Uncheck the 'xxx crosshair' in the mcm, save, then reload the game. Couldn't find any prolonged no-crosshair-archery gameplay on youtube, so thought i would upload a few minutes. [*] Option "Stealth Meter: Lock (Update Custom UI)" - You need to enable it only before updating the custom UI if you wish the AIM FIX mod to use new custom stealth meter position for additional features: dynamic crosshair toggling between the activities, aiming offsets application and dynamic sneak eye lowering during hovering on interacting objects objects/NPC's. You can experiment in combining the AIM FIX mod with some other incompatible mod that hooks the same keys or game events by sacrificing some parts of AIM FIX functionality, so that both mods will work together. As a ranger needs a more flexible camera to make a silent shot in 3rd person, so there is more sneaking camera controls: [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Horizontal - replaces regular horizontal camera position during sneaking. Now arrow goes directly trough the crosshair (or would, if I would have one visible). Noticeable ones: the "Disable Aiming Offsets Application" is enabled by default, so the aiming offsets will not apply until you decide to use them. Note on iHUD + SkyHUD + Customizable UI Replacer + AIM FIX compatibility: 4. Disabling crosshair will not raise the skill ceiling, it will just create a handicap. Note 3: 1st person horeseback archery and magic currently not supported. Remember it's the skyrim.ini in your "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim" folder, not the file in your "Steam/.../Skyrim" folder. [+] Auto-ON for 3rd Person Magic - activates the aiming assist tweaks as soon as you stand on foot with a spell/staff equipped in 3rd person view. I had to clean out everything in my Skyrim because I tried to install a enb and it kinda failed. Also for those who prefer wider FOV the MCM hint (which is appearing below in MCM) contain the way of enabling a separate FOV for 1st person hands to prevent stretched/little weapons in 1st person. You can create the mod translation page only if you translate whole mod description page text without changing/replacing content and links.=============================================================================PROHIBITION FOR OTHER MOD AUTHORS ON REPLICATING THE AIMING OFFSETS FUNCTION:The dynamic aiming offsets application function is an exclusive development that belongs to its creator - NeOniq.If you developing the mod that alters the crosshair position on HUD, you can publish it only if the offset will apply once.Any other mod that will contain a dynamic crosshair position adjustments depending on magic or weapon drawn/sheathed will be moderated by a Nexus staff on my request and then this mod may be blocked based on suspicion of stealing AIM FIX assets.=============================================================================. 3rd/1st person camera switch via mouse wheel will become instant. its own iHUD patch), 5. A bow will not deal its normal maximum amount of damage until finished being fully drawn. Drawn bows can be cancelled by pressing the 'Sheath Weapon' button. As soon as you release the left handed magic attack button the offset for right handed magic will apply. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Simply going from first person to third person without moving the mouse moves the crosshair … It will be added in future versions for Legendary Edition. Also AIM FIX mod now has a stealth meter position absorbtion feature which will be used even if you turn off Custom UI lock mode to use AIM FIX additional crosshair features. Higher means bigger distance overlap at one scroll step. [+] Camera Field of View - Adjusts coverage degree of visible scene. [+] MCM: individual camera and crosshair settings now categorized by the Activity profiles (previously known as the camera profiles): Exploration Activity (no weapon/spell drawn), Ranged Activity and Melee Activity. All rights reserved. Changes: [*] Less operations comparing to vanilla crosshair (only vanilla crosshair will be forced during sneaking since the custom crosshair is always active). Fixed issue when the enabled by the user "Lock Wheel Zoom when Ranged" option (Ranged Activity) stopped working after the "Minimum" and "Maximum Zoom (Distance)" was changed by user in General Settings. Now it works better. 1.5. I've been using Skyrim Realistic Archery, Real Bows SE, and the sound adjustments from Immersive Sounds along with the ini tweaks in the stickied megathread. [+] New option "Process Menus Open/Close Events" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing opening/closing events for some of game menus to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. This is main file which works with other camera mods, like 3PCO. Whiterun Archery Pro Shop is a new store that just opened in Whiterun, which is owned by Les The Hunter.. As one of the most skillful archers in Skyrim, he’s open to sharing his knowledge of archery if you’re keen to hire an instructor. You have to be logged in to download files, AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magic. SkyRe Archery Aim - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: Good day, Today, I finally had the guts to start a fresh installation and use SkyRe to make my new playthrough a little more interesting. 04.12.2020 Re-uploaded AIM FIX Combat Camera with included Russian translation. When is the 3D crosshair going to be fixed for Skyrim? 2.4. The Skyrim.ini tweak itself is in the video description. [*] Aiming offsets: improved handling of magic offsets. If so, plz send the link or something to it. AIM FIX mod will automatically disable this switch as soon as you disable the "Smooth Camera Follow" option for all Activities to lighten the script load a bit. Added AIM FIX automatic standby mode during the intro sequence (Helgen): if you start a new game the AIM FIX will be inactive (including MCM) until you escape Helgen. 2.2. Had a mod moving the stealth UI on the lower left but AGO's moving crosshair created problems. [+] MCM section - Exploration Activity (no weapon/spell drawn/equipped - ex. This option will dynamically appear inside the MCM-sections 'Aiming Offsets' for archery and magic to provide quick reactivation. Value of 100 means that all NPCs become a headshot-snipers, otherwize zero means that they become squint-eyed ;) but they still be able to make 1..2 hits in 10 miss. [+] Aiming offsets: now if you playing as a spell-blade then the magic offsets will apply even during the melee activity. Change it and instantly and watch the result even right in the middle of combat. [+] Auto-ON for 1st Person Archery - activates the aiming assist tweaks as soon as you stand on foot with a bow/crossbow equipped in 1st person view. Initially this switch will be inhibited (grayed out) until "Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI)" is active - that is a default setting. If you have 16:10 screen then the best FOV is 65. This defeats the purpose of using Customizable Camera--you can't customize but … AIM FIX patch for iHUD (or iHUD plus SkyHUD). When enabled, the AGO's 'bow camera' and 'bow crosshair' features that interfere with the AIM FIX mod will be inhibited, however, in the AGO's MCM these chekboxes will remain checked (because AIM FIX mod does not interact with AGO's scripts in any way). The main purpose of Lock Wheel Zoom is to provide preservation of the aiming accuracy offsets, which is useful if you like to disable the aim assist. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Added a new switch "Auto Switch 3rd Person View: Magic Only" in the "Ranged Activity" MCM-section. So when enabled you will get Ranged camera behavior only when you swap spell to a right hand or equip a dual magic. It fixes aiming offsets caused by a customized camera so that the projectiles goes towards the crosshair and not near it. Initially hidden. It sould not happen because vanity must be controlled by other camera mod (like 3PCO) or by INI-settings. [+] New option "Process Movement Keys" - disabling this hook will cause AIM FIX to stop capturing and processing movement keys (default key is 'A' and 'D') to suit needs of some another mod, if you consciously want it. First, don't recommend me Proper Aiming, I have it and it's for third person only. This feature currently supported for "Smooth Camera Follow" and "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" options related to Exploration, Ranged and Melee activity. Immersive HUD (iHUD) + SkyHUD + Customizable UI Replacer, etc). level 2. Note: the words are not written as they appear in the shout menu, instead they're written as they sound in draconic using the font developed for that language. Use the archery practice circles to see the exact dynamics for different ranges. Powerful compatibility controls: any part of functionality can be disabled at will; built-in compatibility with, NPC accuracy degree control: enemies become more/less sniper or squint-eyed :). Also affects how fast the transition from first to third person occurs. Provides total control over the crosshair position for archery and magic to match the hit point shift caused by … when both mods hooks the same keys or game events). Disclaimer: please understand that any hovering issue potentially still may appear during a high script load because the papyrus engine may not transfer an appropriate event into AIM FIX in time. The arrow shoots slightly above the crosshair. No need to update if everything working well for you with 2.2c. This is a modified script which provides camera height sliders down to -100 including sneak camera.Install after the main mod and overwrite or place it lower in the mod list.Patch for non-vanilla start is already included here. Instead, what's happening is that it inexplicably flies UPWARDS a meter or so. [*] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic - previously known in 3PCO++ as a "Spell Blade mode for 3rd person" switch. Actually it's become easy to understand when you try to toggle stealth meter switches in different combinations. It is a more suitable magic combat mechanic considering that AIM FIX mod currently is not recognizing combat/non-combat spell type. So again hit swap side hotkey and watch where the crosshair goes. 1.4. [+] New MCM-section "Advanced Compatibility". Idk if this had been solved already or not. [+] 3rd Person Camera: Sneaking Vertical. Also while it enabled the stealth meter position will be locked and cannot be dynamically changed by AIM FIX. [*] Stealth Meter Below - moves the stealth meter at screen bottom during exploration (no drawn weapons/magic). However, they go off center towards the bottom left of my screen only when my character is sneaking. Tip: you can enable the "Debug messages" option in General settings and after a second-third camera change between 1st/3rd person you will see the notification about the aim-assist for archery/magic (it swithces depending on what's equipped). So disabled fits well realism and hardcore ranged gameplay but it need to be adjusted for each character position, weapon type and camera view. [+] MCM: improved MCM hints (appearing below): now they also contain technical info about specific game parameters being changed (e.g. ;). Left handed offsets will instantly apply on eqip only during spell blade mode. [*] Horizontal camera posotion tweak: position of the melee camera is initially swapped to center despite the actual horizontal value in the MCM is 50 (same as the exploration camera). luckily we have the AIM FIX aiming offsets feature, so if you are a pro shooter then it's your way. Tip on finding the apropriate value for the swapped factor when auto-aim assist is enabled: Simply do the same as described above for auro-aim disabled but with one difference - on the opposite side do another shot (using arrow or spell) and watch where it fall at horizontal axis (how far from the crosshair). Add: [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=XXXXX.0000. So, the custom stealth meter handling is very flexible and conviniently allows you to use any custiom UI mods. I know that the arrow flys a tad bit higher than the cursor and got used to it. "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" option will become grayed out (inhibited) until you enable the "Process Crosshair Hovering Event" again. "Crosshair: Show while Hovering on Objects" options not become grayed out in this case. When shootin… 10. This actions no need to be performed in case if you are activating all mods at once by loading a clean save or starting a new game. Arrows are not accurate to the center pointer. Note that these changes are considered safe, unlike some other Skyrim.ini tweaks. This option made for some troubleshooting situations or for those who wants to use only the camera features of the mod. Fixed v2.1 issue (discovered thanks to rwbybest): when the Ranged crosshair was lowered during hovering on interactive objects despite the appropriate option was disabled. Whiterun. [+] Swap Side Feature: swapped side is remembered separately for each Activity. FOV also will apply once at first mod launch (to override Skyrim.INI setting) and it will fire only after any menu closed by player (favorites, inventory, main menu etc). Provides total control over the crosshair position for archery and magic to match the hit point shift caused by the custom animations and mods. So, if this option is enabled along with the "Auto Switch 1st Person View" then the 1st person switch works only for archer (option label will change dynamically). As you return into game the Tween Menu will auto-toggle rapidly to apply new FOV (only once per FOV value change). Remember it's the skyrim.ini in your "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim" folder, not the file in your "Steam/.../Skyrim" folder. Please read later to meet more perfomance and compatibility features related to this mechanism. So I have a fresh Skyrim and install every mod I had before. Please don't pay attention on the crosshair dissapearings even when it hovered - it's made specially to minimize the script load to almost zeroed. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Saved game cleaning manual on Installing or updating the mod, Everything about Skyrim's auto-aim assist function, AIM FIX - total control over the crosshair for archery and magic. [+] Stealth Meter Lock (Custom UI) - duplicates the one in the Ranged Activity section since this parameter is global and related to each atcivity. AIM FIX Combat Camera mod version history. For both AIM FIX editions. AIM FIX lite - small fixes and optimizations to the scripts. This is clearly not realistic or practical. Skyrim Skill List Teaches a word of power to a shout, words can be found with the "help 4" command and are recognizable by the WOOP tag. AIM FIX Combat Camera - patch for non-vanilla start. User determines how much easy or realistic the aiming will be. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. for any weapon / spell during sheathing / drawing / eqipping (incl. Reverts all changed Skyrim parameters to a vanilla ones, detaches all game's hooked events and hotkeys for current game to be saved, also inhibits all mod functions except one MCM button - "Reset and Restart Mod" (just in case if you change your mind, it's OK all will be fine with your save, you may not worry at all). The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Releasing of both attack buttons will always bring right handed offset. [+] Swap Side Feature: side swapping can work along with the Smooth Camera Follow. [+] Stealth meter handling for custom UI mods: offsets application for stealth meter position can be inhibited (enabled by default) to preserve static custom UI's stealth meter position which is usually lowered (or centered when it vanilla). Fixed issue (discovered thanks to Tony48): when the camera min/max distance (vanity) was not applied once on first game load after Skyrim was fully restarted from desktop, but during the next game loadings all worked. [+] Side Swapped Factor - this parameter is global so it duplicated from the Aim Offsets Archery. Swapped to center posotiton will always bring the aiming offset initial side. This post and the video below shows a Skyrim archery tweak making bow and arrows work much more realistically and intuitively. See about the appropriate MCM-option for spell-blade below at the text: "[*] Melee Camera for Left Handed Magic". I'm on Oculus touch, and the archery feels pretty damn authentic so far - especially with Smilodon installed so I don't have to fill enemies with 30 arrows for them to die. Now the crosshair can be switched dynamically in according with each of the Activity setup and it supports custom UI's stealth meter position. Great archery exp Simple crosshair mod has off-centered sneak eye which may suit. Down MCM opening a certain range or Exploration all iHUD functions compatible with AIM FIX is already active 1. 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