14 comments. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Notes Notes. I just made a post asking between the hammer and the eye just wanted to see what everyone thought of these weapons before I made my choice. Northwest US 503.479.8579 From the Cleansing Chapel, head toward the graveyard and follow the first pathway on the left. 8.5 Claymore Greatsword. When it comes to quality builds, you can do no wrong with the Hollowslayer Greatsword, as it is the best weapon for it. 1 Lore 2 Skill 3 Availability 4 Moveset 5 Notes 6 Upgrades Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. The Astora Greatsword replaces the Sulevin Blade and is tintable. Most greatswords feel heavy when you're attacking, but the moveset of this sword feels smooth, and personally, I prefer this over all other Straight Swords as well. Description. lollazers 4 years ago #2. Those are the only *good* ones. - Both have decent scaling, and some nice effect (spear has Health on Kill, and some poison damage. The greatsword has a versatile moveset, giving its wielder the option for horizontal and vertical slashes, as well as powerful thrusts to extend its reach. Its attribute requirement is: 14 Strength and 18 Dexterity... not to bad if you ask me... 6. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a greatsword Weapon in Dark Souls 3. I've used this thing throughout my entire playthrough, and it has never failed me. At this point [90] weapons have been ported from DS3. It can be earned after defeating the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, via Soul transposition with the Soul of the Rotted Greatwood and a thousand souls. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a greatsword Weapon in Dark Souls 3. After 3 R1's, it does a vertical slash, then horizontal, but don't just press R1 if they're trying to parry you. Hollowslayer Greatsword. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a soul-transposed greatsword in Dark Souls III. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a greatsword that you transmute from the soul of the Curse-Rotted Greatwood. https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Claymore_(Dark_Souls_III) KnockoutNed 2 years ago #1. - SAMURAI GAMERS Video Games, Hints, Tips, Wikis, Walkthroughs, and More. Once you have it, the game will become so much easier. This weapon shares its moveset with the Hollowslayer Greatsword, though it has a sweeping attack instead of a thrusting attack. 0 Is it just me or does this weapon make Lothric Knight farming supremely easy? I call this weapon the easy mode sword ;) lol, Some ppl might have not noticed, but this sword s blade has red marks in it, too bad it couldnt be buffed, otherwise an amazing weapon, hollows were pieces of sh*t in dark souls 1 and they're twice as annoying in this one, thank miyazaki for this sword. Two-hand to execute special sword techniques.Skill: StanceWhile in stance, use normal attack to break a foe’s guard from below, and strong attack to slash upwards with a forward lunge. -(13/15) User Info: earvcunanan. ANCIENT DRAGON! -Greatsword of Judgement -Hollowslayer Greatsword -Moonlight Greatsword -Drakeblood Greatsword -Firelink Greatsword -Astora Greatsword -Black Knight Greatsword -Cathedral Knight Greatsword -Farron Greatsword -Fume Ultra Greatsword -Greatsword -Lothric Knight Greatsword -Profaned Greatsword -Zweihander -Dragonslayer's Axe -Anri's Straight Sword-Astora Straight Sword-Barbed Straight Sword … The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a fantastic weapon throughout the entire game due to it having a 20% damage bonus against any hollow enemy which includes a number of bosses. DuneMan 4 years ago #8. 30.0 The downside is not every mob are hollow. How to get: When you defeat the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, this sword is crafted through Soul Transposition with the Soul of the Rotted Greatwood and 1,000 souls. This sword is also great for PvP. A tiny message is inscribed in the blade, a promise to someone special. D Sort by Category . Stance Main article: Weapon Types (Dark Souls III) Greatswords are a weapon type in Dark Souls III. 0 exact list of enemies that suffer from the addition 20%?? great club ds3,great machete ds3,ds3 heavy weapon build,winged knight twinaxes,ds3 fast weapons,ds3 best heavy infused weapons,best strength weapons ds3 reddit,best strength weapons ds3 pve,ledo's hammer,ds3 great club,fume ultra greatsword dark souls 3,dark souls 3 best weapons pve,dark souls 3 best weapons reddit,ds3 easiest weapon,exile curved greatsword,ds3 best ng+ … Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. 1 Hollowslayer Greatsword. Zodd3224 posted... You pulling my leg? 14 hide. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is another fairly early Boss Soul Weapon, being obtainable using the Soul of the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, who also gives the Kiln item that you need to be able to make boss weapons in the first place. you might be tempted to start attacking after your opponent has thrown out a couple R1's with the hollowslayer but if they decide to keep swinging you will trade and you will probably lose that trade. SushiPudge (Topic Creator) 4 years ago #3. hide. The only weapon I've used in this game so far, started using the Greatsword. Most … A sword that you can obtain as early as the undead burg. I get that it's a nod to them both being weapons from DS2 but more variety would have been nice. Hollowslayer Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. The Hollowslayer Greatsword has thrusting R2s when 2h. 0 This sword is also great for PvP. Discussion. or what the exile great sword? It gives you an additional 20% damage against hollowed enemies, which makes it individually excellent in PvE since most creatures in the game are, in fact, hollow. Weapon in Dark Souls 3, including Skill Weapon Arts and sample PvE combat. User Info: KnockoutNed. Nor Cal/UT/CO 916.899.1515. Now Playing: SEGA Master System, 3DS, PS Vita & PS4. 0 Sort by Category . Hollowslayer Greatsword or Arstor's Spear? No, it's letting me buff the Hollowslayer Greatsword with Human Pine Resin, I don't remember this ever being a thing, maybe it was a hidden bonus? Main article: Weapon Types (Dark Souls III) Ultra Greatswords are a weapon type in Dark Souls III. Its amazing 2 hand ability can stagger enemies and can kill its enemies quickly (very satisfying lol) 5. Claymore greatsword is an ultimate favorite weapon for dark soul 3. There would appear to be some credence to the rumors that this sword tested the true limits of human strength. Hollowslayer Greatsword Build. I have a Refine gem as well. Two-hand to execute special sword techniques. One-handed thrust, followed by a crosswise downward slash from left to right. Attribute requirement I was basically using a dex build so my stats are: 40 endurance 35 str 40 dex and basically no magic scaling. This sword has become my favorite greatsword when I just need to get through an area. Harbors the fears that lurk within the minds of Hollows, and is particularly effective against them. Attack power The Cathedral UGS, Black Knight UGS, or Lorian UGS are better options on the heavy end of the spectrum largely due to having more useful moves and better true combos. Arstor's Spear can also be buffed with the Human Pine Resin. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a soul-transposed greatsword in Dark Souls III. Dark Souls 3 Hollowslayer Greatsword - Weapon Arts Showcase. 1 Lore 2 Skill 3 Availability 4 Moveset 5 Notes 6 Upgrades Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. wouldnt that be the most important info about this weapon? 2. The Claymore is a greatsword in Dark Souls III. Hollowslayer Greatsword weapon move set. Jog from Vordt's bonfire up the stairs, taking out both spear hollows and the flaming bolt shooting hollow in one hit, drawing out the sword knight in a 1v1, killing his spear-wielding friend, running up the stairs to the right and killing that knight, and then backstabbing the blue knight, all while stun-locking them and (at least with +1) killing them all (except blue) in three hits? Harbors the fears that lurk within the mind of Hollows, and is particularly effective against them. User Info: DuneMan. 3 Hollowslayer Greatsword The world of Dark Souls 3 is littered with hollow enemies and hollow bosses which makes the Hollowslayer Greatsword a powerful weapon to have on hand. The Astora Greatsword is an ultra greatsword in Dark Souls III. fishboi 2 years ago #2. Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. why is there so much random poise info on this page? Below is a searchable list of all 3339 Dark Souls 3 item IDs which can be … Sep 9, 2018 @ 2:23am Originally posted by Crabbeh: Claymore, Gael's, Black knight sword. User Info: KnockoutNed. N/A The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a greatsword that you transmute from the soul of the Curse-Rotted Greatwood. The lightest Greatsword weapon, and it's the same length as the Bastard Sword. KnockoutNed 2 years ago #1. Both look appealing, any insight/experience with them? Even at higher levelsyou can add them to encounters to add a few meat shields for your players to deal with. Now Playing: SEGA Master System, 3DS, PS Vita & PS4. So Cal/Vegas/AZ 818.639.2039. This … Best greatsword! Greatswords are two-handed swords which are slightly smaller than ultra greatswords. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. All Item IDs. - For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "what do you all feel about the hollowslayer greatsword? Dunno what the figure is now, but it used to get 1,200 damage R2 pokes on the counter in PVP with support rings. Some people can say it's not the 'best' in certain categories like damage and reach, but to me it's the 'whole package' that this weapon brings that makes it stand up against every other GS. Downward slash, followed up upward slash, and then ending with a horizontal right-to-left slash. Only this one and the Drakeblood Greatsword has it. The Hollowslayer Greatsword is a fantastic weapon throughout the entire game due to it having a 20% damage bonus against any … Quality build here, I grabbed the spear. It deals an additional 20% damage against hollowed enemies, which makes it particularly fantastic in PvE since most creatures in the game are, in fact, hollow. After Softcaps it gets less than 2 AR per level, Gains 1 AR per level from 40-60 Dex & from 79-99 Dex, 2 Handed R1 are notably wider slashes than most greatswords, very reminiscent of its Dark Souls 2 Counterpart - they seem to be shared only with the. The world of Dark Souls 3 is littered with hollow enemies and hollow bosses which makes the Hollowslayer Greatsword a powerful weapon to have on hand. Using the Hollowslayer Greatsword with a bunch of poise and some side toys. I get 570 AR with 65/65 STR/DEX, but you could easily just do 40/40 and then allocate the points, but I like my other refined builds. Further input continues from the second attack in the chain. An honorable mention would be Hollowslayer Greatsword as it deals with 20% bonus damage against Hollow. https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Hollowslayer_Greatsword?oldid=326491. I don't see people using it too much, but when I run into invaders, it has good tracking and stagger potential. Highly destructive if intolerably heavy. Im playing a sl1 run on ds3. ". A sword that you can obtain as early as the undead burg. If you're having a difficult time deciding which sword to use go through DS3, use this one. Archived. 100 Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. This greatsword demands advanced skill in a rare and unique sword technique. Harbors the fears that lurk within the mind of Hollows, and is particularly effective against them. Listing the stats at it's maximum level and the basic information about it. Listing the stats at it's maximum level and the basic information about it. It does not, however, offer much of an advantage in comparison to them. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), never underestimate the hyperarmor on this thing. Used this to take down Gael on NG+7 at 125. Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. report. Is the hollowslayer greatsword good? If you present a large type of greatsword wielded with two hands, then this is your best pick. PSN: SushiPudge "Aah, you were at my side, all along. Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. Especially with the Onyx blade being popular with pyromancers/dark builds. Going for the standard 40/40 for DEX and STR. Hollowslayer Greatsword Dark Souls III Wiki » Weapons » Greatswords » Hollowslayer Greatsword Lore. The R2 attacks should be replaced with a poke that mimics its DS2 moveset. They are characterized by sweeping one-handed attacks and powerful two-handed attacks. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Requires 7,600 souls and 15 Titanite Scale to +4, 4,000 Souls and 1 Titanite Slab to +5 (upgrade information here), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Foreword. Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Dropped by the Irithyllian Slaves who wield them. FYI, headless skeletons can parry you in DS3. Extremely rare drop in Aldia's Keep from Dark Spirit Aslatiel of Mirra. The Ringed City Ashes of Ariandel Goods Gestures Ammunition Weapons Armor Ring Magic. Additional effects This weapon has the same two-handed attack chain as the Hollowslayer Greatsword . - The Sword does extra damage to Hollows and has a really nice stance). It deals 20% damage against hollows, which is EXTREMELY good due to the fact that almost every enemy is hollow. Hollowslayer Greatsword. 4. DS3; XCOM 2; Imperator: Rome; Spore; AoM; AoE 3; Starbound; The Forest; AoE; L4D2; Victoria 2; KOTOR I & II; Factorio; SCUM; 7DTD; CK2; Commands.gg; Dark Souls 3 Cheat Engine Guide; Item IDs; Page 18; Dark Souls 3 Item ID List. Just something interesting I found, most likely they are DS1 Textures. Hollowslayer Greatsword or Arstor's Spear? This can be particularly useful in single player against certain enemies, and can even be used against Slave Knight Gael from his second phase onward. Fume Ultra Greatsword is okay but most of the others are functionally better. 157 Hollowslayer Greatsword: Thrust and Swirling Slash: 166 Old Wolf Curved Sword: Slashes # Light Attack: 102 Hand Axe: Short Slash # Heavy Attack: 69 Large Club: Smash: 70 Smough: Swipe and Jump Smash: 72 Great Knife: slash: 74 Claymore: Thrust: 75 Greatsword: Swirling Slash: 80 Black Knight Sword: Knock Up: 90 Katana: Hold 5 Hollowslayer Greatsword. Deals 20% bonus damage against Hollows. The best PvE Greatsword in the game, easily. Login Store Community Support Change language ... SOC will be dead in about 2 mins if the wielder is a DS3 veteren #4. cridus. 1,000 Hollows tend to be weak enemies, so they fit in easily as standard enemies for your low level players to fight. The two Handed R1 moveset of the Drakeblood Greatsword and Hollowslayer Greatsword are based off of their Dark Souls II counterparts. 30.0 The Flamberge could have worked with this moveset since it's the DS2 version. 3 Hollowslayer Greatsword. Why do people like this so much, and i'm not bring an asshole, im genuinly curious. 145 Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. Is The Hollowslayer Greatsword A Good Weapon? ~~ ~~ User Info: lollazers. 3. When it comes to quality builds, you can do no wrong with the Hollowslayer Greatsword, as it is the best weapon for it. - Foreword. Alternating horizontal swings, starting from right to left. I would have to say that it'll come down to the Speed of the … Question. It deals 145 base damage and receives a 20% bonus to damage … ... Hollowslayer, claymore and black knight sword are the good great swords in this game and which one you prefer just comes down to which one fits your play style. 35.0 Hollowslayaer Greatsword or Arstor's Spear? The Sword does extra damage to Hollows and has a really nice stance). The Hollowslayer is a personal favorite in the greatsword category. save. Hollowslayer Greatsword is pretty fashion souls, but the claymore is probably a better weapon in the long run because it can be infused and upgraded much more conveniently. Skill: Stance share. Below is a searchable list of all … DS2 dex greatsword > this unbuffable uninfusable garbage Anoher win for best dark souls. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Notes 5 Upgrades 6 Videos Obtained by transposing the Soul of the Rotted Greatwood with Ludleth of Courland for 1,000 souls. The Ringed City Ashes of Ariandel Goods Gestures Ammunition Weapons Armor Ring Magic. -(17/20) Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. Mirrored version of one-handed weak attacks. - Guard absorption Hollowslayer Greatsword operates superbly … The data displayed above are current as of Patch App 1.15 Regulation 1.35. For the Dark Souls II variant, see Mirrah Greatsword. 1 Hollows 1.1 Hollow traits 2 List of Hollow enemies: 2.1 Dark Souls 1 2.2 Dark Souls 2 2.3 Dark Souls 3 Hollows are humans or other creatures that have been affected by the undead curse. Hyper Armor prevents you from being staggered during its active frames. Im fairly new at this game and i just bought this sick looking sword from the rotten old fart on the throne. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Trivia 5 Upgrades 6 Videos High Wall of Lothric Found at the end of the upper path where the fire-breathing Lothric Wyvern is encountered. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). Close. The sword is highly flexible and can be used to attack in swings as well as thrust. the hollowslayer greatsword is an ideal weapon for a quality build, its moveset is fairly versatile. 35.0 N/A The only weapon I've used in this game so far, started using the Greatsword. Obtained by transposing the Soul of the Rotted Greatwood with Ludleth of Courland for 1,000 souls. This does not affect hollowed players in PVP, but does affect each of the following: The Hollowslayer Greatsword has a unique R1 moveset compared to most greatswords, which is based off the moveset many greatswords in Dark Souls 2 have. A quality greatsword that leans towards Dexterity, the Hollowslayer Greatsword is renowned as a very strong Poise weapon that gives Dexterity builds an option for standing their ground against opponents. Acquired From. The sword is on a corpse in front of a big tombstone, guarded by a kneeling Reanimated Corpse. 35 Added Moonlight Greatsword Added Drakeblood Greatsword Added Firelink Greatsword All greatswords with scabbards have an extra greatsword texture on the scabbard texture, might look into that later but I probably won't. And heres why: 1. save. Hollowslayer Greatsword. Harbors the fears that lurk within the mind of Hollows, and is particularly effective against them. Havel Hollowslayer ftw!!! Hollowslayer Greatsword is a weapon in dark souls 3. User Info: fishboi. Exile Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". Hints and Tips: Despite being a very rare drop, The … Listing the stats at it's maximum level and the basic information about it Hollowslayer Greatsword is a weapon in dark souls 3. The Black Knight Sword is another good sword to have at mid-level as it is good for stun-locking weak armored and low poise enemies. Among the largest weapons available, ultra greatswords are very slow but inflict tremendous damage with each swing, and their great length allows them to strike targets from farther away. Its weight is 8.5, pretty light for a greatsword. Two-hand to execute special sword techniques. Two-hand to execute special sword techniques. DS3 Weapons Revisited: Greatswords. ; This is Lucatiel of Mirrah's Greatsword. Although … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hopefully i didn't skip over anything. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" The blade is a reminder of the exile's past misdeeds. Hollowslayer Greatsword is a weapon in dark souls 3. Formerly known as Kensage101. the move set for the hollowslayer greatsword in dark souls 3 dropped by rotted greatwood boss by trading in his soul. For the Dark Souls II variant, see Claymore (Dark Souls II). 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Notes 5 Upgrades 6 Videos Found in the Cathedral of the Deep. I'm working on a Dex build right now, and I have to admit, both of these seem pretty sweet. For other uses, see Ultra Greatswordsand Ultra Greatswords (Dark Souls II). … The text explains that the sword was,"used for a lifetime by a masked knight" and that it "harbors the fears that lurk within the minds of Hollows. Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. Greatsword Discussion. Not complaining, in fact I'd like to see it on the rest of the weapon pages, but why just this one?? Hollowslayer Greatsword Skill I swear if you turn the camera to the side when swinging this 2H the first R1 stretches out like a spring. Moveset is really fun, especially since it's unique and fast (we don't talk about the triple split dmg wet noodle sword) and the fact that your character isn't smashing a sharpened blade into stone flooring every 3 seconds, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. Does it do 20% more damage to PvP players if they are Hallowed? Lucatiel deserves to smash and thrust her greatsword into me. DS3 Weapons Revisited: Greatswords. I feel like it was a waste for only a couple of greatswords in the game to have this type of 2 handed moveset. Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.. C For the Dark Souls variant, see Claymore. 18 Same as one-handed, but holding the sword in both hands. 1 Weapons 1.1 Daggers 1.2 Straight Swords 1.3 Greatswords 1.4 Ultra Greatswords 1.5 Curved Swords 1.6 Curved Greatswords 1.7 Piercing Swords 1.8 Katanas 1.9 Axes 1.10 Greataxes 1.11 Hammers 1.12 Great Hammers 1.13 Spears and Pikes 1.14 Halberds 1.15 Reapers 1.16 Whips 1.17 Fists and Claws 1.18 Battlestaves 1.19 Bows 1.20 Greatbows 1.21 Crossbows 1.22 Staves 1.23 Flames 1.24 Talismans … Is The Hollowslayer Greatsword A Good Weapon? My 208 AR +1 Hollowslayer Greatsword is doing massive damage to many hollows/humanoids. Miscellaneous I don't see people using it too much, but when I run into invaders, it has good tracking and stagger potential. Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. Hollowslayer Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Lower weight, better attacks, and the damage difference between UGS weapons when you optimize for them isn't substantial. 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This Greatsword demands advanced Skill in a rare and unique sword technique nod to them damage to players... Higher levelsyou can add them to encounters to add a few meat shields for your players to with. You only really saw the Hollowslayer/Moonlight Greatsword, though it has good tracking and stagger.... Moveset is fairly versatile stagger enemies and can do higher damage the counter in PVP support. A starting level weapon ; therefore can fit with different play style and it 's maximum and... Two-Handed swords which are slightly smaller than Ultra Greatswords ( Dark Souls 3 Hollowslayer … FYI headless! There so much, but when i run into invaders, it has good tracking and stagger potential the is. Excellent weapon for a lifetime by a masked knight this to take down Gael on NG+7 at....