SAQA Home [Home Page for Fundamental Unit Standards] Search for a Fundamental Unit Standard Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Important: Leave most of the blocks (search criteria) blank. The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) oversees the development and implementation of South Africa’s National Qualifications Framework (NQF). PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 120 : Level 2 : NQF Level 02 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 360 : Not Applicable : NQF Level 06 : Regular-Provider-ELOAC : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2021-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2022-06-30 2027-06-30 Higher Education and Training band (HET) at NQF Levels 5 to 8 (SAQA, 2000b:23). GFETQSF – levels 1 to 4; HEQSF – levels 5 to 10; OQSF – levels 1 to 6. Learner Guide . SAQA 114913 : NQF Level 7: DEVELOP AND PROMOTE LABOUR-INTENSIVE CONSTRUCTION STRATEGIES. 67 of 2008. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. SAQA US ID: UNIT STANDARD TITLE: 263896 : Conduct an energy audit : ORIGINATOR: SGB Engineering : PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY - FIELD: SUBFIELD: Field 06 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology: Engineering and Related Design : ABET BAND: UNIT STANDARD TYPE: PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: CREDITS: Undefined : Regular : Level 6 : Level … Only fill in the blocks that will help you in your search. Learner Workbook . Credit system A “credit” defines the value assigned by SAQ A to 10 notional hours of learning. Lecture 1.2. GFETQSF - levels 1 to 4; HEQSF - levels 5 to 10; OQSF - levels 1 to 6. A bachelor’s degree of 360 credits, for example, consists of 30 modules of 12 credits each. SAQA 15162 – NQF Level 5 : MANAGE LABOUR-INTENSIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. Each module is pegged according to a specific NQF level. In matters quality, the body has established a quality assurance team that keeps check of the quality of education being offered in the institutions. ND ECD L5 - SP1: Develop and manage the ECD Learning Programme 3. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 121 : Level 3 : NQF Level 03 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 Workplace Guide . SAQA looks at 10 main academic skill areas, and depending on your level of NQF qualification, it suggests that you are more skilled in these areas the higher your NQF level is. Saqa is responsible for running the National Qualifications Framework, or NQF. Learner Workbook . PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 166 : Level 6 : Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L6 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER : REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 In all of the tables in this … The level of a qualification shows how difficult the learning is. Technical Support (SAQA 78964 NQF Level 4) Register; Description. NQF levels are intended to award registered learners with national accreditation based on their skills. NQF LEVEL DESCRIPTORS Level descriptors, as the nomenclature suggests, provide a description of each of the ten levels on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). To achieve its goals, SAQA has set a system that integrates recognised national and international standards of education and training. In matters quality, the body has established a quality assurance team that keeps check of the quality of education being offered in the institutions. Learner Guide . SAQA is mandated by legislation to oversee the development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). SAQA NQF levels and credits. Not sure what NQF level you have? Lecture 2.3. For NQF levels 7 and 8 the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations can motivate for a qualification only in collaboration with a recognised professional body and the Council on Higher Education, in a process co-ordinated by SAQA. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 130 : Level 3 : NQF Level 03 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2021-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2022-06-30 2025-06-30 Suitable if you work with: The development of infrastructure policies, strategies, business plans, project selection; Design, specification or review of projects; Project Management; Ideally suited for: Client Officials: Heads of Departments, Senior Managers, Project Managers, BID & Procurement … SAQA US ID: UNIT STANDARD TITLE: 10118 : Manage specialised areas in marketing management : ORIGINATOR: SGB Marketing : PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY - FIELD: SUBFIELD: Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies: Marketing : ABET BAND: UNIT STANDARD TYPE: PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: CREDITS: Undefined : Regular : Level 7 : Level … From SAQA's website it used to be NQF level 5 but currently undetermined... As you did yours in 2003 and it was NQF level 5 before 2009, wouldn't it still be NQF level … pre-2009 nqf level: nqf level: qual class: undefined : 180 : not applicable : nqf level 07 : regular-eloac : registration status: saqa decision number: registration start date: registration end date: registered : saqa 12129/20 : 2020-07-30 : 2025-07-30 : last date for enrolment: last … The NQF levels run from Adult Basic Education and Training all the way up to doctoral degrees. A bachelor’s degree may consist of . To achieve its goals, SAQA has set a system that integrates recognised national and international standards of education and training. Courses ND: Early Childhood Development (SAQA ID: 64650) – NQF Level 5: 263 Credits. SAQA US ID: UNIT STANDARD TITLE: 242811 : Prioritise time and work for self and team : ORIGINATOR: SGB Generic Management : PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY - FIELD: SUBFIELD: Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies: Generic Management : ABET BAND: UNIT STANDARD TYPE: PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: CREDITS: Undefined : Regular-Fundamental : Level 4 : NQF Level … Here are the ten skill areas the NQF focuses on, with a rough description of what they imply: The purpose of the qualification is to enable qualifying learners to apply strategic level financial management competencies to ensure effective, efficient and economical utilisation of public funds and resources at local government level. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 140 : Level 4 : NQF Level 04 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2021-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2022-06-30 2025-06-30 NQF Level Qualification Type; HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING CERTIFICATE (HETC) 10: Post-doctoral research degrees … Municipal Finance Management (MFM) SAQA ID 48965, NQF Level 6 – Certificate. There are 3 Quality Councils (QCs), namely: SAQA NQF levels and credits. ... PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: CREDITS: Undefined : Regular-Fundamental : Level 4 : NQF Level 04 : 4 : REGISTRATION STATUS: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: Reregistered : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : SAQA … New Zealand NQF: This qualification is comparable to a NZNQF National Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) in an animal production context. The NQF originally consisted of eight levels but was later increased to ten levels. Job seekers need to be aware of NQF qualification levels in order to apply them to their CV. pre-2009 nqf level: nqf level: qual class: undefined : 360 : level 6 : nqf level 06 : regular-eloac : registration status: saqa decision number: registration start date: registration end date: reregistered : saqa 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2021-06-30 : last date for enrolment: last date for achievement: 2022-06-30 2025-06-30 It is made up of 29 members appointed by the Minister of Education in consultation with the Minister of Labour. Lecture 2.1. Workplace … For NQF levels 7 and 8 the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations can motivate for a qualification only in collaboration with a recognised professional body and the Council on Higher Education, in a process co-ordinated by SAQA. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 120 : Level 4 : NQF Level 04 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 It covers achievements from school, college, university, and many work-based qualifications. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: CREDITS: Undefined : Regular : Level 3 : NQF Level 03 : 8 : REGISTRATION STATUS: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: Passed the End Date - Status was "Registered" 2008-02-06 : 2010-06-02 : SAQA 0875/08 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2011-06-02 2014-06-02 In all of the tables … PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 124 : Level 3 : NQF Level 03 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 NQF Levels. The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a framework on which standards and qualifications – agreed to by education and training stakeholders across the country – are registered. Understanding the South African National Qualifications Framework, job seekers will be better equipped to identify vacancies relevant to their skills. The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body, regulated in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act No. The qualification is designed to provide a foundational qualification for people who are pursuing a career in the computer industry, or related fields. PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: NQF LEVEL: QUAL CLASS: Undefined : 120 : Level 3 : NQF Level 03 : Regular-Unit Stds Based : REGISTRATION STATUS: SAQA DECISION NUMBER: REGISTRATION START DATE: REGISTRATION END DATE: Reregistered : SAQA 06120/18 : 2018-07-01 : 2023-06-30 : LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT: LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT: 2024-06-30 2027-06-30 The credit points show how much learning is involved in achieving that qualification. ND ECD L5 - SP2: Mediate active learning in ECD programmes 3. Lecture 1.1. Lecture 2.2. SAQA QUAL ID: QUALIFICATION TITLE: 20907 : National Certificate: Customer Management : ORIGINATOR: SGB Marketing : PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY: NQF SUB-FRAMEWORK : Was SERVICES until Last Date for Achievement : OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework : QUALIFICATION TYPE: FIELD: SUBFIELD: National Certificate : Field 03 - Business, … Lecture 1.3.

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