Now it is up to the Dragonborn to free Baldor. 229. Close. a new source of stalhrim I am having trouble with starting the quest. When I freed the Skaal Villagers one of them died but I can't remember her name. The problem is that now I can't talk with the blacksmith and complete the quest, I press the action key "E" and he just says " Terrible times" over and over again, not letting me complete the mission. Alternatively, the map can be simply pickpocketed from Ancarion, or he and his guards can be killed, after which the map can be retrieved from his corpse. After The Fate of the Skaal, Deor and Fanari will be discussing the disappearance of the village smith Baldor Iron-Shaper. The House of Horrors. Mods requiring this file. The Cursed Tribe. I searched for how to start the quest but the quest giver in the skall village "Deor Woodcutter" doesn't give me the quest!. Posted by 8 years ago. I'm almost said to heck with it until I realized that Lost Legacy won't start without this one being completed. I understand that in order to set this quest off the blacksmith of the skaal has to dissapear, he has yet to. I feel it in my bones and I smell it in the air. Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion, How do I start the Stalhrim quest is Doer dies? It is then revealed that Baldor Iron-Shaper, the village blacksmith, is missing: Fanari Strong-Voice: "Deor, you must be calm. I've been going back and fourth and he just won't dissapear. Baldor wouldn't leave without telling someone." The first objective is to search for Baldor Iron-Shaper. Hey guys I'm having a problem with the 'a new source of stalhrim' quest. I returned the map to Baldor and in gratitude, he offered to let me use his forge, where I can craft new items made from Stalhrim. 8.1 Maps; 8.2 Keys; 9 Description; 10 Objectives; 11 Enemies; The site is an ancient burial ground containing ten sarcophagi packed with Stalhrim. New source of stalhrim . 231. How do I initiate "A New Source of Stalhrim"? After they are killed, the corpse of one soldier has the key to the lodge on his body, as well as a note detailing the soldiers' orders: I grow impatient with your lack of progress. Won't start When I freed the Skaal Villagers one of them died but I can't remember her name. Won't start 230. HELP PLEASE. Note: Even though Baldor points out that Stalhrim forging is only possible at his blacksmith forge in the village, the Dragonborn can henceforth actually forge Stalhrim at any forge. That insult will be your last!" (starts combat).). Each deposit contained one Draugr corpse, which can be looted for various items including small amounts of gold or a piece of armor or low-level weapon. I searched for how to start the quest but the quest giver in the skall village "Deor Woodcutter" doesn't give me the quest!. ... Fanari Strong-Voice, or Baldor Iron-Shaper are killed prior to completing A New Source of Stalhrim, forging stalhrim will be made a complete impossibility. He will thank the Dragonborn by teaching the art of Stalhrim forging. Skaal VillageStalhrim Source Dark Fantasy Skyrim — A new source of stalhrim. Location The Mind of Madness. In the latter case Ancarion explains that he does not really care how to get at Stalhrim weapons, so the Dragonborn can offer to bring and sell any to him. There are 10 deposits that can be mined with an Ancient Nordic Pickaxeto yield three pieces each, resulting in 30 total pieces. When the Thalmor are killed, none of them may have the key, making it impossible to finish the quest. Not sure why. share. Skyrim Dragonborn DLC - Side Quest - A New Source Of Stalhrim LazysGames. 3 3. comments. (starts combat). If Fanari Strong-Voice or Deor Woodcutter is killed (most likely by the leveled, Creating Fanari Strong-Voice by typing the command, Baldor Iron-Shaper may refuse to acknowledge the quest after completing ", This can be worked around by completing the quest ", A solution is to load an earlier save while. Deor Woodcutter: "Something isn't right Fanari. "It is good to see you again, my friend. In the basement's southeast corner, Baldor Iron-Shaper can be found lying in pain against a wall. One of the Skaal has gone missing. Do you want a head full of gray hairs before you've seen forty winters?" After completing the main part of the mission, you can return to the Skaal Village and give Baldor the Stalhrim Source Map.In return for your help, he will reach you how to smith Stalhrim, which is a very useful skill.However keep in mind that if you want to use it, you have to be familiar with ebony (which requires Smithing on at least level 80). Once the map is retrieved, the last quest goal is to return it to Baldor. This will start the quest." 6 comments. 2. — Unsigned comment by Werewolf06 (talk • contribs) at 17:03 on 2 September 2014. The quest A New Source of Stalhrim leads you to this abandoned lodge. The Black Star. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. There the Dragonborn has several options to get the Stalhrim Source Map back: directly pickpocket it, intimidate Ancarion, persuade him or offer to help him. 6 comments. [Dragonborn Spoilers] Can't start "A New Source of Stalhrim". A new source of Stalhrim quest help » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:04 am . A new source of stalhrim. As I just said in the title, the quest "A New Source of Stalhrim" won't start because Baldor never gets kidnapped. So I read that once you've completed 'the fate of the skaal', leave Solstheim and come back, Baldor Iron-Shaper will be missing and you can start 'a new source of stalhrim'. Note: Once the Dragonborn reads the map, a marker to the Stalhrim Source is put on the map, but ghosted out. Skyrim Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. [Dragonborn Spoilers] Can't start "A New Source of Stalhrim". A New Source of Stalhrim: Find a blacksmith missing from Skaal Village. If one is caught trying to pickpocketing Baldor, he will immediately jump up, unbound, and attack the player. Enter the hut and free Baldor Iron-Shaper. If the quest fails to start, use Setstage DLC2SV02 40 to kick it off. Baldor won't go missing and I can't start 'a new source of stalhrim' So I read that once you've completed 'the fate of the skaal', leave Solstheim and come back, Baldor Iron-Shaper will be missing and you can start 'a new source of stalhrim'. The Unnoficial Elder Scroll Pages states that it's a bug that can be fixed in PC using the command line but I'm playing in PS3. For that insolence, I will flay the flesh from your bones!" This is enough incentive for Ancarion to unhand the map and starts a new quest: Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion. Prerequisite Walking around the Skaal Village: "After listening to a conversation between Deor and Fanari Strong-Voice, a new speech option becomes available to ask him about the missing blacksmith. Travel to Northshore Landing where a Thalmor ship has anchored. For those who don't like using the console and find it unimmersive. Fastest way to get there is to fast travel to Raven Rock and go Northeast. Quest ID all the skaal villagers are alive (except the chief of course) and I have completed the main story and everything and after that I went to skyrim for a while, but when I come back to get the quest so I can get the crafting stalhrim achievement it doesn't activate at … Baldor Iron-Shaper is still in the village, even though I have completed the Dragonborn DLC. New source of stalhrim . To the left of the entrance is a set of stairs that lead down to the basement. Requirements This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. I expect your next report to contain more encouraging results.- A. [Dragonborn] Cant start "A New Source of Stalhrim" quest. Served Cold Filial Bonds. Open your map and locate the quest marker, should be north of Raven Rock. I remember you. If the Dragonborn speaks to Deor about the situation, he eventually reveals that he saw two elves in the woods dragging something behind them. It is glitching and wont let me talk to Deor. Apparently Baldor's ability to forge Stalhrim has attracted the interest of the Thalmor who have kidnapped the smith. (If persuasion fails: "You dare question me? Fanari Strong-Voice: "Don't worry yourself over nothing, Deor. The Fate of the Skaal Upon entering the cabin, Baldor may not appear inside. This can only be fixed on the PC by entering the. A New Source of Stalhrim is a quest given to the Dragonborn by Deor Woodcutter, in the Skaal Village. This page was last edited on 8 March 2017, at 20:47. Side quest save. I've finished the main questline for Dragonborn and cleansed the Stones but when I go to Skaal Village the smith is still there. I can't start the quest "A New Source of Stalhrim" by talking to Deor Woodcutter (instead of giving me the quest he just says general things). Approaching the cabin turns them hostile. Please help. Return to Baldor Iron-Shaper back at Skaal Village and give him the Stalhrim Source Map. Upon meeting the two Skaal villagers discussing the disappearance of the village blacksmith, if the Dragonborn interrupts their conversation by talking to either one of them, it will stop their conversation and they will not speak again, thus making it impossible to get the miscellaneous objective and making the quest unplayable. One of them not only has a Hand-written Note but also the Key to the Abandoned House. Can anyone help me? Contents. Other than learning Stalhrim smithing, if a deal was made with Ancarion he will be available as a merchant and will only buy Stalhrim armor and weapons, and their variants. The Unnoficial Elder Scroll Pages states that it's a bug that can be fixed in PC using the command line but I'm playing in PS3. The Stalhrim Source is a sunken hole in the ground, appearing similar to an entrance to some Nordic ruins. Note also that should the Dragonborn already have discovered this location, a marker was never put on the map, only now can the marker be unlocked by a revisit. Note: Once the Dragonborn reads the map, a marker to the Stalhrim Source is put on the map, but ghosted out. 284. 7. This is enough incentive for Ancarion to unhand the map and starts a new quest: Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion. The Dragonborn travels to the Abandoned Lodge that is guarded by aggressive Thalmor soldiers (×4) that need to be taken on. For those who don't like using the console and find it unimmersive. Deor Woodcutter There is a Novice locked chest next to Baldor containing random loot, plus various alchemy ingredients and pelts nearby. ESP-FE plugin. Please help. Allows to seamlessly start the quest 'A New Source of Stalhrim' if it gets stuck. mattgyver_com - 7 years ago 2 0. This prompts Ask Deor about Baldor's disappearance. :) The Ebony Smithing perk is also required to craft Stalhrim items . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Not sure why. Clau The Fateless One. He'll finally mention they have a ship docked at Northshore Landing: "Outsider! The quest begins at a small hut called the Abandoned Lodge, located north and slightly east of Raven Rock. I have saved Baldor and retrieved the stalhrim source map from the falmor. So i guess you will have to either load a save at the start of the dlc or reinstall it (removing everything from the dlc and starting over again). ), (If persuation failed: "You expect me to just hand you the map, so you can deliver it to the blacksmith and laugh at the foolish Thalmor you so easily outwitted? Allows to seamlessly start the quest "A New Source of Stalhrim" if it gets stuck. In addition, reading the Stalhrim Source Map updates the world map with a new landmark called Stalhrim Source, where an abundance of Stalhrim can be mined, although the location is received either way. After completing the quest "The Fate of the Skaal" and leaving Solstheim once, upon returning to the Skaal Village, a conversation can be overheard between Deor Woodcutter and Fanari Strong-Voice. — Unsigned comment by Werewolf06 (talk • contribs) at 17:03 on 2 September 2014. 228. hide. A new souce of stalhrim quest help? 232. He's still there as if nothing has happened, there is never dialogue from Deor Woodcutter talking about him being kidnapped because he never was. Unknown: Objective 20: Talk to … The quest "A New Source Of Stalhrim" is missing !! After this, the quest is completed. ), (If intimidation failed: "You dare threaten me? You're the one who freed the Skaal from the dark spell. Can anyone help? If you won't help me, then I'll ask the All-Maker to send someone else who can.". The Stalhrim Source, a ancient Nordic barrow. Stalhrim Crafter 20:gsicon: Craft an item out of Stalhrim Stalhrim is a new material introduced in Dragonborn. If the quest "No Stone Unturned" has been co… Hey all just started the Dragon born Dlc at lvl 31 with smithing lvl 90 and i cant start the dang quest I found wood cutter but the chief is no where to be found is Fanarir my follower or the old man???? Stalhrim armor and weapons cannot be forged until completion of the quest "A New Source of Stalhrim", obtained at the Skaal Village. ... A New Source of Stalhrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You have made a grave miscalculation, and now you will pay the price!" 1 Starting Location; 2 Prerequisites; 3 Quest Type; 4 Quest Giver; 5 How to Start; 6 Locations; 7 NPCs; 8 Items. How do you avoid the fatal bug in A New Source of Stalhrim? A New Source of Stalhrim Quest Glitch! So I'm trying to find the missing black Smith of the skaal. The Thalmor have kidnapped the Skaal village blacksmith, known as Baldor Iron-Shaper, and want him to reveal how to forge weapons from Stalhrim. It turns out that a Thalmor named Ancarion has stolen Baldor's map to the Stalhrim Source, and it should be taken back, to not allow the Thalmor to have access to Stalhrim weapons. How do I initiate "A New Source of Stalhrim"? I'm playing on XBOX360, not PC. After completing the quest "The Fate of the Skaal" and leaving Solstheim once, upon returning to the Skaal Village, a conversation can be overheard between Deor Woodcutter and Fanari Strong-Voice. I'll be quick about this one. There's a few ways of solving the problem - you can kill all the enemies at once and retrieve the Stalhrim Source Map from Ancarion's corpse - that's however the most brutal option. One of the members of the Skaal Village has gone … This starts the Stalhrim mission: A New Source of Stalhrim. Deor Woodcutter: "It makes my heart heavy that you don't believe me, Fanari. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Upon arrival, a Thalmor soldier will issue a warning that the Dragonborn is trespassing, however, it is possible to ask to speak to Ancarion: "You're interfering in official Thalmor business. Walking around the Skaal Village: "After listening to a conversation between Deor and Fanari Strong-Voice, a new speech option becomes available to ask him about the missing blacksmith. Joined: Jul 24, 2012 Messages: 723 Likes Received: 329 Reputation: 193 Dear fellow console players, He takes the map and grants permission to use his forge to make Stalhrim items. I'm sure there is a good reason Baldor left us." Archived [Dragonborn] Cant start "A New Source of Stalhrim" quest. Two of the deposits are mostly covered in snow on the opposite side of the stairs but can still be mined. DLC2SV02DLC2SV02Misc. Ability to craft Stalhrim armor and weapons Quest Giver The quest "A New Source Of Stalhrim" is missing !! I wanted to get the achievement of crafting stalhrim. I wanted to get the achievement of crafting stalhrim. Hey all just started the Dragon born Dlc at lvl 31 with smithing lvl 90 and i cant start the dang quest I found wood cutter but the chief is no where to be found is Fanarir my follower or the old man???? Loading... Unsubscribe from ... Dragonborn - Stalhrim Crafter Achievement Guide - Duration: 6:56. Upon seeing the bravery the Dragonborn displayed, he asks for help with a new quest, "Lost Legacy.". Hello everyone.. Does anyone know another way to get A New Source of Stalhrim to start? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 . Starting Location Prerequisites Quest Type Quest Giver How to Start Locations NPCs Items Maps Keys Description Objectives Enemies Walkthrough ... Bring 10 Stalhrim Ore and 15 Ebony Ingots to Halbarn. This will start the quest." report. Reward A New Source of Stalhrim is one of the Dragonborn Sidequests available as part of the Dragonborn DLC. Discussion in 'Dragonborn DLC' started by Clau, Mar 30, 2013. Even if the Dragonborn tries to talk to Deor afterward, it will be impossible to interact with him. Skyrim Dragonborn Stalhrim Quests - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. Did you find the elves at their ship? When instructed to speak to Deor about Baldor's disappearance, the dialog option to continue the quest does not appear. He recalls they were headed southwest: I am in no mood to talk outsider. It is found in the northwest part of Solstheim, south of Northshore Landing and east of Bristleback Cave and Broken Tusk Mine. I've been going back and fourth and he just won't dissapear. How can I fix this? The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, Experimental Subject (Neloth's Health Boost), :) The quest continues at Northshore Landing, located on the north shore of the island. This section contains bugs related to A New Source of Stalhrim. (starts combat). Thank the All-Maker that you have come. "User Info: mattgyver_com. ... Ancarion, had a map that showed the location of a new source of Stalhrim. I can't start the quest "A New Source of Stalhrim" by talking to Deor Woodcutter (instead of giving me the quest he just says general things). And I am able to talk to Deor and he gives me the directions and … If you progress to far on the DLC mainquest it seems like "A new source of Stalhrim" will never occuor. ESP-FE plugin. I've finished the main questline for Dragonborn and cleansed the Stones but when I go to Skaal Village the smith is still there. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. SPOILER ALERT : If you haven't done the quest don't continue. ", He will take the map and teach the Dragonborn the techniques needed to forge Stalhrim armor and weapons. Upon arrival, at least four Thalmor Soldiers are stationed outside the building. SPOILER ALERT : If you haven't done the quest don't continue. save. If you cannot break the smith, I will be forced to find a more capable interrogator. Baldor could be in danger, and you will do nothing. Once inside, Baldor can be heard crying out for help. After I go to the abandoned shack/house and kill the Thalmor, I go and speak with the blacksmith who tells me to retrive a map, wich I did, nothing special. Hello everyone.. The Break of Dawn. My next step is to 'talk to Baldor'...but when I do he only makes generic comments, there are no conversation options! 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. These accursed elves have taken me from my home.". A New Source of Stalhrim is a Stalhrim side quest in Skyrim: Dragonborn. It is then revealed that Baldor Iron-Shaper, the village blacksmith, is missing: If the Dragonborn speaks to Deor about the situation, he eventually reveals that he saw two elves in the woods dragging something behin… A New Source of Stalhrim This Guide shows you how to get the skill to make Stalhrim Weapons and Armor (Light/Heavy). To craft weapons and armor with this material you must first be … Edit: Offcourse this is just a guess based on the situation since the same thing happened for me. By that point I said "screw it" and went on with the next story quest that supposedly "prevents A New Source of Stalhrim from being completed" for some reason (I see no reason why; the Shaman has no connection to the quest and no one really hates you after his death..)--Mazekial 21:09, December 9, … Return to Skaal Village and speak to Baldor Iron-Shaper. You will leave immediately.". He will explain that the Thalmor were trying to force him to reveal the secrets of the art of Stalhrim smithing, and that their leader had a map which shows the location of a hidden source of Stalhrim. Type save. Alternatively, you can steal it from the Elf and end the mission without starting the fight. share. However, Tharstan witnesses the Dragonborn's return. Related Quests . Can anyone help? Community content is available under. share. Spoiler ALERT: if you have n't done the quest begins at a small hut called the House. Quest begins at a small hut called the Abandoned House you do n't yourself... With it until I realized that Lost Legacy wo n't help me, Fanari him. What the app is perfect for Village, even though I have the. Location of a New Source of Stalhrim ' quest do you avoid the bug. Take the map, a ancient Nordic barrow Neloth 's Health Boost ), ( intimidation... Once the map and teach the Dragonborn by teaching the art of Stalhrim ' quest go Northeast of. 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