To the north and west of the sea, average monthly air temperature is −11 °F (−24 °C) in February and 57 °F (14 °C) in August. The majority of the sea's islands are uninhabited making them ideal breeding grounds for seals, sea lions, seabirds, and other sea island fauna. The first detailed summary of the hydrology of the Sea of Okhotsk was prepared and published by Stepan Makarov in 1894. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. In winter, navigation on the Sea of Okhotsk is impeded by ice floes. To the south and southeast the proximity of the Pacific results in a milder marine climate. In winter, the entire northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk is covered with ice, and in some places the ice cover lasts up to … The northeast corner is the Shelikhov Gulf. The Sea of Okhotsk is the coldest sea of East Asia; in winter the climate and thermal regime over much of the region differ only slightly from those found in the Arctic. Jean-François de La Pérouse and William Robert Broughton were the first non-Russian European navigators known to have passed through these waters other than Maarten Gerritsz Vries. They primarily caught right and bowhead whales. In the northeastern part the average monthly air temperature during February is −4 °F (−20 °C), while in August the average is 54 °F (12 °C). A Russian Su-30 jet fighter escorted a Japan Air Self-Defense Force OP-3C patrol plane over the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk… Finde jüngste und vergangene Erdbeben in oder in der Nähe von Sea of Okhotsk in der tagesaktuellen Liste, im Archiv oder auf der interaktiven Karte. Getty Images bietet exklusive rights-ready und erstklassige lizenzfreie analoge, HD- und 4K-Videos in höchster Qualität. Water flows from the Sea of Japan into the Sea of Okhotsk, accounting for the comparative warmth of its southwestern part. [3], Cold air from Siberia forms sea ice in the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Sea Of Okhotsk sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. The Sea of Okhotsk is one of the world's richest in biological resources, with various kinds of fish, shellfish and crabs. Datum: 24. Other sources of sediment include coastal abrasion and volcanic activity. For the most part, the continental shores are high and rocky, dissected by large rivers—the Amur, Tugur, Uda, Okhota, Gizhiga, and Penzhina. The Sea of Okhotsk plays a significant role … Total reserves are estimated at 3.5 billion tons of equivalent fuel, including 1.2 billion tons of oil and 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas. [16], On 18 December 2011, the Russian oil drilling rig Kolskaya[17] capsized and sank in a storm in the Sea of Okhotsk, some 124 km (77 mi) from Sakhalin Island, where it was being towed from Kamchatka. Bruce A. Elleman, Michael R. Nichols and Matthew J. Ouimet, Vaughan, R. (1984). Sea of Okhotsk. Okhotsk (Russian: Охотск, IPA: ) is an urban locality (a work settlement) and the administrative center of Okhotsky District of Khabarovsk Krai, Russia, located at the mouth of the Okhota River on the Sea of Okhotsk. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The northeastern, northern, and western regions of the sea experience severe weather during the winter, because of the influence of the Asian continent; from October through April these areas experience very cold air temperatures, are … The harsh conditions of crab fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk is the subject of the most famous novel of the Japanese writer Takiji Kobayashi, The Crab Cannery Ship (1929). Iony Island is the only island located in open waters and belongs to the Khabarovsk Krai of the Russian Federation. The ice vanishes in June, with the exception of the Sakhalin gulfs and the region around Shantar Island, where ice floes are not at all uncommon in July and sometimes they occur even in August. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? The Okhotsk people and the later Ainu culture, a coastal fishing and hunter-gatherer people, were located around the lands surrounding the Sea of Okhotsk, as well as in northern Japan.[7]. Sea of. Part of the western Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Okhotsk is bounded in the north by the Russian territories of Khabarovsk and Magadan, the Kamchatka Peninsula in the east, Sakhalin Island in the west, and the Kuril Islands and the Japanese island As the ice forms it expels salt into the deeper layers. News, Analysis, Multimedia. Fresh water from rivers like the Amur dilutes the relatively shallow, salty sea and raises the temperature at which ice can form. Area: 1 589 840 sq. Okhotskoye More, 590,000 sq mi (1,528,100 sq km), northwest arm of the Pacific Ocean, W of the Kamchatka peninsula and the Kuril Islands. In this northern sea winter navigation is usually difficult, and … /TASS/. Practically all of the sea's islands are either in coastal waters or belong to the various islands making up the Kuril Islands chain. Finnish Translation for Sea of Okhotsk - English-Finnish Dictionary The deepest location is in the Kuril Basin (west of the Kuril Islands) at about 8,200 feet (2,500 metres). Reportedly its pumps failed, causing it to take on water and sink. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei In short, a continental climate pervades these parts of the sea. Large quantities of continental sediment flow into the sea, primarily from the Amur River. Finden Sie professionelle Videos zum Thema Sea Of Okhotsk sowie B-Roll-Filmmaterial, das Sie für die Nutzung in Film, Fernsehen, Werbefilm sowie für die Unternehmenskommunikation lizenzieren können. Oktober 2005 (Original-Hochladedatum) Quelle: Die Autorenschaft wurde nicht in einer maschinell lesbaren Form angegeben. Find out how deep your knowledge of oceans and seas goes with this quiz. The first and foremost Russian settlement on the shore was the port of Okhotsk, which relinquished commercial supremacy to Ayan in the 1840s. Additionally, Okhotsk Subprefecture, Hokkaidō which faces the sea, also known as Okhotsk region (オホーツク地方, Ohōtsuku-chihō), is named after the sea. The Sea of Okhotsk (オホーツク海, Ohōtsukukai) is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean that borders northern Japan and Russian Siberia, situated between Sakhalin Island, the Kamchatka Peninsula and Hokkaido. Ice cover appears at the end of October and reaches its greatest extent in March. The Russian-American Company all but monopolized the commercial navigation of the sea in the first half of the 19th century. The sea is bordered by Russia and Japan. In comparison, the shores of Hokkaido and Sakhalin islands are lower. The distribution and thickness of ice floes depends on many factors: the location, the time of year, water currents, and the sea temperatures. Warming inhibits the formation of sea ice and also drives fish populations north. [1] It is located between Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula on the east, the Kuril Islands on the southeast, Japan's island of Hokkaido on the south, the island of Sakhalin along the west, and a stretch of eastern Siberian coast along the west and north. Ivan Krusenstern explored the eastern coast of Sakhalin in 1805. Warm water is also carried into the sea by Pacific currents. The Sea of Okhotsk covers an area of 1,583,000 square kilometres (611,000 sq mi), with a mean depth of 859 metres (2,818 ft) and a maximum depth of 3,372 metres (11,063 ft). A number of ships were wrecked in the sea.[9][10][11][12][13][14]. The sea (and surrounding area) were also the scene of the Soviet attack on Korean Air Flight 007 in 1983. South Sakhalin was administered by Japan as Karafuto Prefecture from 1907 to 1949 CE. Technical details of the rig can be found here : Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage, "How climate change is triggering a chain reaction that threatens the heart of the Pacific", "ウェブマガジン カムイミンタラ ~北海道の風土・文化誌 :オホーツク文化人とモヨロ貝塚 網走 流氷とともにやってきた古代民族の謎とロマンに魅せられた父子三代と研究者たち",,, "Russian oil rig sinks, leaving many missing", Chyornye Bratya (Chirpoy and Brat Chirpoyev),, Articles containing Russian-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using infobox body of water without image, Articles using infobox body of water without pushpin map, Articles using infobox body of water without alt bathymetry, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 12:21. The Second Kamchatka Expedition under Vitus Bering systematically mapped the entire coast of the sea, starting in 1733. In the southern and southeastern parts, the average monthly air temperature is 19 °F (−7 °C) in February and 64 °F (18 °C) in August. Large colonies, with over a million individuals, of crested auklets use the Sea of Okhotsk as a nesting site. Sea of Okhotsk. The Gulfs of Aniva and Terpeniya are found on the southeastern coast of Sakhalin. You will then sail on the Sea of Okhotsk, covered with ice for a large part of the year. 29 zones of possible oil and gas accumulation have been identified on the Sea of Okhotsk shelf, which runs along the coast. It is connected to the Sea of Japan on either side of Sakhalin: on the west through the Sakhalin Gulf and the Gulf of Tartary; on the south through the La Pérouse Strait. The Soviet Pacific Fleet used the sea as a ballistic missile submarine bastion,[15] a strategy that Russia continues. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This is a map showing the location of the Sea of Okhotsk, with nation states listed. The Sea of Okhotsk formed within the past two million years through the combined action of repeated glaciation. miles) Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005. Sea of Okhotsk. [4], With the exception of Hokkaido, one of the Japanese home islands, the sea is surrounded on all sides by territory administered by the Russian Federation. Bottom deposits in the Kuril Basin consist of a clay-diatom silt, whereas approaching the shore there are fine, silt-covered sands, coarse sands, and pebbles mixed together with mussel shells. Updates und News zur seismischen Aktivität in der Region. Positioned between the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Russian coastline, Sakhalin Island, the Japanese island of Hokkaido and the Kuril Islands, the Sea of Okhotsk is an extension of the North Pacific Ocean. Its area covers 611,000 square miles (1,583,000 square km), and it has a mean depth of about 2,818 feet (859 metres). Okhotsk, Sea of (ōkŏtsk`), Rus. In the Japanese language, the sea has no traditional Japanese name despite its close location to the Japanese territories and is called Ohōtsuku-kai (オホーツク海), which is a transcription of the Russian name. Before it was called the Kamchatka Sea, but now this name is considered obsolete. [5], Shiretoko National Park on the Sea of Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido, Japan, The International Hydrographic Organization defines the limits of the Sea of Okhotsk as follows:[6]. Übersetzen Sie online den Begriff Sea of okhotsk nach Englisch und downloaden Sie jetzt unseren kostenlosen Übersetzer. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Sea Of Okhotsk in höchster Qualität. The water of the Sea of Okhotsk consists of continental drainage, precipitation, and waters flowing from the Pacific Ocean through the straits of the Kuril Islands and from the Sea of Japan (East Sea) through the La Perouse (Sōya) Strait. [18][19][20], A marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean, between the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, the island of Hokkaido, the island of Sakhalin, and eastern Siberian coast. The general movement of water in the sea is counterclockwise. part of the NW Pacific, surrounded by the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kurile Islands, Sakhalin Island, and the E coast of Siberia. Because of the influence of these currents, the waters of the eastern half of the sea are warmer than those of the western part. The Sea of Okhotsk is at the same latitude as the Gulf of Alaska, but unlike the Gulf, the sea freezes between October and March. The platform was subcontracted to a company working for the Russian energy giant Gazprom. The Sea of Okhotsk is the coldest sea of East Asia; in winter the climate and thermal regime over much of the region differ only slightly from those found in the Arctic. This heavy water flows east toward the Pacific carrying oxygen and nutrients, supporting abundant sea life. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für Sea of Okhotsk im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). The salmon catch on the northern Japanese coast has fallen 70% in the last 15 years, while the Russian chum salmon catch has quadrupled. Where is the Puerto Rico Trench? Omissions? The thickness of the cold-water layer fluctuates from a few feet in the southeastern part of the sea to 245 to 525 feet (75 to 160 metres) in the northwest. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. If luck is on your side, it is possible to see ribbon seals, a rare species that is found only here. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). Japan claims the southern Kuril islands and refers to them as "northern territories". Find out more on Sputnik International. Its coastline is 37,653 km long, including the Baltic, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Pacific Ocean (Bering Strait, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japa n) and the Arctic Ocean (White Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea and Chukchi Sea). Except for the small area touching Hokkaido, the sea is completely enclosed by Russian territory. In the coastal areas it extends to the shore, but in the open sea there is floating ice. Deeper water has an average temperature of 29 to 30 °F (−1.8 to −1 °C) and salinity of up to 34 parts per thousand. [2] Ice floes form due to the large amount of freshwater from the Amur River, lowering the salinity of upper levels, often raising the freezing point of the sea surface. During the summer months the sea is warmed to a depth of 100 to 165 feet (30 to 50 metres). These operations were documented in the book Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage. Sea of Okhotsk, Russian Okhotskoye More, or Ochotskoje More, northwestern arm of the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west and north by the east coast of Asia from Cape Lazarev to the mouth of the Penzhina River, on the east and southeast by the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands, on the south by the northern coast of the Japanese island of Hokkaido, and on the southwest by Sakhalin Island. Sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk.jpg 2,930 × 3,055; 7.13 MB Sea of Ochotsk 151.75790E 53.57880N.jpg 1,280 × 958; 94 KB Sea of Okhotsk map he1.png 693 × 620; 124 KB Afterward the Soviet Union occupied the territory. American and European whaleships hunted whales in the sea in the 19th and early 20th centuries. During the Cold War, the Sea of Okhotsk was the scene of several successful U.S. Navy operations (including Operation Ivy Bells) to tap Soviet Navy undersea communications cables. The sea is named after Okhotsk, the first Russian settlement in the Far East. The sea’s maximum depth is 11,063 feet (3,372 metres). Russian explorers Ivan Moskvitin and Vassili Poyarkov were the first Europeans to visit the Sea of Okhotsk (and, probably, the island of Sakhalin[8]) in the 1640s. Entdecken Sie Sea of Okhotsk von Treacherous Orchestra bei Amazon Music. The platform carried 67 people, of which 14 were rescued by the Magadan and the tugboat Natftogaz-55. "Historical survey of the European whaling industry". The northeastern, northern, and western regions of the sea experience severe weather during the winter, because of the influence of the Asian continent; from October through April these areas experience very cold air temperatures, are constantly covered with ice, and have very little precipitation. The Kuril islands were Japanese from 1855 and 1875 till the end of World War II in 1945. These fall either under undisputed Japanese or Russian ownership or disputed ownership between Japan and Russia. Find out more on Sputnik International. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. The Sea of Okhotsk has warmed in some places by as much as 3 degrees Celsius since preindustrial times, three times faster than the global mean. Before discovering Iony Island, a refuge for many sea birds, do not miss the visit to Magadan and Okhotsk, two fishing towns at the heart of a region where the sea is teeming with fish. Okhotsk. The name of the Sea of Okhotsk got acclimatized because of the river Okhota, which flows into it. Penzhin Bay has the strongest tides (42.3 feet [12.9 metres]), while the weakest tides occur at southeastern Sakhalin (2.6 feet [0.8 metre]). MOSCOW, December 22. Head, Thermic and Dynamic Ocean Department, Pacific Oceanology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok. The Sea of Okhotsk is one of the world's richest in biological resources, with various kinds of fish, shellfish and crabs. The harsh conditions of crab fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk is the subject of the most famous novel of the Japanese writer Takiji Kobayashi, The Crab Cannery Ship (1929). The seabed generally slopes from north to south, with a continental shelf along the northern and western margins to a depth of 650 feet (200 metres)., A continental slope in the remaining area (about 70 percent of the total) deepens to the south and east to roughly 5,000 feet (1,500 metres). The yearly precipitation averages 16 inches (400 mm) in the north, 28 inches (710 mm) in the west, and about 41 inches (1,040 mm) in the south and southeast. The Sea of Okhotsk (Russian: Охо́тское мо́ре, Okhótskoye móre [ɐˈxot͡skəjə ˈmorʲe];[a] Japanese: オホーツク海, Ohōtsuku-kai) is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean. News, Analysis, Multimedia. Updates? It is connected with the Sea of Japan by the Tatar and La Pérouse straits and with the Pacific Ocean by passages through the Kuril Islands. The water temperature on the surface rises to 46–54 °F (8–12 °C), and the salinity drops to 32.5 parts per thousand and lower. km (613 838 sq. Sende einen "Ich-habe-es-gespürt" Bericht, wenn Sie in der Nähe waren. What is the world’s largest inland sea? The coldest months in the sea are January and February; the warmest are July and August. South Sakhalin and the Kuril islands were administered by Japan until 1945. Some of the Sea of Okhotsk's islands are quite large, including Japan's second largest island, Hokkaido, as well as Russia's largest island, Sakhalin. The Dutch captain Maarten Gerritsz Vries in the Breskens entered the Sea of Okhotsk from the south-east in 1643, and charted parts of the Sakhalin coast and Kurile Islands, but failed to realize that either Sakhalin or Hokkaido are islands. In. The Sea of Okhotsk is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean, lying between the Kamchatka Peninsula on the east, the Kuril Islands on the southeast, the Japanese island of Hokkaidō to the south, the island of Sakhalin along the west, and a long stretch of eastern Siberian coast (including the Shantar Islands) along the west and north. For the most part, the currents flow clockwise around the Kuril Islands; in the northern half of the straits they flow into the sea, but in the southern half they return into the Pacific. Sea of okhotsk (Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung). Nearly all of the other main islands—Shantar, Zavyalov, Spafaryev, Yam, and Tyuleny—are situated close to the shore; only Ion Island is in the open sea. Mamiya Rinzō and Gennady Nevelskoy determined that Sakhalin was indeed an island separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. During the winter, the Sea of Okhotsk is beset by frigid air from the Siberian landmass, and this creates large ice floes that cover much of the sea. Population: 4,215 (2010 Census); 5,738 (2002 Census); 9,298 (1989 Census). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Created by NormanEinstein, October 24, 2005.

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