Dr. Strangefate). Amalgam Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Alias Lady Talia | Always reinventing himself. In the Amalgam universe (combined Marvel and Dc heroes) he has the powers of Sabretooth called Hyena. The Hyena has the face and the patter of the Joker - Batman's arch-enemy. He has the Joker's bleached face on Sabretooth's muscular and blonde furred body, with a mane of green hair running down the back of it's neck. Dark Claw and Hyena before the Weapon X Project. He is a combination of DC's The Joker and Marvel's Sabretooth. Hyena, like Wayne, is a mutant with the ability to rapidly heal injuries. Hyena is a villain of the Marvel and DC crossover comic book series, Amalgam. #hyena update. What was charming about the Amalgam Universe was how clumsily named 99% of the characters were. Trigger | Hyena was once a man named Creed H. Quinn who served in the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) with Logan Wayne. Professor Kang | White Whip | Doomnaut | When worlds (and two of the giants of the comic industry) collide...the combined characters of DC and Marvel's Amalgam Universe Harley Quinn keeps putting embarrassing messages on his Facebook page. Madame Cat | Goals The Marvel contribution threw me at first - then I realized saw the Hyena's claws and realized that, obviously, he's based on Marvel's Sabertooth - Wolverine's arch-enemy, a mutant mass- The two were both subjects of the Weapon X program, an attempt to create "living weapons". Cover price $1.95. Occupation Fin Fang Flame | This is a redesign of the existing Amalgam Comics' character, Hyena. Baron Wotan | His uncle was a member of the Canadian Mounties, and was ambushed and murdered by poachersa short time after his arrival in Canada. Supporting characters include Sparrow (Robin + Jubilee), the Huntress (Huntress + Carol Danvers), and Hyena (Sabertooth + Joker, with some Riddler elements too). Murder Terra-X | Night Spectre | His real name is Creed Harley Quinn. Amalgam Brother Brood | Dark Claw 's worst enemy, Hyena is also called the Cackling Canine. The second was Jivan Shi, a psychiatrist infected by Summer Day. Hobby Hyena also possesses claws. Cinnamon | Terlahir dari Weapon X Project, ia memiliki tulang berlapis Adamantium, tapi proses yang dijalaninya […] Smilex. part 2 - Dark Claw and Sparro track Hyena down to the ice-cream factory, where they run into Freeze Child. Crimes Soniklaw | Legends of the Dark Claw (1996) #1B. Legends of the Dark Claw (1996) #1B. In this issue, the Dark Claw (Wolverine/Batman) must battle the deadly Hyena (Joker/Sabretooth). 15 Jared Leto's Joker uses tattoos as mementos There was no way we were going to talk about the Joker's body without bringing up Jared Leto's version of the character. I didn’t even know about Lobo the Duck though, that looks incredible. Tags: Amalgam DC Marvel Crossovers, Batman, Wolverine. He is an amalgam of Dc Comics' the Joker, and Marvel Comics' Sabertooth. Skinhunter | Type of Villain Few records of the procedures used survive, fragments of Professor Carter Nichols' notes do mention two scientists by name, Cornelius and Hines. King Lizard | NatureRules1's Movie Spoof of The Lion King (1,II and 1 1/2). The photos are organized into a network, an archive, and many more categories. Lets Get Amalgmated. Killing people. Creed survives as well, but becomes a remorseless killing machine, exac… Weight Class - "Hyena": Joker vs. Sabertooth Joker pros: The Killing Joke. Nuke | Psychotic Supervillain, Superhuman durabilityAgilityEscape ArtistFeral InstinctsGadgetsHealing FactorImplantsLongevityStaminaStealthSuper HearingSuper SightSuper SmellSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTrackingUnarmed CombatMarksmanshipExpert in using multiple types of weapons. . Chemodam | into one person. Unlike Dark Claw, however, Creed was physically deformed as a result of the experiment and went insane. Hyena possesses many elements of both halves of his amalgamation characters, including a white painted face with a mane of wild green hair, long claws, and an insane smile. Many of the test subjects did not survive the experimental procedures, Creed and Logan were the only ones that survived. Mister Mastermind | Hyena is a villain within the Amalgam universe, he is a cross between The Joker from DC comics, and Sabertooth from Marvel comics. Imagine an animal that was the kryptonian equivalent of our grizzly bear, sabertooth tiger, python, anaconda, polar bear, lion, Siberian tiger, hyena's abilities/bite force, unbreakble claws stronger than Superman's skin, crocodile, etc. Quasimodox | Wow, Hyena is dumb. After the … Creed Quinn was chosen along with Logan Wayne to become a living weapon in the Weapon X Project. Doctor Bongface | Siliconman | Lethal | Emperor Joker is one of the more popular ones. Ultra-Metallo | Never stop grinning maniacally until his arch nemesis, Dark Claw, is destroyed. The Hyena (Creed H. Quinn) is a composite of DC's Joker and Marvel's Sabretooth. I really liked the idea of this character, but never liked the design of his costume. Salah satunya adalah Hyena (Creed H. Quinn), yang merupakan gabungan antara Joker dengan Sabertooth. Hyena, Mashup of the Joker and Sabretooth by Jim Balent. HYENA Origin: Legends of the Dark Claw Semua karakter di Amalgam Universe, tercipta ketika semesta DC bersatu dengan Marvel, merupakan perpaduan dari dua sosok dari kedua dunia. https://amalgam.fandom.com/wiki/Hyena?oldid=5037. Black Vulture | A list of my characters. Logan's latent metamutant healing power kicks in, which allows him to survive the adamantium-crafting process. The Canadian government initiated the Weapon X Project. Hyena and Dark Claw would be mortal enemies. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is the nemesis of the Dark Claw (Logan Wayne), a composite of Batman and Marvel's Wolverine. Deadeye | ClawsSuperhuman durabilityAgilityEscape ArtistFeral InstinctsGadgetsHealing FactorImplantsLongevityStaminaStealthSuper HearingSuper SightSuper SmellSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTrackingUnarmed CombatMarksmanshipExpert in using multiple types of weapons from Marvel comics. During the ‘90s, Marvel and DC were willing to do silly crossover books every now and then, and one such team-up led to Amalgam Comics, mash-ups of fan favorite characters. His uncle was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was ambushed and murdered by poachers a short time after his arrival in Canada. His real name is Creed Harley Quinn. Joker: a mix of all the jokers ive seen so far, like TDK scars, Mark Hamill pasty face with blackish lips and the The Batman type hairstyle in anime, but I added a little bit KoF's Iori Yagami into him. He has a gang called the Pack. He is the archenemy of Dark Claw, a combination of DC's Batman and Marvel's Wolverine. Doctor Doomsday | Hyena, also known as the Cackling Canine, will not stop his maniacal grinning until his arch-nemesis, Dark Claw, is destroyed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is the archenemy of Dark Claw, a combination of DC's Batman and Marvel's Wolverine. During the Amalgam Comics crossover event for Marvel and DC, the Darkclaw, a hybrid of Batman and Wolverine, fought the Hyena, a cross between Sabretooth and The Joker that was basically a shirtless Joker on 'roids and a healing factor. H.E.C.T.O.R. Green Skull | https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hyena_(Amalgam)?oldid=3889849. The original was Summer Day, a Peace Corps member who became a were-hyena and slowly lost her mind. Supervillain This tragedy may be a … Bizarnage | In the Amalgam Comics, a 12-issue miniseries published by both Marvel and DC, the Joker was combined with Marvel’s villain Sabertooth to become the ‘Hyena’, the arch-nemesis to ‘Dark Claw’ who was a Batman/Wolverine hybrid. Sabertooth … Luckily he'll get some help from the Huntress(Huntress/Ms Marvel) and Sparrow (Robin/Jubilee). Issue #1B. Bat Trask | He is a combination of DC's The Joker and Marvel's Sabretooth. People will forever be fighting over who made the better Joker - Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill or Heath Ledger. At the age of 5, after witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of an armed robber, Logan Wayne was sent to live with his uncle in Alberta, Canada. In his debut issue - Legends of the Dark Claw by Larry Hama and Jim Balent -Dark Claw is out hunting the Hyena, (a Joker/Sabertooth hybrid), while Carol Danvers/Huntress breaks into the downtown mansion belonging to “Logan”, a Canadian orphan turned millionaire artist. Hyena is a villain of the Marvel and DC crossover comic book series, Amalgam. After the death of his uncl… Full Name Sinistron | He soon became obsessed with killing Dark Claw. All the #hair and #fur #sculpt is done. Dark Claw's worst enemy, Hyena is also called the Cackling Canine. Creed Harley Quinn He leads a gang called the Pack, and wields explosives which he calls "frolic frags". They're … 21. He gained the powers of Mr. something weird name. Logan and Quinn of the RCAF are both accepted as candidates for the project, along with four other "volunteers". Saved by Senna Ooms. He's the deadly combination of two of the most dastardly villains in all comic-dom. | Batman and Wolverine became the ridiculous Dark Claw, and his nemesis was Hyena, a cross between the Joker and Sabretooth. Cover price $1.95. Deathlok | Bio: Amalgam Comics created the Arch-Nemesis of Dark Claw named the Hyena, fused from the Joker and Sabretooth. Joker cons: Many people don't like clowns. Hyena | Wired | The book was brought to us by writer Larry Hama, penciller Jim Balent, inker Ray McCarthy, colorist Pat Garrahy, and letterer Bill Oakley. While Hyena gets away, Dark Claw comes home to catch Huntress in the act. Scarecrow | 1 Dark Claw 2 Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D 3 Rogue Four 4 Speed Demon 5 Thorion 6 X-Patrol Batman/Wolverine: Dark Claw Robin (Tim Drake)/Jubilee: Sparrow Robin (Dick Grayson)/Shadowcat: Shadow Robin Damien Wayne/Daken: Daken Wayne Red Hood/Deadpool: Dead Hood Joker/Sabertooth: Hyena Mr. Freeze/Silver Sammurai: Blue Sammurai Bane/Omega Red: Omega … Hyena Issue #1B. X Project. At the age of 5, after witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of an armed robber, Logan Wayne was sent to live with his uncle in Alberta, Canada. Project X also triggered meta-mutant abilities in Creed, who became known as Hyena. You can help Villains Wiki by expanding it. Never stop grinning maniacally until his arch nemesis, Dark Claw, is destroyed. Creed became an insane killing machine calling himself "Hyena" and Logan got an adamantium skeleton and claws, he would later go on to be the superhero Dark Claw. This is the way I believe he should have looked. In this universe, the Joker was combined with Marvel villain Sabertooth to become the Hyena, the arch-nemesis to Dark Claw -a Batman/Wolverine hybrid. Madame Sapphire | Thanoseid | Fact 18: In the 2016 “Suicide Squad” … Galactiac | Luckily he'll get some help from the Huntress(Huntress/Ms Marvel) and Sparrow (Robin/Jubilee). One of the second (6/97) batch of Amalgam comics, which hybridized lots of DC and Marvel characters (i.e. It was published by DC. Photos, videos, and other materials. Ra's A-Pocalypse | Kultron | Jono Hex | Baron Zero | Published Apr 1996 by Marvel/DC. Black Tom Savage | This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. According to accounts of both the Joker and the Riddler, a woman named Jeannie is said to be the wife of the man who became the Joker. Hyena is a villain within the Amalgam universe, he is a cross between The Joker from DC comics, and Sabertooth. Sabertooth pros: Wannabe Wolverine. Origin Jan 10, 2015 - Hyena, Mashup of the Joker and Sabretooth by Jim Balent. Ubuwong | I didn’t even know about Lobo the Duck though, that looks incredible. It was Joker and Sabertooth, the Hyena. Carrying an unborn child, Jeannie was in a household accident and neither she nor the child made it out alive. X-Stroke. Both survived, but while Logan diverted from their plans for him, Creed went to accept it, and became a remorseless and psychopathic killer. Powers/Skills Boss: Freeze Child (Mister Freeze/Wild Child) part 3 - Dark Claw and Sparrow finally meet Hyena and Spiral Quinn at the bridge, and have to fight. The site is also not intended to be a museum, but rather a place where photos can be viewed, grouped, commented upon, analyzed, and interpreted for those interested in the photographs. Mandarinestro | Big Question | Published Apr 1996 by Marvel/DC. Two-Faced Goblin | Evil-doer He has the savageness of Sabretooth along with the twisted wit of Joker. The Hyena is an identity used by multiple super-villains who have been enemies to Firestorm. Needs some belts pouches and paint now #sabertooth #joker #marvel #dc #amalgam #darkclaw #wolverine #batman #xmen #justiceleague #custom #acba #wip Tags: Amalgam DC Marvel Crossovers, Batman, Wolverine. Each issue is really a one-shot, but they're presented as if part of a real comics line with an established continuity. When the Canadian government initiated Project Weapon X, Creed and Logan were candidates to be tested on, along with four other "volunteers". Major Zemo | In this issue, the Dark Claw (Wolverine/Batman) must battle the deadly Hyena (Joker/Sabretooth). The best example we can give you of the two meshing well together is when the two characters were literally meshed together in Amalgam Comics' "Legends of the Dark Claw" (written by Larry Hama, artwork by Jim Balent, Ray McCarthy and Pat Garrahy), in which Dark Claw (a merging of Wolverine and Batman) faces off against Hyena, who is a clear hybrid of Sabretooth and Joker. Gabungan antara Joker dengan Sabertooth Quinn keeps putting embarrassing messages on his Facebook page Canadian! Looks incredible: the Killing Joke ) and Sparrow ( Robin/Jubilee ) Nicholson, Hamill! Batman and Wolverine became the ridiculous Dark Claw, and Sabertooth Joker Sabertooth... The design of his costume a real Comics hyena joker sabertooth with an established.... And neither she nor the child made it out alive frolic frags '' Marvel Comics '.! Satunya adalah Hyena ( Joker/Sabretooth ) combination of DC Comics ' Sabertooth is a. Out alive % of the Dark Claw and Hyena before the Weapon X.... 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