David Khourshid, author of the XState library and an expert on state machines, said: "State management is how state changes over time.". for static values and then propagate updates through subscriptions. Instead, it's like a pipe or a wormhole. When you have moderately complex React component state management needs within a specific section of your application. Summarizing here: In addition, there's some other important differences as well: It's worth repeating what Sebastian Markbage (React core team architect) said about the uses for Context: My personal summary is that new context is ready to be used for low frequency unlikely updates (like locale/theme). Let's recap the use cases for each of these: Again, these are different tools that solve different problems! Data fetching libraries like React Query, SWR, Apollo, and Urql all provide abstractions that simplify common patterns for working with cached server state (and the upcoming "RTK Query" library will do the same for Redux Toolkit). Yes, adding RTK and React-Redux as dependencies does add additional byte size to your application bundle over just Context + useReducer, because those are built in to React. To solve this problem, many developers turned to state management tools like Redux. According to the docs, In order to use any tool correctly, it's critical to understand: It's also critical to understand what problems you are trying to solve in your own application right now, and pick the tools that solve your problem the best - not because someone else said you should use them, not because they’re popular, but because this is what works best for you in this particular situation. What I mean is that the Context alone is not enough to manage application's state without a companion hook like useState or useReducer . Passing data to deeply nested child components can be cumbersome, especially when dealing with child components several levels down a component tree. Given the prevalence of questions on this topic, I'm putting together this post as a definitive answer to those questions. In React, this is usually solved by making a component “controlled”. So, you can use Redux for some state that's global, and useReducer + Context for some state that's more local, and Context by itself for some semi-static values, all at the same time in the same application. So here are our components look like. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many components within an application. "State" is any data that describes the behavior of an application. The patterns and tools provided by Redux make it easier to understand when, where, why, and how the state in your application is being updated, and how your application logic will behave when those changes occur. The current React Context API (React.createContext()) was first released in React 16.3. But communication among the components is an important part. It's also important to point out that these are not mutually exclusive options - you can use Redux, Context, and useReducer together at the same time! There's a lot of posts out there that recommend setting up multiple separate contexts for different chunks of state, both to cut down on unnecessary re-renders and to scope concerns. Manash Chakrobortty. It’s not ready to be used as a replacement for all Flux-like state propagation. And finally, Context and Redux are not the only tools to think about. It's fairly easy to understand how they work—especially when seen in context—but it's also a bit difficult to grasp them conceptually. props vs state. It is really a tough question. But with the recent update, context now works great with PureComponent and shouldComponentUpdate. In this quick 5-minute tutorial, you'll see an introduction to what Context is and how to use it! Differences between Redux and Context API. Add 3 files: actions.js, reducers.js, StoreContext.js. Redux is nothing but a solution to manage the global data for your app so that you can access the global data anywhere in your app and it removes the props drilling as well. MobX is another widely used option that uses OOP and observables to automatically update data dependencies. So create a file UserContext.js in the root of /src folder. Following that announcement, the community created dozens of Flux-inspired libraries with varying approaches to the Flux concepts. It’s far from being dead and yet, a strong enemy is arising: React’s Context API! By the way, this post is the follow-up of my previous one 7 steps to understand React Redux. The React Context API is React’s way of managing state in multiple components that are not directly connected. So we don’t need to install any extra packages for managing packages. We could have written the exact same useState/useReducer code, but prop-drilled the data and the update function down through the component tree. — sebmarkbage, Get the latest news on the world of web technologies with a series of tutorial Take a look, WebAssembly Is Fast: A Real-World Benchmark of WebAssembly vs. ES6, Generic Table component with React and Typescript, Most Important Linux Commands for Developers, 10 Lessons That Helped Me Grow As A Developer, How to create Forms for your React/React Native app, Create a Browser with React.js and Electron. for static values and then propagate updates through subscriptions. medium.com. Since many components relied on shouldComponentUpdate for performance optimizations, that made legacy context useless for passing down plain data. In your project, create a /context directory. Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux . Redux helps you manage "global" state - state that is needed across many parts of your application. Imran Sayed. This is only possible because React-Redux uses Context internally. You need to determine which of these tools best matches the set of problems that you're trying to solve! Context has little to do with state management. I've answered various questions about Context and Redux hundreds of times across the internet (including my posts Redux - Not Dead Yet!, React, Redux, and Context Behavior, A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior, and When (and when not) to Reach for Redux), yet the confusion continues to get worse. Eric Elliott: Do React Hooks Replace Redux? share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components Then wrap the App component with UserContext in the index.js file. Other valid reasons to use Redux include: Dan Abramov listed a number of these use cases when he wrote his post You Might Not Need Redux, all the way back in 2016. Think of it this way. It serves as a centralized store for state that needs to be used across your entire application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be updated in a predictable fashion. React hooks have enabled developers to have cleaner functional components which help to rationalise our component logic with ease.. Take useState hook, it’s one line of code that can be used to manage the state of a component rather than having to create a class component with the addition of boiler code. React Context API Introduction. Instead of explicitly putting a new value into a yourself, you can put that data into the Redux store and then access it anywhere. In this code snippet, you created a React Context then you wrapped MyApp Component into the context Provider and finally, you have bound MyComponent with the context using static contextType = StoreContext. We could divide that into categories like "server state", "communications state", and "location state" if we want to, but the key point is that there is data being stored, read, updated, and used. There's too many people out there, too many conflicting ideas, and too much miscommunication and misinformation. In my opinion, a react developer can get familiarized with the concept in a short while A solution to manage the global state of a React application using hooks and the Context API. Wow, we are almost done. It replaced the legacy context API, which had been available since early versions of React, but had major design flaws. In this article, we share a short overview of state management, context API, and Flux architecture. However, it's critical to note that React-Redux only passes down the Redux store instance via context, not the current state value!. In this article, we're going to manage our state with React context, to see by ourselves if it's better than redux regarding state's management. Modern front-end frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular has changed the way our web looks like today. Context in React.js is the concept to pass data through a component tree without passing props down manually to each level. React Consumer example on CodeSandbox.. First, we create a new context, which we store in NumberContext.This is an object with 2 properties: Provider and Consumer.They’re a matched pair, and they’re born knowing how to communicate with each other (but not with other contexts). Notes on React Context API, how to create a Context, consume it, and pass values to a Context Provider. Newer versions of React (16.3+) include a built-in way to share state, which means not having to pull in an external library. Any time you have some value that you want to make accessible to a portion of your React component tree, without passing that value down as props through each level of components. First of all, we will create a context for user data. Until the new context API was released, React made it difficult to use context with PureComponent or shouldComponentUpdate. So, even though Context + useReducer sorta-resemble Redux + React-Redux at a quick glance... they are not fully equivalent and cannot truly replace Redux! Let's start by looking at the actual description of Context from the React docs: Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. Even when you are looking at the App Component and you know there is a problem in one of the properties of state, but you have to look at all the components which are Consuming it to figure out which one of them caused the problem. A maximum of them are using a component-based approach. Many people chose Redux early on specifically to let them avoid prop-drilling, because React's legacy context was broken and React-Redux worked correctly. In /redux/reducers/ create a reducer for adding user data. As I said above, my habit is to use a tool like Redux or Apollo for my data management, my React state handles local information, often UI state, and context handles static data, such as theming. Rather than pass this value down as a prop, explicitly, through every level of the component tree that needs it, any component that's nested inside the can just say useContext(MyContext) to grab the value as needed. They have some similarities and overlap, but there are major differences in their capabilities. So, the primary purpose for using Context is to avoid "prop-drilling". React Context vs Redux: Which one is the right winner. This happens to be the case where we use websockets to fetch some sort of real-time data, such as market price data. For example if you want to store user data in your app then you manually need to pass it from parent to child and in case no of child tree is too much it become really difficult to handle because some time middle child don’t even use that data. Instead, it assumes that some parent component will pass down that value, at runtime. ... React Context will trigger a re-render on each update, and optimizing it manually can be really tough. For simple or low-frequency updates like theme settings, user authentication data, React Context is the perfect choice. Context looks very appealing in its ease of use compared to Redux, however, there are some advantages that Redux has over the Context API. "Avoiding prop-drilling" is one of those other reasons. To specify how the actions transform the state tree, you have to write pure reducers. My personal opinion is that if you get past 2-3 state-related contexts in an application, you're re-inventing a weaker version of React-Redux and should just switch to using Redux. The only overlap between them, really, is "can be used to avoid prop-drilling". This post will cover managing complex state at a feature level rather than the entire site. If you want a proper introduction to this subject, you can join the waitlist for (And maybe, just maybe, some folks will read this article and not feel the need to post the same question that's been asked a million times already...). Moderately complex React component state management using a reducer function, Moderate to highly complex state management using reducer functions, Traceability for when, why, and how state changed over time, Sharing state management logic between different UI layers, All of the use cases for Redux, plus interacting with the Redux store in your React components, If the only thing you need to do is avoid prop-drilling, then use Context, If you've got some moderately complex React component state, or just really don't want to use an external library, go with Context +, If you want better traceability of the changes to your state over time, need to ensure that only specific components re-render when the state changes, need more powerful capabilities for managing side effects, or have other similar problems, use Redux + React-Redux. Managing State in React App is tricky, especially when you want to share data from component 1 to (x)components, you will have to pass the data from component 1, 2 to 7 which is basically unnecessary. This does simplify the code, because we don't have to write all the extra prop-passing logic. Its really simple, right? Finishing with the comment of Sebastian Markbåge (Facebook React Team), My personal summary is that new context is ready to be used for low frequency unlikely updates (like locale/theme). Any "state management" is done by you and your own code, typically via useState/useReducer. Sure, it's possible to write code that way, but at that point you're just reinventing React-Redux, poorly. So, let's talk about the Context + useReducer combination specifically. We specifically encourage putting "global state" in Redux and "local state" in React components, and carefully deciding whether each piece of state should live in Redux or component state. React Contex t Providers can work hand-in-hand with a Redux store for project setups that rely on both state management solutions. All Context does for us is let us skip the prop-drilling. I am saying that Redux is a valid choice, there are many reasons to choose Redux, and the tradeoffs for choosing Redux are a net win more often than many people think. Combine all reducer, though we have only one reducer, but we are following a convention to adapt more reducers later. Jotai, Recoil, and Zustand offer lighter-weight state update approaches. The RTK is the polish that helped me convince the rest of the teams to buy into the refactor. I'll try to clarify what Context and Redux actually are, how they're meant to be used, how they're different, and when you should use them. # The React Context API. React Context for State Management React 16.3 added a new Context API – new in the sense that the old context API was a behind-the-scenes feature that most people either didn’t know about, or avoided using because the docs said to avoid using it. in another way, React Context API is a State management tool in the functional components. So, when most people refer to "Redux", they actually mean "using a Redux store and the React-Redux library together". Historically, Redux was originally created as an implementation of the "Flux Architecture", which was a pattern first suggested by Facebook in 2014, a year after React came out. The connect function takes two arguments, both optional: So we are going to use connect in our App component. For comparison, let's look at the description from the "Redux Essentials" tutorial in the Redux docs: Redux is a pattern and library for managing and updating application state, using events called "actions". As one user recently told me: We just switched from context and hooks over to RTK on one of our production application's frontends. React Context API. Redux vs Context. For the last few years, Redux has been THE state management solution for bigger React apps. When the app is refreshed this method will be called and set some hard-coded data in context. Pulling in the context state, making a changing and having it be persisted. So what should we use for our state management? Therefore, Context is not a "state management" tool! React’s provider pattern is a powerful concept. Chris Achard: Can You Replace Redux with React Hooks? Ever since we started using React to rebuild our UI at uberVU (now Hootsuite) the #1 developer question has probably been:. React's useState and useReducer hooks are good example of state management. I hope to provide a simplified explanation and tutorial so that you can quickly add global state to any of your React apps. The whole source code can be seen here.. To continue, let's implement a submit button to add the new todo item to the list of items eventually: Without React Context or Redux, we resort to a technique called “prop drilling” where we pass data down components even though some of those components don’t need that specific data. Because of this, React-Redux can also be used to avoid prop-drilling, specifically because React-Redux uses Context internally. We focus on the advantages and disadvantages of React Context and Redux to recap and clarify what is a best tool for react app. To be clear, I'm not saying that all apps should use Redux, or that Redux is always a better choice! React Context will trigger a re-render on each update, and optimizing it manually can be really tough. No. Notice that it does not say anything about "managing" values - it only refers to "passing" and "sharing" values. Together with these 3 files and a React Component, you’ll make great things happen! React Context with hooks is much easier to implement & since it’s built into React and you therefore need no extra third-party dependencies, so total bundle size won’t increase. This is actually an example of using Context for dependency injection, as mentioned above. Reduce React State with Hooks and Context. The React-Redux library is the official UI binding layer that lets React components interact with a Redux store by reading values from Redux state and dispatching actions. This may sound obvious, but React Context API is not a state management tool per-se. Use context only when you have to. Denny Scott: Redux vs Context vs State - an in-depth look at state management in React, Maximilian Schwarzmüller: Redux vs React's Context API, Jakob Lind: When to use Redux, Context, and props, Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux), Presentations: Intro to React, Redux, and TypeScript (2020), Presentations: Podcast Appearances in 2020, Coding Career Advice: Searching and Evaluating Online Information Efficiently, How Web Apps Work: AJAX, APIs, and Data Transfer, Greatest Hits: The Most Popular and Most Useful Posts I've Written, Global React Meetup: The State of Redux 2020, The History and Implementation of React-Redux, Thoughts on React Hooks, Redux, and Separation of Concerns, React Boston 2019: Hooks HOCs, and Tradeoffs, You have larger amounts of application state that are needed in many places in the app, The app state is updated frequently over time, The logic to update that state may be complex, The app has a medium or large-sized codebase, and might be worked on by many people, You want to be able to understand when, why, and how the state in your application has updated, and visualize the changes to your state over time, You need more powerful capabilities for managing side effects, persistence, and data serialization, Then, in any component nested inside that provider, call, says that the purpose of Redux is to help you understand how state changes over time, Wanting to write your state management logic completely separate from the UI layer, Sharing state management logic between different UI layers (such as an application that is being migrated from AngularJS to React), Using the power of Redux middleware to add additional logic when actions are dispatched, Being able to persist portions of the Redux state, Enabling bug reports that can be replayed by developers, Faster debugging of logic and UI while in development, store an initial value by calling the hook, read the current value, also by calling the hook, Know that the value has been updated because the component re-rendered, Redux stores an initial value by calling the root reducer, lets you read the current value with, MobX stores an initial value by assigning field values in a store class, lets you read the current value by accessing the store's fields, updates values by assigning to those fields, and notifies that changes happened via, Passes down a single value, which could be anything (primitive, objects, classes, etc), Does show the current context value for both, Updates consuming components when the context value changes, but with no way to skip updates, Does not include any mechanism for side effects - it's purely for rendering components, Stores and manages a single value (which is typically an object), Works with any UI, including outside of React components, Can update the value via dispatching an action and running reducers, Has DevTools that show the history of all dispatched actions and state changes over time, Uses middleware to allow app code to trigger side effects, Allows components to subscribe to store updates, extract specific pieces of the store state, and only re-render when those values change, a way to pass down that value and read it in nested components, Passing down a value to nested components without prop-drilling, Moderately complex React component state management using a reducer function. React’s context API is awesome. Most commonly, the value for a context is something that comes from React component state, along these lines: A child component then can call useContext and read the value: Based on that, we can see that Context doesn't actually "manage" anything at all. Inside this folder we will create below files. The React Context API provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually to every level. The actual behavior of the app would have been the same overall. In React, data is often passed from a parent to its child component as a property. It's also good to use it in the same way as old context was used. Our official Redux Toolkit package eliminates those "boilerplate" concerns, and the React-Redux hooks API simplifies using Redux in your React components. There's many nuances to this discussion. # Redux vs React’s Context API. The parent component that renders a is responsible for deciding what value is passed into the context, and that value typically is based on React component state. Along with Reducer Hooks API, the React Context API provides all the ingredients necessary to replace Redux in many usages. This is called props drilling and this is avoided by using a global store which is accessible to whole app. The only way to change the state tree is to emit an action, an object describing what happened. Architecturally, Redux emphasizes using functional programming principles to help you write as much of your code as possible as predictable "reducer" functions, and separating the idea of "what event happened" from the logic that determines "how the state updates when that event happens". Also, it is possible to update the context data from any subscribed component. This is a post in the Blogged Answers series. It's not ready to be used as a replacement for all Flux-like state propagation. Now the input field has become a controlled input field, because the value comes directly from the React managed state and the handler changes the state.We implemented our first managed state with the State Hook in React. So finally we have used context data & update as well. I.e. We will try to show some simple actions and reducers, required to manage the state using redux. Follow. Other posts in this series: Random musings on React, Redux, and more, by Redux maintainer Mark "acemarke" Erikson, Collector of interesting links, answerer of questions, A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior, the actual description of Context from the React docs, any component that reads from that context will be forced to re-render, the "Redux Essentials" tutorial in the Redux docs, Redux was originally created as an implementation of the "Flux Architecture", middleware as a way to extend the capabilities of the Redux store, including handling side effects, the Redux Devtools, which allow you to see the history of actions and state changes in your app over time, "State" is any data that describes the behavior of an application, categories like "server state", "communications state", and "location state", David Khourshid, author of the XState library and an expert on state machines, said, what Sebastian Markbage (React core team architect) said about the uses for Context, adding your own "context selector components", carefully splitting things up so there's two separate contexts for each segment of state, Our official Redux Toolkit package eliminates those "boilerplate" concerns, the React-Redux hooks API simplifies using Redux in your React components, putting "global state" in Redux and "local state" in React components, carefully deciding whether each piece of state should live in Redux or component state, Sebastian Markbage: use cases for Context, David Khourshid: Context is not "state management", The Tao of Redux, Part 1 - Implementation and Intent, Redux docs: Understanding Redux - Motivation, Redux Fundamentals tutorial: Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit, Valentino Gagliardi: React Context API is not a state management tool, Mike Green: You Might Not Need Redux (But You Can’t Replace It With Hooks), Sergey Ryzhov: From Redux to Hooks: A Case Study. 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