The pattern of the sentences sound new and melodious. Neha, You are bringing a very important question and I am so happy to see Indian Youth discussing the importance of Poetry. These are the poets of today, who are not only more relatable to young people, they reflect the world we live in. It can add additional value to our studies. It can be powerful while at the same time change the world. A. Richards's work, especially Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgement,' and George Steiner's continuation of Richards's efforts, there have been surprisingly few attempts to explore the specific reasons for the study of poetry or to describe the skills which result from these efforts. This post includes five reasons to teach poetry in the classroom. Poetry can also trace the evolution of language. Poetry is a very integral part of children’s learning overall, and the learning of language skills.Poetry makes learning fun for children, and gives the opportunity to learn through association. Enjoying, reading and hearing public poetry regularly develops a shared culture and an acceptance that poetry is important. Likewise, poets like Warsan Shire, a poet promoted by Beyonce, is not only an interesting poet to study, but kids are more likely to engage with someone who they’ve come across on social media. Common arguments say that it is therapeutic and a form of expression. It’s also a great way to … In an age of increasing divisiveness, this is a hugely important education. Thus, they can be an effective way to introduce a topic for discussion in class. It’s … Though fewer people read poetry than novels, it can help students learn in more ways than you might imagine. My argument in defense of the continued relevance of poetry is that it remains connected to many other fields / domains of human knowledge. We all know that time is limited, and teachers have to make instructional choices. The binary of right and wrong doesn’t seem to exist in poetry and that freedom can be a wonderful opportunity to encourage children’s own writing. As Andrew Simmons states, poetry as an art form can be the basis of all literary study. Even when it comes to teaching primary school kids. For Wordsworth and his contemporaries 200 years ago, form was assumed. Mahmoud Darwish. James Buchan. However, That should be a choice that students have to make. — Andrew Simmons, The Atlantic I tell the kids the most important thing about poetry is that people feel differently after reading it.” It is a worthy expression of emotion, or deep feelings, and aesthetics, or a sense of what is beautiful about the world. The use of rhythm, rhyme and repetition also brilliant for speaking aloud. So why is poetry important for children? The variety of poems allows people to be able to fashion their own combinations for writing poetry and ultimately creating their own unique style. Poetry also helps in understanding different perspectives. It can be taught as part of reading, writing, and language lessons, and it fits easily into classroom themes, projects, and celebrations. Every child's imagination should be inspired by the arts, Behind-the-Scenes, Drama Workshops, Latest News from WEIS, Literacy. Why would it? It allows them to explore how words sound and how sentences are constructed. Poetry can give students a healthy outlet for surging emotions,” states literature professor Andrew Simmons in an open letter to The Atlantic. For me, poetry is important because it provides a space for the imagination to experiment and push against “impossibilities.”. Or can schools adopt inventive strategies to accommodate the ongoing swell in pupil numbers? 1 Language Awareness. Here are five reasons why poetry is so important and should be taught from the beginning of the education process. It doesn’t acknowledge form. Whether it be through spoken word, or written, it allows both students and adults to express emotions in a controlled way. Writing poetry has been proven to positively impact mental health. Suddenly the words do not sound the same or mean the same. Then, secondary school is even more repetition along with exposure to new ideas. Poetry has the potential both in the classroom, and out the classroom, to teach more than a basic understanding of iambic pentameter, rhyming couplets and haikus. If age-appropriate poetry is taught in schools then it gives young people the chance to develop an appreciation for poetry and its various techniques. Poetry today suffers from an image problem. Popular poems are popular for good reason; they describe common experiences that everyone can relate to. They give us a snapshot of the language and topics of the time. Poems tell a story, a story rooted in the moment they were conceived. Take hip-hop and grime for example. In poetry, there is no “right” answer. However, it is a powerful instructional tool and an important art to study at any age. Within poetry lies a world of possibilities, there is no single correct way to create a poem. “Poetry enables teachers to teach their students how to write, read, and understand any text. When a child opens a poetry book and looks at the pages, what do they see? He talks movingly about the importance of poetry in children's lives: “Every possible effort should be made to promote the appreciation of poetry, and encourage its creation. The words of Kendrick Lamar or Akala might be seen by some as a form of low art, but the lyrical complexity of the work they produce not only displays great artistry, it’s actually relatable for young people. It reflects how kids engage with social media and technology. Behavioral Improvements Susan L. Wyant shows examples of this in her second grade classroom. It seems apt that on National Poetry Day we should celebrate everything that is wonderful about exploring poetry in primary school! Children really do benefit from positive experiences with poetry. It can be the backbone of English Literature lessons, from nursery, all the way up to university. One of the difficulties for many English teachers is keeping on top of what is going on in the poetry scene. To make it better like the sunny weather. But perhaps most importantly, poetry can have a positive impact on students’ mental health. Take time to drop poems into the school day, without “all they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it. Another way of looking at poems is to view them as windows that reflect the world around us. This is a shame — not just because poetry is important to teach, but also because poetry is important for the Somewhere in that process, abstract thought kicks in and the student begins to make connections. Also, rhyme and repetition are excellent ways for young learners to develop an awareness of language, phonic patterns and rhythms. First of all, the curriculum need to move away from presenting poetry in such a way that it needs to be decoded. I recently heard a talk where they discussed how Artificial Intelligence can create Poems on par with famous poets. The Importance of Teaching Poetry NANCY MARTIN BAILEY With the notable exception of I. Studying poetry at primary school also allows children to learn about how words sound and gets them to think about how poetry can be performed. By continuing to use this site we’ll assume you consent to this, however you can change your browser cookie settings at any time. If you follow, I hope this brings you good marks. A poetry lesson can be an excellent gateway into spoken english, drama, music and dance. So far this year, my 12th grade literature students have read nearly 200,000 words for my class. Poetry is an amazing aspect of language that inhances literacy, behavior and so much more! Votes: 5. Poetry is NOT important. Poetry can give students a healthy outlet for surging emotions. Poetry is not important as it has no unique value for students that only it can provide. Studying poetry can help students to expand their oral and written vocabularies. While studying poetry can impart great lessons in word choice and structure, it’s also a chance for students to take a break from the rules. Their poetry paints a picture, in language, tone and rhythm, of the treacherous reality they were facing. Poetry is one of the most powerful forms of writing because it takes the english language, a language we believe we know, and transforms it. Less of us may read poetry than we did 100 years ago, but its importance for students has a far greater reach than people might initially expect, and its presence in the classroom is the best place to start. Poetry is a way to understand how language and symbol systems work. It is an excellent cross curricula resource, it can bring topics, from history to science to geography, to life. It can also help young people truly find their voice. Poetry allows you to play with language and sentence structure. Some with rhyme and some without. And look beyond the earth. But perhaps most importantly, poetry can have a positive impact on students’ mental health. Consider Kate Tempest, the musician-poet who aptly reflects millennial experience, or Claudia Rankine, who challenges racial inequality in the US. Likewise, understand the nuances of language, a key component of learning from poetry, can help students realise when language is used in advertising, the media and politics to manipulate them to make action. The reason that a student should study Romantic poetry is probably similar to why a student should study Victorian poetry or Modernist poetry. Poetry can give students a healthy outlet for surging emotions” They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means.” This performance element of poetry is great for bringing a classroom alive with activity and for getting children out of their seats and working together. Rarely do they see uniformity. In a curriculum that favours practical skills over creativity, arguably the most creative of all literatures gets overlooked — especially as it seen by many people as being ‘difficult’. If you are a poetry advocate already, I hope you gain some additional insight and ideas to strengthen your program. Typically shorter than prose, it can look like a less intimidating page of text when children are starting to read. “Poetry enables teachers to teach their students how to write, read, and understand any text. Poets themselves also still suffer from the hackneyed associations of cravats, hats and perusing at ponds. 06 Jul Why is Repetition Important to ... history usually alternates a little each year, but they will see the same concepts over and over, just like you did. Ensure poetry of all kinds is a prominent part of the reading environment. “Poetry ignites students to think about what it’s like to share their opinion, be heard, and make a difference in their world,” Southerton said. Bring some poetry into your hearts, homes, classrooms and schools. A simple poem might not seem like a big deal, but if it can teach this then it will set students up for life. If a poem didn’t rhyme, readers could be sure it employed some sort of metrical … Some poems even become an illustration of what they are describing. In this series we will look at the importance of poetry for children, the benefits of poetry for children, and how you can include poetry in your child’s daily life. Take poets like Wilfred Owen or Siegfried Sassoon - we look to their poems to get a real picture of WW1. Poem of the week activitiescan be easily implemented to strengthen language arts lessons. Children’s poetry, for instance, is not complex or dark in subject matter and uses very regular rhythm and rhyme schemes, which young students will enjoy. Whilst understanding different poetic elements is important — particularly with aspects like line breaks and imagery — getting an insight into the way another person sees the world is what really connects people with a poem, especially for young people. We need people who can think independently, who can approach questions in unexpected ways, who can engage in “ possibility thinking ” in order to solve complex problems. In this article I will attempt to articulate why poetry is important to read and also to write. In an age of increasing divisiveness, this is a hugely important education. Because it's a wonderful way to stimulate … Show them you are strong like a mighty lion. In contemplating poetry, we can develop new connections across disparate pieces of knowledge. They see words and letters making all different shapes across a page. Wordplay, rhythm and nonsense vocabulary are wonderful poetic features. With 1.5 billion downloads and 500 million active users, it’s the world’s most downloaded app — and its influence among young people continues to skyrocket. Once students have studied a poem on a topic, I find that they are more willing to contribute their own ideas. — Billy Collins, ‘Introduction to Poetry’ Young children learn to hear the sounds in spoken language through chants, rhymes, nonsense words, and poetry. For most students. Reading Poetry. Give students a chance to see poetry as a recess from grammar class. In other words, this is how they develop phonological awareness. What Is Poetry & Why Is It Important? Here are five reasons why we need poetry in our schools. Poetry can be a brilliant route to reading for both new or reluctant readers. Hope you all the students are well. We have both dance and drama workshops inspired by children’s poems for this very reason. 4284822, Why teaching poetry in school is so important. 16 years after enjoying a high school literary education rich in poetry, I am a literature teacher who barely teaches it. Helpful Not Helpful. Education is at least 6 to 8 years of repetition. When a single tweet or facebook post can be vilified, and spread like wildfire, potentially ruining a young person’s reputation, reading poetry can help children understand the impact of short-form language. If you are reluctant to teach poe… Teaching and learning from poetry can help students respect and understand the viewpoints of people across the globe. If you haven’t heard of TikTok, chances are you’ll come across it very soon. 1. The benefits of studying poetry far outweigh any preconceived negatives of difficulty. Within poetry lies a world of possibilities, there is no single correct way to create a poem. Helpful Not Helpful. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which poetry you choose to teach in the classroom. Today I will explain Importance of Poetry in this video. Its shortness can be a vehicle to convey an idea that longer pieces may not fully capture. A far stretch from “I wandered lonely as a cloud” — though Wordsworth too can have some place in English Literature lessons. So much of school is about meeting a word count or target, but poetry teaches us the impact of saying a lot in few words. It also encourages us to consider the singular impact of each word in what we write. Click here to see our Cookie Policy. I think poetry has incredible economic and practical value. High school seniors Sam and Catherine will tell you what they have gotten ou… But my answer to that is (AI) might be able to create Poetry but only human intelligence can appreciate it. Do not hide your strengths or talents to please the like of others. More important, Wordsworth’s statement doesn’t acknowledge the structure that serves as a scaffolding for those feelings, a framework that makes a poem more than just cathartic release. So it can be used in any lesson, can improve reading and writing, is an excellent creative outlet, and above all else it’s fun! Making poetry available and fun for children is an important part of a child’s education. Trailblazing poets like Ezra Pound and E. E. Cummings made their names by doing away with the rules of rhyme, meter, and even capitalization. Guest Blog: The Importance of Teaching Modern Poetry In this guest blog post, Neil Bowen, Head of English at Wells Cathedral School in the UK, ponders the role of modern poetry in education During my degree course, 25 years ago, the gamut of English Literature ran all the way back to Anglo-Saxon texts, such as Beowulf , and all the way up to about 1950. Poetry captures the urgency of a moment in the life of the writer. Throughout time poetry has been a medium for expressing ideas, emotions, and beliefs. This can be a great way to increase children’s confidence in their own writing. Poetry can increase students' literacy and linguistic awareness, according Dr. Janette Hughes in a research report for the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat of Ontario. Poetry has over recent history, been about self-expression, resistance and structural creativity. It is a way to help instill the English language in a very non-intimidating way. © Celsian Group Limited, Registered Address: 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3BA, Company No. “Students can let go of traditional writing rules with poetry. This can be a great way to increase children’s confidence in their own writing. As parents, we may know that reading is important but not stop to think about the value of poetry. Education is a gift that allows you to explore the mind. Reason #1: Poetry helps us know each other and build community. Throughout history people have used poetry to share their experiences, both good and bad, and to paint a picture of the day. A poem does not contain information of importance, like a signpost or a warning notice. . We have used extracts from WW1 poetry in our Poetry and Poppies workshop because not only can poetry be expressive and artistic, it can also be a valuable historical resource. The importance of poetry is not measured, finally, by what the poet says but by how he says it. Are you ready to have a go? Is there any purpose to translating poetry? Download our poem below and fill in the blanks. There is as much value in a Shakespearian sonnet as in Akala’s rap-poetry. Poetry has a place in our curriculum. But poetry doesn’t have to be like this. Today, it is an ever-present issue, forcing the government to take action for 2019. Tie this in with the crossover with hip-hop and grime, and it is something that students should be able to relate to. Votes: 3. Why should I use poetry? Fine, If you want to do poetry in your own time, For all means do it. But poetry is around us today, we just have to look a little further than anthologies. Let’s get started! Teaching and learning from poetry can help students respect and understand the viewpoints of people across the globe. We’d love to see what you and your class can come up with! Some short, some long. It can be hard enough learning the poems currently on the curriculum, without searching out contemporary poetry that relates to students. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. children to poetry regularly in formal and informal ways helps them to develop an appreciation of many kinds of writers and forms. This only adds to the idea that poetry is difficult — which is often the main turn off for students. The binary of right and wrong doesn’t seem to exist in poetry and that freedom can be a wonderful opportunity to encourage children’s own writing. Poetry is one of those topics that often gets dismissed as whimsical and unimportant. Poems have accounted for no more than 100. In a time of rising demand for teachers, are we at crisis point? April is National Poetry Month. This creativity teaches children to experiment with language and to find new ways to communicate. It’s too easy to suggest reading magazines like Poetry Review and The New Yorker, especially if you don’t have a keen interest, as it can seem like yet another task to do on top of an ever-increasing workload. In an age of tweets and hashtags, the brevity of a poem should in fact be the perfect art form for students today. Be taught from the hackneyed associations of cravats, hats and perusing at ponds cross. Starting to read, rhyme and repetition also brilliant for speaking aloud the... 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