Supplied with R134a and R1234yf low side couplers. 24-Hour Support – Call 780-868-9622 FourQuest Energy provides an integrated services platform to the energy industry to help our clients achieve safe plant startup, and efficient maintenance and shutdown servicing events through our detailed engineering and expert field execution. 4, 1969 Oldsmobile Toronado: Swank ’60s style, 5 pieces of terrible advice I’ve been given about project cars, Smithology: If you’re a vampire, or maybe a rock, Wrenchin’ Wednesday: Stop hacking up factory harnesses. Cryogenic processes can produce very pure nitrogen. Because of nitrogen’s inert properties, it is often used in highly specialized tire … Depending on the system design, nitrogen can be used for accelerated cool downs in either a gaseous or liquid phase ranging from -196˚C to +400˚C. If a system needs to be recharged, it’s because the refrigerant has leaked out, so the leak first needs to be found, then needs to be fixed. I’d resurrected the A/C in this car about five years back and was so impressed with how well it worked that I searched in vain for years until I found a Clardy system to install in one of my own 2002s. Holy moly. The time for all that, plus the recharge itself, is always going to make the bill more than $79.95. A car that is too hot can lead to drowsy or distracted driving, which can … Our industrial cleaning services team provide critical services for daily maintenance, turnarounds and outages for the oil and gas, refinery, petrochemical industries. The next step would normally be to spray soap solution and look for bubbles, but because the suction fitting had been loose, I checked there first. If hooking a can of refrigerant with a single hose/gauge to the car, you will use the low side. Then you watch the gauges and listen. I consulted a dedicated air conditioning specialist, who pressure-checked my car’s system with nitrogen gas, which does not damage the environment. Sign up for the latest automotive news and videos—in short, everything for people who love cars. It is therefore used to remove moisture from a refrigerant circuit which may have been subject to some repair involving exposure of inner walls of the circuitry … The inert environment created from nitrogen prevents any combustible reactions from occurring. Specifications ... Nitrogen leak check kit; Optional extras. The liquid nitrogen can be pumped from the truck in its liquid form, or it may be converted to gaseous nitrogen, depending on the application. Air conditioning (A/C) systems for cars can be an invaluable feature, especially in warm climate areas. Nitrogen gas is the opposite, providing nonreactive environments where needed. I pressurized the system, let it sit overnight, saw in the morning that the pressure hadn’t changed more than could be attributed to temperature, evacuated it, charged it up, and was very quickly greeted by a cold car. Nitrogen is inert, nonreactive, nontoxic, and noncorrosive. Flowing cold nitrogen through a unit can also substantially reduce the amount of time it would take to cool the unit than if it were allowed to cool naturally. The high-temperature vessels used in the energy industry for a wide range of processes and products can often take days or even weeks to cool down to manageable working temperatures. This attitude is universal at FourQuest, starting with our President through to the newest member of our team. The liquid phase cool down, however, uses significantly less nitrogen due to the added cooling benefits of phase changing liquid to gas. Regardless of whether you choose to use the AC or roll the windows down, there’s no method to cool your car that doesn’t lower your car’s fuel efficiency. But the vacuum itself is really almost no help in finding the leak. If a leak is large, the pressure readings on the gauges will drop immediately and you’ll hear the pressurized gas escaping. Nitrogen is produced in large volumes in both gas and liquid form by cryogenic distillation; smaller volumes may be produced as a gas by pressure swing adsorption (PSA) or diffusion separation processes (permeation through specially designed membrane). It is therefore important to compile as much information as possible regarding these parameters during the engineering assessment. Avoidable Contact #89: If BMW were a person, would this be a cry for help? The best-case situation of the leak being caused by a bad o-ring—quickly found and easily replaced—is about as likely as a loose gas cap being the cause of your check engine light. The most notable advantage of nitrogen-filled tires deals with tire pressure, which you already know is crucial for keeping your tires in good shape. *Most 1994 and older vehicles used R12 as the original refrigerant, if the vehicle being serviced is still using R12, it must be evacuated and retrofitted. I wheeled over the nitrogen bottle, connected it, pressurized the system, and immediately heard hissing from low in the engine compartment. Our vision is a workplace free of incidents and injuries, and as a result, health and safety is integrated into every aspect of the work process. But that’s still the most minimal A/C repair possible, and if you do it yourself, you can find the leak quickly through pressure-testing, and it shouldn’t cost more than the o-ring and the R134a refrigerant. A buddy of mine contacted me, saying that the A/C in his 1976 BMW 2002 was working fine until he saw a puff of white smoke from under the hood and the A/C quit working. The leak gets identified, thus. When pressurised nitrogen charged into refrigerant circuitry leaks through a soap solution applied on the circuitry, forms bubbles due to chemical reaction with soap solution. While sniffers are highly effective in finding small leaks in charged systems, there are problems with the first two methods. The Dual Gas is a fully automatic and tapless unit. His talent and interest in engineering and science have gained him two degrees: a Chemical Science degree from the University of Sarajevo (1985) and a Master’s in Engineering from the University of Alberta (1999). I’ve long been surprised that this is not a widely used technique. Top quality British made regulators with Swedish manufactured hose. The immediate sound of escaping gas from the front of the engine verified that a leak was very much apparent, which was … to be cooled. Mr. Zoran Bajic is the Director of Research and Development and one of the co-founders of FourQuest Energy. Traditionally, car tires have been filled with compressed air. You close the valves on the manifold gauge set, connect the red and blue hoses to the A/C service ports as you need to do for any A/C work, unscrew the regulator on the gas bottle all the way to zero pressure, open the gauge valves, slowly turn the regulator handle to introduce the gas until the manifold gauge set registers about 100 psi of pressure, and then close the manifold valves and shut off the gas valve. This calculation will define the overall heat transfer requirement from which the nitrogen consumption can be determined. In my book Just Needs a Recharge: The Hack Mechanic™ Guide to Vintage Air Conditioning, I make the case that those “A/C recharge $79.95” signs you see at service stations are perilously close to fraud. Ending the storage shell game and searching for car-centric property, Watch the Hyperion hydrogen hypercar hit the road, Chip Foose reimagines the iconic Jaguar E-type – Ep. 99 $55.00 $55.00. This liquid is then stored in a vacuum, and heated back into gas at a later time. In pressure-testing, you use a moisture-free inert gas to pressurize the A/C system. Nitrogen (N2) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that makes up 78.09% (by volume) of the air we breathe. At very pressures (up to 15,000 psi), N 2 forms a miscible slug with a powerful vaporizing drive which improves the hydrocarbon recovery factor. In pressure-testing, you use a moisture-free inert gas to pressurize the A/C system. Nitrogen gas is used in the preparation of the catalysts and the transportation of polymer powders, It is used as a medium for the exhaust of emitted heat in the fluid bed reactors, and it is used to control the temperature in the reactors. So, even if it’s a bad o-ring, it’ll never cost you the advertised $79.95 at a service station. Our technicians will check for further repairs and replacements to get your air conditioner in top condition. Our large fleet of nitrogen pumpers, bulkers and tube trailers are ready to meet any demand you may have. You need an adapter like this one available on Amazon to connect the yellow hose on the manifold gauge set to the gas bottle. I continue to use R12 in two of my cars—my 1972 BMW 2002tii and 1973 Bavaria. I re-pressurized the system, and it held. LEAK DETECTION USING A NITROGEN SET In addition to its function for drying the system, this tool can also be used for leak tests. Nitrogen molecules are larger and slower moving than those of compressed air. Service both R114a and HFO1234yf gas vehicles with the Sun KoolKare Dual Gas car air conditioning machine – one unit covering two opportunities. The car has a Clardy A/C system in it, the rarest and coldest of the three dealer-installed options for this car when it was new. It has several properties that make it an ideal tool for use in the energy industry. They showed zero pressure, so all of the refrigerant had indeed leaked out, corroborating his observation of the white smoke. I undid the fitting to examine the o-ring under it and was astonished to find that the o-ring was missing. Do not exceed the system working pressure with nitrogen. I can tell you that R12 is some seriously great refrigerant; it gets both of these cars meat … Designed for detecting and locating leaks in automotive air conditioning systems using pressurised Nitrogen gas. I put a wrench on the fitting and found that it was very loose. When they were reconnected, it’s likely that the o-ring had gotten pinched. The nitrogen is transported to the site as a liquid via a nitrogen pump truck, equipped with a storage tank, diesel fired vaporizer, and cryogenic triplex pump. Virtually any reaction vessel operating at extremely high temperatures can benefit from the thermally engineered accelerated cool down service provided by FourQuest Energy. Under the hood is a 15 horsepower air motor originally designed to power a winch for raising ship anchors. Gas bottle gauges supplied with fitting for BOC nitrogen cylinders or disposable NitroTrace canisters – (NitroTrace contains enough gas for up to 12 […] Sometimes leaks are small enough that the amount of visible dye is miniscule, and old dye left over from other work can confuse things. You can and should pull a vacuum, look at the reading on the manifold gauge set, let it sit for some amount of time (overnight is best), and see if the vacuum reading drops, because if it does, there’s a leak somewhere. The lack of reactivity of nitrogen is its biggest quality and as a result the gas is used to prevent slow and fast oxidation. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant, which is able to rapidly freeze foods and subjects in medical research, as well as reproductive technology. Everything we do in the field, we engineer first. Another important application for nitrogen is to use it to cool and inert reactors filled with catalyst during the shutdown process for maintenance work. I then thought about it and realized that the odds that the system had been working for all these years with a missing o-ring were zero. Without compressor in the system, you can safely use 250 psig for high pressure refrigerant systems. The air we breathe every day is made up of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and one percent argon. I felt with my hands and isolated it to the inlet (suction) hose fitting on the compressor itself. It is designed specifically for the HVAC industry, for nitrogen purging AC line sets prior to brazing and leak checking AC line sets after brazing. Additional nitrogen to complete the cool down is brought to site in specialized transport trucks. If no leaks are found and your system passes all legal requirements, we can re-gas your car air conditioning system from $158.00. If the leak is smaller and the pressure drops over minutes or hours, you use an engineered soap solution such as “Big Blu” and look for bubbles. Nitrogen gas of a specific minimum miscible pressure is used for the operation. Proper engineering design optimizes the accelerated cool-down portion of the plant shutdown process, allowing our clients to better plan and execute shutdown activities beyond the time savings provided by the ACD. A liquid nitrogen vehicle is powered by liquid nitrogen, which is stored in a tank. Nitrogen is effective at flushing all contaminants out of the air conditioning unit’s system, enabling the unit to run without spreading contamination Nitrogen gas for air conditioning purging is readily available and relatively cheap to purchase When using nitrogen in its liquid phase, cryogenic nitrogen fluid is pumped into a recirculating process of the unit gas stream with a specially designed nozzle. In fact, ambient air contains about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% miscellaneous gas. And the tools. Specific elements of the process unit, i.e., catalyst and metallurgy, each contribute to the total nitrogen requirement based on their individual masses and material properties. We offer compressed and liquid nitrogen in various grades specific to different applications, such as: • A coolant for concrete work • An assist gas for laser cutting • A pressurizing agent in pipelines • A cryogenic for preserving biological material • A welding gas in automotive manufacturing Download spec and safe… But admit it, you were just itching to buy those anyway. Fuel efficiency dropped by a whopping 20 percent when the windows were open, but only by 10 percent when the air conditioner was on. My friend had had the engine replaced in this car last spring, and it was almost certain that, as part of that work, the hoses had been disconnected from the compressor. Further, nitrogen gas is inert and has the capability to absorb moisture to a certain extent. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Traditional nitrogen engine designs work by heating the liquid nitrogen in a heat exchanger, extracting heat from the ambient air and using the resulting pressurized gas to operate a piston or rotary motor. With zero ozone depletion potential (ODP), our gases meet the world’s toughest environmental standards. I carefully hunted around beneath the compressor on the engine mount and on the top of the subframe and found the smoking gun—a cut o-ring. Nitrogen usually appears in either liquid or gas form (although it is possible to attain solid nitrogen as well). SÜA - Nitrogen Gas Regulator 0-600 PSIG - HVAC Purging - Pressure Charge - 1/4" Flare Connector. And instead of generating plumes of foul exhaust, the LN2000 emits cold nitrogen gas which freezes water vapor in the air to form small clouds behind the vehicle. Refrigerant Gas Our range of refrigerant gases can be used for transport, refrigeration and air conditioning applications. After all, every breath we take is mostly nitrogen gas. Open All Close All. When produced in cryogenic facilities, nitrogen is shipped in liquid form and transported in specialized insulated tank trucks suitable for handling the extreme low temperatures of nitrogen in its liquid state. Although nitrogen-enriched gasoline may provide a slight bump in engine performance, some worry about adding to cars' already substantial air pollution load, especially nitrogen oxide A-ha! DO NOT operate the air conditioning system with oxygen free nitrogen (OFN) in the refrigerant circuit. It then travels through injection piping into the process unit (hydrotreater, sulphur recovery unit, etc.) Refineries, petrochemical plants, and marine tankers use nitrogen to purge equipment, tanks, and pipelines of dangerous vapors and gases (for example, after completing a pipeline transfer operation or ending a production run) and to maintain an inert and protective atmosphere in tanks storing flammable liquids. Piston Slap: Bringing the notch to an STI’s shifter, 2020 Indy 500 will run with fan capacity limited to 50 percent. Potable Water Supply and Wastewater/Sewage Disposal. ( Includes 6 months Warranty.) Learn more about the nitrogen vs. air debate to make the best decision for your vehicle. He brought the car by the house, and I connected the manifold gauge set to the charging fittings on the back of the compressor. Depending on the system design, nitrogen can be used for accelerated cool downs in either a gaseous or liquid phase ranging from -196˚C to +400˚C. Your first call nitrogen services provider. Put simply, shutdown time is significantly reduced so that maintenance work can start sooner in a safer environment and with lower overall shutdown expenses. Use dry nitrogen to push some of the contaminants out of the system by simply attaching the nitrogen regulator to one of the lines and allowing it to blow out the other. With our wide range of integrated services, our clients can expect a safe plant start-up. These are cars with poor A/C reputations, which is precisely why I continue to use R12 in them. For leak tests, a filling adapter is required for the service connection as well as a tube adapter. For the tiniest leaks, using a gas mix of CO2 and Argon is better than nitrogen, as you can then use a chemical sniffer to detect the argon. The heat loss during a cool down can be determined using the following principle: ΔT = change in temperature (final-initial). We offer nitrogen in multiple purities and supply modes. The emptied air-conditioning system is filled with nitrogen (maximum 12 bar). But in 2012, Consumer Reports tested a Honda Accord and found mileage dropping by about 3 miles per gallon when the air conditioner was used and when the car was going 65 miles per hour. In the book, I describe using nitrogen to pressure-test an empty air conditioning system in order to find leaks. When you need to pressure test an air conditioner’s condenser unit with nitrogen gas you might think there is no danger associated with this. I got into the habit of using nitrogen, because I had a tank of it left over from a dune buggy project decades ago that used nitrogen-filled shocks, but you can use CO 2 or other inert welding gases. Local Supply in Fort McMurray It has several properties that make it an ideal tool for use in the had! An invaluable feature, especially in warm climate areas air debate to the. 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