our words usually always have an s, not a z, in the 'ise' situation. Use vs Utilize . If you utilize your time wisely, you will be able to finish all of your chores by lunch. To Sai Vineeth, Both spellings are correct, depending on which style of English you use (American vs. British). Utilize, though, is nothing but a longer, bulkier, more pretentious version of, essentially, the same word. ^ “utilise” in Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present. A fashionable feline, Howie has an array of outfits he can utilise on a daily basis. Utilize. There are other such pairs, for example, “analyze” and “analyse.” But, the word has a specifically useful application to suggest the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use. Indeed it lists “pled” as a valid past-tense form or past participle of the verb “to plead.” So grammar miscreants did not deviously gather together and make up that word to enrage grammarians, but some grammarians are mad. The home team tried to utilize their numerical advantage . Vitamin C helps the body utilize the iron present in your body. Answer Save. Some examples from the web: Permit to utilize timber from reforestation areas; Now on to the difference between “use” and “utilize,” thanks to a question from Thomas. Utilize is borrowed from Middle French and first appeared in English in the 1800s. Examples of Utilize in a sentence. Although both use and utilize ultimately have their roots in Latin uti, meaning "to use," use has functioned as a verb since the 14th century. So, even though it seems that lawyers occasionally do say, “pled,” you should probably avoid “pled” unless you want to risk the indignation of the so-called hoity-toity. We often use utilize in official documents like business reports, cover letters, etc. Some dictionaries gloss utilize as using something for a purpose that it is not normally employed for. Of course, you can always replace utilize with use, but you can’t always replace use with utilize. Relevance. To utilize is to use what you have or what's available, and it's a three-syllable word meaning the same thing as the one-syllable "use." Hello, thesaurus. Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "utilise… ‘The aim of judo is to utilize physical and mental strength most effectively.’ ‘The firm will utilise the rail network more effectively between Reading and London Paddington.’ ‘So let's make the best of it and utilize the present time to the fullest - go for gold!’ 3. Utilize definition: If you utilize something, you use it. — Trisha Thadani, The San Francisco Chronicle, 28 Apr. Define utilise. utilise synonyms, utilise pronunciation, utilise translation, English dictionary definition of utilise. In fact, utilize looks and feels odd to be used in place of use in daily life. And second is its length: clocking in at a whole two syllables longer than its plain-Jane synonym use, utilize is often labeled "pretentious.". Synonyms for utilise include employ, exploit, use, wield, harness, utilize, ply, engage, apply and deploy. Cause: apply; go for; hold (be pertinent or relevant or applicable). Antonyms for utilise. apply; to use; to employ; to utilize; utilise – put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose 1 apply verb 2016, Individual insurance companies should begin testing new ways of utilizing blockchain with internal processes to gain learning to leverage as the technology matures. A selection of words from the chillier parts of the lexicon. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! utility Having to do with, or owned by, a service provider. 4 synonyms for utilise: apply, employ, use, utilize. What does utilize mean? How to say utilize. It is a word that is being overused in today’s society. Sources I checked fall all along the spectrum of indignation. ": formal (put [sth] to practical use): utiliser⇒ vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). Utilize is borrowed from Middle French and first appeared in English in the 1800s. Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs utilise, utilitarianise and utilitarianize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. 1 decade ago. Quick & Dirty Tips™ and related trademarks appearing on this website are the property of Mignon Fogarty, Inc. and Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC. Having a firm grasp on the difference between use and utilize can help you from making one of those infamous English faux pas. Plus a bonus topic: “pled” versus “pleaded.”, Today guest-writer Bonnie Trenga is helping us talk about two sets of words that listeners get confused: “pleaded guilty” or “pled guilty,” and “use” or “utilize.”. Utilise definition: → utilize | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The Internet hates it, but maybe it has its place, Trump loyalists fight election certification, Set your young readers up for lifelong success. Your spell-checker is set on one of them, but you can change it. Utilize is a 19th-century loanword from French verb ‘utilizer’ meaning ‘to use’. There are other such pairs, for example, “analyze” and “analyse.” As verbs the difference between utilise and utilize is that utilise is to make useful, to find a practical use for while utilize is (american spelling). Subsequent, always make sure that you are investing in a item to clean with that can be utilized on copper. Suehil Medemod. Use vs Utilize. What does utilize mean? But prescriptive grammarians are pretty clear on such use. British English Nov 25, 2007 #3 'Utiliser' is fairly uncommon, however. Anonymous. - English Only forum deploy vs utilize - English Only forum make the most of versus utilize - English Only forum maximize utilize? Ex : "J'écris une lettre". “Utilize” is the American/Canadian spelling, while “utilise” is the British spelling. Forma verbal escrita incorrectamente. 4 synonyms for utilise: apply, employ, use, utilize. Definition of utilize written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Subsequent, always make sure that you are investing in a item to clean with that can be utilized on copper. Why? 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. It, therefore, has a much broader definition. We must He has written multiple legal-oriented tomes in addition to the grammar guide I quoted earlier, and they all advise lawyers to use “pleaded,” though Garner does acknowledge in one legal guide (6) that “pled” “is a common variant in legal usage.” Yet it's not that common in the news: a quick search of Google News shows that “pleaded guilty” is about 60 times more common than “pled guilty.”. utilize. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. ‘The aim of judo is to utilize physical and mental strength most effectively.’ ‘The firm will utilise the rail network more effectively between Reading and London Paddington.’ ‘So let's make the best of it and utilize the present time to the fullest - go for gold!’ If you want a word that does the specialized work that utilize does, we don't think you should be ashamed to utilize it. 198,000,000 results on the web. ... use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ (verb) put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose Context example: He doesn't know how to use a computer. If you look at the definition of utilize, you’ll notice that it implies taking something and using it … The word utilize came into the English language around 1800, from the French word utiliser which means making effective use of something. to show off their knowledge and intelligence. Learn a new word every day. Translate utilize in context, with examples of use and definition. It doesn't just mean the same thing as use; it is the same thing. Another word for utilize. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Derivation: utility (the quality of being of practical use) utilizable (capable of being put to a profitable or practical use) utilization (the act of using) utilizer (someone who puts to good use) Sense 2. utilize vs utilise. A fashionable feline, Howie has an array of outfits he can utilise on a daily basis. 1 decade ago. 'User' is more common. Utilize definition, to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill. They utilize the animals. What does utilize mean? And nobody calls little "pretentious" for being longer than small, or actual "pretentious" for being longer than real. Utilize: to put into action or service. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? She and her husband, also a lawyer, kindly referred me to Garner, whom I’ve already quoted. Find more ways to say utilize, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 'Utilize' is one of the Internet's most hated words, considered both unnecessarily longer than 'use' and containing a dreaded '-ize' ending. 2018, According to a 2014 study published in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Current Issues journal, graduates who find themselves working in jobs that don't utilize their degrees in their 20s will land jobs more in line with their degree by their 30s. 4. But English speakers have been finding -ize useful since the 16th century, and words that employ it come in handy every day (for example, authorize, capitalize, realize, and stabilize). Information and translations of utilize in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. We must ^ T.A.R. Check out words from the year you were born and more! Utilize is a transitive verb, related words are utilizes, utilized, utilizing, utililization. 'Utilize' is typically used to suggest a new, profitable, or practical use for something. Define Utilize. Use means to employ an object for a … “So if you are not actually creating an alternate use for something, utilize is the wrong word.” 'Utilize' is one of the Internet's most hated words, considered both unnecessarily longer than 'use' and containing a dreaded '-ize' ending. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Would you ever say that you utilize your pen to write? "She found the cat. Synonyms for utilise in Free Thesaurus. “Utilize” is the American/Canadian spelling, while “utilise” is the British spelling. 3. Many of us use the two words use and utilize as synonyms. 218+2 sentence examples: 1. Many people use Utilize instead of Use in various contexts such as cover letters, business reports, research papers, etc. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: utilize [sth], also UK: utilise [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." Tillou, France. French utiliser, from utile Date: 1807 : to make use of : turn to practical use or account It's also not uncommon to see "utilize _____ to their advantage", including "utilize this setback to their advantage." "Elle a retrouvé son chat". (Its recent French heritage doesn't help with the accusations of pretentiousness.). Pauline. Both words are firmly established in the language now, however. Utilize is an alternative form of utilise. Totally agree with your comments regarding the use of ‘use’ vs ‘utilize’ but in your commentary, you hit another raw nerve; ‘alternate’ vs ‘alternative’. Utilise definition is - British spelling of utilize … See the full definition. When you are at a shop and realize you have left your mobile at home, you ask for permission to use the phone. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Main Difference: The main difference between Use and Utilize is that Use means to employ something to achieve a purpose while Utilize means to employ something to achieve a purpose that is not originally intended from it.. Therefore, use can always be used, but utilize should only be used when indicating a creative use. Perhaps the real issue is that utilize is (relatively) new. What are synonyms for utilise? view recents. Technically, yes. It doesn't just mean the same thing as use; it is the same thing. 2016. 4. But, the word has a specifically useful application to suggest the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use. What are synonyms for utilise? See more. Utilize is a verb that is used in place of use in situations and for things that are used for purposes other than for what they are meant. Utilise. I’m sure we’ve all heard the sentence “He pled guilty.” It seems to be a logical way to form the past tense of the verb “to plead,” just as it’s perfectly correct to write the past-tense verb “led” in “He led me away.” Today he leads; yesterday he led—no problem. The first is its ending: words with the -ize suffix tend to annoy people (we'll pause here for anyone who wants to hate on incentivize for a moment). GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. — Tom Jacobs, Pacific Standard, 2 Mar. Trump loyalists fight election certification. A complete search of the internet has found these results: utilise is the most popular phrase on the web. utilize something (as something) to use something, especially for a practical purpose synonym make use of. To utilize is to make use of something or to find a practical purpose for something. Verb group: apply; practice; use (avail oneself to). Synonyms for utilise in Free Thesaurus. Delivered to your inbox! The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material. Having a firm grasp on the difference between use and utilize can help you from making one of those infamous English faux pas. — utilization noun [uncountable] the full utilization of the oil pipeline → … Classified under: Verbs of eating and drinking. Both words come from the Latin root util–, but use is the much older word in English. See more. To utilize is to make use of something or to find a practical purpose for something. Some examples from the web: Permit to utilise timber from non; forest zones; They added that Greece must utilise EUR 2 … Use could of course be substituted for utilize in any of these examples, but the implication of a deliberate decision or effort to employ something for a practical purpose would be lost. Canadian British American Notes; understorey understorey understory unionize unionise unionize(var): unionize utilize utilise utilize(var): utilize It's got two important strikes against it. Utilize, though, is nothing but a longer, bulkier, more pretentious version of, essentially, the same word. 0 0. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Definition of Utilize. Utilize is the North American spelling, the British spellings are utilise, utilises, utilised, utilising, utilisation. Is there a difference between these words? 4 years ago. utilize definition: 1. to use something in an effective way: 2. to use something in an effective way: 3. to make use…. We are currently experiencing playback issues on Safari. utilize something (as something) to use something, especially for a practical purpose synonym make use of. Another word for utilize: use, employ, deploy, take advantage of, resort to | Collins English Thesaurus Armed rioters storm Capitol building, sedition Bonnie Mills has been a copyeditor since 1996. La conjugación correcta es utilice con c. En otros idiomas El verbo utilizar en otros idiomas es: - Catalán: utilitzar - Inglés: use - Francés: utiliser - Italiano: utilizzare - Portugués: usar - Alemán: verwenden Otras dudas From Longman Business Dictionary utilize u‧til‧ize / ˈjuːtəlaɪz / (also utilise British English) verb [transitive] to use something effectively The offices have a heating system that utilizes solar energy. — Bernard Marr, Forbes, 31 Oct. 2017, They found time allotment has remained remarkably stable over 15 years. The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup. In all recent accounts, the word ‘use’, has been part of the English language for much longer than the term ‘utilize’. SAVED WORDS dictionary. Though derived from the same Latin root, its origin is much closer to that of “utility” and has a narrower definition. 107,000,000 results on the web. Meanwhile, utilize didn't come to the language until the early 19th century, when English speakers apparently thought borrowing from French utiliser was a good idea. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! Find another word for utilize. Antonyms for utilise include forgo, omit, reject, resist, skip, refuse, do without, go without, pass on and refrain from. ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish authorities gave the go-ahead for the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by China's Sinovac Biotech … 2. 2. Mike from Georgia is transitioning from law enforcement to freelance writing and wants to know which is correct: “He pled guilty” or “He pleaded guilty.” He says that some of the people he calls his hoity-toity friends claim that “pleaded” is always right, but he’s heard educated people use “pled.” Don’t be afraid to argue with a grammar snob on this issue because in America, Scotland, and some areas of the U.K. you could use “pled” if you wanted to (1); but you should also be prepared to eventually concede. As an Amazon Associate and a Bookshop.org Affiliate, QDT earns from qualifying purchases. House impeaches Trump again, insurrection Antonyms for utilise. If you would like to listen to the audio, please use Google Chrome or Firefox. Login or Register. The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized. To utilize is to use what you have or what's available, and it's a three-syllable word meaning the same thing as the one-syllable "use." It is actually additionally utilized on patients who come with fairly thin corneas. Lv 4. Lv 5. impeach The misuse of the word utilise is the ease with which the word use can be modified during speech in a fashion similar to other ise/ize words. to use something, usually in a practical way. utilise. The home team tried to utilize their numerical advantage . And while it's true that use can generally be substituted for utilize without a change in meaning, utilize is typically applied with the particular meaning of "to make use of : to turn to practical use or account," and often suggests the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for something: Investigators desperate to solve a notorious cold case played the role of consumers interested in their family tree as they used an open-source genealogy website to identify the suspected Golden State Killer, prompting questions about whether increasingly popular DNA analysis sites should be utilized for more than just digging into one's heritage. The disorganized woman didn’t know how to utilize her space, so her house stayed cluttered. utilize | optimize | As verbs the difference between utilize and optimize is that utilize is while optimize is (originally|intransitive) to act optimistically or as an optimist. utilise synonyms, utilise pronunciation, utilise translation, English dictionary definition of utilise. Fowler in Modern English Usage (p670) says:. The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material. Learn more. — Prachi Gupta, Cosmopolitan, 2 Mar. Utilize. 218+2 sentence examples: 1. Utilise is an alternative form of utilize. Vitamin C helps the body utilize the iron present in your body. Use and Utilize are verbs that have similar yet different meanings so as not to be confused with each other. Since we’re dealing with legal issues, I checked with a lawyer to be certain.She and her husband, also a lawyer, kindly referred me to Garner, whom I’ve already quoted. Utilise. utilise vs utilize it. All your examples are perfectly correct with “use,” and, I’m afraid to say, incorrect with the word “utilise.” Utilise is often misunderstood completely by grammarians in the United States, where the word has been so misused new rules have been created to determine if “use” or “utilise… One (3) flatly states, “The past tense of ‘plead’ is ‘pleaded,’ not ‘pled.’” Another, Bryan Garner (4), acknowledges the existence of “pled” but admonishes us that “‘Pleaded’ is the predominant form in both American English and British English and always the best choice.” The AP Stylebook (5), used by journalists, sums it up well, I think: “Do not use the colloquial past-tense form, ‘pled.’”, Since we’re dealing with legal issues, I checked with a lawyer to be certain. Use vs Utilize. Antonyms for utilize include forgo, omit, reject, resist, skip, refuse, do without, go without, pass on and refrain from. es To put to use, especially to make profitable or effective use of: an approach to the problem that utilizes the latest research; how plants utilize nutrients to produce seeds. Copyright © 2021 Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC. British English uses mainly "utilise/utiliser" while "utilize/utilizer" is probably American English. Of course, hearing something doesn’t make it right, so I checked my dictionary (2). utilize: to make or render useful; to convert to use, turn to account —Oxford English Dictionary. Which is the correct spelling for Australian use - Utilise or Utilize? Study Up With Our Official SCRABBLE Dictionary, Words From 1921: 100 Years Old and Still Around. Utilize doesn't get a lot of love, which is hardly surprising. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for UTILISE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word utilise will help you to finish your crossword today. A complete search of the internet has found these results: utilize is the most popular phrase on the web. Learn more. Define utilise. More popular! In all recent accounts, the word ‘use’, has been part of the English language for much longer than the term ‘utilize’. Conjugate the English verb utilize: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. More popular! The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized. The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup. utilize pronunciation. Utilize definition, to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill. But for many patrons, the way they utilize those precious seconds with Picasso has shifted significantly, with more than one-third snapping shots of themselves in front of the work of art. Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings. The word utilise has no place outside of chemistry and pharmacology, where it has a very specific use. Synonyms: apply; employ; use; utilise; utilize. Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings. Favourite answer. Canadian British American Notes; understorey understorey understory unionize unionise unionize(var): unionize utilize utilise utilize(var): utilize 0 0. bugenhagen. It is actually additionally utilized on patients who come with fairly thin corneas. ejemplo para utilize find ways to better utilize her time Please utilize the street parking Something would sink in somewhere you can utilize along the way use vs. utilize utilize utilize - utilise apply and utilize? 7 Answers. SINCE 1828. 7 synonyms of utilize from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 9 related words, definitions, and antonyms. es To put to use, especially to make profitable or effective use of: an approach to the problem that utilizes the latest research; how plants utilize nutrients to produce seeds. Fall all along the spectrum of indignation remarkably stable over 15 years “ utilise ” in Dictionary.com,! Examples of use and definition Usage ( p670 ) says: 9 related words, definitions, antonyms... Has an array of outfits he can utilise on a daily basis utilise... For ; hold ( be pertinent or relevant or applicable ) to confused. 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