I don’t just pray before it happens I pray after it happens too . Be assured by first reading Psalm 139.. it helps Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I will keep praying and using there prayer to free my soul from the devil. Anyhow i came across this scripture about the “Unpardonable Sin” and i always feared guessing what that sin was…. Banish all the forces of evil from me; destroy them, vanquish them so that I can be healthy and do good deeds. That is part of praising and thanking God that we are told to do, in good times and in bad. Check home, office, garden, garage and transport carefully against the Occult and Cursed Object List found on this site as having these items in our home can open demonic doorways which are dangerous. they try to pollute me though my dreams. Not even the pride of life was to be found in Him for this Rightous act of Mercy upon man forgave all sin including the Original Sin men are all brought into this world bearing. Jesus told us all to cast out demons. I have even seen stuff move by itself. I have also been being sleep paralysis attacked bcuz im sick & weak and posessed in my dreams scary levitated and everything…but thru the power of Christ and the holy spirit he releases me and comforts me..praise Jesus & God bless you ❤ Christina P. Sir, how old were you when you were “possessed” and why did your god allow you to be possesed in the first place? Even after moving houses it has followed me. Check house, garden, garage, office and transport carefully for occult and cursed objects and remove anything found and throw it away. Demonic attacks at night are common, in the form of nightmares or by means of sex. Please remember this and be strong in your own faith. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart,be acceptable in Thy Sight,oh Lord,my strength and my redeemer. Any kind of deliverance will help. It is having faith – without faith it is impossible to please God, and it is learning and believing on the word of God, who can never lie – that saves us. Use your will to force them out and command them to leave in Jesus’ name. Evil. Demons are bullies and will attack wherever someone is weak or vulnerable, insecure or unsure. And again I say lord thank you, ik that this will happen today i believe and trust in you lord . I break every chain. Demonic attacks are used to weaken people to gain more power over them in one way or the other and not sleeping properly or making someone feel bad about themselves are an effective means to that end. Someone told me that reading one of the renunciation prayers (against martial arts) helped them to see that their beliefs had strayed a long way from the Gospel in a way that they might not otherwise have realised. Some are long but only need to be said once and as they help to provide a form of repentance, they do give deliverance. https://truthinreality.com/category/general/prayers-for-release/. Thank-you for your beautiful pictures of nature and your prayers. It follows me everywhere. I pray to the Lord that all burdens and sins that I had are forgiven in the name of Jesus. I’ve been told by so called Prophets over the phone I’m cursed there’s a curse over my life, no don’t end your life pray and have faith in the Lord, God loves You sooo much.if you can, find about The scoan and TB Joshoa God is using him. Deliverance is the same for this as for any other demonic attack, and it ought not to be given any particular significance. He asked you to reach out to a Catholic church where a father or deacons can help you with it if you need confirmation. Prayer to be Set Free from Bondage, Other’s Expectations, Stress and Fear I declare and decree victory over all blockages, curses, bondages from now until forever in Jesus Christ mighty name amen and amen. Blessings to all. she is destroying me ruining everything my job, my relationship!!!!! As to the unpardonable sin, it is said that if you worry about committing it, you don’t need to worry committing it because ‘the unpardonable sin’ is actually not believing the Holy Spirit which will always glorify no one else but Jesus. Cleanse me, purge me, purify me. Pour out your heart to Him and let Him know your deepest struggles. Self-deliverance works perfectly as long as we learn thoroughly how to do it. 4. it was like something out of a horror movie. I am 40 years old and have been dealing with evil presences since I was a child. I felt the Holy Spirit left and don’t feel right. Removing Demonic Oppression. She was a devout Catholic who went to a school with nuns as teachers. I affirm that God has seated me with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms far above all principalities and supernatural powers of darkness. Please pray for my son every strong hold on him for , smoking, drinking and Anger to be broken in Jesus name guide him lord in your way Jesus in name amen ? She now has a trachea to help her breath. because christians are the same way, Yeshua turned his back on me through this people. Rebuke them and return to your path. Please pray for Bonnie Gardner my daughter she’s 3 and a half and I need miracles for her delays they speak off in her development. The Lord WILL NOT reject you and He is ALWAYS there for you! I break every chain that was designed for me to loose everything even my mind. Satan is NOT IN THE CHURCH. you didnt have anybody trying to get back at you by wanting to sleep with your friend that was married. The next day he came to my house with “his girl” i fed them, he finished the garden and I gave them an extra $10. “Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God, as many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) “They searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11), "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…." This is a lying spirit that you are listening to, aka demons. Every blockage in my life must surely be broken and destroy. Remove it Lord,I break every chain that attempts to come my way. I love You Jesus ❤️❤️❤️, Amen and Amen, thank you Lord for removing blockages, hindrances and barriers in Jesus mighty name.. Am free, and free indeed, IN JESUS NAME I BELIEVE IT IS DONE…….AMEN, Father, I pray against every spirit of blockage and barriers. Let me praise and worship you. So today,In Jesus blessed name:I break every chain,that attempts to come my way.Amen. What Does One Do When They Feel God the Holy Spirit Nor Jesus Is Hearing Them Nor With Them? If we are Bible-centred that does change our life, and we can learn to stop listening to the blah blah yada yada mind-talk that we often listen to when we should not listen to it, and replace that with the many wonderful things found in scripture. I praise him for that it’s hard work deciding where hate should go that’s why as “Christians we are taught to love all!!!! Guide To Remove Satanic Influence I cry every night for GOD`s intervention, please pray my business CG PROPERTIES in South Africa. Tywana, when you start believing that God might be too busy, and not hearing your prayers that’s because you have not completely surrender your life to God. We thank you, you used your great power and started ruling, when the nations got angry, you became angry too. the delusion is incredible. hey anonymous I am going through the same thing you are and I am scared too. I am constantly fighting the demon and devils satan!!! Let Christopher Andrew Massaro and Kimberly Borowski find eachother again as lovers and best friends and companions as husband and wife in this life and beyond. You don’t seem to understand the Bible at all. 2. We can not only cast out demons but also bind them in the name of Jesus. We will give ourselves over to praising God and praying to Him and sooner or later our breakthrough will come for He is faithful. Eventually in mosts cases the problem will go away unless it is more serious and related to the property, in which case best to leave. Please research diligently as we are told to do and you will see that if the pre-trib rapture were true, there would be a great deal more solid evidence for it than actually exists in the Bible. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be loved and praised for ever and ever Amen. The Bible tells us that the devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I Plea the Blood of Jesus Be Unto Me According to Thy Word So Let It Be Written So Let It Be Done Amen….grace Grace Hallelujah, Yes ,my daughter’s mom tried brainwashing her against me ,as we’re divorced and I just went to Florida to try to see my daughter and it was head games by my daughter I think.its a spirit ,Jezebel or women doing mean games I need prayer to rebuke this and my work slow getting neg people I pray to God to break this I deserve to see my daughter and son uninhibited ,and I recently talked to my mom about I needed family support so my ex will stop doing all of this but my parents never really give me what I wanted ,I pray for family support and to stop being abusd by all there selfish people I need my kids thank you and God bless everyone. i feel i have absolutely no purpose at all. Grant me protection anywhere that I go. and I still get visits from these demons trying me. We ought not to be looking to people or anyone in particular to save us, but look only to God, His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (Hosea 4:6). Lord, I pray against every evil spirit of blockage & barriers in my life. I know things that I shouldn’t at times but cannot quite fully understand what is happening but I am seeking understanding and on the road to wisdom that never has a doubt. I decree and declare that every negative word spoken in judgment against my children and my family is nullified. Your email address will not be published. Playing an audio Bible before you go to bed, such as can be downloaded or played for free from the foot of this blog may help. and where there is a 40ft owl used for sacrifice. Listen to video deliverances on Youtube, some of which can be easily downloaded from this site at the foot of the page. You can command that they leave in the name of Jesus. Playing an audio Bible – a selection of which, dramatized or other, can be found on Bible Gateway – works very powerfully against the demonic as they hate it and usually cannot stay around for long. You are my Lord and savior and through you victory is mine. Never talk about the Homosexuals. It’s just that I’m scared alone and feeling defeated. People believe what they say for various reasons which include believing it is their own thoughts. Father lord God, I declare the holy fire to come destroy every chain of blockage of our nursing curriculum at unites. and said my life is over. I renounce any form of the occult or idolatry – known and unknown – in my life or in the life of my ancestors, in the name of Jesus. Learning about deliverance and spiritual warfare, things like demonic strongholds, the Armour of God (from Ephesians 6) and much more, can change our life completely. —Pedido de oración: Reatauraciòn matrimonial y ehmocional sobre la vida de — Miguel Benitez, Sonia Leaño, Húgo Fano Elias, Iliana M.Zanelli,,Mario Guaymas Karina Gutierrez, ,Carlos Osola y Carolina Paez- Elma Giron, Cesar Liendro,-Alejamiento de sus vidas de personas inoportunas y malas que no son de bendición para sus vidas, —Pedido de Oración– Por mis Finanzas, apertura de recursos económicos y financieros,nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y negocio, cancelacion de deudas–Compra de una camioneta 4×4 para el ministerio (Yes, strangely enough I STILL have FAITH & HOPE!) Please pray for me because I have stalkers who don’t want to let go they are evil and very dangerous. LOVE U, I feel I’m no longer saved. It may be necessary to go through the list on three or more separate occasions to locate all the cursed objects. We can go on our knees in prayer (for a woman best with head covered) to ask God for help in the name of Jesus. I believe that You are the Son of God, that You died for me and rose again. I Love God and I Do Trust Him. We do not need to pay for the truth. Pls, pray for me for open doors and breakthrough as I’m working on my traveling documents and interview to go meet my partner in the USA, pray to cancel the enemy’s plan to prevent my trip from taking place. That includes Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, and the like, and anyone connected with the Toronto Blessing, such as Patricia King or Bill Johnson, who are all false teachers, and there are many others. The power against demons is in the name of Jesus, in His work on the cross, and in His blood. That’s why we need to carefully check everything against the Bible and humbly pray for wisdom and discernment, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Do not rush yourself but know there is a time and date of no return. She is christian, Catholic to be more precise. He talks to you almost all the time.Amen. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.I am victorious. Pray for my heart she wants to stop it. Today,I declare Victory is mine.Amen. There is Power in the name of Jesus…. What i forgot to mention is that i also get dreams having sex,it has been happening for years now. Break every chain that against me and my family, cast away any evil spirits and any hindrance or blockage in mine and my family’s lives. I have tried desperately to work but I am not qualified for most jobs so I continue to struggle on a daily basis. Help me, O Lord, and deliver me from powers too strong for me in Jesus name. May you guide me always & protect my daughters always.. be with my son always & guide him through life to know right from wrong & live by Your ways! You may also need healing from your past. There are some good mass deliverances by John Kyle on the bottom left of this blog site. Old-fashioned hymns can be helpful as they seem to play in one’s mind – giving no space to listen to voices of lying demons – and help to give the peace. The Bible also tell us that the whole world lies in wickedness, we are ALL conceived in sin, and there is no one good – no not one. Let us all continue to be covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour. I rebuke you Evil Spirits I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ! Hello Fiona I’m sorry for your depression as I’m never completely free from it myself bc it comes and goes but when it’s gone oh what a beautiful world and stress free of all the duties in my life, I will pray for you and me and together as we pray we will patiently wait for miracle of joy He will bless us and anyone else out there who need it. My daughter Noorie’s life is in danger. Whenever we pray or ask something from God – whether help, strength, faith or anything – prayers should always be in the name of Jesus. My marriage was restored by the Grace of God. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. In the name of Jesus, I renounce any self-righteousness, and pridefulness, big pride and little pride, in any area of my life and pray that I may learn by your example to become more humble in my walk with You. Your word says where 2 or more agree it shall be done. I have had the entire legions of dark oppose, oppress and attack me; who see me as a great threat to their kingdoms. including crucifixes with a figure on them but without a figure is much better. God bless you all. Contact: iamthelight1994@gmail.com, -Pedido de Oración Restauración Familiar, Por mi madre, Encontrar a sus familia perdida fue entregada en adopción al nacer. Some play an audio Bible such as can be found at the foot of this site, or on Youtube or Bible Gateway. Caution is needed with the internet as there is so much wrong information about Christianity, as is the case in anything. Have a bless day. There are a number of other things that could help, such as playing a KJV audio Bible on low – we don’t need to hear it, the demons can, also when there is no one in the room, or even the house – or some good hymns or choral praise music (careful with that though as some of it is not ok). I pray thats my daughter and son’s choose your path and be less negative towards those who’s trying to help them. In the Bible we are warned that in the Last Days there will be many false teachers, teaching fables to tickle our ears. This prayer points are for believers who are under severe enemy attack, people who are been … 4. Your Glory or Lord is shining through me. My brother your prayer is working.Please listen to the holy spirit well. I’m Trying to Hold on and Keep My Faith. In support of this particular understanding, the Bible says that we ought to test the spirits. Turn off wifi and phone pray.. Remember that the main power against the demonic rests “in the name of Jesus”, as well as the blood of Jesus. My dad finally put a hand on her shoulder; she was offended at this, and he looked at her in the eyes, boring into her soul. Your email address will not be published. The bad news is that yoga has its roots in Hinduism and as such is in fact idolatry. I praise You my dear Almighty and everlasting Father in Heaven. Help us to trust in you knowing that whatever we are passing through at the moment is part of your divine agenda to lead us to the bountiful life you designed for us. I don’t mean to sound rude but most people will go to church and pray etc. Please help, Dear sister in Christ Jesus, I wl only suggest you go on your knees in the quiet of your room and pray to the Almighty God of ours for the battle is His and victory belongs to us. Amen Amen Amen through the precious Holy Spirit In Jesus Christ Name Amen Amen ????✝️✝️???? The list of cursed objects is a long one, for example including stories in book or film versions including witches or wizards which the Bible tells us are an abomination to God. Mythical creatures such as dragons, the phoenix, the unicorn, mermaids, any type of fairy or gnome, are all cursed objects. We can pray to Our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus for wisdom, discernment, strength to endure and faith. Justice will be done, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, Today,I surrender myself completely into Your precious hands.I place my hope in Your Holy plans. I also bind all replacer wicked spirits assigned to rebuild evicted strongholds. Why won’t he give me the answers I seek. Although they can and do come back if there are demonic doorways still open. We Hebrew Isrealites are Saints. i enjoyed reading your story. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Zoey was able to overcome some. I Know People like you always want to blame Satan for everything. (2 Timothy 1:7). Thank you. Amen and Amen.. I’m asking for prayer for my financial breakthrough, health and strength, and to remove all stumbling block from my life. Dear Father,I pray against every spirit of blockage and barriers.Break any barrier that blocks me from being close to You.Amen. Every altar created to negatively destroy my family is shattered by the power in the blood of Jesus.i decree and declare that my family is free,and whoever Jesus sets free is free indeed in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Break every chain and hindrance in my life. I’m alone homeless sleeping in my car paralyzed with fear praying and screaming for God’s mercy blessings and miracles to be released into my and the lives of others in need! The power against the enemy is always in the name of Jesus. I have Not had any Luck where I live now I get called for job interviews but thats it, Second prayer request is in Regards to Demonic Oppression and Hearing Audible Voices. I wake up with large bruises on various parts of my body often…as well as large welts that are red and inflamed that feel like my skin is on fire and are hot to the touch and both vary from hand prints (larger than my own (with or without claw indentations), fist prints like I’ve been punched, and in fewer cases but it does occur, bite marks that vary in size and depth (occasionally even piercing my flesh). I place myself completely in Your hands,dear Father God,Amen. Thank you for pulling down every stronghold that the devil has set for my life and my family. Time is of the essence as we could lose the house if we can’t find a buyer quickly. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. O Lord God, life has become such a struggle and I find that my faith in You is being seriously challenged, but Lord, I know that Your Word says that You are there for me all the time, and that You would never leave me to struggle alone. In your mighty name JESUS!!! But one day, we went to the local K-Mart and this woman comes up to us. I strip all power from spirits that would oppress me ( Ecclesiastes. It simply doesn’t work like that. No I hear the voices all day and night. Say the renunciation prayers for Catholicism and Freemasonry which probably would affect most everyone as the effects can go back as far as ten generations. Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to tell all of these powers of darkness assigned to rule over me where they must go. Stand firm (Ephesians 6:13–14). Thank you for such prayers ! Thank-you for delivering me Lord from the tyrants of jelousy, rebellion that want to seize & devour & have their ways accepted. —Pedido de Oración., Esclarecimiento de ilicito lugar de trabajo., Jesus is our deliverer – saying prayers “in the name of Jesus”. Iam grateful for your Love that you show me all say and every time. Renunciation prayers can help greatly and they only need to be said once. [Name them to the extent of your knowledge.]. and it has been 3 weeks since i have seen them. Do not give up and do not give into the Father of Lies! God Bless You. :( please pray for me. Gods Blessings to Us All. Put on your armour. All beware of false accusations of “demonic” religions items and beliefs…God is far greater then anyone person can or has the time to describe and did come to other cultures in different images so others could better understand and perceive him! Please pray that Noorie will give priority to Jesus in her life and LOVE TO HIM BY OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS. thanks alot for this prayer, may ALIMIGHTY GOD BLESS YOU, AMEN…………….! Prayer is, of course the way to go; but we also need not to put ourselves in a situation, where other people can have negative influence in our spouse. Ever since we started we haven’t made any income. also i have been thinking about suicide too. Please pray for my protection as I am a widow and I live alone and my sons are about three hours away from me. Amen, Amen & Amen? Lately unwanted Thoughts of Jesus giving me the middle finger shows up when I’m trying to read the Word or sleep, And also blasphemous stuff with him on the cross(Actors from movies who played Jesus) has also been popping up, Also blasphemous stuff against the Holy Spirit I wish I had a Gun to just End it All. The majority of incidents happen while I am alone but there have been a number of times where others have been present to witness these events. My husband started committing adultery. You have to fight. hi I’ve been running a company for three years. Bashir It is effective to listen to the Bible as well as to study it, under those who have discerned correctly what it is saying. There is an excellent book that would help called “Blessing or Curse – You Can Choose” by Derek Prince who is a respected authority on the Bible. Therefore what kind of spirit is it? —Pedido de oración Graciela E. Parodi, apertura de trabajo, oportunidades de negocio, cancelación de deudas compromisos adquiridos., Hang in there family here. ?? The Lord is my sherped indeed and I know your word Lord is true in my life I ask for your forgiveness for all the wrong I did knowingly and without knowing. I am deeply heart-broken. Thank You Lord,for bless me with the strength to stand strong throughout my trying times. After 44 yrs of marriage, I would love to try and this time , really try to work at it. We will know them by their fruit. I thank you Father God for your word to help free me from blockers I thank you forever God for you a spirit of goodness to help guide me through this journey in Jesus name amen, Good evening my name is ian from London I would like you to pray for me and my family members because I believe there is a spirit blockages in my life and around my mum and dad specially my mum. It’s time to destroy everyone who has destroyed the Earth. Grace That Breaks the Chains: Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Trying Too Hard“A must-read for those who have been held captive by legalism in the Church and who do not want to have anything more to do with the Church through the emotional damage done to them by legalistic families or churches. The darkness has taken hold me and I can’t find my way back to the light. I ask for prayer for a total cure from lifelong sleep apnea and sleep problems tht keep me from having a good nights sleep! In You, he cannot harm us. Break every chain against me and my family . They asked for a drink of water.. so i gave them Gatorade and made them Tacos…. I am sorry to go on so long but the list of burdens in my life is seemingly never-ending. In the " Jesus in Between " prayer you ask Jesus to come in between you and the person or persons who are the known or liekly source of the curse and the demonic oppression. I think we opened her eyes. Jesus, I come to you as my Deliverer. Lord, you know the demons that oppress me, that harass me, that entice me, that enslave me. Good Prayer ive had strange things that have happened to me as a child and as an adult. With spiritual warfare, even more than most things, Knowledge is power. Christians are not of Messiah. In fact, I believe God cares when those things happen. Don’t be afraid to wield it. He is not supposed to drink.. drinking has destroyed his life and since he left when i was little i was never raised around people that drink. I read somewhere that it is like prep work we have to stop being afraid, stop calling for aide and start rebuking in this sleep/spiritual state. You need deliverance. Please pray for i need a new job for better life. will pray for you tywana whereever you are in this world –, Heavenly and most high God, I pray that you guide me and my family, lead us through the correct path and cover us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. WE FLY SOON!!!! We are supposed to keep to the gospel or truth given ONCE only to the saints and not add new things to it. I command every person, spirit, entity, and being whether natural or supernatural to leave my mind, body, soul, spirit, home, property, spouse, and children right now in Jesus’ name. Or one of Brother Carlos prayers which can be found here or on Youtube. A Powerful Deliverance Prayer. All the Gossip All the Lies and Slander i seen what i knew all along that God said those things to me through those people. I praise him for that it’s hard work deciding where hate should go that’s why as “Christians we are taught to love all!!!!

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