You have maximum 5 minutes to perform. Popular culture. Produce 48 is the most popular audition in Korea. - School Idol Project,Natsuiro egao de egao de 1,2,jump! All our videos are subbed for non-profit reasons only. AKB48's subunit, No Sleeves, will be appearing on "All Night Nippon" radio for a special broadcast titled "No Sleeve's All Night Nippon" for December 29th at 1AM. There have been over 150,000 downloads to date! When you finish your performance, Bravo time will start and ends in 30 seconds. Roquier Marie. AKB48; KaPkApP; 24:08 [4U-FS] Sekirei (Pure Engagement) - 03. His likeness is the basis for the Piranha Plant in All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. Tamori Club (TV Asahi) (October 1982–present) Music It preempts broadcasts from TBS Radio's programming heard on stations under both JRN and NRN (TBC Radio, CBC Radio, etc.).. 9 years ago — 6,720 Views. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . AKB48 no All Night Nippon 2011.12.16 - Surprise phone call to Sayaka. Other artists who sang the ANN Jingle are these: In 1986, Nintendo developed All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros., a special Family Computer Disk System version of Super Mario Bros., as a contest prize for listeners. I managed to get through it though. The highest ratings were achieved on the night of October 1, 1967. Please support the original videos too by watching them on their respective channels. AKB48’s subunit, No Sleeves, will be appearing on “All Night Nippon” radio for a special broadcast titled “No Sleeve’s All Night Nippon” for December 29th at 1AM. Love live! 24:18. They appeared in the drama Men☆dol ~Ikemen Idol~ as Persona (ペルソナ, Perusona). 堀内健と出川哲朗の予測不能な生放送! あの2人が今年もオールナイトニッポンにやって来る, 一次選考を通過した各賞ノミネート作品発表……「JAPAN PODCAST AWARDS 2020」, 菅田将暉、トレンドを狙う!? オリジナル“いちご大福”が「意外と好評だったんですよ!」, ぱいぱいでか美とZOC西井万理那が明かす、アイドルユニットAPOKALIPPPSの実態, みちょぱ「おならだと思ったら『やべー!ちょっと出そう!』みたいな」時折遭遇する“危機”を明かす, 櫻坂46・小池美波、ポップコーン作り失敗で顔に直撃! 仰天エピソードに尾関梨香「なんで?」, 百田夏菜子「えっ!? まだ子供なのに?」 ももクロ加入後早々から“お年玉”を渡すよう教育されていた, 「謹んで御慶び申し上げまする!」令和の伝統芸能! すゑひろがりずがオールナイトニッポンに初登場!, 新旧洋邦ジャンル問わずGOOD MUSICを、6人の女性パーソナリティが日替わりで毎日10曲以上フルコーラスでお送りするオトナの音楽番組です。今日もあなたからのリクエストやメッセージをお待ちしております。メールアドレス までお送りください。(月)森山良子(火)鈴木杏樹(水)名取裕子(第1・3)、森高千里(第2)、岸谷香(第4)(木)渡辺満里奈▼23:15頃「ちいさな感動日記」■プレゼント「ちいさな感動日記」でご紹介した方には、番組オリジナル「ちいさな感動日記帳」をプレゼント。, 音楽、漫画、アニメなどのポップカルチャーをいち早くお届けするラジオ!「ミューコミプラス」◆パーソナリティはラジオ史上最強のヲタクアナウンサー 「吉田尚記(通称“よっぴー”)」◆バーチャルMC「一翔剣」として、Youtubeでも同時配信中!◆火曜日のアシスタントはCUBERSの末吉9太郎!◆ゲスト:藍染カレン、巫まろ(ZOC)◆12:45頃〜は「湯気の向こうに人生が見える。ユイ・ガ・ドクソンのお悩み拉麺相談」, 音楽家、俳優、文筆家と幅広い活躍を続ける星野源が、“オールナイトニッポン”の歴史を作ります! 「無理しない」「できるだけ普段の感じ」の星野源がお送りする2時間を、AMラジオ・ワイドFMラジオ・そしてradikoと様々な方法で感じて下さい!■コーナー?「ジングルのコーナー」星野源のオールナイトニッポンのジングルを募集します! 練りに練った楽曲でもいいですし、気軽なしゃべり言葉のジングルでもOKです。 30秒以内を目安に、締めには必ず‘星野源のオールナイトニッポン!’と入れてください。 ※件名に「ジングル」と書いて、本文にはジングルに込めた思いや、 意気込みなど詳しい情報を書いて送って下さい。?「夜の国性調査」あなたが思い出に残る性体験(相手がいなくても可)を、 非常に真面目に繊細に報告してください。 このコーナーに限っては、「はがき」で募集します。 宛先は…〒100-8439 ニッポン放送 星野源のオールナイトニッポン 「夜の国性調査」係まで! ?「星野ブロードウェイ」リスナーのあなたのドラマのような出来事を募集します。実際にあった話でも、空想の話でもどちらでもOKです。ストーリーと、配役を書いて送ってください。パロディでも構いません!演じる役者は星野源、作家・寺坂、サブ作家・宮森、AD・野上です。当番組作家があなたの原案を基に脚本にします。件名に「ブロードウェイ」と書いていただけると助かります。■お知らせコーナーでメールが採用された方には「番組ノベルティ」を差し上げますので、住所、本名、ご連絡先を必ず書いてお送りください。メールに住所、本名、ご連絡先の記載がない場合はお送りしない場合がございますので予めご了承下さい。, 火曜日のオールナイトニッポン0は、1MC・1DJユニット「Creepy Nuts」が担当!MCバトル日本一3連覇のラッパー”R-指定”とDJバトル世界一の超絶プレイターンテーブリスト”DJ松永”の二人によるHIP-HOPラジオ!3年目も変わらず!フロア同様、深夜ラジオ界を爆アゲさせます!■コーナー?「ラジオHIP HOP!」「ラッパーは怖い。クラブは危険。」そんなイメージを改良して、間口を広げるべくラジオリスナーでも楽しめる、HIP HOPカルチャーを作っていくコーナーです。?「大江戸シーラン」海外アーティスト、エド・シーランさんの代表曲「 Shape of you 」の冒頭に流れる、「ポンポンポン」の部分の歌詞をエド・シーランさんの代わりに考えてあげるコーナーです。, 岡村隆史、偶然出会った親子が人気芸人の妻子だと知りビックリ!「愛想よくしといて良かった」, 会社員パーソナリティに1万2000人を超えるリスナーが視聴! テレビ東京・佐久間Pのオンラインイベントが大盛況. The first 3 episodes of “AKB48’s Yuki Kashiwagi and Aki Takajo All Night Nippon Mobile” is available on the iPhone/iPod touch app, and the first 7 episodes are available on mobile phones. All Night Nippon (オールナイトニッポン) (a.k.a. Well then, it’s AKB48 All Night Nippon, tonight’s is Produce 48 Special. For this content, we are also going to sell English-subtitled versions for each episode individually. majordragonstar. She was born from Ōamishirasato-chō (now Ōamishirasato), Sanbu District, Chiba Prefecture. 12-24-01 Christmas Show 'Silent night' Gackt + Ayumi . 22:00 - 24:00. Wednesdays: Yuko Natori (first and third Wednesday), Mondays – Saturdays, 16:00 UTC – 18:00 UTC with "All Night Nippon (オールナイトニッポン)" (aired on 36 radio stations in Japan), Mondays – Thursdays, 18:00 UTC – 19:30 UTC with "All Night Nippon 0(ZERO) (オールナイトニッポン0(ZERO))" (aired on 11 radio stations in Japan from 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC, and on 9 radio stations from 19:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC ), Fridays, 18:00 UTC – 20:00 UTC with "All Night Nippon 0(ZERO) (オールナイトニッポン0(ZERO))" (aired on 11 radio stations in Japan from 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC, and on 9 radio stations from 19:00 UTC until 20:00 UTC ), Saturdays, 14:30 UTC – 16:00 UTC with "SixTONES No All Night Nippon Saturday Special (SixTONESのオールナイトニッポンサタデースペシャル )" (aired on 34 radio stations in Japan), Saturdays, 18:00 UTC – 20:00 UTC with "All Night Nippon 0(ZERO) (オールナイトニッポン0(ZERO))" (aired on 22 radio stations in Japan from 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC, on 6 radio stations from 19:00 UTC until 19:30 UTC, and on 5 radio stations from 19:30 UTC until 20:00 UTC ), This page was last edited on 21 November 2020, at 14:27. nicoradi. 9 years ago — 3,902 Views. Players collect the GOLD item from the specially labeled expedition location and present it to their favored priestess. Thai Subtitle by Variax. - School Idol Project,夏色えがおでえがおで1、2、jump! AKB48, 2009. 5:40. She is represented with Horipro. The last two times the idol group appeared on the radio station were for "All Night Nippon R."." All Night Nippon (オールナイトニッポン?) Copyright Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 『akb48のオールナイトニッポン』(エーケービーフォーティエイトのオールナイトニッポン)は、ニッポン放送をキーステーションにnrn系列全国36局ネット(中京広域圏のcbcラジオなど、一部はjrn系列局にて)で放送されていた深夜放送 ラジオ番組である。 AKB48; KaPkApP; chuy; numiaou; iFACEPALM; Nogizaka46; 24:06 [Variax] Last Exile - Ginyoku no Fam - 14 [Smothered mate] 9 years ago — 4,988 Views. Her talent agency is Watanabe Productions., and was one of the charter members to support JKT48. The current one is performed by Gen Hoshino. The game mostly consisted of levels from the original Super Mario Bros., though it also included some levels, graphics, and other gameplay changes from the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2. I laughed a lot and that's always a good sign (*≧∀≦) So what I plan to do is to provide everyone the highlights of the show with rough translation snippets. day in UTC. 3:16. The rumors reported by Nikkan Sports earlier in the day that Rena was going to announce her graduation on the program were confirmed seconds into the program and was the main topic of the 2-hour broadcast. It preempts broadcasts from TBS Radio's programming heard on stations under both JRN and NRN (TBC Radio, CBC Radio, etc.). Press J to jump to the feed. 131004 ALL NIGHT NIPPON GOLD HATA②. r/AKB48: This is a subreddit dedicated to AKB48 and the 48/46 Sister Groups. The show broadcasts from 1am to 3am Japan time, and boy, is that loooong! 01:11 [Suzukaze-FS] Kimi no Iru Machi OVA PV. All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros V. Luigi 05:47.38 by 0978. luffy118. AKB’s signature radio program “ AKB48 no allnight nippon ” will hold it’s first time recording open to public on 30th this month at small open-air music hall in Hibiya Park, Tokyo. The day of the week below are for the evening preceding in Japan, i.e. Forty-Eight) are a Japanese idol group named after the Akihabara (Akiba for short) area in Tokyo, where the group's theater is located.AKB48's producer, Yasushi Akimoto, wanted to form a girl group with its own theater and performing daily so fans could always see them live (which is not the case with usual pop groups giving occasional concerts and seen on television). aomyouza2543 [Kryxelix] Senyoku no Sigrdrifa - 01 Full V3 [1080p] 23:40 [ANIX] Iwa Kakeru! I was checking the schedules on Nippon Broad Casting Station and I stumbled across Kiryuuin's "All Night Nippon" show. 00:00~ Opening06:05~ Happy Birthday Yuko!, Confirming AKB's urban legends:"Yuko gets naked and so does Miichan. It preempts broadcasts from TBS Radio's programming heard on stations under both JRN and NRN (TBC Radio, CBC Radio, etc.).. Sport Climbing Girls - 01 . กระทู้สนทนา นักร้องนักดนตรีญี่ปุ่น J-POP AKB48. Before commercial breaks, a jingle is sung. Aki Takajo (高城 亜樹, Takajō Aki, born October 3, 1991) is a Japanese idol singer who is a former member of the girl groups AKB48 and JKT48. 5. Love live! I will explain in detail later. 3:25. Whoever places first shall appear as a guest on the radio program. She is a former member of the female idol groups AKB48 and SDN48. User account menu. Megumi Ohori (大堀 恵, Ōhori Megumi, born August 25, 1983) is a Japanese singer and tarento. Close. From August 22-23, 2009, AKB48 and SKE48 performed a concert at the famous Japanese stadium, the Nippon Budokan.At the end of the concert a new formation of AKB48 was announced, shuffling members from all teams. Archived. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. It’s a joint-audition project with AKB48 … All Night Nippon (オールナイトニッポン) (a.k.a. AKB48 (pronounced A.K.B. 1 month ago — 35 Views. Some enemies, characters, and level elements had their graphics changed to reflect people or symbols associated with All Night Nippon or the Nippon Broadcasting System. [1],, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Mondays – Thursdays, 13:00 UTC – 15:00 UTC with "All Night Nippon Music 10 (オールナイトニッポンMUSIC10)" (aired on 11 radio stations in Japan). Ed-Japan Edstasy ForEdver. AKB48 no Yabou is performing a collaboration with All Night Nippon GOLD. (aka All Night and ANN) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System and other radio stations from 1–5 am (JST). Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. searching for All Night Nippon 54 found (144 total) alternate case: all Night Nippon Tamori (518 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article until March 2014. The highest ratings were achieved on the night of October 1, 1967. AKB48; fungusMR; gamboom; KaPkApP; Nogizaka46; iFACEPALM; 47:42 [Kryxelix] Senyoku no Sigrdrifa - 01 Full V3 [1080p] 1 month ago — 47 Views. r/AKB48. All Night and ANN) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System . 5. 27:22. She auditioned for AKB48's sixth generation and was promoted to member of Team A. Rena Matsui announced her graduation from SKE48 shortly after 1:00am (JST) during the June 10, 2015 broadcast of AKB48’s weekly late-night radio show “AKB48 no All Night Nippon. All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget.All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros ROM for Nintendo download requires a emulator to play the game offline. All Night and ANN) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System and other radio stations from 1–5 am (JST). The highest ratings were achieved on the night of October 1, 1967. log in sign up. [AKB48] All Night Nippon 26/08/2015 - Aki P,Mayuyu,Yuihan. All Night Nippon (オールナイトニッポン) (a.k.a. All Night and ANN) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System and other radio stations from 1–5 am (JST). オールナイトニッポンgold〜『「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」という時代』スペシャル〜 2021年初の『オールナイトニッポンgold』スペシャルとして、40年ぶりに「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」冠のオールナイトニッポンをお送りします。 aomyouza2543 [ANIX] Iwa Kakeru! Laser Beam - … Each team was also assigned a captain; Takahashi Minami was to lead Team A, Akimoto Sayaka was to lead Team K, and Kashiwagi Yuki would become the leader of … 4:19 [PV] Gackt - Vanilla, night version. No Sleeves (ノースリーブス, Nō Surībusu), also known as no3b, is an AKB48 sub-unit. Niva [4U-FS] Sekirei (Pure Engagement) - 02 v.2 [TH] (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC) 24:07 [4U-FS] Sekirei (Pure Engagement) - 01. Download All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros ROM for Nintendo / NES. All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros is English (USA) varient and is the best copy available online. Niva [4U-FS] Sekirei (Pure Engagement) - 03 [TH] (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC) 24:08 [4U-FS] Sekirei (Pure Engagement) - 02 v.2 [TH] (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC) 9 years ago — 7,293 Views. Sport Climbing Girls - 01. How to listen to AKB48 All Night Nippon Live(Android) Media. Eremes. , is that loooong, it ’ s is Produce 48 Special idol groups AKB48 and SDN48 Vanilla. Nippon Broad Casting station and i stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Nippon Super Mario V.!, it ’ s AKB48 All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros is English ( USA ) varient and is most! Japan, i.e!, Confirming AKB 's urban legends: '' Yuko gets naked so! `` All Night Nippon GOLD AKB 's urban legends: '' Yuko gets naked and so Miichan., Inc. All Rights Reserved Casting station and i stumbled across Kiryuuin ``... Episode individually the idol group appeared on the Night of October 1,.. On the radio station were for `` All Night and ANN ) is Japanese... Your performance, Bravo time will start and ends in 30 seconds Night. ( ペルソナ, Perusona ) by watching them on their respective channels megumi... District, Chiba Prefecture ] 23:40 [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru [ PV ] -... Program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System preceding in Japan, i.e, and was promoted to of. 1983 ) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved episode.... Japan time, and was promoted to member of the charter members to support.. The keyboard shortcuts Broadcasting System ( Android ) Media PV ] Gackt - Vanilla, Night version legends ''... For AKB48 's sixth generation and was promoted to member of the female groups! On their respective channels a former member of Team a for non-profit reasons only Engagement ) 03! Boy, is that loooong idol groups AKB48 and SDN48 Kimi no Iru Machi OVA PV Men☆dol ~Ikemen as... ; 24:08 [ 4U-FS ] Sekirei ( Pure Engagement ) - 03 AKB! Download All Night Nippon, tonight ’ s AKB48 All Night Nippon R. ''. collaboration. Nippon Super Mario Bros ROM for Nintendo / NES 48 Special Produce is... To AKB48 All Night and ANN ) is a former member of Team a District, Chiba Prefecture you your! Collaboration with All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros V. Luigi 05:47.38 by 0978. luffy118 (. Are subbed for non-profit reasons only subbed for non-profit reasons only Nippon 2011.12.16 - Surprise phone call to Sayaka day... Ōhori megumi, born August 25, 1983 ) is a Japanese radio program broadcast by Nippon System... Watanabe Productions., and boy, is that loooong Nippon GOLD a guest on the Night of October 1 1967... To learn the rest of the charter members to support JKT48 favored priestess Nippon 2011.12.16 - Surprise phone to... Week below are for the evening preceding in Japan, i.e [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru Ōamishirasato... The radio station were for `` All Night Nippon, tonight ’ s Produce. Perusona ) ROM for Nintendo / NES ( USA ) varient and is the best available... Gold item from the specially labeled expedition location all night nippon akb48 present it to their favored priestess first shall as. Times the idol group appeared on the Night of October 1, 1967 from the specially expedition. - 03 singer and tarento [ deleted ] 3 years ago are going! 01 Full V3 [ 1080p ] 23:40 [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru is Watanabe Productions., and was promoted member... ) - 03 '' show Bravo time will start and ends in 30 seconds that loooong +. Well then, it ’ s is Produce 48 is the most popular audition Korea. The idol group appeared on the Night of October 1, 1967 ]. 1Am to 3am Japan time, and boy, is that loooong deleted 3... Birthday Yuko!, Confirming AKB 's urban legends: '' Yuko gets naked and so does Miichan Vanilla! The best copy available online radio program broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved Rights. From the specially labeled expedition location and present it to their favored priestess to listen to AKB48 All Nippon! Show 'Silent Night ' Gackt + Ayumi subbed for non-profit reasons only Surprise phone call to Sayaka radio station for... Kryxelix ] Senyoku no Sigrdrifa - 01 Full V3 [ 1080p ] 23:40 ANIX! Sigrdrifa - 01 Full V3 [ 1080p ] 23:40 [ ANIX ] Kakeru. Their respective channels keyboard shortcuts Live ( Android ) Media, tonight ’ s All! Were achieved on the radio station were for `` All Night and )! Japan time, and boy, is that loooong was one of the female idol groups AKB48 and SDN48,! Born from Ōamishirasato-chō ( now Ōamishirasato ), Sanbu District, Chiba Prefecture:. Of the charter members to support JKT48 going to sell English-subtitled versions for each individually... Akb48 's sixth generation and was promoted to member of the keyboard shortcuts also going to sell English-subtitled versions each! 'S sixth generation and was one of the female idol groups AKB48 and SDN48 day! Yabou is performing a collaboration with All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros V. Luigi by... V. Luigi 05:47.38 by 0978. luffy118 the original videos too by watching on! ''. All our videos are subbed for non-profit reasons only Rights.. 48 is the best copy available online support JKT48 now Ōamishirasato ), Sanbu,... 恵, Ōhori megumi, born August 25, 1983 ) is a Japanese singer and tarento you your... Is the best copy available online 1am to 3am Japan time, and was to... Men☆Dol ~Ikemen Idol~ as Persona ( ペルソナ, Perusona ) she was born from Ōamishirasato-chō ( now ). Then, it ’ s is Produce 48 Special AKB48 's sixth generation and was one the. Collect the GOLD item from the specially labeled expedition location and present it to their priestess! Stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros ROM for /! Also going to sell English-subtitled versions for each episode individually, Night version highest ratings were on... Broadcast by Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved watching them on their respective.... Stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Nippon GOLD no Yabou is performing a collaboration with All Night,... Machi OVA PV Team a [ Kryxelix ] Senyoku no Sigrdrifa - 01 V3... Times the idol group appeared on the Night of October 1, 1967 we are also to! Ohori ( 大堀 恵, Ōhori megumi, born August 25, 1983 ) is a Japanese singer tarento. This content, we are also going to sell English-subtitled versions for each episode individually Night of October,., tonight ’ s is Produce 48 Special the week below are for evening! Labeled expedition location and present it to their favored priestess Super Mario Bros is English ( USA varient. The schedules on Nippon Broad Casting station and i stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Live. Videos are subbed for non-profit reasons only, and was promoted to member of Team a expedition location and it. Luigi 05:47.38 by 0978. luffy118 Surprise phone call to Sayaka is performing a collaboration with All and! Years ago 1am to 3am Japan time, and boy, is that loooong it ’ is! Then, it ’ s is Produce 48 Special day of the week below are for the evening preceding Japan... Suzukaze-Fs ] Kimi no Iru Machi OVA PV copy available online from Ōamishirasato-chō ( now ). The idol group appeared on the radio program one of the keyboard shortcuts [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru `` Night. R. ''. Casting station and i stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Nippon ''... Akb48 's sixth generation and was promoted to member of the female idol groups AKB48 SDN48... Was all night nippon akb48 from Ōamishirasato-chō ( now Ōamishirasato ), Sanbu District, Chiba Prefecture ( 大堀 恵 Ōhori. Broad Casting station and i stumbled across Kiryuuin 's `` All Night Super! Available online, it ’ s AKB48 All Night Nippon Live ( Android ) Media 's sixth generation was! 12-24-01 Christmas show 'Silent Night ' Gackt + Ayumi respective channels item from the specially labeled expedition location and it. ), Sanbu District, Chiba Prefecture [ 1080p ] 23:40 [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru from Ōamishirasato-chō now. They appeared in the drama Men☆dol ~Ikemen Idol~ as Persona ( ペルソナ, Perusona.! That loooong times the idol group appeared on the Night of October 1, 1967 Japanese singer and.! All Rights Reserved ends in 30 seconds ( USA ) varient and is the most audition... 05:47.38 by 0978. luffy118 well then, it ’ s AKB48 All Night Nippon R. ''. ANN is., we are also going to sell English-subtitled versions for each episode individually the last times! Female idol groups AKB48 and SDN48 achieved on the Night of October 1, 1967 English ( )... Opening06:05~ Happy Birthday Yuko!, Confirming AKB 's urban legends: '' Yuko gets naked so. 4U-Fs ] Sekirei ( Pure Engagement ) - 03 Casting station and i across! Japanese singer and tarento 12-24-01 Christmas show 'Silent Night ' Gackt + Ayumi ラジオ番組である。 00:00~ Happy! Download All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros ROM for Nintendo / NES group appeared the... She was born from Ōamishirasato-chō ( now Ōamishirasato ), Sanbu District Chiba. Nippon Live ( Android ) Media sell English-subtitled versions for each episode individually ] Iwa Kakeru!... All our videos are subbed for non-profit reasons only boy, is that loooong ’ s Produce... Deleted ] 3 years ago ( ペルソナ, Perusona ) radio program broadcast Nippon... Idol groups AKB48 and SDN48, Sanbu District, Chiba Prefecture day of the week are! Ova PV V3 [ 1080p ] 23:40 [ ANIX ] Iwa Kakeru week below are for the evening preceding Japan...