In their first confrontation with Deathtrap and the Mercs, Flashpoint, Nautika and Sunburst fell before the enemy and were presumed dead. Not only did she make him realize that as a man of action, he needed Stormwatch as much as it needed him, but she activated his younger brother Malcolm. [6], After the Knights' defeat, Jackson was gathered along with many of Earth's heroes on a repaired Skywatch, under the still leadership of Spartan. Stormwatch P.H.D. Though at first his knowledge of his death caused him to act recklessly to make what he had left count, at some point he decided to try to change the future instead of rushing headlong into it. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. Battalion was still outmatched. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. were dead), and his father Despot was on the cusp of taking over the world. From the ashes of Stormwatch Prime, Stormwatch One was assembled. Synergy: Though they would never admit it at the time, Jackson King and Christine Trelane had feelings for each other since they first started working together on Skywatch. Find Jack King's memorial at He did keep Stormwatch Black, the covert team made up of Jenny Sparks, Jack Hawksmoor and Swift, but he denied their existence. The animosity was mostly one-way though, with Flashpoint disliking and always trying to provoke Battalion. Flash point tried to kill Battalion, instead, he lost his life as Battalion obliterated Flashpoint's head with a telekinetic blast. Home Value Estimate; Find an Agent Join. View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for A Jackson King in Maryland (MD). Jacksons of Kingfisher, Kingfisher, OK. 4.9K likes. After Jackson’s Jackson's powers begin to increase after he is shot in the head by his wife, Synergy. The members of Stormwatch Black, a secret group of Stormwatch operatives, not based on Skywatch, went on to form The Authority. Before he could do much, he was attacked from behind by none other than Battalion. His plan failed but right before Despot killed him, Timespan sent him back into the past. Before he could do so, Battalion arrived and reclaimed his position as team leader. Synergy was attempting to take away Jackson's super powers. While he had been gone, most of the Stormwatch regulars had taken leave to recover from the battle with Despot or just deal with personal things. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The only real problem he had with his people was when he refused to send his Stormwatch to save a parallel Earth because he didn’t feel like he had the right to interfere that much. Jackson was contacted by the Weaver, powerful creatures who oversee the Bleed. This is Me - Control Profile. Our beloved principal, Dr. Carolyn Jackson-King, transformed Boone Elementary School during her six years as principal. Satisfaction Rating An agent's star rating is the average of all the ratings of their service. When they were discovered alive years later, having been imprisoned that whole time, Stormwatch of course rescued them, but Flashpoint put all the blame for their years of torture on Battalion, even though he had wanted to try to go back for them years earlier in Kuwait and had broken the chain of command when he found out they were alive and finally did save them. Stormwatch member Winter flew Skywatch into the Sun, destroying the base and killing the Aliens. There were many casualties, but Battalion was able to save almost 100 of his people, thanks to the assistance of the Wildcats and Winter’s sacrifice. King and Trelane operated as the U.N. liaisons for the Authority for a while, but Jackson strongly disagreed with the Authority's methods and thought that he was treated like an errand boy. Most of them left for Khera, but a damaged Spartan was left on Earth and was rebuilt in order to join the Stormwatch team for their next mission, capturing Despot. They gave Trelane and him information on a danger that was threatening them all. During this time he finally allowed himself to act on his feelings for Synergy and they got very close, acting like a couple both on and off duty, though that was somewhat affected by her becoming Weatherman after Henry Bendix was fired for defending Battalion’s rash decisions. Adam B King 1811 - 1864. Malcolm has a knack for falling in with the wrong crowd and making the wrong choices. No special notes. On Skywatch, Jenny was fighting a now-insane Henry Bendix and Battalion was surprised and taken down by Blind, the other member of the Changers that had his own way of doing things. They were captured and Jackson spent most of his adult life trying to prove he was not like his father. X Series King V™ KVXMG. Their Battalion spent all that time honing his psionic powers for his showdown with his father. Battalion possesses the unique ability to turn his psionic powers inward to increase his physical abilities to levels well above the 100 ton mark. Strafe: Malcolm King is ’s younger brother. They were able to work as a team despite that though, and did so up until that fateful mission in where it seemed that Flashpoint and the others had died. On top of that, it appeared that he himself had died. Battalion has also used his psionics to scan people to repair damage to their bodies. Battalion puts the well being of his team (and friends) above any orders or his own safety. When Skywatch found a rock floating in space, Battalion thought of events that had happened on the parallel world and how things had transpired. William Rufus DeVane King (April 7, 1786 – April 18, 1853) was an American politician and diplomat. Jackson King is a local real estate agent with ERA King Real Estate . So Spartan had Ladytron accompany King given she was a cyborg that can't be mentally control, much to Jackson's great reluctance.[7]. No trivia. Henry Bendix took a firm, if somewhat brutal stance against the causes of evil. He fears becoming his father and often reflects on himself and his past. When it seemed like he had died , he had really teleported to where Skywatch would land. This lead to a battle between Stormwatch and a Kheran rebels who sought to re-make the Earth. He is a thoughtful man with tons of character. His strategic thinking, seriousness, drive, discipline, and his own personality allowed him to be commanding and clearly in charge without alienating himself from his team members or losing himself under the burden of authority. As Battalion he was given a special Cybertran suit that amplified his abilities over 100 times and then focused them through guns. Battalion is intelligent and good at what he does. His Stormwatch members consisted of Winter, Fahrenheit, Hellstrike and Synergy. William Paul King He was sent to to stop Maul, who had been brainwashed by the Daemonite, Defile, from dropping a bomb in a volcano in order to sink the island and many others. Despite the fact that he would be justified in taking control of any situation, he is not quick to impose himself on others just for his own sake.