Hajvarr seems to be an exception in this case and subsequently disappears from the game entirely, only to be replaced by a generic bandit chief. Features: Changed Dead Thrall spell limitation from lvl 40 to 100. It is also important to note, that you only receive experience the first time that you are near enemies per spell cast. So far, it appears that he is only killable if you side with the Imperials, as he is otherwise marked essential. This can save a lot of time and money as levels take more casts to level up the higher in skill you are, and trainers require more gold the higher level you are training in Conjuration. Don't just take anyone's advice: Be sure to save before checking if a cell is safe. Once you return from jail, your thrall will turn into a level 53 Volkihar Master Vampire. Some, however, might equip a set of Leather gear. With a thrall, that problem seems to only be exacerbated. So how do you know for sure? So, if you don't like what gear your thrall has, just take all of its gear and then go through a loading zone. The Flame and Frost thralls each receive additional health and a fortified healing effect over their 60 second version counterparts. She uses Frost spells for damage, and comes equipped with a healing spell, ward, and mage armor, as well as a few more spells. You do not need to revisit the previous area to look for your dead thrall because he or she sometimes forgets how to use doors and is now missing. After the completion of Season Unending, Elenwen is removed of her "Essential" tag, meaning she can be killed. Casting Dead Thrall raises the dead body of most humanoid beings (Men, Mer, and Beastfolk) whose level is 40 or under to \"permanently\" fight alongside the Dragonborn. Once on the other side, the bug will be in effect. It really is wonderful to talk to other people of a like mind. This however is not the case. Nothing terribly unique about him. The only cities with NPCs that are affected by this are: The process itself is actually very easy. Most enemies in the game have very little armor rating, so this isn't a huge problem, but it should be taken into account all the same. Sacellum of Boethiah is located just Southeast of Windhelm. To get around this, if holding the button doesn't activate the quick "follower interact with" function, just look away from them and release the activate button. DOES IT!?!" Notify me about new: Guides. He's always within melee range, so his frost cloak is almost always adding small amounts of damage on top of that. a door). Life keeps on moving and priorities shift. As well, most named NPCs have a script that erases them after a … These items are tagged with a permanent flag and do not disappear from the game. The only way to make them wait is by swinging a hard object really fast at them until they fall over. If you have a horse, like Frost or Shadowmere, you can cast Soul Trap on it as well if you don't have access to a corpse. Unfortunate, I know. He appears as a radiant quest, so his location may vary, but usually appears on the roads near Nilheim, which is just East of Ivarstead on the other side of the lake. Wait at least 11 days (although 30 days is preferable). But now, thanks to the Permanent Corpse Exploit, these thralls can be permanent too. In the world of Skyrim, almost all NPCs are level locked. Stuck at lvl 33 I plan to level past this soon and perma thrall Ulfric, at the moment though Im going round getting strong npc's, because soon ill reach the Thrall cap, and some thralls, even past 40 are thrallable if you meet them earlier (the only ones I wasnt able to thrall … "That spell looks dangerous." These thralls may not be permanent, but they offer something unique to the player, whether it be unique voice clips, exceptionally strong powers, or whatever else. As such, most NPCs do not fall into this category and will more than likely be in one of the first two. Atronach thralls come in three types: Flame Atronach, Frost Atronach, and Storm Atronach. Makes a great table decoration. He is also a chatty Cathy, so he may grate on your nerves quicker than other thralls. These times can be doubled if the respective perks in the Conjuration tree are taken. The exception to this is Vampires. With added command functions, equipping items and even sneak. He was not and subsequently disappeared from my game after I left the area for 24 hours. This is the second quest in the Dark Brotherhood quest line. Well, if you have a dead thrall, you'll hear it quite a bit. So, now you are saying to yourself, "There's no point to use anything other than Dead Thrall". There are some corpses that have weird behavior if left alone for 30 days, and tends to mostly affect thralls that were initially hostile to the player. I mentioned this earlier, but it is the reason why many players prefer dead thralls. they will turn into an ash pile after their time has expired. You will also be able to purchase from Phinis, the Storm Thrall spell, the Frost Thrall spell, and most importantly the Dead Thrall spell. Now, when the Atronachs are compared to dead thralls, well, there really isn't much comparison if you have beefed up your thralls with armor and weapons and if you have picked a strong human to thrall. "UUUUHHHHHHHH".... "UUHHHHHHHHHHH".... "UUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH"... "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH". The Flame Atronach does not possess this ability. Okay. The best way to do this is: If they are still there, and you have patch 1.9, congratulations, that corpse is more than likely permanent. If you want the health bonus from Dark Souls, then you'll need to either kill them and re-thrall them each time you enter in a new area or take their robes away and let them run around in boots only. Before Thralling her, make sure to talk to her and complete the small unmarked side quest for a total of 6 level increases to Archery. He usually opens the encounter with a mage armor spell and then follows it up with thunderbolt or incinerate until an enemy gets close. There's a couple exceptions to this rule. No? The ability to freely summon whenever and wherever, as well as not having to worry about re-thralling, since they are always the same when you summon them, is a huge benefit. Yep, horses. Elemental Potency, summons the more powerful Potent Thrall. He's a bit more deceptive than one initially perceives, as, yes, he does stop leveling at 28, but he also has relatively high HP for his level. If you are confused as to why I listed five pieces as being able to worn at the same time, here's why: For whatever reason (a bug obviously and still works as of patch 1.9), the game allows you to equip certain Helmets and a Circlet at the same time. This let's you bypass directly talking to them, and then having to cycle through dialog options. The quest Toying with the Dead will take you through here. if so i would be willing to get thrown into cihdna mine for that. After a day, her body is taken to the Hall of the Dead so it is possible to pick her up there. It is, a fair trade, I think. The first way would to hold off entirely on interacting with the book until you want the skill point. If you are having trouble finding an item, you can use the trick from above to reload a vendor's inventory. You can kill a thrall by activating them and selecting Deanimate instead of having to kill them yourself. Take note of the box when you purchase a level in a skill. Once you have found a set of armor that you like, you can now enchant it. If you are level 20, and your thrall is able to be at level 20, it will be. The last thing you'd want to happen is to lose a corpse and possibly some items. A Forsworn Axe or Sword will both work. Please read the next three paragraphs about permanent thralls. This isn't necessarily bad, because if the thrall is actually thralled, they will not disappear after any amount of time (unless you happen to play the game for over 20,000 hours with the same thrall). It is very agile, prefers to stay at range when fighting enemies, and uses a different tactic when fighting close range encounters. Reviews. When a thrall is killed under most circumstances, an "aura whisper" effect ; will be applied to them to help you find them. Also, I'm not perfect, so if you see something wrong, correct me. Generally regarded as one of the better Thralls. If you want to contact me with questions, comments, suggestions on what to add, punctuation corrections, information corrections, or whatever else, please do so through a private message. Now that you know how to categorize dead NPCs, you will know what to look for. I'd rather have you tell me that I have wrong information, than me misleading people that are here looking for information. It's important to note, however, that your thrall generates their gear from a table, commonly referred to as a loot table or gear table. They will however, almost always switch to melee when the enemy is close enough to hit them with their melee weapon. Hey! Personally, I don't really pay attention to it, as I can only do one thing at a time. Fast travel back to the city where you killed the NPC. She is only permanent if grave robbed. You'll need to keep her thralled for a while, at which point she will become permanent. Classified as a "Citizen" and level capped at 1 (read: terrible stats), she seems to be more for decoration or fodder for the enemy. If you already have it set up to where you're casting Soul Trap on your horse, then the extra footwork spent obtaining these books will likely take you a lot more time to get your Conjuration to the same point. All you need to worry about is having enough magicka to cast the spell. Once completed, Illia will be available as a follower. An easier way to acquire a skill book without reading it is to have your follower pick the book up for you. She's able to reach a level of 46, so one must be careful if wanting to thrall her, as the max level you will be able to thrall someone is level 40. After entering Darklight Tower the player will receive a quest to help Illia. He makes an interesting thrall as he doesn't moan and he glows a ghostly transparent blue. From there go directly North to Wolfskull Cave. He will give you a quest to find a Sigil Stone and also a Summon Unbound Dremora spell. However, if you are near an enemy, you will gain experience every time you recast the spell. He's probably the most unique follower in that he has over 30 unique lines while thralled (and alive) and he will spontaneously dance. I saved the worst for last. Possible Bug - Dead Thrall . It's also important to note the biggest differences between the permanent thrall and the 60 second version. What it does mean though, is that your low level thrall will be merely a punching bag and more than likely, you'll have to pick them up after some battles. This is a random encounter and after dispatching the Cultist, the player can then loot a book off of the Cultist's corpse which. Thralls level up with you as you level up, up to their maximum level. She relies on her Flames spell for damage, so she'll just kind of be, "there", instead of killing stuff. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. If you are having trouble keeping your thrall alive, consider changing the difficulty to a higher setting. A warrior that also makes a better house decoration than companion. Also take note that health is estimated as I have been unable to find any information regarding this. When you pick up a skill book, it will first open up to the title page, at which point it will grant you a skill point. Your mileage may vary if you are running a different patch. Usually these permanent thralls that were hostile towards the player, go back to their original area in which they spawned. The thrall gets additional health, an additional attack, and a fortified healing buff. It seems that they tend to choose Staves >>> Ranged >>> Melee. After the 30 days passed and I proceed back to my house, and then passed by said Briarheart, casually walking down the street of Windhelm. With any other spell (Raise Zombie, etc.) When the Flame thrall is at range, it relies on Firebolt to do damage. I checked, and saw thralls fast traveled like horses. I still hang around on the boards, so say "Hi" sometime. Why? First off, huge props to masterpug53 for discovering this method. Multiple radiant quests can take you through this dungeon, but only one quest will actually have you traveling through here. Attack the vendor until they become hostile. It's just the way that it is. Cheats. Check the. Unfortunately, the Storm thrall really doesn't get to bask in all it's glory because of the aforementioned bug, but despite that, it is still very usable and arguably the strongest Atronach even without the increased health. He is the self-proclaimed leader of the skeeversbeneath Whiterun. The use of "Dead Thrall" on targets up to level 200. The point I'm making is, any Atronach thrall that you summon will not annoy you with their constant and incessant yammering about the lack of you allowing them to sit in a chair and rest for a while. Go away and stop following me! Needs to be tested if she will actually use these while thralled. Finally, duping these items seems to remove the "permanent" flag from the newly duped item, so while one could use glitches to obtain a numberless amount of items, it wouldn't matter since the game won't consider them permanent. I am fairly sure that any other NPC listed in the permanent section, is in fact permanent, but I have yet to test it. In short, Grave Robbing ensures corpses are treated like corpses. The items that you can enchant with Conjuration reductions are: A Grand Soul gem filled with a Grand Soul is preferable, but these can be expensive or hard to get at a low level. And the Ebony Blade, slaying people that trusted you to empower the. He's completely silent outside of a few battle lines. Annoying, to say the least. That means, repeatedly casting your Bound Sword spell and the sheathing it, will NOT grant you any experience. The player definitely has to micro-manage a lot less. This alone is a great benefit that Atronach thralls have over dead thralls. Any other important notes regarding the permanency of the thrall will be listed right under their name too (like how Rigel disappears after 30 days, or if a NPC needs to be grave robbed). ! Each body was stayed around for at least 7 or 8 days with patches 1.2 and below, which made keeping thralls a lot easier. He will switch to a weapon when the enemy gets right in his face, but if he can help it, he relies solely on his Flames spell for damage. Finally, you may have also notice that Cicero has unique clothes. Unique in the fact that when he dies, a shade will spawn which may or may not be hostile towards the player. So far, the most noticeable problem with keeping thralls is having them disappear. By repeatedly tooling around four different encounter points on the southern part of Solstheim (barely E of Raven Rock, then south of Highpoint Tower, then south of the Ramshackle Trading Post, then back to south of Attius Farm, then repeat the loop), the Mogrul's thugs encounter spawned roughly 1-in-4 times, and I walked away with at least 3 copies of the note every time I visited the island. You may have noticed it with one of your followers already. They'll equip higher grade materials first, even if it provides a lower armor rating (might be fixed with 1.9). If you've played the game for a little while, you'll probably have noticed a common theme; the only elements represented in the game are fire, ice, and electricity. It also has available to it, huge amounts of melee damage, which is a bit of a slap in the face to the Frost thrall, as it is intended to be the melee type. That quest is Pieces of the Past, which you receive from Silus Vesuius (P) in Dawnstar. At least, that's what I take "UUUUHHHH" to mean. Dead thralls give new meaning to the phrase "Pack Mule", since they can hold (theoretically) an infinite amount of items. Enemy on fire takes an additional 10% of damage per second. Although I'm not sure if this is an isolated incident on my end. I started a new Fallout 4 game a while back and used the "moveto" command to see what was happening with various people/places before the appropriate quest lines … Let me explain. When they do, it will be placed into their inventory. How do you feel about having that repeated over and over and over? If the player is below level 58, then the Champion will be at level 38. Vasha makes a great rug or mount over the mantle. Now just point the cursor at the book and tell them to take it. Repeat the process if you don't see what you want (although you don't have to save it if you didn't buy anything). Particularly, I've never witnessed them unable to cast magick, so I'm assuming that magick is treated more so as an ability rather than magick that requires magicka, at least with regards to how magicka is treated with the player or other NPCs. Certain Helmets and Circlets, however, do not de-equip each other, so you can have two pieces of head gear equipped at the same time. Old people are apparently classified as a race named "Elder", instead of Nord or any other race. A Brenton Conjurer found in Rimerock Burrow. There. There's just a small problem that can sometimes hold Orchendor back though; When enemies get close, he falls back to Frostbite. They will always receive 15% damage no matter what your numbers say so you will just ash your thralls eventually anyway. The NPCs are programmed with poor pathing AI, so that means anytime you jump over a rock, they will have to find a way around. At higher levels, it takes a lot more time to increase your skill, but trainers cost a lot more money. Taking the Necromage perk in the Restoration tree will allow you to thrall level 48 vampires. I had to change my britches the first time I saw this because I had zero armor on since I had been smithing stuff (weaning smithing gear), and I had no weapons equipped. So what is Grave Robbing? Now there are certain caveats to this. So a Master trainer, who can train you to a higher level, will not charge you more gold than a Common trainer will. Overall though, he does very well as a thrall since his initial AI is set to cast high-damaging spells from far away. Unique in the fact that Sain is currently (that I know of) the only named Dremora that can be thralled. Help! Just click Contact Information to be taken to the section with my details. As long as I don't loot the mail off of him I should be fine....unless he levels up with me. But if you are looking to fast track your way through Conjuration, I've got some tips to make it easier. Okay, just kidding. It appears that at least one of his attacks has a chance to do extra damage, which isn't necessarily noted by anything particular that I could tell. Orchendor as a Dead Thrall . The "I" in the word "In" is actually a lower case "L". On the contrary actually, I'd say that they are useful for a few different reasons. On the flip side, this poses a predicament for the player that wants to keep multiple thralls, as leaving a thrall unattended for just a short period of time will see in their total departure from the game. If they are there, you have a permanent corpse (probably). Are Forsworn thralls and any NPC that was added by Dawnguard. So if you've smithed an Elven Dagger to a very high amount of damage, but you just gave your thrall a un-smithed Ebony Dagger to hold on to, your thrall will equip the Ebony Dagger that does less damage. A fire thrall, for example, has low health but is smaller and quicker, thus presenting a harder-to-hit target. You actually gain an entire level, meaning if you're bar is halfway filled with experience, purchasing a skill increase will start you at the same part in the experience bar on the next level. (Master) Dead Thrall would be lvl 41+ In this scenario if you use Raise Zombie on a level 15 enemy it wont work, to raise that enemy you would need to use Reanimate Corpse. But yeah, they're not good at fast-travelling, so Waiting will help. Carefully evaluate … She does however, know quite a few spells including: Ironflesh, Magelight, Multiple Destruction spells, three different wards, and a healing spell. The first thing to check, is their permanency. So if you want to add something, PM me and if I can put it in, I will. Go somewhere far away and wait 30 in game days. Some stats listed below have a tilde ( ~ ) next to the number. Generally, higher leveled spells will give you more experience in Conjuration. Thankfully, this really is rare (I've yet to experience it and there are rarely topics regarding it) and you more than likely won't experience it, especially if you have the latest patch. Flustig. The Shrine to Peyrite is located Southeast from Bthardmaz. The mages are all found in the castle in each town or in the Mages Guild in Winterhold. Once the game reloads, the vendor will have different items. Mages, for example, almost always spawn in robes. Old Orc can only be found in a random encounter, so actually coming across him may prove quite arduous. Your thralls will make use out of shields and dual wielding. to stay in one place or they're attacking a friendly NPC and you need them to stop. You can do this an infinite amount of times, but don't expect a whole lot of difference between their gear. The only attack that I could reliably notice this extra damage on was its Slam move. I shot him before he even got close enough to speak. This is the second quest in the Dark Brotherhood quest line. They will equip any shield that you give them, regardless of enchantments or material. First and foremost, you now have a friend. HOWEVER, saving these books will likely only save time if you aren't grinding your Conjuration skill on a corpse or a horse. I may occasionally post small updates to this guide, but bigger updates are more unlikely to happen. Currently, I have listed in the sections below, all of the thralls that I know are permanent. I initially thought that he was going to be really awesome, as he proceed to decapitate my thralls. Wait, what? Simplicity at it's finest. That's right, the Flames spell that does a meager 8 points of damage. From there you will have to find the rings that are in the Arcanaeum, and then bring them back to the gauntlet, placing them in the correct sequence to spawn Sain. In keeping with the theme from above, keeping a thrall may try your patience, since you will continually hear these sentences. It also has a Flame Cloak that does 10 damage a second to any enemy at close range, and an extra 10% damage per second when the enemy is on fire. Mainly from Skill books found through out the world, here are some locations for getting some easy points. Any cell that does not reset can be used to store thralls, items, and equipment. You did it! This is useful to all characters, but probably more so to a Ranged character or a Mage. If you plan on saving your skill books, then DO NOT PICK UP ANY SKILL BOOKS. They ask for gold for each skill increase, and it only gets more expensive the higher your skill is. Also include are Unique Non-Permanent Thralls. You can just keep playing around with it for a little while to see what they spawn in. He says nothing unique and constantly moans. That means you will only be able to thrall him when YOU are level 34 or below. Get Orchendor. So what's the problem? That means if you don't encounter her until after level 40, you won't be able to thrall her. I used a 100 damage axe, a 25 damage sword, and a 9 damage dagger to test amount of health, on Adept (normal) difficulty. After you defeat it, summon it again. This allows players to use any NPC that is dead, provided that the thrall is at a level low enough to be thralled. You're wandering Skyrim and decide that you'll check on your follower, only to notice that they are nowhere to be found. ALL. TP > OoT = MM > ST = SS = tWW > TFH > ALBW = PH > BOTW = MC > OoA > OoS > LA > FSA > FS > LoZ > AoL >>> aLttP, Vorstag is a perfect candidate for the Blades. Thirdly, NPCs that spawn with items that are already enchanted (except for Mages' robes), tend to never equip them. Unique to the Flame thrall. So, if you travel into a town, it can be beneficial to your sanity to get into a habit of killing your thralls by casting Conjure Familiar or any other type of summoning spell ( any of the "cloak" spells in the Destruction tree works too, but only if you don't have Dawnguard installed). Also, that's a really specific dream to have. So do you try to get all the levels you can early on for cheap? The Atronach version (the 60 second spell) gets around a 65% increase to its max health, while the Thrall version only gets around a 33% increase. These are the only damaging elements you can put on your weapons, these are the only damage reducing enchantments you can put on your gear (not counting the general magic reduction), these are the only magical attacks enemies will use, and these are the only damaging magical attacks that you can use. This apparent randomness makes him an interesting choice, as his attacks aren't all that strong to begin with, but he has the potential to fill his "heavy bruiser" archetype accordingly. My goal is to gather as much information regarding the aspects of thralling, and contain it in one simple guide. And be sure to yell out, "DOES IT LOOK DANGEROUS NOW!?! Thought NPCs can even trigger the respawning of 24 hour corpses that after. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details a. Of 1.6, it can be received from Aventus Aretino in Windhelm are! Only witnessed these hostile corpses respawning, and subsequently disappeared from my game after I left the for. Affects a global damage modifier Ranged > > Ranged > > melee in robes is how dangerous looking spell.: //www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/65350682 care managing your saves before loading them up with thunderbolt or Incinerate until an enemy, to experience. 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