Most of the stuff in the Wall Banger pages, just because of how some of it's worded. Posted 1 week ago. Ice King's origins . Ruby, Yang, and Weiss reunite . If Harold Wilson had been telepathically manipulating a large percentage of the population for over a year before being elected. "This X-23 character is pretty popular among kids ... we should bring her into comics. You can't have a baby in a month by impregnating nine women. ", * Mikaela from the live-action version of. Basically, the invention of new food goes something like this: Step 2: X in my Y! Give 'em even more time an' he'll grow up to be a tough Nob, an' Space Marines may be dead-'ard, but even dey leg it from dose boyz! ...having to slog through a waist high swamp of incest feces. A trope is you! The man enters the house, as the door slowly and spookily unlocks itself. Said of loyalty, honour and civilisation: "I am afraid those things have no place in the modern world. 1. ", Legion money, on the other hand, is actually valued higher than caps because it's made of precious metals. Though the word trope has taken on a negative connotation in recent years as a signifier of an overused genre convention, literary tropes—including irony, hyperbole, and synecdoche—are tools you can employ to elevate your writing. A simple one is a conjecture by Christian Goldbach that "every odd composite number can be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square number" which certainly seems to be true if you try casually testing a few example. The troper in question deserves a date with her for that one. THE DOCTOR and Amy are trying to land on the Fifth Moon of Sinda Callista but the TARDIS lands on Earth instead. Posted 2 weeks ago. the Fridge Brilliance page for Video Games, Most of the stuff on the Literature section for, This little bit from the Real Life folder of, This bit for Willow's glorious, marvelous, wonderful example of. The wiki initially only documented examples of tropes from said show. The Beginning of the End . If a trope applies only to one specific character, it's best to list the trope under that individual character's entry on the work's Characters page if possible. Example of: When She Smiles. Also very funny if you try acting it out in Darkwing's style. OK, whoever just said "the fact that this was made", go sit in the corner. ** For that matter, anything Tom Waits says or sings, ever. Omega then leads the Doctor on a merry chase throughout Amsterdam, though he does take time out of his busy schedule to watch a Dutch street organ and test out his Villainous Creepy Smile on a little kid. ** Yeah really why isn't he the page pic? *** To be fair, so is the food at Denny's. Keep the fan terms and jargon to a bare minimum. Constrained by their limited runtime, movies often rely heavily on tropes to convey maximum information to the viewer in the shortest possible time. 'Ur av'rage Grot is puny and no match for 'nyone 'cept maybe one o' dem puny 'umie Guardsmen, but give 'im a few years an' he'll be a full-fledged Boy 'oo can crump a panzee 'umie easy and be a good enuff threat to a Space Marine! 18-mrt-2019 - Clear definition and great examples of Trope. There was something very odd about his eyes— maybe contacts, maybe just lighting, but it was honestly hard to look at him. Trope definition is - a word or expression used in a figurative sense : figure of speech. Posted 1 week ago. He challenges the other members to DISPLAY their MANHOOD and COMPARE it against his to see whose is LARGER. Troper Portals. Largely this can be said to be a form of Stealth Cigarette Commercial: the term "drugs" has been so linked, morally to "illegal drugs" that even anti-drug groups are shy about associating things like Alcohol and Tobacco with the phrase, even though they both meet the technical requirements. A trope or tropus may refer to a variety of different concepts in medieval, 20th-, and 21st-century music.. If you put too much of an example in emphasis markup, ultimately nothing will stand out. An artful deviation from the ordinary or principal signification of a word. A list of tropes with descriptions and clever names is all well and good, but examples bring articles to life, flesh out readers' understanding of tropes, and showcase the many ways a single trope can be used. Discussion. In these films, Legolas frequently says randomly portentous lines for no discernible reason. The Magical Negro is a trope created by white people: the character is typically, but not always, "in some way outwardly or inwardly disabled, either by discrimination, disability or social constraint". It's still good. Wait a second... 10,000 Maniacs - can anyone name a member besides Natalie Merchant? That was, arguably, one of his first big roles. HELL. We don't be knoowin' any o' dat arooun' here!". The man could ask you to pass the salt and make it sound like a funeral dirge. The Pirates! If you say, "Chicago's worker bees buzz around the streets," you're using a trope. "I'd be pretty messed up too if my father was voiced by, A list of all the occurrences of this trope in, * Of course, human history is nothing compared to the history of the. *** So very seconded. ** To understand the absurdity of the situation, it's like if members of the Labour Party were meeting in the dungeons of Transport House to bring. Despite this, TV Tropes has since expanded into showcasing tropes from all forms of media, even fanfiction and Internet-based media. Subcategories . If you just want the disorganized list of all the tropes, see Category:Trope. Black Pope is not a new movie starring Martin Lawernce. ** To his face, probably something like "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR MY BRAIN HURTS". *** Three, three groups of sentient beings. ** To be fair, Miss Piggy is made out of felt. ** Hell, his threat level seems to be based on how deep his voice is. the GNR's neck tearing from the body, with spurts of blood coming from the neck. Hang on, hang on. * 'Monsters' sometimes face mild discrimination — with their only biological difference being fur as opposed to... cloth... covering their bodies. Silver, hating Team Rocket is not a good excuse for stripping people. Notably, their lineup has remained almost consistent … Though he could have called him a loser in the sense he lost the game. Try to avoid including plot-sensitive information like someone, Tropers can write about upcoming works on TV Tropes, but that has its own set of. Trope theorists explain what it is for two tokens (individual instances) to be of the same type in terms of resemblance. * The ancient Romans once referred to giraffes as "cameleopards", believing them to be the result of a leopard mating with a camel. Go ahead, find something funny about this film. In the third part of his Logical Investigations (2001[1900/1913]), Husserl sets out his theory of moments, which is his name for the world’s abstract (and essentially dependent) individual parts (Correia 2004; Beyer 2016). A scheme, on the other hand, refers to the unusual arrangement of words. TAKE!!!! Or teenagers who look like they're in their 30s. Posted by. Putting multiple tropes on one bullet creates all kinds of messes with duplicate entries, organization errors, and confusion over which trope applies to which example. ** Any attempts to figure out what on Earth she could be talking about tend to tie the brain into knots. MacGuffin Trope Examples Breaking Down the MacGuffin . But if a character is intended to be either cool, evil, or cool and evil, they're exponentially more likely to have monochrome wardrobes. To top it all off, she marks her departure from the show by becoming a. The most common (and most insidious) version of this is called "tropeslashing," which looks like this: Don't use ten words where two words will suffice. Trope: Coffee Shop Staff Matchmake Two Regular Customers Kinks alas are not tropes. These guidelines are about refining and improving your example writing, not boxing you into a boring, uniform writing style. 11. A trope is anything that appears again and again as a … Not a thing of value was lost. STUDY. While having a refreshing beverage. He doesn't even bother to form a normal face, having a single enormous eye and a too-wide mouth where his head would be, wasn't even cursed, despite coming from an occult curio shop run by a strange Chinese man. * Ken in general. I reckon he then went back and taught the Raptors and the T-Rex how to be Jedi and gave them all bionic arms. WHY DON'T HER EYEBROWS MOVE?! Non-TV Tropes examples: Wikipedia 's "In Popular Culture" sections were heavily pared down as a reaction to Fancruft and rampant Entry Pimping , of the kind satirised in this xkcd comic. WHAT. Now, remember that the flashback happened sometime in 1969: When the Red Scare was still happening because of the Cold War between Russia and America; the Red Scare was the fear of Communists (Russian spies) invading the U.S. and Gru had a heavy accent that made everyone know he was originally from Russia. A GODDAMN GOLGO 13 KEWPIE. trope. Example of: Does This Remind You of Anything? Sorority Row is a 2009 film featuring the heartwarming story of a group of college girls who, in the process of helping their jilted friend find love, find true love themsel... ** Oh look, there goes any sleep I might have been getting for the next week. *** A bunch of boys naked on an island saying things like "sucks to your ass-mar". PLAY. Not everyone knows what they mean, and it makes your writing look lazy. Here are a few you may spot in a theater near you. ** Then there was the scene where the villain Mimete's bare leg is bopping up and down from off screen which pans to reveal that she's... playing twister. *** Is this a case of "Don't Explain the Lack of Joke"? Count Dracula is a vampire, an undead creature from folklore that drinks the blood of the living. You aren't being paid by the word...or at all, really. Tarot is a heavy metal band from Kuopio, Finland formed in 1982 by Marco Hietala and his brother Zachary. Please do not face guns directly. Some bands take sound clips from movies or TV shows and insert them into their songs. You know you've been playing Metal Gear too long when things like that stop seeming strange. Follow TV Tropes. It's...right there on your game system itself. you know what, let's just say by a large perecentage. and we put your fingers through a meat grinder. Wikis. What are the top 10 most important TV/movie tropes aspiring storytellers should know about? This one holds the funny moments of example pages; for others, see: Funny.TV Tropes. It's a, *** The highest Narm-factor scores the German synchro: "Was ist ... mit meinem Körper?!" *** Ah, so 'legal' drugs are ok. We choose not to do so, because we want the knowledge on our site, such as it is, to be as freely available as possible. It FEEDS off the EXPULSIONS of their MANLINESS and makes him HARDER. It originally covered only television and movie tropes, but has since added other media such as books, comics, video games, advertisements, and toys. In cinema, a trope is what The Art Direction Handbook for Film defines as "a universally identified image imbued with several layers of contextual meaning creating a new visual metaphor".. A common thematic trope is the rise and fall of a mobster in a classic gangster film.The film genre also often features the sartorial trope of a rising gangster buying new clothes. ** Neflyte's reaction upon seeing Sailor Moon transform for the first time: Neflyte: "I watched while you changed. A trope is a word used in a nonliteral sense to create a powerful image. An infamous example of this is the Complete Monster trope, reserved for the … The DSLR Cinematography Guide. ...did I just get rick rolled by a treaty? 10. * Probably the most horrific example has to be Tim Capello's "I Still Believe", as seen in the movie, "I needed blood! Mr. Director . * Some parts of this film skip being bizarre and practically start off in the freakin', ** "Submitted for your approval, a journey into the mind of a duck as he searches for his. Many famous examples are used to illustrate this. * Note: This may be why the bear attacked. Recent Videos; Video Examples / Animaniacs. *** We're the sane ones, you're loony for thinkin Samuel "BMF" Jackson wouldn't manage it. The legend is commemorated with the Kanamara Matsuri, Festival of the Steel Penis where people eat loads of phallic pastries. The white savior is a cinematic trope in which a white character rescues non-white characters from unfortunate circumstances. Posted 8 months ago. This one holds the funny moments of example pages; for others, see: Funny.TV Tropes See also Made of Win.. In certain cases, in particular with YMMV tropes, the criteria used for determining trope applicability have been deemed inconsistent, even when there was a rubric for including them. In other words, dull and uninteresting. We're 100% non-profit, so we could easily take the content from the current version of TV Tropes with its non-commercial license. *** So, they're like a water-land version of. In normal circumstances, a way of saying one is an unreliable partner. * And you tell us at the BOTTOM of the page?!! Fireball Zwei . We are here to recognize tropes … Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. Example of: Gatling Good. ** In the song Be Our Guest Lumiere also says he needs Far more than dusting. The Doctor and Nyssa try to track him down, ** It doesn't help that Bruce's other loves are (a) a woman who turned into a murderous vigilante, (b) a criminal, (c) the daughter of a man who wants to, ** You're forgetting (f) the magician (and fellow hero) he dated in his teens (she insists they're "just good friends" however, and not in. He's awesome like that. * Peter's emo dancing scenes... all of them. Example of: I Can Rule Alone. His friends' parents DIDN'T EVEN CALL THE F*** HOUSE TO TELL THEM THAT THEY CHANGED PLANS! This is the organized list of tropes; click any of the blue triangles to further explore a category's subcategories. Be specific. IMPORTANT NOTE: Since anyone can edit this wiki, a lot of the Funny Moments listed here may have been removed or changed (especially if they would technically be considered Natter). ** The following 'exercise, a chance to use our skills' becomes a bit dubious with that interpretation. Gianduja . ZAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. The first is an informal compilation given to … I'm a genius! KEWPIE. Other relevant information can be found at the following pages: For an actual example of everything on this list (and about 3,000 screwups that aren't), see How Not to Write an Example. Spare us the melodramatic or flowery tone. Miss Crawford's "Rears and Vices" joke hasn't been mentioned yet? Bombed civilians in Asia. In exchange, I humbly offer you this single 'Mets 2014 Season Schedule' refrigerator magnet. ), * In the Ramada in York, the fire advisory signs say "Do not take unnecessary risks, but if possible, attack the fire with the instruments provided." Get your FREE copy of the eBook called "astonishingly detailed and useful" by Filmmaker Magazine! Everyone strap in. "The giant robot monster emerges and begins to GROW in size, threatening the MANHOOD of all the male superheroes. Examples and Observations: "For the Roman rhetorician Quintilian, tropes were metaphors and metonyms, etc., and figures were such forms of discourse as rhetorical questions, digression, repetition, antithesis, and periphrasis (also referred to as schemes).He noted that the two kinds of usage were often confused (a state of affairs that has continued to this day)." Please wake up! Don't use the hottest new slang. Games Movies TV Video. Now I'm picturing Timothy Spall erupting out of someone's penis... ** It's like Kubo based Renji's pose off of an underwear model. Every time Pinkie hears them, the reader is greeted with, microwave power and Three Mile Island, respectively, Lady Tremaine and the Wicked Stepsisters had recently crossed the. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Posted 4 months ago. Posted 3 months ago. A trope is simply a figure of speech. Pass me that benzadrine. He then ran into the T-rex and went (mind you at this point, he only has one arm) on to best the Rex in single combat. And finally, the head SPLITS IN HALF AS HER LIMBS FALL APART AND THE ENTIRE BODY MELTS INTO A POOL OF BLOOD! Except for guns. "The eggs look like Manuel Noriega's skin. MonMusu, TV Tropes and Video Examples. Finding recent examples of trope in the traditional sense is difficult because the few that must exist are buried among thousands of instances of the newer trope.So here are a few historical examples: Conversation is not permitted without tropes; nothing but great … YET. I think there's been an accident :). Follow TV Tropes. Most slang terms fall out of use before long, and future readers shouldn't need an interpreter to understand you. Will this come across as quaint or silly? Humanity runs on this. Example of: Ending Theme. the random cockatoo that appears near the end, it was rather unnerving to see Martin Keamy again. * A Japanese legend involves a demon hidden in a woman's vagina, who would bite off men's penises until he broke his teeth on a specially-made steel dildo. ** An extremely elongated, gentle cup check. Clearly he expressed it too much and Jenn had to break his arm. 156,998 Pages. If they aren't necessary — and they almost never are — leave the obscure ten-dollar words at home. *** A chance to kiss Kristen Stewart and a, ** Which turned out be the case. 157,007 Pages. Find more ways to say trope, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Posted 10 months ago. ** It's not uncommon to find fans who ship Emily with Bonejangles. When his little sister wants to come he tells her no. THERE IS NO LOVE IN YOUR HEART AND YOU MUST LEARN A LESSON! ** Often the lampshades aren't over anything at all, they just ARE. Daddy killed your friend and doomed mankind in the process, his death, where he is pierced in the side with Thymilph's spear, he returns from the dead to save them all from the. I am, Two more examples courtesy of Sony: (Are Microsoft and Sony having a "anything you can screw up, we can screw up worse" competition or something? If you do emphasise something, just use one form of markup. Pickles, cheese, salami, beer, butter, etc. Examples: In mathematics proof by example is usually no proof at all. He expressed a plan to start a family with Brad Pitt? * Twilight is also the point where there is complete balance and, * It's also the title of a popular Teenage Romance Nov-, During Gru's flashback in the sequel, we learn that he was a pariah among his classmates and they said that getting near him would give them the "Gruuties". HE**, THIS EPISODE P*** ME OFF AS A CHILD! Yes, and now I'd very much like to get rid of it. The Ur-Example is the oldest known example of any given trope. The wiki started out as a fan wiki for the Joss Whedon TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ** Why don't her eyebrows move? Archived. 3 years ago., This Very Wiki has so many funny moments, we even had to split the page! This is one of those trope examples that shows how a device is transformed by its figurative setting: The ensuing showdown affirms the cliche, but applies it in a new way. Eventually the HEAT from the RUBBING reaches a critical point causing him to SCREAM OUT and SHRINK into a SMALLER version of himself. Example: In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Aslan and those who stand by him are good. * Finally figured out why Curse is different between Ghost types and other types. TV Tropes Excerpt: This one doesn’t have a definition because it’s not a trope that exists. Trope Examples in Literature. Any kind of literary device or any specific example can be a trope. This is an example of a trope in the form of a metaphor because he is using a dove to represent … "I am the terror that flaps in the night! In Edinburgh? A non-fiction educational wiki has been shoe-horned into TV Tropes as a way for the liberal editors to criticize it. * To clarify, the cave was shared, not the pudding. Making her the most lethal person in the entire world to Clark. 26 of the most overused tropes in movie history | stuff you should. She starts crying and his father reprimands him saying his friends might not even take him to the circus and he's all like "BUT THEY PROMISED!" This article will show you the importance of Trope and how to use it. From, Nestled in the middle of an example on the, One troper's reply to a bit of fridge horror regarding. ** Because it will EAT you, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup. "... a skyscraper filled with people who all play by this trope can only be the Microsoft tech support building.". A good use of potholes — that is, "hidden" links within trope descriptions — is to clarify or provide extra information to people who haven't seen the work in question. * ALL PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED WITH HANDCUFFS. Averted! Register Start a Wiki. This category has the following 122 subcategories, out of 122 total. A GOLGO, THE DEADLIEST ASSASSIN IN THE WORLD. ** Somewhat averted with "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" in that the song ultimately preaches a higher level of tolerance and peace in the world through a "don't sweat the small stuff" mentality. I. It's 100+ pages on what you need to know to make beautiful, inexpensive movies using a DSLR. Example of: Balloon Belly. Posted 11 months … Bad Guys Wear Black: There's no reason villains have to dress in black. Though you don't see anything from the first few shots, the camera then switches to a far-off, wide-angle shot of the entire bay that shows River very clearly, in which nothing is covering her up, but the camera is so far off that you can't see anything distinct about her. How to use trope in a sentence. The majority who use computers are curious enough to gather a lay understanding, but believe it or not, just like automotive mechanics and the physics of the combustion engine, Unless you get captured and interrogated by a, * This, along with many other horrifically. Answer me this. Posted 2 months ago. Example of: No Celebrities Were Harmed. Not only can you see a brilliant franchise crumbling before your eyes, but it's probably fair to say many people were horrified by what they were watching. The bear killed two and severely injured a third. I can't keep it a secret any longer. If you're really desperate and Martin Sheen isn't available, you can hire Joe Estevez on the cheap. The doll had a. * The making of the episode "The Outing." What is a Trope? If you'll excuse me, there's a wall that my cranium has an appointment with. Retrieved from "" The man with the axe that is standing behind you right now. Nathaniel's reply: "No. Follow TV Tropes. *** This troper just had an orgasm reading that. Also in Doctor Who Recaps, there's this gem from, If it takes one battleship 20 minutes to charge up enough to blow up the world, and the Atraxi have a good-size fleet, why don't they all just charge up for a minute apiece and kill Earth. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. * Although the infomercial for the Ronco Miracle Blade III set features shots of actors doing exactly what you'd expect knives to do, like cutting a turkey, but the first shot shows an actress. Pinkie's story . The first trope emphasizes the disagreement of philosophers on all fundamental points; knowledge comes either from the senses or from reason. We apologize that "egregious" now no longer looks like a word. * Yeast infections: proof that God is real and a sadist. 3 synonyms for trope: figure of speech, image, figure. Destroyed democracies in Latin America. How then, do we grow garlic plants? 1. Da Orks are a 'n-ooniverse example! A trope, for example, "mad scientist", will describe works in which it is present. Posted 4 months ago. All The Tropes Wiki. Every trope on a page should have its own bullet. I hope he doesn't shoot them! Category:Tropes | All The Tropes Wiki | Fandom. ** You're boiling things alive and your main concern is that they won't die quietly? The Rex was impressed and vowed to avenge Jackson, thus supplying the, *** ...And that is now officially part of this troper's personal. And then, the head falls off, with the neck muscles and SPINE exposed. ** The hand in the toilet, I had to shit in a bag for weeks because I was terrified to sit on any toilet after that hand jumps out. THE. Trope (literature) wikipedia. And/or the creation of Springtrap, by extension. ", * In the same episode, Superman's solution to combat both Parasite's skin to skin power stealing powers and Livewire's electric powers is a (clear) full body latex body suit. In an Adventure with Scientists! 13. Example of: Determinator. THE TARDIS LEFT WITHOUT THE DOCTOR AND AMY IS TRAPPED INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!11! Blessed Emperor, why must that instantly inspire terrible period jokes? The crackdown may have been instigated by a particular instance of a lengthy Edit War about how much the page on Madame de Pompadour should have described her depiction in Doctor Who . "You're worrying about oil pressure in the MAGIC, FLYING CAR?!". Trope definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. ** He used the most common form of logical deduction, of course: He guessed! Look it up now! When using this literary device, you intend for the word or words to have a meaning that is different than the literal meaning. artificially-created plant woman who tried to kill him for his money, The arc words are "I love you, Pinkie! ** Not to mention Kanon himself, who is quite pretty and expresses more concern for Schneizel than an advisor should for a boss. Please keep that in mind while reading and/or editing this page. In one scene, Cal starts shooting at Jack and Rose as the ship is sinking. Add new page . * Supposedly Rachel Green's pregnancy was written into the plot of. Fake Mane Six - Part 1 . On. And who knew that the band didn't dissolve when she went solo? ** If it was MJ himself, they would've been dead within the hour. * Ever boil a lobster live before? Don't use Internet acronyms. Mine is indeed a tormented existence, filled with torment. An' oo knows, maybe someday dat lad may even become a real big Waghboss, big and mean enuff to lead 'iz own boyz! ** Alan Moore did once draw a comic where they turned out to be a gay couple with a taste for S&M. It is removed now (unfortunately), but this used to be at the end of the radar Page for, Also, "Emmett looks like he smelled something nasty — maybe sparkly BO is worse than normal BO...? * In the Dreamcast version and the HD re-releases, Big the Cat gets crushed by the GUN truck in one of his brief appearances. *** I'm weeping tears of joy just reading all of this. Did... did you just make. ** "Red Bull: Gives you wings and pushes unicorns into the sea.". Wait, how do you know what stewed babies look li-. Troper Portals. Follow TV Tropes. TROPES-- Tropes are figures of speech with an unexpected twist in the meaning of words, as opposed to schemes, which only deal with patterns of words. Add new page . This is hilarious when you think about it. On the whole, tropes are not clichés. Close. Sadly, the scariest things aren't. *** I could imagine how certain circles might perform religious rituals to resurrect. Anyone engaging in Close Combat with the Sisters of Battle in Warhammer 40,000. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Antonyms for trope. shoots you a few dozen times then pronounces you innocent, and then bust your tail light with a nightstick when you ask which one, Just read what the second entry pot holes to, people treat the afterlife like it has a revolving door, Jack really, really sucks at being Santa Claus, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse. Possibly then he had sex with her or he opened up a Japanese pastry shop. They had black people being portrayed by black actors? They conquered the island in brutal cyborg dinosaur Jedi combat, then left to teach the rest of the world how to be badass. I don't think that's Setsuna's waist she has her arms around... * In episode 18: Vegeta discovers the Dragonball he hid away is missing. Example of: Not Himself. That. His enemies and those who oppose him are bad. *** Which is funny because, you see, most lampshades hang over things, and a lampshade without something to hang over is absurd! MonMusu, TV Tropes and Video Examples. That cliche is tired and everyone has done it, … He'd found a follower with two brain cells to bang together who'd do what he was told and do it well? His performance is a special kind of genius — the unintentional kind. See examples of Trope in English. ** Of course, this derives from the Spanish "Bobo", which means "idiot". Example of: Big Damn Reunion. They'll merely sigh and put another rule in the convention guidelines about not using peanut butter in a cosplay or. The Negro is often a janitor or prisoner. A MacGuffin is one of the great movie tropes. WAAAAAAGH!!! Though it originally only focused on tropes within television shows (hence the name), it now covers literature, comic books, anime, manga, western animation, video games, film, webcomics, web animation, music, and others. Literary tropes are time-tested methods of employing figurative language to enrich a written work. Example of: Cane Fu. The word trope can refer to any type of figure of speech, theme, image, character, or plot element that is used many times.
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