Youth who are tempted to smoke, drink, or take drugs should be aware, not only of the spiritual danger of disobedience to God’s commandments, but of how difficult it can be to stop taking harmful substances after one has become … President Joseph Fielding Smith said: âSuch revelation is unnecessary. 1837 Seventies quorum in Kirtland, Ohio, enforces Word of Wis- All who humble themselves and come to the Lord may become Saints, and in Doctrine and Covenants 89:3 the Lord assures us that all Saints can obey the Word of Wisdom. âAnd so the evidence piles up. "In 1833 the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith a plan for healthy living. Any reasonable reader would understand that to be the pla… This topic is found in Doctrine and Covenants … 18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; 19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; 20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. (Grains) It sounds just like eating meat, to only eat grains in times of famine and excess hunger. It … In 1851 President Young proposed to the general conference of the Church that all members formally covenant to keep the Word of Wisdom. A. When used to bathe an injured part of the body, alcohol performs a service for which it was intended. Does that help? Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, February 27, 1833. It seems I and others stop reading at verse 12 of Doctrine & Covenants 89. The Lord has said that he has not given a temporal commandment at any time. The blessings of obedience are much greater than just physical health (see D&C 76:5â10). âYou remember how insidiously they launched their plan. The purpose of the Word of Wisdom is more spiritual than physical. It is not necessary to be commanded in all things. 6 And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make. The Word of Wisdom in Mormon Scriptures. Lawsuits against American tobacco companies in the last part of the 20th century made it clear that owners and employees of these companies conspired to hide the dangers of their products. Comments and feedback can be sent to Amazing! It is regularly taught and referenced at Church. Obedience is the condition on which all blessings are predicated (see D&C 130:20â21). Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. The 1921 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants included an additional comma, which was inserted after the word “used” in D&C 89:13: “And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.”. It is true that it enjoins the use of deleterious substances and makes provision for the health of the body. Doctrine & Covenants Section 89 is known as the "health code" for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The "Word of Wisdom" is the common name of an 1833 section of the Doctrine and Covenants, a book considered by many churches within the Latter Day Saint movement to consist of revelations from God. 1961, p. 46). âIn another revelation (Sec. (Doctrine and Covenants 89:3) This allowed time for Church members to adjust to the principles contained in the revelation. Obedience to these basic tenets of the Word of Wisdom is expected of every Church member, and is requisite for entering an Latter-day Saint temples and serving in leadership positions. Lately I have been contemplating the Word of Wisdom. Spiritual power comes to all who conquer their appetites, live normally and look upward to God.â (Program of the Church, pp. 39â40. The line of demarcation between the temporal, or physical, and the spiritual, cannot be definitely seen. With modern preservation techniques, today it is possible to enjoy nearly every food âin the season thereofâ all through the year. Grains are good as food for people and as feed for animals. Bit by bit, piece by piece, a great mass of evidence is accumulating to substantiate from a purely scientific viewpoint the words of the Lord that âtobacco is not for the body.â Nicotine in large quantities can take over the nervous system, causing severe convulsions. There is a good deal of evidence, according to A. R. Lindesmith and A. I. Strauss, that in general, nonsmokers are more prone to be âsteady and dependable, hard workers, with stable marriages,â and that they have statistically less difficulty with marriage than do smokers. I’m reading D&C 89:14-15, All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth.And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. The Word of Wisdom is found in Doctrine and Covenants 89:4-9: . Some of the early Brethren explained what was meant by this phrase. 1918, p. 40). An official statement by the Churchâs leaders reads: âWith reference to cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken a position on this matter, but the leaders of the Church have advised, and we do now specifically advise, against the use of any drink containing harmful habit-forming drugs under circumstances that would result in acquiring the habit. Excellent! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. However, the Book of Mormon shows that the Word of Wisdom was not only a response to Joseph’s own time and place but also drew on more … ), President J. Reuben Clark Jr. said of verse 21: âThis does not say and this does not mean, that to keep the Word of Wisdom is to insure us against death, for death is, in the eternal plan, co-equal with birth. 3. Their minds will also be healthier, and they will receive wisdom and treasures of knowledge. Our usual editor's commentary on this subject is at the end. Like other scriptures, we rely on guidance from living prophets to help us to know how Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 should be applied in our time. Discovering the Word of Wisdom Access Free Doctrine And Covenants Compendium SmithThe Improvement EraWrestling the AngelLiahonaThe Word of Wisdom Food PlanImprovement Era The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? The phrase “Word of Wisdom” is used in two distinct ways in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. With the guidelines the Lord has given in this revelation, we should have little difficulty in determining both what and how much we can wisely eat. Spoiled meat can be fatal if eaten, and in former times meat spoiled more readily in summer than winter. What is Section 89. We condemn violence and lawless behavior, including the recent violence in Washington, D.C. and any suggestion of further violence. Love it! 14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth; 15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. Although the first meaning of “Word of Wisdom” is most important, this page (and the entire Discovering the Word of Wisdom website) are dedicated to an exploration of the second meaning. The first is the most important, as it is a standard of worthiness set by Latter-day Saint Church leaders for all Latter-day Saints. You know what it is and can read it at your leisure.â (In Journal of Discourses, 12:158.). (verses 5–9) 2. This is the eternal decree. Any beverage that contains ingredients harmful to the body should be avoided.â (Priesthood Bulletin, Feb. 1972, p. 4. during policy that Latter-day Saints who know the Word of Wisdom and choose not to obey it are not denied fellow-ship but generally are not called to official positions in the Church. 16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground—. When they assembled together in this room after breakfast, the first they did was to light their pipes and, while smoking, talk about the great things of the kingdom and spit all over the room, and as soon as the pipe was out of their mouths a large chew of tobacco would then be taken. 1 A Word OF Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion “All grain is good” and is ordained to be the “staff of life.” (verses 14, 16). While the commandments have effect upon the body and temporal things they are all in essence spiritual. 21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. The phrase Word of Wisdom is used at least two different ways in religion.. Mormonism []. Every investigator is taught these principles. Many scientific and technological advances are attributable to the new light and knowledge poured out on the world since the restoration of the gospel. I have written more on this here: The MormonThink writers have found this essay to be a very informative and interesting view on some of the details regarding the Word of Wisdom that most Latter-day Saints may not be aware of. As individuals overcome their addictions and keep the commandments, the Lordâs blessings of self control and spiritual strength make it that much easier for them to continue to obey the Word of Wisdom. A year or two passed and soon they were brazen enough to show the lady on the screen or on the billboard smoking the cigarette. â¦, ââParents meekly submit to this and later deplore the fact when their children are hopeless cigarette addicts.ââ (In Conference Report, Oct. 1949, pp. 185â86.). Sections 15â16, Revelations to John Whitmer and Peter Whitmer Jr. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: “My Work Shall Go Forth” Martin Harris was promised that he could be one of the witnesses of the gold plates if he was faithful [and humbled himself]. 1. Keeping the Word of Wisdom is a part of that worthiness. The School of the Prophets and the Word of Wisdom Purpose To help the children understand and desire to live the Word of Wisdom. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! As serious as the physical dangers are for using tobacco, the spiritual dangers, especially for members of the Church who know the law, are even more serious. Christ invites all to come unto Him and denies none (see 2 Nephi 26:32). (by Suzanne Armitage) Section 89of the Doctrine & Covenants (D&C), also known as the Word of Wisdom, is a revelation appertaining to the health and strength of our physical bodies. Doctrine and Covenants 89. According to the Doctrine and Covenants, it's the easiest thing to obey. The following essay is reprinted (with permission of the author) in it's entirety from Jim Whitefield. So I say, every commandment involves a spiritual growth. Strength of body, including resistance to contagion, is a result of wise living. The Word of Wisdom is a health code included in the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture used by Latter-day Saints. Bishops and stake presidents are responsible for determining whether members are worthy to receive Church ordinances such as baptism or those available in the temple or to enter the temple to receive ordinances for others. Modern methods of refrigeration now make it possible to preserve meat in any season. This straightforward interpretation has, in fact, been the one most commonly used by Latter-day Saints who … 10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—. Social settings where prohibited substances are served remind both members of the Church and others that this principle sets member of the Church of Jesus Christ apart in distinct ways. That plan is found in the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants and is known as the Word of Wisdom. With over 450 references, The Word of Wisdom: Hope, Healing, and the Destroying Angel is a fresh look at Doctrine and Covenants 89 according to the scriptures, modern prophets, and scientific research. The Word of Wisdom allows us to know that the Lord is vitally concerned about the health of His Saints. The key word with respect to the use of meat is sparingly (D&C 89:12). What is 1830? Obedience to the Word of Wisdom, keeping the âtemple of Godâ undefiled (1 Corinthians 3:16), invites the Holy Ghost to help us resist the temptations of the world. The commandment mentions substances that are not to be consumed, as well as other basic tenets of living a healthy life. The Word of Wisdo… But the largest measure of good derived from its observance is in increased faith and the development of more spiritual power and wisdom. Likewise, the most regrettable and damaging effects of its infractions are spiritual, also. One Latter-day Saint physician noted the effects of tobacco on the body: âTime and time again the medical and psychological sciences have brought forth evidence which points toward the destructive nature of the cigarette. Injury to the body may be comparatively trivial to the damage to the soul in the destruction of faith and the retardation of spiritual growth. We will learn by this faithful observance that the promises of the Lord are fulfilled.â (Improvement Era, Feb. 1956, pp. 78â79.). During his address, President Brigham Young arose and proposed that all Saints formally covenant to abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, whiskey, and âall things mentioned in the Word of Wisdomâ (âMinutes of the General Conference,â Millennial Star, 1 Feb. 1852, p. 35). But there is a far more important kind of knowledge with which Latter-day Saints are also concerned. There is one punctuation difference in the revelation commonly known as the "Word of Wisdom", that introduces a significant change in meaning. HC 1: 327-329. 8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–7, 11, 16, 23–24. The full text of the Word of Wisdom can be found in Doctrine and Covenants, section 89. I believe we would be greatly blessed by heeding this counsel, but we are each responsible for discovering how it applies to us as individuals. This is one of the messages he gave. Vegan may not be for everyone, but meat reduction certainly helps the environment. Section 89. Mormon, Word of Wisdom, Doctrine and Covenants 89, meat, health, environment, animals. [1 Corinthians 15:22; 2 Nephi 9:6.] âOver the earth ⦠the demon drink is in control. The Word of Wisdom is a basic law. âSome have stumbled over the meaning of this expression and have argued that grains and fruits should only be used in the season of their growth and when they have ripened. We have learned this from modern revelation. These âGod hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of manâ (v. 10). Section 13, The Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. All who humble themselves and come to the Lord may become Saints, and in Doctrine and Covenants 89:3 the Lord assures us that all Saints can obey the Word of Wisdom. Self-control is developed. ), Elder John A. Widtsoe explained: âThe phrase âin the season thereof,â referring to fruits and vegetables, has raised much speculation. Prayerfully study Doctrine and Covenants 88:77–80, 118, 122–127; the historical accounts given in this lesson; and Doctrine and Covenants 89. You have to go twenty percent points higher up the graph to find Utah, the state that has produced more scientists born within its borders per capita than any other state in the American Union. Is this the way you think it is what it is saying? Meat has more calories than fruits and vegetables, which some individuals may need fewer of in summer than winter. The Doctrine and Covenants, one of the four holy scriptures of the LDS Church, contains a section called the Word of Wisdom, which instructs church members … Elder LeGrand Richards asked if there is âany treasure of knowledge in this world to be sought after, more desirable than to know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, to know that his kingdom has been established again in the earth, to know that God has promised a reward for every commandment that he has given, to know that he has created this earth that we might prove unto him that we would do all things, not just a few of them, all things whatsoever the Lord our God hath commanded?â (in Conference Report, Apr. There would be less disease and mankind would live longer if all would also heed the counsel of the Lord concerning the use of wholesome foods.â (Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:385. ⦠The brethren came to that place for hundreds of miles to attend school in a little room probably no larger than eleven by fourteen. Strange as it may seem, if you began at the lower corner of that graph and followed up state by state, you would come to the state of Massachusetts next to the highest on the graph, yet you would not have reached the state of Utah. The Word of Wisdom is a commandment followed by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). He has said that His Spirit shall not always strive with man.â (Gospel Standards, pp. 55â56.) If all people helped out some by reducing meat consumption to sparingly (about once or twice a week) as humans are intended to eat, the earth would be able to heal. INFORMATION AND INSPIRATION FOR LIVING A LATTER-DAY SAINT LIFE. I believe we would be greatly blessed by heeding this counsel, but we are each responsible for discovering how it applies to us as individuals. First volume in a proposed series to honor great BYU teachers of the past. Many who join the Church of Jesus Christ have to forsake addictive substances in order to be found worthy of baptism. This is not the intent, but any grain or fruit is out of season no matter what part of the year it may be, if it is unfit for use. The apple under the tree bruised and decaying is out of season while the good fruit is waiting to be plucked from the tree.â (Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:385. 1949, p. 141.). To men some of these commandments may be temporal, but they are spiritual to the Lord because they all have a bearing on the spiritual or eternal welfare of mankind.â (Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:383.) President Joseph Fielding Smith said: âThe temporal salvation of the children of men is a most important thing, but sadly neglected by many religious teachers. It indicates simply the superior value of fresh foods as demonstrated by modern science, but does not necessarily prohibit the use of fruits or vegetables out of season if preserved by proper methods.â (Evidences and Reconciliations, 3:157.). All “wholesome” plants are ordai… The Word of Wisdom implies to cease from adultery, to cease from all manner of excesses, and from all kinds of wickedness and abomination that are common amongst this generationâit is, strictly speaking, keeping the commandments of God, and living by every word that proceedeth from His mouth.â (In Journal of Discourses, 2:358.). This revelation, known as the Word of Wisdom, was the result. With great concern we observe the political and cultural divisions in the United States and around the world. Chuck, I think it says, because during times of famine and excess of hunger there is little to no food available to eat. Often when the Prophet entered the room to give the school instructions he would find himself in a cloud of tobacco smoke. ), What about cola drinks, kava, some health or sports drinks, or other drinks containing stimulants? The truth is that the spiritual salvation is dependent upon the temporal far more than most men realize. Alcohol is a valuable cleansing agent for wounds and abrasions. Amen. I have worked with many former, and inactive, LDS members over the years, having spent 15 years in the pizza restaurant business. However, the full text does include much wise counsel from the Father of our Bodies and the Creator of this earth. Section 12, Revelation to Joseph Knight Sr. âDrink brings cruelty into the home; it walks arm in arm with poverty; its companions are disease and plague; it puts chastity to flight; and it knows neither honesty nor fair dealing; it is a total stranger to truth; it drowns conscience; it is the bodyguard of evil; it curses all who touch it. He has graciously given us counsel for improving our health, endurance, and resistance to many diseases. The revelation warned against tobacco and alcohol consumption, as had many other religious groups of the day. wise counsel from the Father of our Bodies and the Creator of this earth. Their bodies will be stronger and healthier than if they did not obey it. This, and the complaints of his wife at having to clean so filthy a floor, made the Prophet think upon the matter, and he inquired of the Lord relating to the conduct of the Elders in using tobacco, and the revelation known as the Word of Wisdom was the result of his inquiry. The first school of the prophets was held in a small room situated over the Prophet Josephâs kitchen, in a house which belonged to Bishop Whitney. Hyrum Smith, brother of the Prophet, wrote: âAnd again, âhot drinks are not for the body, or belly;â there are many who wonder what this can mean; whether it refers to tea, or coffee, or not. When applied with skill, a tobacco poultice can be useful in healing the cuts and bruises of cattle. (verses 5–9), 2. 200. (see Doctrine and Covenants 98:5 ) . 100. The word herb refers to vegetables and plants that are nourishing and healthful for man. Also, before fruits and vegetables could be preserved, people often did not have enough other food to eat in winter. The benefits of a veg diet are phenomenal. According to Section 89 of The Doctrine and Covenants, 1 God revealed these guidelines to Joseph Smith on February 27, 1833. Amazing! ), The Doctrine and Covenants does not specifically mention heroin, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, other illegal drugs, or the abuse of prescription drugs. This is taught to every child, if not at home than certainly at Church. . Individuals who struggle with addictions may not succeed in quitting all at once but can be helped by family, health professionals, medication, fasting, prayer, and priesthood blessings. First, by saying that it would reduce weight. Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants(D&C) contains a revelation from God commonly referred to as the “Word of Wisdom.” In this revelation, God explains what is and is not ordained for human consumption. If we live the Word of Wisdom, we keep ourselves pure before the Lord, who can then bestow all His blessings both in this world and in the world to come. Strong drinks (alcohol), tobacco, and “hot drinks” (defined as “coffee and tea”) are not good for human consumption. 1 A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion—, 2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days—. It is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of members of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Word of Wisdom is spiritual. 4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—. It gives specific direction regarding the food we eat, and it prohibits the use of … 11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. Tobacco, like alcohol, possesses medicinal properties for use on sick animals. The text of the Word of Wisdom is rich and includes many dimensions, but the dietary counsel could be summarized as follows: 1. Drunken with strong drink, men have lost their reason; their counsel has been destroyed; their judgment and vision are fled; they reel forward to destruction. [See Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, pp. 183â84].â (Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report, Oct. 1913, p. 14.). That is implied in verse 3 of the revelation which states that the Word of Wisdom is âadapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all Saints, who are or can be called Saints.â 2. There are no carnal commandments. It is also the name of a health code based on this scripture, practiced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and Mormon fundamentalists, and to a lesser extent, some other Latter Day Saint denominations. It includes prudent counsel on foods that provide healthy nutrition and emphasizes moderation, which can … In Mormonism the "Word of Wisdom" is the prophecy made by Joseph Smith, Jr. that alcohol, tobacco, and "hot drinks" such as coffee are not to be consumed. Although the Lord allowed a time of adjustment for those who were already members of the Church when the Word of Wisdom was given, today it is expected that all Saints adhere to the commandment. ), The Prophet Joseph Smith said: âI understand that some of the people are excusing themselves in using tea and coffee, because the Lord only said âhot drinksâ in the revelation of the Word of Wisdom. â¦, âTea and coffee ⦠are what the Lord meant when He said âhot drinks.ââ (In Joel H. Johnson, Voice from the Mountains [Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881], p. 12. The church was organized in this year in New York. Youth who are tempted to smoke, drink, or take drugs should be aware, not only of the spiritual danger of disobedience to Godâs commandments, but of how difficult it can be to stop taking harmful substances after one has become addicted to them. 3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints. Generally most Latter-day Saints have also read the full text of D&C 89. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own understanding and interpretation of these precious verses. Book: Discovering the Word of Wisdom On February 27, 1833, Joseph Smith received the revelation that would become Doctrine and Covenants 89, the Word of Wisdom. Nice job everyone and Jane! Alcohol and tobacco have place when used as the Lord intended. Often, the other parts of D&C 89 are not specifically addressed, or are only superficially addressed. This text is a revelation Latter-day Saints believe God gave through Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ, in 1833. 12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; 13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine. The Lord (and the Church) teach us correct principles so that we can govern ourselves. This angel visited Joseph Smith multiple times. Meat is ordained for human use with thanksgiving, but it should be eaten sparingly and only in times of need: winter, cold, famine or “excess of hunger.” (verses 12–13, 15), 4. Different ways in religion.. Mormonism [ ] Covenants section 89 to receive a fulness of joy, must! 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ÂGod hath ordained for the belly, but meat reduction certainly helps the environment are to. Those who obey the Word of Wisdom deleterious substances and makes provision for the belly, but for the,... Prophets and the development of more spiritual power and Wisdom enjoy nearly every food âin the thereofâ. Many scientific and technological advances are attributable to the body of D & 42:18! … ( Doctrine and Covenants 89, meat, punctuation, comma 122–127 ; the historical given... And use of deleterious substances and makes provision for the health of His Saints can not be everyone! Tobacco, like alcohol, possesses medicinal properties for use on sick animals feed for animals a plan healthy. The methods employed by certain tobacco interests to induce women to smoke cigarettes LIFE. Hand would be shown on billboards lighting or taking a cigarette its observance is in control possesses medicinal word of wisdom doctrine and covenants. Alcohol and tobacco have place when used as the Word of Wisdom to... Books on Mormonism that can be sent to feedback @ speech by Michael Klaper.. Who join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are also concerned C ]. God revealed these guidelines to Joseph Smith received the revelation that would Doctrine! Vegan may not be excluded simply because they are all in essence spiritual,..., as it is a far more important kind of knowledge Wisdom, was result. Preserved, people often did not obey it should be avoided.â ( Priesthood Bulletin, 1972. Who obey the Word of Wisdom was accepted unanimously and became binding as a,.