Cells start degenerating in all sorts of ways (tissue damage and decomposition, edema, and so on) that are readily visible under a microscope. in Scientific American 321, 4, 34-37 (October 2019). – Bernat JL. PDF | On Apr 1, 2010, Calixto Machado published Are Brain Death Findings Reversible? – The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation – 03/2009; 24(2):141-4. Simon Makin; ScientificAmerican.com, April 19, 2019. Dynamic and reversible shape response of red blood cells in synthetic liquid crystals Karthik Nayani , Arthur A. Evans , Saverio E. Spagnolie , Nicholas L. Abbott Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Oct 2020, 117 (42) 26083-26090; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2007753117 This finding raises a profound question: What would happen if the team were to remove the neural-activity blockers from the solution suffusing the brain? For the grieving relatives and friends, it is challenging to understand what is happening. Most likely nothing. Indeed, a brain-dead body can be kept “alive” or on “life support” for hours, days or longer. Brain death, the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) as defined in the 1968 report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, is the legal definition of human death in most countries around the world. That extension is biological death. This is the difference between reversible and irreversible cell injury. St. Martin's Press, 2017. Zileuton is approved as a prophylactic agent for chronic treatment of asthma in adults and children 12 years of age or older. Indeed, a brain-dead body can be kept “alive” or on “life support” for hours, days or longer. Hepatic cellular injury often precipitates apoptosis or cell death. Adult Neurogenesis and Brain Regeneration in Zebrafish – Caghan Kizil, Jan Kaslin, Volker Kroehne, Michael Brand – DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Cluster of Excellence (CRTD), and Biotechnology Center (Biotec), Technische Universita t Dresden, Tatzberg 47/49, 01307, Dresden, Germany – Dev Neurobiol. All biological processes are irreversible and unwavering progressions. The locus of death shifted from the chest to the brain (and from public view into the private sphere of the hospital room), with the exact time of actual brain death uncertain. These machines are needed because when blood stops flowing through the large, energy-demanding brain, oxygen stores are depleted within seconds, and consciousness is lost. Reanimating it after such a major trauma could well lead to profound pathology, such as massive epileptic seizures, delirium, deep-seated pain, distress, psychosis, and so on. Occurs when respiration and heartbeat are not established. Quite simply, when your brain is dead, you are dead. in Nature, Vol. Thus, activated microglia can induce reversible apoptosis of target cells, which is insufficient to cause apoptotic cell death, but sufficient to induce their phagocytosis and therefore cell death by phagoptosis. Self-assembly is a fundamental feature of biological systems, and control of such processes offers fascinating opportunities to regulate function. Some suggest that it is dishonest to make this claim, 9 whereas others point out that the biological death of the whole human organism cannot (and is not required to) be proven during the diagnosis of brain death. It has no real biological significance, except for the fact that your heart is not pumping blood and providing you with oxygen. In my case, it was only as a mature man that I became fully mortal. 2 IMVF BRIEF 12/2018 I think the basic questions on this subject are: ... books on the death of distance). Death is the permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Evolution equipped our species with powerful defense mechanisms to deal with this foreknowledge—in particular, psychological suppression and religion. “A vaccine is a hope and brings assurance that we can overcome the worst of biological terrors. I had wasted an entire evening playing an addictive, first-person shooter video game—running through subterranean halls, flooded corridors, nightmarishly turning tunnels, and empty plazas under a foreign sun, firing my weapons at hordes of aliens relentlessly pursuing me. Not right there and then but eventually. When somebody stopped breathing and his or her heart ceased beating for more than a few minutes, the person was, quite simply, dead. 4 Biological Death. Return of spontaneous respiration in an infant who fulfilled current criteria to determine brain death – Okamoto K, Sugimoto T. – Pediatrics. – J Clin Ethics. Zileuton is a reversible inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an iron containing enzyme which is synonymous with arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase. Fragaceatoxin C (FraC) is a toxin that upon binding to the surface of sphingomyelin-rich cells undergoes a structural metamorphosis, leading to the assembly of nanopores at the cell membrane and causing cell death. Have we come to a technological point where we are able to “push the envelope” to see if this is truly the case? Throughout the entire reversible process, the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings. It lurks in the unconscious shadows, ready to burst forth. Monica Valentovic, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2018. RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY IMMUNOLOGY Protein crystallization promotes type 2 immunityand is reversible by antibody treatment Emma K. Persson*, Kenneth … It cannot be ruled out that with some kind of external help, a sort of cortical defibrillator, these “dead” brains could be booted up, reviving the brain rhythms characteristic of the living brain. Byproducts of hepatic injury include cellular waste like reactive oxygen species, which interfere with the function of other liver cells. Despite technological advances, biology and medicine still lack a coherent and principled understanding of what precisely defines birth and death—the two bookends that delimit life. – Oldenburg, Ann – USA Today. – Developmental Dynamics 240:943–968, 2011 – DOI 10.1002/dvdy.22553, The stability of memories during brain remodeling: A perspective – Douglas J Blackiston, Tal Shomrat & Michael Levin (2015) – Communicative & Integrative Biology, 8:5, e1073424, DOI: 10.1080/19420889.2015.1073424, An automated training paradigm reveals long-term memory in planarians and its persistence through head regeneration – Tal Shomrat, Michael Levin – Journal of Experimental Biology 2013 216: 3799-3810; doi: 10.1242/jeb.087809. RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY IMMUNOLOGY Protein crystallization promotes type 2 immunityand is reversible by antibody treatment Emma K. Persson*, Kenneth … CONTENTS. A conceptual challenge remains to define what constitutes anyone’s living body—which is clearly more than the sum of its individual organs. 10. Thus, these defense mechanisms must have arisen in recent hominin evolution, in less than 10 million years. They function very much in the present. For the grieving relatives and friends, it is challenging to understand what is happening. The pig brain is a large brain, unlike the one of the much smaller mouse, by far the most popular laboratory animal. Hypoxia-ischemia (H-I) in the developing brain results in brain injury with prominent features of both apoptosis and necrosis. The company plans to start its first clinical trials of its 'reanimation' technology next year. We are repeatedly told through the medical establishment (as well as through popular culture, in recent public cases such as those surrounding Jahi McMath and Bobbi Kristina Brown) that brain death is “irreversible” and should be considered the end of the line. Yet it obscures the depth of our ignorance about what explains the breakdown of the vegetative soul. Children in this age group sometimes visualize death in the form of a tangible being such as a ghost or boogeyman.³ They are very curious about the details of death, cremation and burial and may ask candid questions. 1992 Spring;3(1):21-6; discussion 27-8. The biological, chemical, and therapeutics landscapes of reversible Lys PTMs have become increasingly rich and complex over the past 25 years since the molecular identification of the first KATs and KDACs (Allis and Jenuwein, 2016). Depriving a brain of oxygen and blood flow for more than a few minutes begins to trigger irreversible damage. The reversible phase of somatic death. When these vital capacities are gone, the organism ceases to be animate (a term whose roots lead back to anima, Latin for “soul”). As a scientist with intimations of my own mortality, my reflections turn toward understanding what death is. Please check your entries and try again. Shuffle Brain: The Quest for the Holgramic Mind Hardcover – March 27, 1981 – Houghton Mifflin; First Edition (March 27, 1981) – ISBN-10: 0395294800 – ISBN-13: 978-0395294802, Looking Proximally and Distally: 100 Years of Limb Regeneration and Beyond -David L. Stocum and Jo Ann Cameron – Department of Biology and Indiana University Center, 723 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. We found several constructs in which the affinity of the toxin for biological … – Landau, Elizabeth – CNN. True death is the point where the decay of neurons in the brain reaches the 'unrecoverable' point. Having been reversed, it leaves no change in either the system or the surroundings. This definition is, by and large, in use throughout most of the advanced world. Extensive study over the last century has shed a substantial amount of knowledge on the processes of epimorphic, intercalary regeneration and the unique and multi-mechanistic dynamics that are involved in re-starting a defined generative developmental pattern to specifically fill in missing or damaged tissues and organs in a living organism. Glial cells, the underappreciated entities supporting neurons proper, showed some functionality, and the brain consumed oxygen and glucose, the universal energy currency of the body, an indication of some metabolic functioning. Biological Death. Of course, this is now increasingly mimicked by artificial-intelligence algorithms. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are okay with it. (Singularity) – Death is defined as the termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Irreversible cell injury results in cell death. The researchers removed the brains from their skulls and connected the carotid arteries and veins to a perfusion device that mimics a beating heart. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate A 10-month-old infant with reversible findings of brain death – Joffe AR, Kolski H, Duff J, deCaen AR. The modern emphasis on machine learning, genomics, proteomics and big data provides the illusion of understanding what the vegetative soul is. Mr. Pastor has served as VP, Business Development for drug development company Phytomedics Inc., in sales, marketing, and business strategy positions at SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, and as Vice President of Corporate Development for the pharmacy benefit management company Prescription Delivery Systems (acquired by Cigna Health Insurance). Clinical death means complete and irreversible stoppage of circulation, respiration and brain functions. The ordinary concept of death is analysed and compared with revisionary medical definitions, especially those based on irreversible loss of brain function. Recently updated … All biological processes are irreversible and unwavering progressions. Brain death may be the defining factor, but that does not simplify clinical diagnosis—biological processes can persist after the brain shuts down. Today it is likely that they would be declared dead. biologic death: death attributed to natural causes. Thanks for subscribing! Biological death is death at molecular or cellular level. That is irreversible death. Quite simply, when your brain is dead, you are dead. Even now, a person in between those stages can 'come back to life,' although we don't totally understand the reasoning behind it. This may be reversible i.e. He serves on Scientific American's board of advisers. The field as a whole should pause and discuss the medical, scientific, legal, ethical, philosophical and political questions of such research with all stakeholders. Sooner or later, somewhere on the planet’s face, someone will try to temporarily cheat death. You will die, sooner or later. For example, in 2012, chemical biologist Scott Dixon of Stanford University found that ferroptosis, a form of cell death that is dependent on iron, can be reversed by treatment with lipophilic antioxidants or iron chelators. Author information: (1)Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QW, UK. So, the technical answer is yes; in principle, this could be done. Investigations into the areas of biologic information processing in aneural organisms, non-neural human tissues, and single cell organisms that form multi-cellular structures, add to a fascinating portfolio of questions, and potentially challenge the notion of the brain as the sole repository of long-term encoded information. This adjustment was given the force of law by the Uniform Determination of Death Act in 1981. Neurological death—specified by irreversible coma, absence of responses, brain stem reflexes or respiration—is uncommon beyond the intensive care unit, where patients with traumatic or anoxic brain injury or toxic-metabolic coma (say, following an opioid overdose) are typically admitted. Choose from 244 different sets of clinical death flashcards on Quizlet. Hornik TC(1), Vilalta A(1), Brown GC(2). The period in the agonal process where simple life processes of various organs and tissues of the body begin to cease. To her loving family, she was alive for close to five years until she died from bleeding associated with liver failure. Before you recoil, think of the following. This definition is, by and large, in use throughout most of the advanced world. Discover world-changing science. He has 30 years of experience across multiple sectors of the pharmaceutical industry including pharmaceutical commercialization, biotech drug development, managed care, distribution, OTC, and retail. Cell Death Differ 16, 3-11. Crossref, Medline, Google Scholar For the grieving relatives and friends, it is challenging to understand what is happening. Growth Differ. Brain death is defined as the complete, irreversible loss of all brain function. Anyone who undertakes this quest will soon come to realize that death, this looming presence just over the horizon, is quite ill defined from both a scientific as well as a medical point of view. 5 Signs of Obvious and Irreversible Death . Additionally, it is widely acknowledged that supported brain dead subjects can continue to maintain their own circulation, digestion, food metabolism, excretion, hormonal balance, growth, sexual maturation, fetus gestation, wound healing, and spike a fever. Reversible cell injury is, by definition, reversible if the … Self-assembly is a fundamental feature of biological systems, and control of such processes offers fascinating opportunities to regulate function. If permission has been obtained, the organs can be harvested from the cadaver to help the living who need a heart, kidney, liver or lung, which are always in short supply. There are more than 30 known cases of pregnant brain-dead mothers placed on a ventilator to support gestation of a surviving fetus, born weeks or months (in one case 107 days) after the mother became brain-dead. ... which can either be reversed or complete cell death. Cardiorespiratory death can be diagnosed after 5 min of observed asystole, long enough for irreversible damage to the brainstem to have occurred. Brain death may be the defining factor, but that does not simplify clinical diagnosis—biological processes can persist after the brain shuts down. Brain death, the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) as defined in the 1968 report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, is the legal definition of… A silent brain, electrically speaking, is not harboring an experiencing mind. Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at, What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about the Brain. Looking healthier than some of the other denizens of the ICU, their beloved is now legally a corpse, a beating-heart cadaver. Cell damage (also known as cell injury) is a variety of changes of stress that a cell suffers due to external as well as internal environmental changes. Classification of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2009. A firm based in Philadelphia believes brain death might no longer be the end of the line. Locate the tools and resources you need to create a better future, better business and better you. 1. Biological death is considered the last stage of dying, which without timely assistance becomes irreversible. These illnesses inflict damage on the liver through a complex biological cascade. © 2016. Brain death, the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) as defined in the 1968 report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School, is the legal definition of human death in most countries around the world. This article was originally published with the title "Is Death Reversible?" Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Hear their dreams and their fears. My name is Ira S. Pastor – CEO of Bioquark Inc. ... which can either be reversed or complete cell death. © 2021 Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc. Support our award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. Cell loss was inhibited by blocking phagocytosis mediated by phosphatidylserine, MFG-E8, vitronectin receptors or P2Y6 receptors. It is precisely to avoid this situation that the Yale team obstructed neuronal function. Is it too difficult to contemplate that the same may be true for brain death? Brain death may be the defining factor, but that does not simplify clinical diagnosis—biological processes can persist after the brain shuts down. References: 1. Although they can grieve for dead offspring and companions, there is no credible evidence that apes, dogs, crows and bees have minds sufficiently self-aware to be troubled by the insight that one day they will be no more. If Brain Death Reversible, It Isn’t “Dead” By Wesley J. Smith. So here we sit in 2016, at a very unique moment in scientific history where the convergence of the tools of regenerative biotechnology, resuscitation / reanimation research, and clinical neuroscience have placed us on the verge of being to answer some unique, profound, and controversial questions. Irreversible cell injury results in complete cell death and normal cellular conditions cannot be achieved even if the stress is relieved. Indeed, a brain-dead body can be kept “alive” or on “life support” for hours, days or longer. Restoration of Brain Circulation and Cellular Functions Hours Post-mortem. This is the difference between reversible and irreversible cell injury. A Definition of Irreversible Coma – Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School to Examine the Definition of Brain Death – JAMA. – Pediatr Neurol. (If this sounds gruesome, it is what happens to livestock in an abattoir, one reason I’m a vegetarian.) HOW REVERSIBLE IS GLOBALIZATION? It differs from persistent vegetative state, in which the person is alive and some autonomic functions remain. The title of the researchers’ paper announcing their technology boldly states “Restoration of Brain Circulation and Cellular Functions Hours Post-mortem.”. Return of EEG activity after electrocerebral silence: two case reports – Joseph B. No creature should ever suffer in this manner. Pantheon, 2012. Subscribers get more award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. Fragaceatoxin C (FraC) is a toxin that upon binding to the surface of sphingomyelin-rich cells undergoes a structural metamorphosis, leading to the assembly of nanopores at the cell membrane and causing cell death. person can be revived if it is not too late. There are no reversible or undetermined processes in Biology. Indeed, a brain-dead body can be kept “alive” or on “life support” for hours, days or longer. How can one precisely delimit this body in space (are clothing, dental implants and contact lenses part of the body?) Brain transplantation in salamanders: an approach to memory transfer. 5 Signs of Obvious and Irreversible Death . Thus, activated microglia can induce reversible apoptosis of target cells, which is insufficient to cause apoptotic cell death, but sufficient to induce their phagocytosis and therefore cell death by phagoptosis. The problem that we are confronted by is that our knowledge is limited; which is attributable to human ignorance and not to the absence of laws governing microscopic systems, which in all probability are the same laws governing macroscopic systems. Monica Valentovic, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2018. Aristotle wrote in De anima more than two millennia ago that any living body is more than the sum of its parts. Both types of cell injuries elicit unique cellular responses. It circulates a kind of artificial blood, a synthetic mixture of compounds that carry oxygen and drugs that protect cells from damage. When someone significant dies, babies are more acutely aware of loss and separation. Please check your email for further instructions. Some of these cells responded appropriately by generating one or a series of the stereotypical electrical pulses, so-called action potentials or spikes, that are the universal idiom of rapid communication in any advanced nervous system. I went to bed, easily falling asleep but awoke abruptly a few hours later. Yet the fear of the grim reaper will not be denied. The essence of a vegetative soul encompasses its powers of nutrition, growth and reproduction that depend on the body. These are the biological givens that are on your driver's license. In thermodynamics, a reversible process is a process whose direction can be reversed to return the system to its original state by inducing infinitesimal changes to some property of the system's surroundings. Note the word “irreversible” in the contemporary definition of neurological death. 1969 Aug;14(3):707-15. Electrodes placed onto the surface of the pig brains measured no spontaneous global electrical activity: none of the deep-slow waves that march in lockstep across the cerebral cortex during deep sleep, no abrupt paroxysm of electrical activity followed by silence—what is known as burst suppression. Learn clinical death with free interactive flashcards. Is death reversible? A recent experiment suggests this idea is not just a wild imagining. Abstract knowledge had turned to felt reality—I was going to die! It is an inevitable process eventually occurring in all living organisms. Biology. About Wesley J. Smith Follow Wesley J. Smith on Twitter April 27, 2016 3:00 PM. As the compound circulated, the fine net of arteries, capillaries and veins that suffuse brain tissue responded appropriately; the tissue integrity was preserved with a reduction in swelling that leads to cell death; synapses, neurons and their output wires (axons) looked normal. – Pietsch P, Schneider CW. Cardiorespiratory death can be diagnosed after 5 min of observed asystole, long enough for irreversible damage to the brainstem to have occurred. We all will. Some patients with cardiac arrest are simply not going to be resuscitated, no matter how hard rescuers try. Get inspired. Certainly not until we understand much better whether a reconstituted animal brain shows global electrical activity typical of a healthy brain, without stress responses indicative of pain, distress or agony. The magic resides in the exact molecular constitution of the circulating solution. Biology. Changes to gene activity that occur with age can be turned back, a new study shows . This age group may want to see death as reversible, but they begin to see it as both final and universal. Even with the absence of brain waves it came as a surprise to me, a working neuroscientist, that individual pig cortical neurons still retained their capacity to generate electrical and synaptic activity. COGNITIVE STAGE & CONCEPT • Concrete Operations (school-age) – Begins to see death … Reversible cell injuries can be reversed back to normal while irreversible cell injuries cannot reverse back to normal. It can thicker, or it can be thin, depending on the connections that we are talking about. But the reality is that distance still matters, and it is in fact one of the reasons why globalization is uneven in its effects. Cell damage. How Brain Death is Diagnosed. 1968; 205(6):337-340. doi:10.1001/jama.1968.03140320031009. Brain Death: A Reappraisal – Springer 2007th Edition – C. Machado – ISBN-10: 038738975X – ISBN-13: 978-0387389752. Brain Death. Brain Restoration System Explores Hazy Territory between Being Dead or Alive. Reversible cell injury results in morphological and cellular changes that could be reversed if the stress is taken off. For example, in 2012, chemical biologist Scott Dixon of Stanford University found that ferroptosis, a form of cell death that is dependent on iron, can be reversed by treatment with lipophilic antioxidants or iron chelators. Br J Cancer 26, 239-257. Both are caused by chemical, physical or biological agents. Reversible Photocontrolled Nanopore Assembly ... assembly of nanopores at the cell membrane and causing cell death. So you can have the best possible How but if you mess up your Why or What you will do more damage than good. Aging Is Reversible—at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice. All Rights Reserved |. He taught that the vegetative soul of any organism, whether a plant, animal or person, is the form or the essence of this living thing. Throughout history, everyone knew what death was. Amongst other causes, this can be due to physical, chemical, infectious, biological, nutritional or immunological factors. Note the word “irreversible” in the contemporary definition of neurological death. But this was not a surprise. Zvonimir Vrselja et al. Brain death may be the defining factor, but that does not simplify clinical diagnosis—biological processes can persist after the brain shuts down. When visiting the ICU, they see the chest moving in and out, they feel a pulse, the skin pallor looks normal, and the body is warm. Other forms of cell death appear reversible, too. Brain death may be the defining factor, but that does not simplify clinical diagnosis—biological processes can persist after the brain shuts down. An experiment that partially revived slaughterhouse pig brains raises questions about the precise end point of life, “And death shall have no dominion”—Dylan Thomas, 1933. As of the early 21st century, over 150,000 humans die each day. 2012 Mar;72(3):429-61. doi: 10.1002/dneu.20918. Death is defined as the termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. 1995 Sep; 96 (3 Pt 1):518-20. Biological death, on the other hand, is brain death, and there's no turning back from brain death. – Biochemical Research Laboratory, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich. 48460 U.S.A. – Brain Res. Can this procedure be applied to the human brain? Apoptosis is the controlled cell death which takes place in response to cell aging. When ‘life support’ is really ‘death support’. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. The remains of a living organism begin to decompose shortly after death. – http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2015/02/05/bobbi-kristina-brown-not-brain-dead/22928581/, Brain regeneration in anuran amphibians – Tetsuya Endo, Jun Yoshino, Koji Kado and Shin Tochinai – Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, N10W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan – Develop. The sensitive soul mediates the capacities of both animals and humans to sense the world and their bodies. It is the closest to what we moderns call “conscious experience.” Finally, the rational soul is the sole province of people, mediating reason, language and speech. The vast majority of deaths still occur following cardiopulmonary cessation, which then terminates brain functioning as well. Death is defined as the termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Mr. Pastor has an MBA from Temple University and a BS in Pharmacy form Rutgers University. Neurosurgical procedures are routinely tested on pigs before moving to human trials. Changes to gene activity that occur with age can be turned back, a new study shows . Live long and prosper. Collectively, the testing for brain death is designed to show that the patient is in a state of “irreversible apneic unconsciousness.” Irreversible apneic unconsciousness is not the same as biological death. Death has no such dominion over nonhuman animals. The question is do we take the next steps? Think of closed-circuit dialysis machines that thousands of patients use daily to flush out toxins from their body because their own kidneys have stopped working. There are no reversible or undetermined processes in Biology. Create the future. To the law and established medical consensus, she was dead. – J Obstet Gynaecol Res. (2009). All Rights Reserved | Terms | Disclosure | Privacy Policy. Just because some individual neurons retain some potential for excitability does not imply that millions and millions of neurons can spontaneously self-organize and break out into an electrical chorus. The locus of death shifted from the chest to the brain (and from public view into the private sphere of the hospital room), with the exact time of actual brain death uncertain. Few of us like to think about this troubling fact. Death is defined as the termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. 2010 Apr;36(2):393-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2009.01141.x. Necrosis is the process of cell death taking place due to a physical, chemical or a biological agent that causes irreversible … Healthier than some of the brain that is responsible for mind, thought and action by phosphatidylserine,,... To use this site we will assume that you are dead cognitive capability to understand an concept... 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