If someone moves back and forth, they repeatedly move in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Your baby can happily rock back and forth or twist around in his chair as he plays with the many attached objects on the center. This will save you from dragging and dropping items back and forth. I fiddled with it a little bit, dragging it back and forth. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 2. Back-and-forth definition, backward and forward; side to side; to and fro: a back-and-forth shuttling of buses to the stadium; the back-and-forth movement of a clock's pendulum. High quality example sentences with “cycle back and forth” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English With this action, you slide the forestock back and forth to get the ammunition in place. Sentence examples for after some back and forth from inspiring English sources exact ( 45 ) After some back and forth , the company decided to select another candidate as the winning model. While the details of the custody arrangement may have to be negotiated back and forth between the parents, most couples attempt to work these details out so a comprehensive custody arrangement can be presented to the divorce court. The back-and-forth list of example sentences with back-and-forth. According to Shavers.co.uk a rotary electric razor is most effective when the user makes circular motions around the face in combination with a back and forth stroking action. 1. She responded via facebook (online) and so we went back and forth a couple times that way. After much back and forth banter about how Brody believed he could be friends with any one he chooses, he basically replied with a "Bro, puh-lease," effectively ending their friendship. 31 18 She loved their back and forth and how he made her feel. The windshield wipers clacked back and forth. Also, Athleta, a division of the Gap, has an organic cotton cami available in six colors, with adjustable straps and a pretty shirred front so you can go back and forth from yoga in style. She was trying to calm the screaming baby by rocking it back and forth. Searchlights made effective patterns as they stabbed the reddened sky with their beams, which swept back and forth in wide arcs. For this reason, yoga students who favor Manduka mats commonly store them where they practice as opposed to carrying them back and forth. pInKpNtEeeees: )) >((Person a : Hey wanna get together tonight? Conductor on the bus walks back and forth to collect fare from passengers. Ice cream curses fly back and forth between us all day long. When looking for jobs, teens will want to consider many things, such as: how much time they will have to work, whether or not school will interfere with work hours, and if they will be able to get back and forth to the job. Many shuttle back and forth weekly between home states and the nation's capital. 92. Some of the popular uses for these types of bags were for bringing things back and forth from work. The image of actress Tricia Helfer in the red slinky dress became synonymous with the Cylons replacing the red eye tracking back and forth in the metallic skull from the original series. Learn Ludwig. After being bitten by a dog, he changes back and forth between a human and a shaggy sheepdog ! The cover moves back and forth on tracks, and you will need to find room for these as well. Forget running back and forth to the stores, trying out and returning various things or living with a design idea that just doesn't look the same in real life as it did in your head. stroll back and forth in a sentence - Use "stroll back and forth" in a sentence 1. Chances are, parents will be going back and forth to the nursery in the wee hours of the morning during those first months of life when infants don't sleep through the night. The waves moved, The texture was awkward and as I pulled it, She refuses to separate from him even for Coyotito's sake, and so they continue on looping, I remember the lubricated side against me, not against her, sliding, Like electronic media, your eye keeps flicking, To achieve this fine-grained control, detailed, real-time, asynchronous messages are sent, I arrive to a small door that was open halfway, and in the small room I see Holly holding a small bundle in her arms, walking, Keep your arm and shoulder muscles relaxed, and move your arms slowly, Added to the tremendous loading on an anchor line in high winds is the fact that in high winds boats do not tend to lie head to wind, but rather tack, To create a consistent tempo, it helps to have a little movement before the takeaway, such as a waggle of the clubhead, Since tapped for the role, Jones has been shuttling, They could get a snootful of jet fumes as campaign planes shuttle candidates, And a bewhiskered man in green wellingtons wandered, The human can sometimes win simply by moving a piece, The best thing to do with these bozos is not to get into, Some journalists told me it was like watching paint dry because it was just endless, Mom fixed minute steaks and corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes and the wind howled like a ghost story and the house shook like a giant was slapping it, Suddenly his hand appeared on my chin, namely the rounded edges of his thumb ran, We set up each experiment to take a series of 27 images with the clamp voltage switched, Even after Bandar left as ambassador to Washington in 2005, he continued to carry messages, At the same time, it would become a permeable border for Kashmiris, who could move, Waiters looked after kids and pinched babies' cheeks, laughter flooded from the open kitchen and plates of food shuttled, Their weapons looked menacing even holstered and their spiked helmets with the single eye-sensor oscillating, She pulled nervously at her necklace, the charm swinging, Once seed sets on the oats the animals go, The short and jittery teacher was always twiddling his hands annoyingly, stuttering when he spoke and nervously rocking, He even allowed for the possibility that the electrons might maintain a stable configuration by moving in circles or oscillating, After a few minutes C.'s left hand started to oscillate. You are offline. To do so get a medium-bristle scrub brush and rub it across a bar of Fels-Naptha soap, then gently rub the brush back and forth on the canvas. pInKpNtEeeees: what u wanna do 2 nite? In Daggerspell, Jill is the first one of the reincarnates that we meet, although the story swings back and forth through time introducing us to other versions of the same people. Over the next several years, she was repeatedly sexually abused by various male relatives and was shuffled back and forth between her parents. back and forth meaning: 1. moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one: 2. moving first in one direction…. Here are 4 fantastic examples of sentences with "walk back and forth". He went back and forth with the canvas from his bedroom to the music room, unsure where to hang it. Gentle back and forth movements provide a fresh look. High quality example sentences with “adjusting back and forth” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English . I reached up to scratch a tickle on my right cheek and felt a hand not my own brushing my face gently, Rather than moving forward while flapping their wings up and down like a bird, flies hover while beating their wings, The sea is the home of selkies, mermaids, these liminal creatures that slip, Oh, this has been the main topic of conversation in emails flying, Specific, sometimes microscopic, detail is used here, too, in a kind of a cinematic structure cutting, Engraving will produce small shavings of your base material and they might scratch the surface when moving your hand, All the sequential shifter does is convert the, Each node would carry only one pointer field to traverse the list, They had a big fish tank in one corner and he was trekking, The Tar Heels had just nailed a trey to knot the score late in this, Among the small channels and troughs in the rocks, iceberg fragments were washing, The wave's crests and troughs push and pull the thin metal or plastic, I will be up at New York a lot too, because a lot of the shows we have come out of New York, so I will be shuttling, The tunnels are quite long and many employees who's job it is to shuttle stuff, The book, which comes in very large print with photos every two pages, travels, A magazine slipped into place with a smooth click, the bolt slid, The knight looked over with unfocused eyes, flicking, It let out a bellow of rage and shook its large head, We sat on the bed talking for a while and throwing a little bouncy ball, Then he planted a big sloppy, snotty, wet kiss on my mouth and rubbed his nose, The snowy egret often hunts by shuffling its feet, Like Clark Coolidge, whose verve depends on malapropism, neologism, and ricochet, Roberts bounces, For example, the net balance, which represents the net amount owed, shifts, She gave a little nicker and pranced playfully, Her lab coat billowed around her thin frame, smelling sour as she paced, I found a parrotfish hiding in a cave, debris from its diaphanous veil of mucus wafting, At Blind Man Rock, a shoal of Atlantic spadefish streams, He has speared one of the sardines with the quill and is spinning it, Grab the top of the vertical stabilizer and rock the airplane, The hotter something seems to be, the faster its atoms are moving, vibrating, I prepared to settle into a series of vocational queries, volleying, The two friends were hitting the volleyball, Puddings are devoured amid a flurry of spoons darting, Lithe as a monkey, he climbed across a tree branch, and hooked his legs over the branch, hanging upside down and swinging, The plungers of the pumps are moved via cams by stepper motors which swing or rotate, The guy that grabbed me stank of alcohol and started to sway me, He blinked once or twice and the dark shape ran, The mauve plush carpeting felt good as my toes wriggled, One-horse carts or carriages pulled by four or five horses went, Indecision leads to restlessness, and before long, the dark-haired young man found himself pacing, But in front of an abandoned building kitty-corner from Johnnie's, ten young men in white T-shirts shift, I don't think what we're doing, like right now, the going, By grasping this projection, the cellarman could slide the bit, Stare until columns of tiles oscillate rapidly, Her eyes were open but they were going from one side to the next, constantly oscillating, Intellectually, Alex understands that the relationship was wrong, but his emotions oscillate, This can cause the players' strategies to oscillate, The light made the electrons in each atom oscillate, If you go forward it goes forward, if you go, The waters of the Adriatic were rough and made the high-speed ferry list, Their hints at a possible agreement made reporters froth at the mouth and swat speculation, Now hobbits and men and elf and dwarf are scattered across Middle Earth, the story jumping, Drawing closer, she noticed with a growing sense of dread the open doors, swinging, Their throwback sound was helped immensely by the pair of cherubically chubby gals enthusiastically vocalizing, This week we answer the question, Why do drivers swerve, It was obviously taken by a surveillance camera panning, They really roll out the red carpet, put you in a swank hotel, and shuttle you, Sometimes vertical and horizontal values may be superimposed so that the curve jumps, The two guards walked into the room, with servants hurrying, Every coach has paired off players and had them pass the ball, Her breathing sounded more like hyperventilating as she paced, Half of them turn in a clockwise direction, while the others move, Sanderlings are characteristic of sandy beaches, running, The sleet stung our faces and made the rigging icy and slippery, the yards were swaying, There is a thin aluminum plate behind the faceplates that you must wiggle, So, of course, I end up paying more attention to us teasing, The young woman paced along fairly quickly, her handbag swinging, Within this framework the essays move impressionistically, Although, it did allow the troops to have a forward command post that prevented them from going, All that could be heard were the sounds of the swings swaying, Kero got up, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as he pranced over to her, his small tail wagging, I collect the morning paper and my two mutts greet me, their tails wagging, Without benefit of poles or much of a slope, I waggled my arms, I managed to hook my fingers under the edge of the arm and put more effort into it, waggling it, Should we be a fly on the wall, monitoring the conversations, Gareth was holding my hands, absently brushing his thumbs, He now spends his days driving his weakening cattle, Britain's newest sports car took a test drive Wednesday, zooming, His long, braided queue of glossy black hair bobbed lazily, Pretty much my only moves involve jerking my arms robotically and twitching my head, I walked a little ways back up the drive and paced, The conversation, as was to be expected with such a group, was light and flippant, with many jokes and quips flipping, His car rumbled through dense vegetation and weaved, Our pilot, Lt. Glenn Jorgenson, restarted number two and attempted to gain power by jockeying the supercharger controls, As soon as we got there we quickly jumped into the pool and immediately started tossing a beach ball, As the name indicates, the eyes of the sleeper move, Above the thunderous whir of the aircraft rotors, Nelson and his buddies yelled, Her arms are wrapped around her legs as she nervously rocks, In between, was the parade swivel, a small metal loop that could be slipped, A seiche occurs in bodies of water that are partially or completely enclosed, such as Hilo Bay, creating a standing wave that continually sloshes, One worker switches tracks while the other unhitches rail cars and moves the train, While his batman stood quietly aside he paced, Their ears were pointed and long, flicking, The smell of death still emanates from the bathroom and chickens go, He was totally wigging out, his head all wagging, He set off across the cavern, his tail flicking, While consultation documents on wheelchair strategy have winged, The metronome is a nice reference tool, but if you don't have one to practice with, think of the arm of a grandfather clock tick-tocking, Stringy beanpole players who are long in the arm and short on energy will say anything to convince you that it's a bad idea to run, Before their colonization by the Europeans and the U.S. in the 1800s, the Polynesians continued voyaging, Tables stretched down each wall where bots of all sizes and shapes sat, were bolted, or trundled, The day ended, I retired to my dorm room in boredom, finishing more homework and watching as Bridget fluttered, It was an exhilarating moment as the chopper seemed to come out of nowhere with its low engine roar reverberating across the valleys, echoing, Is it any wonder that control of Congress is swinging, When we met, she was wearing a purple tank top and dark jeans and giggling as she swiveled, But he heard the entire tale out, then nodded and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk to look, You take the bowl to the window, sitting upon the ledge, watching the street as people walk, As we slowly navigate the rental van up a narrow sloping driveway, a half-dozen young teenage boys dart across our path, passing a basketball, Since the motion of the medium at any point is a small vibration, The loom of the lighthouse flashed across the sky. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Use gentle , half-tooth wide , back and forth strokes .इसके लिए ऊपर-नीचे चलाते हुए आधे दाँत पर ब्रश करें . While this chapter has focused on moving products back and forth across national borders, some one has to pay for them. If there is a locked drawer, a teacher might opt to keep an older laptop designated just for work to avoid carrying a computer back and forth. Thrush is common in young babies and the infection easily passed back and forth between mother and baby. Slide Share - This tutorial for Twitter is in slideshow format, so you can take your time and move through the sections while going back and forth between your own Twitter windows. 1. To and fro definition: If someone moves to and fro , they move repeatedly from one place to another and back... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples seesawing back and forth between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. The threads run back and forth across the fabric. 3. Three fingers slid back and forth across the covers. On the playground, Nate and Sammy ran back-and-forth between the two different slides. 33. He tried to calm the screaming baby by rocking it back and forth. back and forth definition: 1. moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one: 2. moving first in one direction…. What's more, with everything located in a centralized area, you have more time to spend bonding with your loved ones instead of wasting precious minutes traveling back and forth to various attractions. Howie didn't like the arrangement but realized we couldn't commute back and forth every weekend and maintain a life. Back and forth exchange of water vapour and liquid water from oases at the base of the Qilian Mountains (NW China) and from the Qilian Mountains to oases as surface and shallow subsurface flow has been previously shown by model simulation to be a potentially important mechanism in the long-term stabilisation of oases in westcentral Gansu (Bourque and Hassan, 2009). If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, the baby is a boy. The dentist places the pharyngometer between a patient's teeth, and has the patient move his or her jaw back and forth. They wave the siphon back and forth to detect where the smell of food is coming from. Seen it, played it, done, right? shuttle back and forth in a sentence - Use "shuttle back and forth" in a sentence 1. Though experts seem to go back and forth on the effectiveness of these claims, many people swear by vitamin C supplements. So you don't have to look back and forth from the road to the unit, voice prompts alert you when it's time to turn, to change course, or your destination is approaching. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Examples of Back-and-forth in a sentence The back-and-forth movement of the ship caused those onboard to become seasick. The mountain has brought forth a mouse. It was going back and forth right up to the end. Even if you already have wavy hair, what you want to do to get this look is apply a good defining hair product on dry hair and then rock a ceramic straightening iron back and forth down the head, following the hair's natural pattern. Ferries shuttled cars, trucks and pedestrians back and forth from the foot of Hyde Street to Sausalito. Pressure on the nose and forehead - Some users like to switch back and forth between a nasal or full face mask and nasal pillows. ex) I know you fell, but just brush it off. Move the brush back and forth gently. Watch as the Hanenbows ricochet back and forth on the leaves and create a beautiful symphony of sound. There are 16 example sentences for back and forth. ludwig.guru Sentence examples similar to adjusting back and forth from inspiring English sources. Need to translate "BACK AND FORTH IS" from english and use correctly in a sentence? This pure rock anthem from Women and Children First features a classic Van Halen breakdown in the middle where the vocals and the guitar trade riffs back and forth. The current version allows the cable to swivel, which allows for a smooth back-and-forth motion. A good conversation is like a good tennis volley, back and forth. Just about everyone remembers how Campaneris wiggled his bat back and forth, trying to intimidate a pitcher. If you were going fast in one direction and you need to switch sides, you felt the heaviness and swayed back and forth as you turned you machine around. use "forth" in a sentence The lion was pacing back and forth in its cage, growling at the spectators. Electrons are happy to move back and forth zillions of times without worry. Experts advise to swing the arms back and forth rhythmically while walking. They should use a gentle, back and forth motion when brushing and finish by brushing the tongue. I travel back and forth to check on the kids. If you are making these yourself, be sure you allow enough room for the curtain to be moved back and forth on the rod. Examples of back-and-forth motion in a sentence, how to use it. Read more… Using Broadway as her centre, she trawled back and forth from the high Twenties, through the Thirties and into the Forties. Adjustable frame timing-Because many dual monitoring systems switch back and forth between one receiver and another, purchasing a system that allows for frame timing adjustment is important. Hundley said, flicking a bat back and forth with his wrists. His moods flipped back and forth so fast it was hard to know how he would respond to anything. She moves her toothbrush and down and back and forth. Once cooking outside meant running back and forth to a portable grill, but today's outdoor kitchens are much more than that. She negotiated both long and short breaks into her contract so she could travel back and forth frequently. It is important to consider how easy it will be for you to commute back and forth to work from the neighborhoods that interest you. 32. back and forth in a sentence. Of course, that meant almost four hours of driving back and forth. Use objects: Do things such as passing an ice cube back and forth or a piece of candy or chocolate. Señor Medena's attention shifted back and forth between Dulce and Alex, but neither offered any explanation. Click for more examples 1. Move back and forth without exerting too much pressure, as you want to remove dust, not crimp the blinds. Learn more. Allow us understand over at collegeessayguy.comWelcome to university essay examples heaven. examples "And they go back and forth for a while" "Can we go back and forth in a day?" 4. ex) That’s it. If you'll be inside, you can get by with a frilly dress or thin suit, as long as you are able to pair it with a warm sweater or jacket when traveling back and forth between the car. vacillates back and forth from positive direction to grim outlook. To amp up your walking routine, find some hills to walk up and down, and make sure your arms swing back and forth for the duration of your workout. View Go Back And Forth usage in sample sentences. The back and forth list of example sentences with back and forth. Customers stroll back and forth, watch or stop to make a deal. 2. High quality example sentences with “emailing back and forth” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English . High quality example sentences with “back and forth conversation” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 11 examples: This configuration also results in a smoother motion of the beam than the… This was a century of great religious turmoil with power seesawing back and forth between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. A stroll back and forth on the fine-grained, firm sand of the beach can happily take more than an hour. (adverb) Went back and forth in the rocking chair. In most instances it's very easy to see the eyes darting back and forth even though the eyes are closed. The ball itself was spinning, but was also moving back and forth across the trailing edge of the FT. gyratecamera switched back and forth between the couple and a mass party of gyrating hips and earthy rhythmic music. Person a : Hey wanna get together tonight? Move the brush back and forth gently. Simply put, a shuttle roller coaster is a coaster that shuttles back and forth between two points along the same section of track rather than completing a loop around a continuous circuit. To begin tossing the crab back and forth as they document the progress each person is making at -! English translations strut back and forth in the world 's most tired conversation containing `` back and forth the! The bride and bridal party back and forth between sides, unwilling as usual to make decision. Forth from positive direction to grim outlook me back and forth in warning head back forth. Amusement hopping back and forth between life and death? hair and appointments... 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