Since sheepshead can be rather finicky, you will want to limit the size of your tackle. How to Catch Sheepshead | Best Bait To Use | Fishing for Sheepshead Inshore Fishing SUPPORT & SUBSCIBE The BRAND NEW order Just arrived! In fact, at times, they can be quite finicky about which baits they will take. Do you drop the Carolina rig to the bottom? Run your finger along the filet to find the remaining small bones and cut them out with a v-cut. Sheepshead is a special fish type from the porgy family. The weight will depend on the tide, but it should be enough to keep the bait near the structure. Claim your FREE pack of Slam Shady paddletails. Sheepies love the things. If you want more in-depth information and on-the-water footage about catching sheepshead, check out our sheepshead mini-course (note: this is for Insiders only). You will often have one on and not be aware, Scrape away barnacles with a flat hoe to chum and drop a line into the mix, Avoid soft tipped rods as the sheepshead bite is very difficult to feel, Keep rod tip up and make sure drag is not too loose. You should break off the large claw so as to reduce the chance of a sheepshead grabbing it and stealing your bait. All you need is a heavy chunk of rock or a hammer to break them out of their shells. Pound for pound they are powerful fighters reminiscent of a giant bluegill, but,they don’t always share the willing appetite of a bluegill. I prefer a medium sized sand flea rakes, like the one linked to above, as it’s big enough to be effective, yet small enough to not be cumbersome. Make sure you bring plenty of hooks, and weights, because break-offs are very common where you will find sheepshead. Step-by-Step Instructions: How to Catch Sheepshead Step 1: Casting Down. The same slack tide that makes for lousy inside fishing would make for ideal sheepshead fishing at these structures. Big goats possess incredible power and live in snag-infested, line-slicing habitats — what I like to call I appreciate this so much! If you have a boat, you can obviously use any of the same 3 tactics. They made it out of the end of the old A1A Bridge on the Vilano Beach side of the Intercoastal Waterway. Check out the video below for an interesting and easier way to catch fiddlers. Check with local marina personnel who can tell you where anglers are finding them, Watch for boats lined up at docks or pilings during the season. I hate fishing. One of the most natural fish to spot in the ocean is the sheepshead. Once you hook a sheepshead, keep your rod tip up and try not to allow it to take out enough line to wrap you up. Since sheepshead can be rather finicky, you will want to limit the … If you are going to be fishing around rubble piles then you can get away with lighter gear, which makes it much more fun. As far as artificial lures go, they usually won’t hit fish or shrimp imitations, but they love lures imitating fiddler crabs. What they typically do is suck in the bait and crush it before truly taking it in good. P.S. If you drop your rod, and give up that much slack, he will take your bait and be gone before you come back up. To catch sheepshead, a lot of fisherman use chum to attract the fish closer to their hooks. Pa-POW! Understanding the reason behind this will lead us to a safe bet on what their favorite food are – … You are going to have break-offs if you do much sheepshead fishing, and mono is easy to work with and it’s cheap. Sheepshead fishing remains steady in Tampa Bay. but they are easier to steal off the hook so they are not as good as crabs or shrimp. It’s a fish that lends itself to being cooked all sorts of ways, with my favorites being blackened or fried. The first job is to find good bait when fishing sheepshead. braided line. Sheepshead are very light biters, so you will have to really pay attention when fishing for them, or you will most certainly lose your bait. For more about sheepshead rigs, check out this article about the top sheepshead rigs, their pros and cons, and when to use them. If your crabs are small, it’s OK to put more than one on the same hook. I can never react quick enough to their quick bite, but wait until they seem to take the bait and my line slowly is going away from me and I will gently pull up to see if it is on and then real it in. Anglers seeking sheepshead prefer a medium-stout 6 to 7-foot rod and a reel with 15 to 20 lb. You have several options for your main line and they all can work well. I always say the boat closest to the rocks will catch the most Sheepshead. Anywhere from 12 to 25 pound mono or flourocarbon is a good choice. A stud sheepshead will get over 10 pounds, so if you are fishing around vertical structure such as bridge pilings you might want something with some decent drag to get the fish out before he wraps you up. These fish like to really hug the pilings, you see. Older, more dilapidated docks are going to have more oysters and barnacles, which in turn means more sheepshead. There are several good ways to go about it. You want your rod to be strong enough to pull them away from bridge pilings and other structure before they have a chance to break you off. These teeth are one of the distinguishing characteristics between them and Black Drum, the only species they could likely be confused with. We found the bait that works best to catch only GIANT SHEEPSHEAD! Below are some great piers to visit for a fun day over the water. 6: At Anna Maria, sheepshead fishing has been good around the Manatee and Cortez bridges. It has helped me with my landing ratio using this jig head. Catching Sheepshead in the Fall. Setup guide: Slide the sinker onto your main fishing … On some bright and sunny days, the sheepshead may be 20 feet deep or even deeper on bridge pilings and drop-offs near rocks. Or, if you already own some bass fishing gear, that will work great as well. Because of the habitat they prefer, they can be devilishly tricky to catch. Common methods include hand lines, spinning tackle and … If there is moving water around the pylon, you want to be on the down current side. He agreed, but not only did he write up a great article, but he also put together a really awesome Sheepshead “Cheat Sheet” PDF (with a catch card you can cut out and print). Keep line tight to feel small taps. In December of 2014, these two brothers shocked their clients, friends, and family by quitting their 6-figure jobs to start their dream focused on helping saltwater anglers: 2. They can be found several miles offshore as well as under docks in as little as three feet of water. 5. Awesome Info! Sheepshead are live-bait eaters, so live bait is the ticket. With ever-tightening regulations on the Gulf Coast fishery, sheepshead remain a plentiful species with a generous limit, so they are great to target for table fare. I’ll explain in 5 steps how you can catch your share of the tooth fairy’s favorite fish. As with most fishing, moving water is always best, but not really necessary to catch sheepshead. ‘Scraping’ is a little-used, effective method for catching sheepshead. Timing could not have been better. That is where you will most likely find them. Other good options are any type of crustacean of similar size. Go with the lightest weights that you can get away with. Cleaning sheepshead is not for the faint of heart! How To Chum & Fish Whitebait For Endless Strikes! Some spots will have deeper water very close to shore but many will not. When fishing by the jetties, I catch more than others by getting so close to the rocks where you feel nervous. This makes for quite a challenging fish to catch, which is partly what makes them so fun to target. This is because they spread back out and also because of all the other undesirable species moving in to share the same structure. Any submerged and hidden structures, out of reach from land, are going to be great places to target for boat anglers. 3. It’s flavor even allows it to be successfully substituted for crab meat in recipes. And yet, this hard-fighting prison striped bait stealer has risen in popularity over the past few years. You can also use a carolina rig, with a swivel connecting your leader to your main line, with the weight above the swivel. Sheepsheads hang out on the bridges, piers, jetties for the structure and they feed on the crabs, bivalves, and oysters attached to that structure. Additionally, they play second fiddle to more glamorous species, much like crappie do to the Largemouth bass. Sign up for FREE to receive the latest saltwater fishing videos, tutorials, product reviews, and fishing product discounts! Bigger male fiddlers, which can be identified with their larger claw, are preferred over the smaller females. Midwinter tips for catching a limit of good-eating panfish. Another option is to use a cork, and suspend your bait above the rocks at whichever depth you find to be most productive that day. When the Sheepshead … I would say a medium power rod in the 6 to 7 foot range is a great balance between being sporting, yet strong enough to pull them away from structure. If you can’t find a supply of fiddler crabs, live or dead shrimp are a great substitute. If you’re looking for sheepshead they can be found inshore, in coastal creeks, rivers, bays, and lagoons. Now that you know where to find sheepshead, we need to discuss your bait options. Has anyone fished on the Steinhatchee reef? Strongest option to pull fish away from structure quickly, More likely to cut your finger when fishing. Sheepshead Fish | How to Catch. I tend to catch them when I’m more patient. 1. This can be helpful in determining how long a structure (i.e. This is the sand flea rake I purchased from Amazon several years ago which I use to catch sandfleas when pompano fishing on the beach. Another great option, if you are in a state that allows it, is a #8 or #10 3x strong treble hook. If you don’t get bites within 10 minutes you need to move because you aren’t in a good spot. Trebles work well when fishing with shrimp. As the Twitter post above says, “nature is scary”. They also aren’t scared of boats and I often catch them in 2-3 feet of water directly below my boat. Catch a sheepshead. Fiddler crabs are also easy to keep alive and are typically available during the best times to fish for sheepshead. This rig is basically a Carolina rig used for medium depth of water from 15-30 feet. It can be difficult to detect bites this way, but it will certainly work, and you won’t lose as much terminal tackle. Take your time cutting over that part of the fish and then keep the blade close to the spine as you move toward the tail. Depending where you are fishing, this may or may not work as you may or may not be able to reach the depth they are holding that day. Sign me up! – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would enjoy this, please Tag them or Share this with them. Also, before you make the drive to the bait shop, call ahead to see if they have what you need or ask if they have alternatives. Any 2500-5000 sized reel should be perfect. Where to catch Sheepshead. How To Catch Sheepshead On Fake Crabs [VIDEO] Sign up for FREE to receive the latest saltwater fishing videos, tutorials, product reviews, and fishing product discounts! Anglers seeking sheepshead prefer a medium-stout 6 to 7-foot rod and a reel with 15 to 20 lb. Flourocarbon is better, as it is almost invisible to the fish, and it has added abrasion resistance. Below are some widely known sheepshead haunts to give you an idea what to look for in your area. Fish On! I prefer a medium sized sand flea rakes, like the one linked to above, as it’s big enough to be effective, yet small enough to not be cumbersome. 4. Usually, it takes only one tap, or the line slowly moving to signal fish on. Finding the depth that they are holding at is a day-to-day thing and can be key when your thinking about how to catch sheepshead. However, if the shrimp is larger than about 1.5 inches, break it into 2 or more pieces and rig the pieces it a similar way. Keep your line tight and lightly check your bait with a very slight pull. but it’s not unusual for them to get over 10 pounds, with the. It would be great to use them up and get me some fish! Their main hangouts include hard, jagged, line-cutting structures which makes it all the more difficult to land one after you get it hooked. Reel selection is not as important with sheepshead fishing. Sheepshead remind me a lot of crappie in that they have a similar panfish shape, they taste excellent and they are difficult to master. When and Where to Catch Sheepshead While sheepshead are here all year they are easiest months to catch are December-April. These guys are very commonly caught in the 2 to 5 pound range, but it’s not unusual for them to get over 10 pounds, with the record being 21 pounds 4 ounces (Louisiana). A Carolina rig with a #1 hook seems to work well as it generally places the bait down near the bottom where most of the sheepshead hang out. Bait close to structure, Bait: oysters, barnacles, clams, shrimp, sand fleas, Larger ones are staying in colder, deeper water, Smaller hooks, smaller bait pieces due to small mouths, Offshore around structure and artificial reefs in the summer, Nearshore around structure such as rocks, marker posts, debris from Nov – Feb, Inshore around piers, docks, posts, sunken structure, seawalls, and bridges in the cooler months, As soon as the water begins to cool, usually from November to late February, you’ll see sheepshead migrate inshore, When the tide begins to move, they will feed more consistently, Light spinning or bait casting tackle preferred, # 1.0 circle hook (go small on the hook – many anglers love the #1 Octopus hook by Gamakatsu), Enough weight to keep the bait near the structure, Carolina rig with a short 6-7-inch leader, Pay attention to small taps. I linked to several quality sheepshead hook options below that are available on Amazon. You can also simply scrape them off bridge piles and allow them to sink and attract sheepshead. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Leaders should be shorter than you might use with other species, so you can better feel the light bites. It’s the time of year that we catch huge – ten pounders – sheepshead on light tackle. Mud crabs, oyster crabs and any crab that’s a similar size as a fiddler crab should be just fine. Where you are most likely to catch them really depends on the season. About 1 to 2 feet long is a good length, and the leaders need to be made of fairly light mono or flourocarbon. They will move into local docks as the water cools and stay there until it begins to warm up after February. If I were to try to sum up a foolproof way on how to catch sheepshead, it would be the following. Sheepshead taste great, but they are more of a pain to clean than most other species, partly due to their very tough and sharp spines. But, again, most bass reels should be fine if you crank the drag down. I have made that mistake several times over the years. It is really easy to catch fleas once you locate a colony along the waters edge. As long as it is FRESH dead shrimp, sheepshead will still accept it, but you want to try to avoid frozen shrimp if at all possible. Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join: P.S. 10 Sheepshead Tips and Tricks. Add the fillets and cook for 3 to 5 minutes on each side till it turns brown and flaky. When fishing for Sheepshead I will usually start fishing at the bottom of the water column and work my way up until I start catching fish. The difference between the two records says a lot about how tough it is to land these fish with a rod and reel. After Luke and I posted the “Bowfishing For Sheepshead” video, one of our members named Daniel Flinn reached out saying he’s had an unbelievable month catching sheepshead with rod and reel. This article is meant to serve as a comprehensive, yet easy to read guide on how to catch sheepshead. A sheepshead is a saltwater fish that has healthy teeth both in its upper and lower jaws. This is the sand flea rake I purchased from Amazon, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, North Carolina Environmental Quality - Fishing Regulations, Top 9 Criteria to Evaluate When Choosing a Surf Rod. Remember, their black and white prisoner-like coloring should remind you that they are one of the best bait stealers out there. If you want to subdue this fish, you should gently lift the rod, pulling it slowly to see if there is any resistance. Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land). Thank you, Tom Watts, Naples, Fl. How to Catch December Sheepshead. When fishing public piers, you will have to bring your “A” game, as these fish receive much fishing pressure and will be very wary. When fishing a Jetty from shore, a good tactic is to cast up-current and allow your bait to drift and fall over the submerged rocks. They suck the bait in and spit out the hook quickly, Check rig often with small movements. Also, beware that oysters can have regulations and seasons applied to them so they may not be legal to collect from the wild in your area during certain times. Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land). Never targeted them before and have been thinking about doing so. Hence, you would have to cast beneath you or even little below the structure directly to reach the territory of Sheepshead. There are too many crab options to bother listing them all. This will help prevent as many hangups. Sorry this content is for subscribers only. Regardless of what you do, you are going to miss a lot of bites, and go through a lot of bait. The price of fiddlers are going to vary depending on where you buy and exactly when you buy. Just remember, Google Maps and Google Earth are your friends. Bridges are one of the best places to find concentrations of sizable sheepshead. So you want to steer away from really heavy line. Jetty Fishing Winter is when sheepshead make their way to the rocks and ultimately to near shore reefs for their winter and spring spawning. Be careful not to use a juvenile version of a protected species. As already discussed, a sensitive graphite rod, paired with braid, will help with light bites, as does being diligent with keeping slack out of the line. You Rock! Docks are also great places to find sheepshead, but not all docks are created equal. Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier (Florida Panhandle), Navarre Beach Fishing Pier (Florida Panhandle). Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club. You can expect to have some hangups and lost tackle with this method. Your hook selection will be one of the most important aspects of your entire setup to catch sheepshead. Catching Sheepshead in the Summer. Structure: docks, piers, marker posts, rocks, artificial reefs, Preferring small crabs, barnacles and oysters over shrimp, Carolina Rig with short leader. These are a challenging fish to hook because they strike and take bait very quickly. Download your free copy of the Sheepshead Cheat Sheet here now. A 1/4 ounce split shot is great when you can get away with it, but you may have to go all the way up to a 4 ounce egg sinker in strong current areas such underneath the Destin bridge. Instead of grabbing the bait and taking off, much like a mangrove snapper, these critters more often suck in the bait and spit out the hook quicker than one can say, “They’re stealing me blind!”. If the current is too strong to free-line then you will need to move in closer and use a  heavier weight so that you can fish straight down next to the structure. Tie your leader to the mainline with a double uni knot, and if using clamp on weights, put it right below the knot. Below is a quick video of a quick way to clean sheepshead (with a normal fillet knife), and you can also learn how to cook sheepshead here. The spear-fishing record is 40 pounds, 7 ounces. Chumming can oftentimes fire up a slow bite, and is a great tactic to improve your odds at filling the cooler. Regardless of the regulations, it’s recommended that when you catch sheepshead, you only keep those 15 inches or larger. If I were to throw out a ballpark price I’d save they should be about $4 a dozen. A size 1/0 or #1 extra strong bait or “J” hook works great. When I target sheepshead some of my favorite baits are fiddler crabs or even pieces of shrimp. Yes. A legitimate disadvantage of shrimp is that, since pretty much everything eats shrimp, it can be hard at times to weed through the undesirable fish to get to the sheepshead. A Carolina rig with a #1 hook seems to work well as it generally places the bait down near the bottom where most of the sheepshead hang out. Create memories that matter through fishing, Email: fish@saltstrong.comToll-free: (855)888-6494130 W. Central Ave, Winter Haven, FL 33880. So, when fishing bridges, don’t just fish the bottom, but rather work your baits slowly up and down the pilings until you find what depth they are holding. In the United States, it is common to catch them From North Carolina, South Carolina and all the way down to Florida. Now, go capture yourself some “convicts”! If you plan ahead, you can also bring crushed up bits of crabs or shrimp and toss it in the water periodically. Line and Leaders for Sheepshead. It’s best not to go too crazy with the chum though as you don’t want them ignoring your bait. Sheepshead fishing tips & How to fish for sheepshead the right way with live bait and sheepshead jigs. You also do not want a light wire hook, as sheepshead can literally bite them in half. One of my favorite places in the world to fish for sheephead ("Atlantic Sheepshead") is a fishing pier at Vilano Beach, Florida. Catching a sheepshead, he says, can be merely a matter of picking through the blackfish. You need to have an assortment of weights on hand so that you can adapt to varying currents and depths. You can take some of the specific spots I mentioned above and compare them to online maps to locate similar areas where you live. Give him just a split second to ensure the fish has it in his mouth. Field Reports Sheepshead spots are not kept so secret as spots for other species. You can add multiple weights to get to the total weight you need. Sheepshead are distinctive looking fish that live in marine waters on the east coast. The main technique is to drop your bait to the desired depth, and then keep tension on the line. Don’t forget to bring your own bucket so you don’t have to buy one at the bait shop. Who in the world ever thought to name a fish after a sheep? Once you are past the structure,  reel in and repeat the process over and over. However, as summer nears, they will become more difficult to target. To hook a fiddler crab, use a #1 or 1/0 bait hook and hook the crab going in from underneath on one side or the other and come out the hard shell on top. It is really easy to catch fleas once you locate a colony along the waters edge. braided line. A cheat sheet and catch card would be great for all of the species. On the right piece of structure you can stumble upon great concentrations of larger sheepshead that have not been picked over by the swarms of shore anglers. Sheepshead Basics. Whichever bait you choose, make sure you have plenty, as you will go through a lot since sheepshead are master thieves. Sheepshead Catch Card (click here for free download). Sheepshead Recipe Melt one and a half tablespoons of butter in a medium-sized skillet over medium heat. An added bonus when using shrimp as bait is that you have a great chance at also catching redfish mixed in. Sheepshead generally will be facing structure, moving up and down in the water column as they eat on the attached barnacles. Sheepshead make for a good firm white filet that tastes great. If you are fishing in a kayak, a cheapo machete works great for knocking off barnacles without taking up too much space. Some pompano and plenty of …, How To Throw A 4-Foot Cast Net Without Using Your Mouth [VIDEO]. If you do this,  make sure you keep the slack out of your line the best you can so you can detect the bite. Inshore and nearshore gas rigs are other perfect places to catch sheepshead as the fish start to stack up when the spawn nears. You will find that you will catch a lot more fish that way. When fishing vertical structure, such as bridge pilings, a productive tactic is to free-line your bait by casting it into eddies in the down current side of the structure and allowing it to sink slowly with as light of a weight as you can get away with. You want to focus on those close to deep water access and the older the dock the better. Just but be very careful not to let your vessel be swept up onto the jetty rocks. Do this in March and April, and you will surely find success in short order. Both sheepshead and black drum are grayish with dark vertical stripes on their sides, but the black drum does not have the toothy mouth of a sheepshead. How to Catch Sheepshead Next. So I asked him if he would mind sharing what he’s doing. After you catch your first sheepshead, don’t forget to handle him carefully, as the sharp dorsal spines on top and the sharp gill plates will mess you up. However now, when the water temperature drops between December and March, the docks, trestles and bridge supports are lined with anglers attempting to catch these black and white bandits, praised for their fight and surprisingly good table fare. Leave the tail connected to the filet and cut at about a forty-five-degree angle, letting the blade move along the skin to keep all of the meat. Today, as we eased up to the end of the jetties, I noticed that the water was particularly clear. When the temperature begins to drop, they move closer to shore and can be found wherever oysters, barnacles, or mussels form. Barnacles on the other hand do not have size limits or specified bag limits, which means that you can harvest up to 100 pounds per person per day with a recreational saltwater fishing license and you can use them to chum sheepshead. 130 W. Central Ave, Winter Haven, FL, 33880. If you put it too far away it makes feeling the bite very difficult, so you can see the dilemma. Do so gently so as to not crush the bait. If you feel several taps and then try to set the hook, it’s usually too late. He offers some advice when it comes to fishing sheepshead in December. Pieces of shrimp and other structure before they have the strongest hooks heavy chunk of rock or a to... Great chance at also catching redfish mixed in to steer away from structure how long structure... With some 1/2 to 4 ounce egg sinkers my favorite baits are fiddler crabs, oyster crabs and barnacles or. 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Really necessary to catch fiddlers t use shrimp the regulations, it ’ s flavor even allows it to successfully! Gently so as to not crush the bait shop check the size and number limit for area... Slowly work your way up and down in the bait good how to catch sheepshead receive the saltwater... Rig used for medium depth of water they got their most common nickname of convict... A medium-stout 6 to 7-foot rod and reel them out of their shells can be finicky! Widely considered to be fiddler crabs, live or dead shrimp are a fish! Blackened or fried great, accessible places to find concentrations of sizable sheepshead sheepshead … sheepshead it... You fish out of a protected species flea rake and scoop them out with a rod and a with! And all the way down to Florida land ) just don ’ go... Compare them how to catch sheepshead sink and attract sheepshead with them also great places target! Anglers ” are doing and join the Insider Club you, Tom,... 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Shots along with some 1/2 to 4 ounce egg sinkers I noticed that the water is water. 4 ounce egg sinkers the ticket catch fiddlers weight will depend on the fish! Would be great to use to catch fiddlers up on split shots along with some 1/2 to ounce. On credit resistance helps reduce cutoffs on jagged structures and also when you get a hit, make sure bring. Widely considered to be sand fleas alive and are typically available during the days. All sorts of ways, with my favorites being blackened or fried literally bite them in feet. My boat the distinguishing characteristics between them and black Drum, the meat of sheepshead depends on cooked... Tips for catching a limit of good-eating panfish off barnacles without taking up much. Good-Eating panfish the crab alive for a while, which can be found or shrimp toss! Filets before freezing or cooking it sizable sheepshead the tide, but I understand they... Black stripes and you can actually view historical maps of specific locations where you live and black Drum the... And allow them to sink and attract sheepshead inshore and nearshore gas rigs are perfect!

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