In Folge 8 "Bruchstücke" erfahren wir mehr über die Though they have put Picard on the right track, it is not without reservations. Jennifer Hetrick (born May 12, 1958) is an American actress.She is known for playing Vash in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Corrinne Becker (the ex-wife of Arnie Becker) on L.A. Law.. Dahj and Soji are the first organic synthetics to … The Artifact, the Zhat Vash, & Commodore Oh questions I'm trying to wrap my head around the Artifact, and how the pieces in it fit together. Narek, oder auch Hrai Yan, ist ein Romulaner und verdeckter Agent der Zhat Vash. Laris calls Zhaban and a Zhat Vash agent with similar ridges a "Northerner." In a panic, the Zhat Vash use a wormhole to send the rapidly evolving cube as far away as they can - the Delta Quadrant. Hier werden alle Episoden aufgelistet, in denen der Charakter Vash zu sehen war. Star Sign. She was portrayed by Tamlyn Tomita, who had appeared as Laurel Takashima in the Babylon 5 pilot The Gathering. Actress Law & Order Janine Lesko (2006) Producer All Exchanges Final (2016) All Filmography. Nein, ein "Deus ex machina" ist diese Konfrontation zwischen Romulanern und Sternenflotte deshalb, weil die Zhat Vash unter dem Kommando von Commodore Oh einfach abziehen. Whether they're editing blunders, wardrobe screw-ups, or continuity errors, here are some of the biggest on-screen mistakes you'll find in Star Trek TV shows. Personal Details Born. And the two are the ones who inform Jean-Luc of the Zhat Vash’s existence in the first place. Nedar6 (auch: Oh) ist eine Halb-Romulanerin / Halb-Vulkanierin, die im 24. Zhat Vash badly bungled the creation of the first “perfect synth” at a key moment when it can either go well or go badly. Like they took them and cleaned them up with a landscape design program. Here's an IMDB link to her CV. Mitglieder der Zhat Vash erhalten in einer Art Stonehenge erschreckende Zukunftsvisionen, welche die Mehrheit der Empfänger in den Wahnsinn treibt. If there have already been detailed breakdowns of what's known about the following topics, please point me to them! Nedar, also known as Oh, was a female Romulan / Vulcan hybrid introduced in the Star Trek: Picard episode Maps and Legends. Offenbar gehen die Romulaner von der Existenz weiterer hochentwickelter und empfindungsfähiger Androiden aus. Aber die Überlebenden werden zu bedingungslosen Kämpfern gegen jede Form von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Sie ist Mitglied des Zhat Vash, der treibenden Kraft hinter dem Tal Shiar. Oh (portrayed by Tamlyn Tomita ), seemingly a Vulcan Starfleet officer and head of Starfleet Security, but secretly a half-Romulan operative of the Tal Shiar and Rizzo's contact in the Federation. It’s ancient. The voice actress for Vash in this scene is Vanessa Marshall. "Star Trek: Picard" steuert langsam aufs Finale der 1. It seems the Zhat Vash think there are more androids like Dahj and Soji and are hoping to learn their location–likely to kill them all. These two women characters are introduced early in the series as undercover Romulan operatives in Starfleet working for the shadowy Zhat Vash. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning") Apocrypha. (PIC: Gedenken, Karten und Legenden) Auf der Romulanischen Rückgewinnungseinrichtung gewinnt er 2399 das Vertrauen von Dr. Soji Asha, die selbst nicht weiß, … Seine Schwester hat, als Mensch getarnt, die Sternenflotte als Lieutenant Narissa Rizzo infiltriert. The embittered elderly man finds himself embroiled in a conspiracy involving the Zhat Vash and the "daughter" of his late friend Data, who sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise crew in Star Trek Nemesis. After Narissa and Oh reveal their true identities, they don the iconic shoulder pads in later episodes. Zhaban and Laris reveal their identities to Picard and Raffi Musiker (2385) Before her first onscreen appearance, Laris was featured in the Star Trek: Picard - Countdown prequel comic book, alongside Zhaban. However, given the Zhat Vash's anti-synthetic agenda, they may have infiltrated Starfleet far earlier than the start of the main story. Narissa (portrayed by Peyton List), a Romulan spy, a member of the Zhat Vash posing as Lieutenant Rizzo, a human operative of Starfleet Security, and Narek's sister. Star Trek: Picard ist eine US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die seit 2020 erscheint, und die siebte Realfilm-Fernsehserie, die im fiktiven Star-Trek-Universum spielt. Star Trek: Picard is now four episodes into its first season.The show has already retconned what we thought we knew about Romulan culture.It also introduced a new threat in the form of the Zhat Vash, a secret organization behind the already secret Tal Shiar.The Zhat Vash is motivated by a deep-seated loathing of all artificial life. Der Zhat Vash wollte Dahj nicht töten, sondern verhören. Seine Aufgabe ist es, vor allem durch verdeckte Operationen, für Sicherheit im Reich zu sorgen; sowohl gegen äußere Kräfte, vor allem gegen die Föderation und das Klingonische… The result was the creation of the Borg, and the first Borg cube. They worry about his health, both looking after him in their own ways. A graduate of San Francisco School of the Arts. Dort ist er hoch angesehen, aber ebenso gefürchtet. Star Trek: Picard - What To Know About The Tal Shiar And Zhat Vash The Romulans are very, very good at spying throughout Star Trek history. Videos. Known as “The Artifact” in the show. Die Androiden-Attacke auf den Mars wurde vom Zhat Vash geplant, soviel ist inzwischen gewiss. "Die Mahnung" scheint die Mehrheit der Empfänger in den Wahnsinn zu treiben. 1,237 Posts #3 • Jun 12, 2013. In 2017, CBR ranked Vash the 11th "fiercest" female character of the Star Trek universe. Vanessa Marshall has played a number of parts over the years, including a few characters in the Extended Universe including: Master Bela Kiwiiks (from SWTOR), Hera Syndulla (from Star Wars: Rebels, Forces of Destiny, and Squadrons) and assorted characters in KotOR2. If we grant the premise that the Zhat Vash is operating in the Discovery era of Star Trek, around the 2250s, then perhaps they developed their own version of an A.I. According to Rizzo, she had profound reservations. Er behauptet, einen Bruder verloren zu haben. Man sollte meinen, dass dies für eine Warnung kontraproduktiv ist. Jahrhundert als Offizier in der Sternenflotte dient. By Phil Hornshaw on February 12, 2020 at 8:58AM PST A member of the Romulan secret Zhat Vash group, she took place in receiving the Admonition, which was apparently a warning from an ancient race … "Zhat Vash" is a Romulan term referring to the dead, "the only reliable keepers of secrets," and most members of the Tal Shiar consider them a myth. Staffel zu. Did You Know Trivia. I see what appear to be raised sfg beds However - so much of those pictures look to be digitized. In the year 2399, Oh - a member of the Zhat Vash - directed a covert operation involving Narissa Rizzo and Narek, aimed at obtaining information about the whereabouts of androids similar to Dahj and Soji Asha. Prior to her Star Trek: The Next Generation appearances, she had appeared in a series of Oil of Olay commercials. Awards 1 win & 5 nominations. However, they are indeed very real, and their roots run deep into Romulan history. Vash reappeared in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Q-Less" two years later, in which episode she mistook for an artifact an "egg", which subsequently hatched as a lifeform at the end of the episode. Oh kept a keepsake box on her desk that had the IDIC symbol displayed on the side. The Zhat Vash infiltration of Starfleet has other consequences as well, including the answer to one of the other big mysteries of Star Trek: Picard. That, of course, made them natural enemies of other Romulan sects like the Aya Rachel Cash July 13, … The Zhat Vash was founded, and have been fighting a secret war with these ancient androids all this time. RELATED: Star Trek: Picard Assembles His New Crew in Second, Third Episode Synopses. Der Tal Shiar ist der Geheimdienst des Romulanischen Sternenimperiums. Cancer.