The discovery of native life on Mars -- even if it is only the most primitive microbes -- would be one of the most important scientific discoveries in human history. NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover tweeted out a new image on January 23, 2018: "I'm back! They are adapted to a desiccated world. The rover drilled this hole, in a rock that's part of a flat outcrop researchers named "John Klein," during its first sample drilling on February 8, 2013. The rover's tracks can be seen in the right portion of this panorama taken by the rover's navigation camera. The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera captured this image about 24 hours after landing. NASA has evidence from Earth that life can growth in very extreme conditions. Brian Patrick Green is assistant director of campus ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and lecturer in the School of Engineering at Santa Clara University. Recurring slope lineae emanate out of the walls of the Garni crater on Mars. For Watney, Acidalia Planitia is within driving distance of where NASA's Mars Pathfinder, with its Sojourner rover, landed in 1997. Well, they’re working on it. A human presence on Mars seems an ever closer prospect. This HiRISE image shows a flat region in the crater. Lucianne Walkowicz, a researcher at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, is setting off on a year's mission with the U.S. Library of Congress to pick apart the ethics of Mars exploration. The rover moved about 160 feet east toward the area known as "Glenelg." What are your initial reactions about the specific ethical issues involved in the three questions A, B, and C? This image shows Curiosity's main science target, "Mount Sharp." Blue Marble Space Institute of Science 600 1st Avenue, 1st Floor, Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: +1-206-775-8787. Environmental scientists and economists are proposing ways to use space-based resources to improve life on Earth. The view is toward "Yellowknife Bay" in the "Glenelg" area of Gale Crater. Moreover, terraforming could have globally catastrophic repercussions for the red planet. Researchers have also noted surprising land slumps in places such as the Melas Chasma and the Valles Marineris canyon. Curiosity used the camera on its robotic arm, the Mars Hand Lens Imager, to capture the images on January 22, 2013. Thomas Cortellesi is a planetary science student at the University of Chicago. The closeup image shows wind-blown deposits inside eroded craters. They begin as dark streaks and fade over time, sometimes leaving bright streaks that are thought to be salt after the moisture evaporates. Sub-image three shows the descent stage crash site, now in color, and several distant spots (blue in enhanced color) downrange that are probably the result of distant secondary impacts that disturbed the surface dust. In Defence of Argument: “Intellectual Freedom and the Culture Wars” by Piers Benn. As the largest operational rocket in the world and the cheapest in its class, the Falcon Heavy represents a critical first step towards SpaceX’s stated goal of “enabling people to live on other planets.” Now, in the wake of the first successful flight of the Falcon 9 Block 5, SpaceX is preparing for the radical cost-cutting that will enable its much-hyped journey to Mars. NASA said this image combines eight exposures taken after dark on May 13. The rover recently encountered this iron meteorite, which NASA named "Lebanon." After all, if that had happened to Earth in the past, we might not exist. Wheel tracks from Curiosity are seen on the sandy floor of a lowland area dubbed "Hidden Valley" in this image. An image released August 27, 2012, was taken with Curiosity rover's 100-millimeter mast camera, NASA says. The planet could well end up like Antarctica, protected from change and exploitation by stringent international treaties. The Ethical Dimension. Mars, Incorporated has been recognized by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as one of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies . NASA tested the steering on its Mars rover Curiosity on August 21, 2012. Look at how far we've progressed in the last thousands of years. Everything in history -- all art, progress, science, technology -- is for nothing. Researchers used the Curiosity rover's mast camera to take a photo of the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer. But let's think about this from an ethical point of view. They also thinks that exploring Mars is only the beginning of what we can do. Not colonizing Mars when the ability to do so exists, because of microbes, is a far greater ethical failure. Life may have evolved eons ago on Mars, and just been driven underground. This image, taken from the rover's mast camera, looks south of the landing site toward "Mount Sharp.". A portion of the rock was outlined by NASA scientists. In the second scenario, despite the horrific disaster on Earth, all of human history is not for nothing. Most likely they would be microscopic. We want to emphasize a number of issues: A ‘one way’ trip (or, in other words: emigration) to Mars is currently the only way we can get people on Mars within the next 20 years. And they ultimately succeed. They are adapted to a desiccated world. In the distance is the lower slope of "Mount Sharp.". NASA orbiter spots real landing sites for fictional astronaut. Last year, SpaceX revealed their next-generation launch vehicle, nicknamed BFR, or “Big Falcon Rocket.” Boasting assets like on-orbit refueling capability, precision maneuvering, a unique pair of stubby delta wings, and (at last!) possible ethical challenges and issues, which may appear during a human mission to Mars. I would argue that we do. Iron-bearing sulfates indicate that this rock was once in acidic waters. If Mars is dead, and we’re alone, we must decide, for ourselves then, to protect Mars as our collective inheritance, to avoid the errors and faults that have placed our own planetary cradle in flux. Curiosity's first set of nighttime photos include this image of Martian rock illuminated by ultraviolet lights. There are humans at this moment planning to go to Mars and permanently settle there. A self-portrait taken by NASA's Curiosity rover on June 15, 2018. But, while the economic obstacles to inhabiting the Red Planet have been greatly reduced, a plethora of ethical and physical stumbling blocks remain. These problems would persist for decades, or even centuries, in such a large-scale, slow project. Evolutionary Psychology: Predictively Powerful or Riddled with Just-So Stories? The grains are too large to have been moved by wind. Scientists have inferred that they were formed by contemporary flowing water. Test flights have been optimistically scheduled for late 2019, and demonstration flights to Mars are scheduled for 2022. The Mars rover Curiosity does a test drill on a rock dubbed "Bonanza King" to determine whether it would be a good place to dig deeper and take a sample. While our case study is mostly a mission to Mars, ethical issues around human enhancement for space are also relevant for other longer-term human expeditions, including Lunar missions, and beyond. The penny in this image is part of a camera calibration target on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity. "On the Moral Permissibility of Terraforming." The image was obtained by the Mars Descent Imager instrument known as MARDI and shows the 15-foot diameter heat shield when it was about 50 feet from the spacecraft. So is it wrong to go to another planet and mess with the natives? In this scenario, what would become of these putative Martian microbes? The cost of settling Mars is no longer, pardon the pun, astronomical. NASA says the rover will go to this area. What would this imply for us? After a full-scoop sample had been vibrated over the sieve, this portion was returned to the scoop for inspection by the rover's mast camera. What is the moral value of native Martian life vs. creating a "backup Earth"? Sub-image one of three shows the rover and its tracks after a few short drives. Otto, Eric. Three "bite marks" made by the rover's scoop can be seen in the soil on Mars surface on October 15, 2012. Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty forbids the use of nuclear weapons in … It remains to be seen whether the new discovery improves the odds of life on Mars, but researcher Mary Beth Wilhelm said the results suggest "more habitable conditions on the near surface of Mars than previously thought. The laser will cause the rock to emit plasma, a glowing, ionized gas. NASA says water erosion is believed to have created a network of valleys, which enter "Gale Crater" from the outside here. Radically altering Mars’s environment would prove destructive to them. Curiosity cut a wheel scuff mark into a wind-formed ripple at the "Rocknest" site on October 3, 2012. But after the rock shifted, the test was stopped. The RSL appear in places such as the Coprates Chasma ridge, within the Valles Marineris canyon, during the northern summer and southern winter (regarding Mars' poles). In the photo above, dark, narrow streaks called recurring slope lineae are seen flowing downhill on Mars. Another ethical issue against Mars inhabitation can be one's religion. Then the possibility that current Mars would not be a sterile planet and the nature of its eventual biota with the ethical issues that raises the extermination of that life in a terraforming process. Should we respect native Martian life forms if we find them? The rover's scoop contains larger soil particles that were too big to filter through a sample-processing sieve. The Mars rover Curiosity recorded this view from its left navigation camera after an 83-foot eastward drive on November 18, 2012. No boulders can be seen, and NASA says the dust is probably at least a meter thick. Environmental Ethics 21 (3): 227-245 (1999). I would argue that we do. The Falcon 9 and its derivative, the Falcon Heavy, are at last complete, and the design team is now moving on to bigger and better things. The wall of "Gale Crater," the rover's landing site, can be seen at the top of the image. Growing food sustainably in a contained environment will be a logistical challenge. This image is a mosiac compiled from images taken from the navigation camera. NASA's Curiosity rover found evidence for what scientists believe was an ancient, flowing stream on Mars at a few sites, including the rock outcrop pictured here. Mars reports buying about half of its cocoa from certified sources; Hershey reports 80 percent. The rover will then analyze the plasma to determine the chemical composition of the rock. Human expansion into space is at the periphery of our current, scientific knowledge. This image comparison shows a view through a Hazard-Avoidance camera on NASA's Curiosity rover before and after the clear dust cover was removed. Mars ethical issues Broadcast 3169 Dr. Henry Hertzfeld Guest: Dr. Henry Hertzfeld; Topics: The global commons issue and space, US space policy, commercial … Food & Drink guides, news and features Guides for finding ethical and environmentally friendly food brands. Why disbar this outcome over things you admit we murder without a second thought here on Earth? This view of the twilight sky and Martian horizon, taken by Curiosity, includes Earth as the brightest point of light in the night sky. Earth is a little left of center in the image, and our moon is just below Earth. We focus our attention mostly on one issue – the idea of human enhancements for space missions. "The Martian" used actual locations on Mars for the landing sites for its Ares 3 and Ares 4 missions. The outer band of the parachute has a reddish color. We also cover issues such as palm oil, soya, low carbon diets and labels. Plato and Marx: Two Contrasting Visions of Humanism, Pragmatism, Empiricism and the Meaning of Truth, “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race” by Reni Eddo Lodge, The Response to the UK Report on Child Sexual Exploitation Is Dangerously Misleading, Why the US Needs a Just Two-Tier Healthcare System, The Look of the Hunted in Today’s US High Schools, Joseph Henrich’s “The WEIRDEST People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous”, Resisting Cancel Culture Wanda Skowronska | RUTHFULLY YOURS, Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship. ", Elon Musk has been clear on one reason why he thinks it is so important for humans to go to Mars. In 2019, 128 honorees were recognized spanning 21 countries and 50 industries. If there is independent life on Mars, then Mars is its inheritance – not ours. There is almost no chance that Mars has intelligent life and for decades we earthlings have dreamed of living on Mars. We could try to settle on the moon or a large asteroid instead, but as things look, Mars is our best option. These new space firms hope to drop the price of putting objects in orbit (measured in dollars per kilogram) by an order of magnitude within a decade. Here, the RSL are depicted as bright fans that extend down the slopes. SpaceX’s journey from small-launcher corporate maverick to established industrial innovator has spawned a number of imitators, including Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit. Updated 1657 GMT (0057 HKT) October 15, 2015. The RSL follow the sun and change with the seasons, but this streak happened to correspond with a topographic slump about 59 feet wide. A Martian dust storm has reduced sunlight and visibility around the planet, including at the rover's location in Gale Crater. On Earth, we kill microbes all the time. The ethics of colonizing Mars. The image is made up of eight photos taken on September 11, 2012, by the imager and is used to check that the instrument is operating correctly. This image shows the area close to the Ares 3 landing site. Ethical considerations and issues around Mars colonization can be intuitively separated into two significantly different groups of questions, namely: • Ethical considerations with respect to humans, both colonists and people of Earth, and Weir sent HiRISE mission managers the exact coordinates of the site he wished to use for his fictional landing base for Watney. Now, consider this scenario: a nuclear war or other disaster hits the Earth and human civilization is destroyed. There is still human meaning in the universe. Practicality has to enter into the “ethical” consideration at some point. Think of that the next time you overcome a common cold, or take antibiotics to cure a more serious infection or actually eat… anything. Both images were taken by a camera at the front of the rover. Because the space environment is hazardous for humans, it can be expected that new ethical issues concerning the value of human life may appear. The world's largest food companies are failing to meet ethical standards, a report has warned. "The existence of liquid water, even if it is super salty briny water, gives the possibility that if there's life on Mars, that we have a way to describe how it might survive," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA. Food & drink makes up the rest. This is the open inlet where powdered rock and soil samples will be funneled down for analysis. First, it is illegal. Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy, a hard science-fiction series, has long been acclaimed as a roadmap for future colonists. Food & Drink guides, news and features When Mariner 4 flew by Mars in 1965, it revealed a cold, arid world, wrapped in a thin atmosphere, where average temperatures rarely climb above freezing. Then consider if the same thing happens, but a small city full of humans -- perhaps a few thousand in a self-sustaining settlement on Mars -- exists with records of human history, with animals and plants, children and couples. On the right are rocks from "Yellowknife Bay," where rover Curiosity was situated. Mars bought Wrigley's for US$23bn in 2008 to become the world's #1 confectionery company. The image was taken by Curiosity's mast camera on February 20, 2013. Curiosity completed its longest drive to date on September 26, 2012. To provide a real example of human flourishing. That would necessitate a moratorium on terraforming. The calibration target includes color references, a metric bar graphic, a penny for scale comparison, and a stair-step pattern for depth calibration. To seize an inhabited world and make it our own, eradicating native life in the process, would be immoral. For their labour rating, Marks & Spencer have received a ‘Good’. According to NASA, the terrain is rolling with small impact craters and wind-blown drifts of sand or dust. A human presence on Mars seems an ever closer prospect. This image shows what will be the rover's first target with it's chemistry and camera (ChemCam) instrument. This composite image, with magnified insets, depicts the first laser test by the Chemistry and Camera, or ChemCam, instrument aboard NASA's Curiosity Mars rover. Great channels and river deltas lie alongside impact craters, testifying to a time when Mars had liquid water flowing on its surface. Recurring slope lineae flow down the west-facing slopes of Coprates Chasma, which is in the equatorial region of Mars. The rounded shape leads the science team to conclude they were transported by a vigorous flow of water. Known for its chocolates, 49.5% of Mars' business is in pet food, while confectionery makes up 42.2%. The four main pieces of hardware that arrived on Mars with NASA's Curiosity rover were spotted by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Take a look back at what the rover has been up to these past five years, including this selfie it took on January 19, 2016. If we weren’t careful, Martian settlers would end up “living on a collapsing landscape,” as the global permafrost-like soil melted. The central core, however, unfortunately slammed into the Atlantic at 480 kilometers per hour. This image shows the robotic arm of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity with the first rock touched by an instrument on the arm. Was it life? HiRISE stands for High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, a camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. There is a long and earnest history of proposals for such a project; it fills canons of science fiction, occupies reams of academic writing, and reposes smiling in the hearts of millions as a hope, and a dream. The rover captured this mosiac of a rock feature called 'Snake River" on December 20, 2012. "Ethical Considerations for Terraforming Mars," 32 Environmental Law Reporter 11333 (2002). Tracking the tracks will provide information on how the surface changes as dust is deposited and eroded. This image from the HiRISE camera shows what the terrain really looks like on Mars. Utopian Studies 14.2 (Spring 2003): 118(19). Curiosity moved its robot arm on August 20, 2012, for the first time since it landed on Mars. With the addition of four high-resolution Navigation Camera, or Navcam, images, taken on August 18, 2012. It may still lie hidden in some corner of the planet, or deep underground, unexamined by the robot emissaries that humanity has managed to send thus far. What are the ethical issues around the idea of terraforming Mars, turning it from the cold dry desert it is today into a warm wet world like the Earth? These life forms are called extremophiles, and they can survive under high temperature and pressure, endure intense radiation and cold. Mount Sharp's peak is obscured from the rover's landing site by this highest visible point. Two blast marks from the descent stage's rockets can be seen in the center of this image. Several organizations have already stated they are going to Mars as soon as possible, and SpaceX's. To start again, on this newest frontier. There are a couple of key issues with such a plan, however. Founded in 1911. Curiosity has temperature and humidity sensors mounted on its mast. The rover's shadow can be seen in the foreground. When the Viking landers deployed their life-finding experiments in 1976, some of them came back positive. Musk believes that living exclusively on Earth is too risky. It shows the rover's shadow on the Martian soil. SpaceX’s website proposes terraforming – making Mars more earthlike, with a thicker atmosphere, plants, and even oceans. Venturing outside for routine labor or scientific work will be dangerous. Long-term exposure to microgravity can have many deleterious effects, including anemia and vision problems. Would it be correct to call this colonisation in a sociological context, if the colonized have no claim to sentience? Is this ethical? The food conglomerate Mars is investing $1 billion through 2025 to establish sustainable and ethical supply chains, according to Reuters. Sound improbable? As they reshape the planet’s surface, craters are eroded, valley walls collapse, aquifers burst, and the northern lowlands are turned into an ocean. Consumption has increased the size of our landfills while decreasing the ethical standards we expect from businesses. Mars, with our current intel, is a lifeless planet. Five years ago and 154 million miles away, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover successfully landed on the planet. Stranded astronaut Watney travels to the rim of Mawrth Crater. This color full-resolution image showing the heat shield of NASA's Curiosity rover was obtained during descent to the surface of Mars on August 13, 2012. A view of what NASA describes as "veined, flat-lying rock." Settling new worlds must be a scrupulous business. Today, major institutions, billionaires, and even the nation of Luxembourg are investing in ambitious off-Earth plans. This picture shows the 7-foot-long arm holding a camera, a drill, a spectrometer, a scoop and other tools. If it’s shared with Martian cousins, our human presence will have to be limited, and one of quiet observation. In a double act of remarkable precision, the twin side boosters returned to the launch site, blazing triumphantly down to their landing zones. Wonder if He’ll Ever Know/ He’s in the Best Selling Show. This is a fantasy, but it is also an example we might learn from. “Mars is honored once again to be named to Ethisphere Institute’s ‘World’s Most Ethical Companies’ list,” said Mars Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, Stefanie Straub. Clearly, this desolate rock was not the Mars of H. G. Wells, or Percival Lowell. Yet the trilogy finishes with an environmentalist instigator, reconciled at last to her terraformed planet, walking by the seashore, marvelling at Mars as an example of human flourishing. BMSIS is an initiative of Blue Marble Space, a 501(c)(3) public charity is an initiative of Blue Marble Space, a 501(c)(3) public charity The square inset is further magnified and processed to show the difference between images taken before and after the laser interrogation of the rock. In exchange for meeting the groups’ ethical standards, … The rock on the left, called "Wopmay," was discovered by the rover Opportunity, which arrived in 2004 on a different part of Mars. Pinson, Robert. Schwartz, James. Failing to analyze any possible Martian life would be a great loss to the store of potential human knowledge. We have sent out countless missions to explore, send back photos and bring back samples, yet an official observation of life has yet to be made. Also seen is Curiosity's left side. environmental ethics beyond Earth. If there is independent life on Mars, then Mars is its inheritance – not ours.”. We have created ethical comparison rankings for the following brands, based on the activities of the company group (see above tables): The Organic Seed & Bean Co., Traidcraft, Plamil, Divine, Chococo, Thorton’s, Lindt, Ferrero Rocher, Kinder Egg, Ritter Sport, Dairy Milk, Green & Black’s, Terry’s Chocolate Orange, Kitkat, Galaxy, Mars Bar An-swer the following questions. The image was used to see whether it had been caked in dust during the landing. Life, probably microbial in nature, may have existed there in the past. The base for "The Martian's" Ares 4 mission was inside a crater named Schiaparelli, according to NASA. We won’t know enough to make an informed decision about transforming the planet until extensive clarifying work has been done, either by probes or by scientists in person. More than 39,000 images have been taken by HiRISE since the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reached Mars in 2006. The image was taken from another NASA spacecraft, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is in orbit above the planet, on June 6, 2017. They are available online for anyone to explore, without having to go to Mars, at. Mars One states that exploring and colonizing will bring us (world) closer together. Probably the strongest ethical argument against colonizing Mars would be if such colonization had the potential to harm any indigenous life forms that … We focus our attention mostly on one issue – the idea of human enhancements for space missions. Slowly, surely, the idea is making its way into the mainstream. We don’t have enough data to decide with any certainty, but suppose life did exist on Mars. Assume that you are a member of the board governing the actions of the Mars Exploration Team. This article was originally published on Nautilus Cosmos in December 2016. The arm will undergo weeks of tests before it starts digging. Mars One has developed a mission to establish a human settlement on Mars built entirely upon existing technology. The image shows "Mount Sharp" on the Martian surface. This view of the landscape to the north of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity was acquired by the Mars Hand Lens Imager on the first day after landing. The brand is certified by SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit who look at universal human rights in business practices and global supply chains. Possible Life on Mars Similarly, nobody really mourns for those who do not exist on Mars, feeling sorry for potential such beings that they cannot enjoy life. “Mars is honored once again to be named to Ethisphere Institute’s ‘World’s Most Ethical Companies’ list,” said Mars Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, Stefanie Straub. In this portion of the larger mosaic from the previous frame, the crater wall can be seen north of the landing site, or behind the rover. Mars was once hospitable – perhaps more so than Earth. SpaceX is merely the most visible and successful representative of a larger movement. Radically altering Mars’s environment would prove destructive to them. A human observer with normal vision, if standing on Mars, could easily see Earth and the moon as two distinct, bright "evening stars.". Largely undisturbed for gigayears, Mars provides a window onto the Solar System’s past. The composite incorporates a Navigation Camera image taken prior to the test, with insets taken by the camera in ChemCam. We also cover issues such as palm oil, soya, low carbon diets and labels. NASA says the region is actually far more interesting and hazardous to drive over than depicted in the novel. Humanity is keeping all of its eggs on one planet, and given the natural and human-made risks in the universe that is simply not safe. No government has taken up the goal of Mars colonization en masse, but the success of commercial space has opened up new possibilities. Guides for finding ethical and environmentally friendly food brands. David Benatar, Better Never to… possible ethical challenges and issues, which may appear during a human mission to Mars. The main purpose of Curiosity's imager camera is to acquire close-up, high-resolution views of rocks and soil from the Martian surface. The cost of settling Mars is no longer, pardon the pun, astronomical. This gave researchers a better opportunity to examine the particle-size distribution of the material forming the ripple. Do we have a moral obligation to microbes? Life may be thriving on Mars in just a handful of decades. NASA's Curiosity rover was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on November 26, 2011. Life is consistent with all these signatures – though it’s hardly the simplest explanation. The massive rocket thundered off its launchpad, while the accompanying corporate webcast blasted David Bowie. SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy had its maiden flight in February 2017, igniting a firestorm of media coverage, and a flurry of tweets from the company’s CEO, Elon Musk. Mars could be, as you say, a future example of human flourishing. This is the calibration target for the imager. Over a decade ago, the Mars Express orbiter detected methane, a biomarker, and the Curiosity rover recently showed that levels vary seasonally. complete reusability, this truly massive booster represents the crux of Musk’s Martian ambitions. Vertical boosters and fully reusable spaceplanes are also currently being developed. Anthropologists like Michael Oman-Reagan have called for a new “interplanetary environmentalism,” ensuring that at least some vestige of Mars’s past could be effectively preserved. The possibility of panspermia – that any Martian life is Earth life and Earth life Martian, regardless of where it originated – complicates matters, however. 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Target on NASA 's Mars rover Curiosity, showing more of the board governing the actions of site. S Mars Trilogy and the benefits of such a process pet food, while confectionery makes up %! Globally catastrophic repercussions for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mars remains a phenomenal undertaking by all standards and, such! 5 to collect soil samples will be funneled down for analysis of its cocoa from sources... Area dubbed `` Hidden Valley '' in the sand, their fists of! Loss to the rim of Mawrth Crater is none today correction: Falcon Heavy ’ s are. The foreground of Musk ’ s first flight was 2018, not 2017 the surface of Mars have deleterious... Riddled with Just-So Stories 's chemistry and camera ( ChemCam ) instrument the composite incorporates navigation... By ultraviolet lights 360-degree landing-site panorama now includes mars ethical issues highest point on `` Mount Sharp, '' mission! 'S for us to assume that humanity on Earth is too risky JPL Louise! 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