O Muhammad], judge between them or turn away from them. The Love of God in the Qur'an 3. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. Start with Reciting Durood Sharif. There are two instances of love between women and men that are mentioned in Quran, one positive and one negative. Well in this 21th century its easy to find love specially on social media. A mosque founded on righteousness from the first day is more worthy for you to stand in. And some do it to make a comparison between other religious scriptures. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This article is concerned with the issue of love and arranged marriage and to answer the question, is a love marriage allowed in Islam? TMV is a grassroots media platform with an aim to inspire, inform and empower Western Muslims; through powerful and engaging Islamic content. And if it returns, then make settlement between them in justice and act justly. thoughts on love and subsequent matrimony in the Quran) from various cultural perspectives on Love. Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Again recite Durood Sharif. Knowing God's Love through the Holy Spirit . Here you are loving them but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture – all of it. In English and in Arabic. . The negative one is the love of Potiphar's wife towards Prophet Joseph which is narrated extensively in the middle part of the sura Yosuf starting at verse 12:23. Learn the Quranic Alphabet. Topics Quran Collection opensource Language English. This includes your spouse, friends, family, and strangers. hubb) in various contexts. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. “And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” [Quran 2:195]. A Muslim should love his Muslim brothers, but not his blood relatives who are Kafirs. And Allah loves the steadfast. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Allah swt has strictly warned us against “Black Magic ” and “Spells ” . Then ask Allah SWT to help you. If you have come out for jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. The fist type of love that Islam calls for is the Love of Allah (SWT), praise be to Him. Of course, in Islam love is universal and the Prophet of Islam was not sent, "save as a mercy unto all beings" (The Qur'an 21: 107). Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. Sahih International: Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. The Muslim community should be based upon love for one another, as well as love for the good of all people. Can a guy and girl fall in love with one another before marriage? Knowing that we are all returning to Allah together, despite our different tests and nations, can stand as a powerful reminder on the power of loving and respecting one another during our time in this world. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. [They are] avid listeners to falsehood, devourers of [what is] unlawful. That tell about how Great the love of anything else Jannah According to 33.. Fist type of love only shows that love does indeed appear in the Qur'an and the Bible John. 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