After every shot try to always recover to the middle of the court; this will, literally, position yourself for success. As they dart forward it becomes very challenging to change direction and get behind the ball to return it. As a beginner, you can get started with the blue one to get the bounce quickly. Share Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Email. Serious Squash offers a training video called Secrets of Solo Hitting that gives you tons of solo hitting drills. Learn these basic shots and build a foundation for yourself. All the terms and words used in squash that you need to know. They will have to let the ball drop in the corner, which is a particularly difficult shot to return as a beginner. Red: Medium. Here are a few squash shots that will help you take your beginner game to another level. … These are the shots you should spend good time practising until you can execute when the time is right during a match. Squash for Beginners. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rail Shot. It began in the 19th century and was originally called squash racquets, to distinguish it from the game of racquets. A boast is a fast way to wrong foot the other player, and get them lunging into the front corners. Quick as it can be, you do have time in squash. It is also known as the good length shot. It is always better to start with the more basic strokes. Here are some useful tips and ways to improve your shots. Volley. As a beginner, it might be difficult to understand what strokes to learn and when. The next thing that you need is squash balls. Posted on March 31, 2019 by Peter Heywood. 1. The ball rebounds softly staying close to the front wall or side wall. Terms used in Squash. The lob shot is played high against the front wall with just enough force to rebound high over the heads of the players, making it fall into the back of the court. Here your opponent may move closer, expecting a more gentle shot, like the drop shot, only to find out that a more aggressive shot has been played over their heads, sending them to the back of the court. Straight Drive. The ball can reach speeds of up to 170mph and players can burn off up to 1000 calories per hour of squash - higher than most other sports. The boast can be used as an attacking shot or defending shot. It is hard for other beginner squash players to hit shots that are so close to the wall. A sneaky shot off the side wall into the corner that has no more force than needed to reach the front wall may be all that’s required. It is one of the basic squash shot where the ball has to be hit parallel and close to one of the side walls to travel deep back of the court. It involves hitting the ball parallel and close to the side wall, so that it travels to the back wall of the court, hence making it travel a good length. Drop shots. It can bring your opponent to the front, which permits you to return their shot using the straight drive. This is because the’ T’ is the ideal position on the Squash court. The purpose behind this shot is to keep the ball in play and to keep your opponent as far away from the’ T’ as possible. Tag Archives: Squash Shots Squash in Sixty Seconds. A boast can be two walled or even three-walled. When hitting drop shot, the ball is hit softly to the front wall with the goal of making it fall softly to the floor in the front corner. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Learn more about the rules that govern how squash should be played. The court of squash is smaller than the court of racquetball. Different types of shots in squash. For beginner players, it’s good to almost think of the “T” as your home and while ever you are in your home then it’s difficult for anyone else to get in. In squash, there are some shots which help keep you in the rally and then there are shots which deal a killer blow to your opponents and can win you the point. This is one of the most powerful squash shots! By always being around the “T”, you’ll be better positioned to hit the next ball. In this essential beginner’s guide to squash, players who are new to the game will learn a mixture of technical and tactical tips that will help them make giant leaps forward. A defensive lob shot would be useful if you were positioned near the back of the court and the ball was too tight too the corner for a straight drive. Squash for Beginners aims to introduce beginner players to the game of squash with helpful information and tips on rules, equipment, technique and safety. This way, you get a chance to move towards the’ T’, which will put you in a better position on the court. Learn about the equipment needed to play squash. It is always better to start with the more basic strokes and build on that. By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club So what it is ‘the primary purpose of a squash shot’? There are 5 different types of squash balls, with the colour implicating the speed of the ball. Below I’ve listed some of the basic squash shots that you’ll find are most commonly used in the game of squash.