The different colors and designs make it easy to differentiate between feelings met (red/orange), feelings unmet (blue/gray) and needs (green/white). Now shift your attention to the needs you were trying to meet when you did the thing you’ve regretted. ... “Put Feelings and Needs vocabulary in your hands to help you connect with yourself and other people. Two other aspects of NVC are empathy and honesty. Nonviolent Communication is a service mark of The Center for Nonviolent Communication. TRANSCENDENCE Presence Inspiration WELL-BEING Evolution REGENERATION Healing Beauty Celebration Peace of Mind Harmony Gratitude Balance Flow Mourning Ease Space Leisure HONESTY Trust Play EMPATHY Authenticity UnderstandingSelf-Connection ConnectionSelf-Expression Love Clarity Acceptance Learning Affection Compassion … Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a process of connecting with people in a way that allows everyone’s needs to be met through empathizing with the universal needs we all share. Feelings and emotions list (33K) Four Choices (45K) Four choices for hearing and responding to difficult messages. The cards are printed on 350 g Needs: All individuals have needs and values that sustain and enrich their lives. Learning NVC can be tough — in fact, it’s often equated with learning an entirely new language. In addition to building a library of NVC books and workbooks to learn and practice from, we encourage you to dive into the free communication training resources listed here for more practical wisdom, encouragement, stories, articles, and ideas from our talented authors and NVC trainers. The hand with a wheel on the palm symbolises Ahimsa, or “nonviolence”. Self-Compassion: 7. The Nonviolent Communication model consists of two parts, empathy and honesty, and four components, observations, feelings, needs, and requests. John Kinyon leads participants through two Observation Exercises to strengthen their ability to be present. If you are dealing with someone who doesn’t speak NVC you may have to guess at his or her emotions and ask them if this is what they are feeling. Here, distinguishing feelings from thoughts is an essential step to the NVC process. Nonviolent Communication was named out of a sense of alignment with Mahatma Gandhi’s social movement, which was about both truthfulness and compassion. Pause each time you identify a feeling or a need to experience it as much as possible. Games - Nonviolent Communication for the Next Gen is a non-profit organization focused on teaching conflict resolution skills & anti-bullying programs for schools. When I am expressing what is alive in me using observations, feelings, needs and requests I am using honesty. The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global nonprofit organization founded by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. We are dedicated to sharing Nonviolent Communication (NVC) around the world, and, to that end, we offer International Intensive Trainings and we certify individuals as trainers. High quality Non Violent Communication Cards. Again, identify feelings and needs behind these judgments. Write them down and … Needs wheel nonviolen communication 1. Feelings met(30+ cards), Feelings unmet(30+ cards) and Needs(50+ cards). When those needs are met, we experience comfortable feelings, like happiness or peacefulness, and when they are not, we experience uncomfortable feelings, like frustration. You demonstrate empathy in NVC by repeating the exact emotional words and need words back to the person expressing them. Needs wheel in Farsi. Through the exercises, John distinguishes the difference between feelings, which are emotions felt inside the body, and observations which are witness to our experience. Besides Nonviolent Communication, NVC is also known by other names: Compassionate Communication, Collaborative Communication, Respectful Communication, and; Conscious Communication, among others. It is a way of relating to ourselves and others out of an awareness of feelings and needs rather than judgments, labels, punishment, guilt or shame. The wheel represents the resolve to halt the cycle of reincarnation through relentless pursuit of truth and non-violence. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. 6. Key Assumptions of NVC