She lets Tiberius live, but tells him she will have his life someday, only for Kore to kill him before he is released. On one night of love-making, Ashur spots Naevia and Crixus from the stairs above. He tells Spartacus that the odds are against him in the final test and that he must win should they see Crixus lose substantial amount of coin. This angers Lucretia, who had protected Naevia's virginity and had hoped to preserve it for later worth. Naevia goes to the villa with him to confront Agron, who remains loyal. They lure Vettius into a side alley and beat him senseless, killing his. He picks Rhaskos and Diona. This may be one of the reasons Naevia is not fond of the arena. Naevia kills many soldiers and watches as Glaber duels Spartacus before he is eventually killed by the latter. A few days later, Naevia finds Diona crying - Diona tells her that she prays that the next man she is forced to lie with takes her life. Crixus responds by crippling Ashur with a slash through the leg and pushing him out of the ring of fire. Ashur then leaves to escape Capua as Calavius has seen his face. Later, after Crixus has caught up, he speaks to him as an equal, and the two talk of how one day they will rise to fame together, forming a tight friendship. He also requests that Rhaskos be left dirty from the fights in the ludus to represent all that is grotesque in life, in contrast to Diona, who is clean and untouched, who represents beauty. Naevia's revelation of the their masters' vast acts of treachery later causes Doctore to turn from them during the massacre, gaining some revenge for her. With memories of brutal treatment by the Romans, she appears to experience a severe level of post traumatic stress relieved by her obsessive thirst to kill Romans with her newly acquired fighting skills. The fight ends up with Theokoles death therefore Barca wins the bet the two of them made previously. Ashur soon becomes furious at his failed attempts to torture answers from Oenomaus, and very nearly kills him before being stopped by Lucretia. She also tells him of a potion Ilithyia has bought to abort her child, and where it is kept, ordering him to find it and replace it with a placebo. Naevia is escorted from the villa and sent to places unknown. The oldest foundations discovered thus far are those beneath the first Ishtar Temple, which probably formed the base for an earlier temple as the Mesopotamians generally built the same sort of structure on the ruins of an earlier one.From pottery and other artifacts fou… Ashur eventually deduces the location of the Rebels and alongside Glaber marches on the Rebels and forces them to flee into the mountains. He returns with the few remaining men to the ludus, and Glaber imprisons him for his failure, promising that he too will be executed in the upcoming gladiatoral games meant to execute Crixus, Rhaskos, and Oenomaus. He has no true loyalties for his brothers (even his countryman Dagan) nor does he show particular bias towards any particular brother (other than Crixus). Tags. Naevia becomes confident enough in her fighting skills that she challenges Ashur to a fight to the death, instead of Crixus fighting in her name. The following day, Ashur reveals to Oenomaus that his wife was unfaithful and that is why she died - true to Lucretia's word, he speaks, giving just enough information for Glaber's men to track Spartacus and his men down in the salt mines. She serves the house diligently and is treated, on the whole, fairly well. About Cynthia Addai-Robinson. —Ashur to Gladiators, "Up, you fucking goat! (After I killed my first hundred or so Romans). He tells Spartacus that he was once a gladiator but when he and Crixus were on the sands together the Gaul turned on him and crippled him. Naevia furiously battles Crassus’ legions. Ashur longs to rejoin the Brotherhood and again compete in the arena, although he is forbidden to do so by Batiatus due to his incredible cunning which Batiatus claims is "sharper than any sword". However, Ashur goes against Lucretia's orders and instead of replacing the potion, he informs Glaber of its existence, leading the Praetor to discover his wife's plot to dissolve their marriage. While Kerza is killed, Spartacus manages to survive to the point where Ashur doesn't see much fight left in him. At one point he bears the mark of the brotherhood of the House of Batiatus on his right forearm, but is later forced to painfully cut it off at Glaber's orders. So that no man will ever lay hands on me against my will. After his supposed betrayal is revealed to Glaber, Ashur is sent to bargain with Spartacus, claiming that Glaber will release the other Rebels in exchange for Spartacus' life. Although she has become skilled with a sword, she is no match for Ashur and he easily gets the best of her. He and Barca are sent in a mission to kill Ovidius. young son, which would jeopardize Barca as the boy saw his face. He even begins calling her "my love" and giving her gifts of the jewels he has stolen from those he has killed at Glaber's command. On one unfortunate evening, while Lucretia and Gaia are relaxing in the villa, Varus and his friend Cossutius arrive unannounced. (, 4 Crassus Soldiers - During battle of the Siler River. During their fight, Ashur comments that the once delicate flower has grown thorns. To be able to spend time together, Naevia flirts with the guard Hector and manages to steal his key. She had long, dark brown hair that she typically wore behind her, in a fit of rage Lucretia crudely chopped her hair off, leaving it uneven. He later shaves his face as a further show of loyalty. Forum Posts . killerbeeswithattitude. Wolfrazer. Ashur comes to Spartacus and hands him bread and explains who and what he is in the ludus. Batiatus' rage and ambitions begin to get the better of him, leading him to recruit Aulus to capture Magistrate Calavius. Naevia is a former slave in The House of Batiatus, owned by Lucretia, who later becomes Crixus' love interest. Ashur boasts of his skills as a Gladiator but lacks any real performance when in combat. Or that her name is a Latin rendering of the Semitic name Neviyah. After Batiatus promotes him, he is given the chance to wear expensive clothing, which he immediately takes to. In his last breath, he claims his death will not undo what he has done to each and every one of them and laughs at how their imminent defeat is because of him, before being decapitated by Naevia. However, his new "love" for her is expressed through possessiveness and violence, and he is quick to beat and rape her should. Eventually he gains enough patronage with Glaber to have her promise to be his wife and the ludus to be granted to him for his service, something Lucretia will do anything not to see.